Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Journal abbreviations

Here's a list of journal abbreviations in case anyone ever needs them.

{"journal of the american society of nephrology": "j am soc nephrol",
"applied neurophysiology": "appl neurophysiol",
"zeitschrift fur dialektologie und linguistik": "z dialektol linguist",
"acta mathematica hungarica": "acta math hung",
"cleft palate-craniofacial journal": "cleft palate-cran j",
"icp software business review": "icp bus softw rev",
"chinese education and society": "chinese educ soc",
"zeitschrift fur zoologische systematik und evolutionsforschung": "z zool syst evol",
"animal regulation studies": "anim regulat stud",
"canadian journal of spectroscopy": "can j spectrosc",
"ai magazine": "ai mag",
"astronomische nachrichten": "astron nachr",
"american history illustrated": "am hist illus",
"solid state technology": "solid state technol",
"database-the magazine of electronic database reviews": "database",
"international journal of pharmacognosy": "int j pharmacogn",
"journal of the american oil chemists society": "j am oil chem soc",
"nuclear tracks and radiation measurements": "nucl tracks rad meas",
"annals of physics": "ann phys-new york",
"anales de la literatura espanola contemporanea": "an lit espan contemp",
"studies in history and philosophy of modern physics": "stud hist philos m p",
"space communications": "space commun",
"iral-international review of applied linguistics in language teaching": "iral-int rev appl li",
"current opinion in neurobiology": "curr opin neurobiol",
"cardiovascular and interventional radiology": "cardiovasc inter rad",
"journal of environmental health": "j environ health",
"world crops": "world crops",
"catalysis reviews-science and engineering": "catal rev",
"metrologia": "metrologia",
"archives of computational methods in engineering": "arch comput method e",
"cor et vasa": "cor vasa",
"journal of womens health": "j womens health",
"journal of texture studies": "j texture stud",
"physical geography": "phys geogr",
"journal of energy engineering-asce": "j energ eng-asce",
"journal of clinical & laboratory immunology": "j clin lab immunol",
"deviant behavior": "deviant behav",
"journal of social psychology": "j soc psychol",
"occupational medicine-oxford": "occup med-oxford",
"journal of maritime law and commerce": "j marit law commer",
"journal of liquid chromatography": "j liq chromatogr",
"progress in planning": "prog plann",
"tetrahedron": "tetrahedron",
"zeitschrift fur saugetierkunde-international journal of mammalian biology": "z saugetierkd",
"metal ions in biological systems": "met ions biol syst",
"weed technology": "weed technol",
"international journal of radiation oncology biology physics": "int j radiat oncol",
"international journal of earth sciences": "int j earth sci",
"ima journal of mathematics applied in medicine and biology": "ima j math appl med",
"acm transactions on information systems": "acm t inform syst",
"health & social work": "health soc work",
"patient education and counseling": "patient educ couns",
"diseases of aquatic organisms": "dis aquat organ",
"international journal of wildland fire": "int j wildland fire",
"communications in applied numerical methods": "commun appl numer m",
"australian dental journal": "aust dent j",
"brazilian archives of biology and technology": "braz arch biol techn",
"journal of computational chemistry": "j comput chem",
"dancing times": "dancing times",
"international journal of neural systems": "int j neural syst",
"beitrage zur geschichte der deutschen sprache und literatur": "beitr gesch deut spr",
"ieee computer graphics and applications": "ieee comput graph",
"journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation": "j back musculoskelet",
"ceramic industry": "ceram ind",
"diabetes educator": "diabetes educator",
"theoretica chimica acta": "theor chim acta",
"journal of food protection": "j food protect",
"proceedings of the koninklijke nederlandse akademie van wetenschappen series c-biological and medical sciences": "p k ned akad c biol",
"journal of climatology": "j climatol",
"bulletin of the atomic scientists": "b atom sci",
"journal of bioscience and bioengineering": "j biosci bioeng",
"veterinary research": "vet res",
"cicatrising conjunctivitis": "dev ophthalmol",
"macromolecular chemistry and physics": "macromol chem physic",
"herz": "herz",
"fett-lipid": "fett-lipid",
"software-practice & experience": "software pract exper",
"british journal for the philosophy of science": "brit j philos sci",
"propellants explosives pyrotechnics": "propell explos pyrot",
"annales de medecine interne": "ann med interne",
"nber macroeconomics annual 1998": "nber macroecon ann",
"communication monographs": "commun monogr",
"contributions to mineralogy and petrology": "contrib mineral petr",
"teleteaching": "ifip trans a",
"international journal of andrology": "int j androl",
"journal of environmental law": "j environ law",
"physical review c-nuclear physics": "phys rev c",
"archives of surgery": "arch surg-chicago",
"neurologist": "neurologist",
"geologie en mijnbouw-netherlands journal of geosciences": "geol mijnbouw-n j g",
"canadian journal of information and library science-revue canadienne des sciences de l information et de bibliotheconomie": "can j inform lib sci",
"proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part i-journal of systems and control engineering": "p i mech eng i-j sys",
"geological survey professional papers": "geol surv prof paper",
"journal of the american academy of dermatology": "j am acad dermatol",
"journal of economics-zeitschrift fur nationalokonomie": "j econ",
"artificial intelligence in engineering": "artif intell eng",
"self-assembled ingaas/gaas quantum dots": "semiconduct semimet",
"communication theory": "commun theor",
"quarterly journal of experimental psychology section b-comparative and physiological psychology": "q j exp psychol-b",
"annales de bretagne et des pays de l ouest": "ann bretagne pays",
"journal of vibration and control": "j vib control",
"turrialba": "turrialba",
"journal of nuclear materials": "j nucl mater",
"elettrotecnica": "elettrotecnica",
"european journal of nutrition": "eur j nutr",
"synthesis-stuttgart": "synthesis-stuttgart",
"mer-marine engineers review": "mer-mar eng rev",
"vakuum-technik": "vakuum-tech",
"antibiotiki i khimioterapiya": "antibiot khimioterap",
"journal of information technology": "j inform technol",
"american journal of diseases of children": "am j dis child",
"western journal of nursing research": "western j nurs res",
"european child & adolescent psychiatry": "eur child adoles psy",
"early music history": "early music hist",
"journal of operations management": "j oper manag",
"acs symposium series": "acs sym ser",
"aussen politik": "aussen polit",
"sports medicine and arthroscopy review": "sports med arthrosc",
"foundations of physics": "found phys",
"environmental microbiology": "environ microbiol",
"computational linguistics": "comput linguist",
"information processing & management": "inform process manag",
"proceedings of the australian biochemical society": "p aust biochem soc",
"cineaste": "cineaste",
"journal of applied botany-angewandte botanik": "j appl bot-angew bot",
"journal of internal medicine": "j intern med",
"california cooperative oceanic fisheries investigations reports": "cal coop ocean fish",
"proceedings of the asis annual meeting": "p asis annu meet",
"aumla-journal of the australasian universities language and literature association": "aumla",
"journal of soil contamination": "j soil contam",
"current problems in cancer": "curr prob cancer",
"dana-a journal of fisheries and marine research": "dana-j fish mar res",
"language learning": "lang learn",
"american literary history": "am lit hist",
"medecine nucleaire": "med nucl",
"petroleum science and technology": "petrol sci technol",
"ieee transactions on electrical insulation": "ieee t electr insul",
"expert opinion on therapeutic patents": "expert opin ther pat",
"economics of planning": "econ plann",
"ceramics international": "ceram int",
"programming and computer software": "program comput soft+",
"journal of pediatric orthopaedics-part b": "j pediatr orthop b",
"australian journal of statistics": "aust j stat",
"european journal of applied physiology": "eur j appl physiol",
"ieee transactions on nuclear science": "ieee t nucl sci",
"experimental and clinical immunogenetics": "exp clin immunogenet",
"journal of optics a-pure and applied optics": "j opt a-pure appl op",
"applied mathematics and optimization": "appl math opt",
"journal of sedimentary research section a-sedimentary petrology and processes": "j sediment res a",
"ifip transactions c-communication systems": "ifip trans c",
"neurocomputing": "neurocomputing",
"veterinary dermatology": "vet dermatol",
"louvain medical": "louvain med",
"experimental mechanics": "exp mech",
"denver university law review": "denver u law rev",
"comparative parasitology": "comp parasitol",
"cytokines and molecular therapy": "cytokines mol ther",
"sociology of sport journal": "sociol sport j",
"annals of the american academy of political and social science": "ann am acad polit ss",
"british journal of family planning": "brit j fam plan",
"oceans": "oceans",
"veterinary surgery": "vet surg",
"clinical cardiology": "clin cardiol",
"cirugia espanola": "cir espan",
"parasitica": "parasitica",
"journal of modern history": "j mod hist",
"journal of modern italian studies": "j mod ital stud",
"acta radiologica-diagnosis": "acta radiol diagn",
"ite journal-institute of transportation engineers": "ite j",
"serodiagnosis and immunotherapy in infectious disease": "serodiag immun inf d",
"anaesthesia": "anaesthesia",
"canadian entomologist": "can entomol",
"annales des mines": "ann mines",
"great basin naturalist": "great basin nat",
"raritan-a quarterly review": "raritan",
"journal of neurotrauma": "j neurotraum",
"health economics": "health econ",
"postgraduate medical journal": "postgrad med j",
"american journal of political science": "am j polit sci",
"journal of experimental & theoretical artificial intelligence": "j exp theor artif in",
"acp-applied cardiopulmonary pathophysiology": "acp-appl cardiopul p",
"east-west film journal": "east-west film j",
"advances in neuroimmunology": "adv neuroimmunol",
"aerospace science and technology": "aerosp sci technol",
"geometriae dedicata": "geometriae dedicata",
"invertebrate taxonomy": "invertebr taxon",
"journal of investigative medicine": "j invest med",
"who technical report series": "who tech rep ser",
"canadian journal of chemical engineering": "can j chem eng",
"ieee transactions on components and packaging technologies": "ieee t compon pack t",
"new hampshire agricultural experiment station bulletin": "new hamp aes bull",
"annual review of anthropology": "annu rev anthropol",
"houston journal of mathematics": "houston j math",
"alcheringa": "alcheringa",
"dna sequence": "dna sequence",
"vestnik oftalmologii": "vestn oftalmol",
"journal of social and clinical psychology": "j soc clin psychol",
"mycopathologia": "mycopathologia",
"journal of marketing": "j marketing",
"baillieres clinical obstetrics and gynaecology": "bailliere clin ob gy",
"physics of low-dimensional structures": "phys low-dimens str",
"fiziologiya i biokhimiya kulturnykh rastenii": "fiziol biokhim kult+",
"clio-a journal of literature history and the philosophy of history": "clio",
"international journal of psychiatry in medicine": "int j psychiat med",
"journal of the philosophy of sport": "j philos sport",
"plant cell tissue and organ culture": "plant cell tiss org",
"notes and queries": "notes queries",
"clinics in obstetrics and gynaecology": "clin obstet gynaecol",
"chinese literature": "chinese literature",
"revue de l agriculture": "rev agr-brussels",
"antike und abendland": "antike abendland",
"journal europeen de radiotherapie": "j eur radiother",
"nuclear physics b-proceedings supplements": "nucl phys b-proc sup",
"journal of the chinese institute of chemical engineers": "j chin inst chem eng",
"journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology": "j biochem mol toxic",
"histoire sociale-social history": "hist soc/soc hist",
"journal of medical microbiology": "j med microbiol",
"methods in cancer research": "method cancer res",
"cellular and molecular life sciences": "cell mol life sci",
"jka-jernkontorets annaler": "jka-jernkontoret ann",
"verifiche": "verifiche",
"studi francesi": "stud francesi",
"journal of psycholinguistic research": "j psycholinguist res",
"child nephrology and urology": "child nephrol urol",
"ieee transactions on visualization and computer graphics": "ieee t vis comput gr",
"yale law journal": "yale law j",
"platelets": "platelets",
"applied stochastic models and data analysis": "appl stoch model d a",
"ieee spectrum": "ieee spectrum",
"science-fiction studies": "sci-fiction stud",
"systematic and applied microbiology": "syst appl microbiol",
"archiv fur sozialgeschichte,
34 band,
1994": "arch sozialgesch",
"yiddish": "yiddish",
"journal of geriatric psychiatry": "j geriatr psychiat",
"mrs internet journal of nitride semiconductor research": "mrs internet j n s r",
"transactions of the institute of measurement and control": "t i meas control",
"leukemia research": "leukemia res",
"optica acta": "opt acta",
"general physiology and biophysics": "gen physiol biophys",
"rq": "rq",
"journal of the southwest": "j southwest",
"history and philosophy of the life sciences": "hist phil life sci",
"journal of loss prevention in the process industries": "j loss prevent proc",
"bulletin of the john rylands university library of manchester": "b john rylands libr",
"problems of post-communism": "probl post-communism",
"iee proceedings-c generation transmission and distribution": "iee proc-c",
"drug information journal": "drug inf j",
"low temperature physics": "low temp phys+",
"retina-the journal of retinal and vitreous diseases": "retina-j ret vit dis",
"european journal of mechanics b-fluids": "eur j mech b-fluid",
"journal of electronic testing-theory and applications": "j electron test",
"american journal of clinical pathology": "am j clin pathol",
"antiviral research": "antivir res",
"revue technique thomson-csf": "rev tech thomson",
"copeia": "copeia",
"cancer research": "cancer res",
"banking law journal": "banking law j",
"journal of nutrition education": "j nutr educ",
"international journal of intelligent & cooperative information systems": "int j intell coop i",
"proceedings of the annual convention of the american association of equine practitioners": "p annu conv am equin",
"modern machine shop": "mod mach shop",
"administrative law review": "admin law rev",
"acta polytechnica scandinavica-electrical engineering series": "acta polytech sc el",
"botanica helvetica": "bot helv",
"astrophysics and space science": "astrophys space sci",
"social security bulletin": "soc secur bull",
"folk music journal": "folk music j",
"archivum histologicum japonicum": "arch histol japon",
"monatshefte fur mathematik": "monatsh math",
"russian electrochemistry": "russ electrochem+",
"analytische psychologie": "anal psychol",
"polyhedron": "polyhedron",
"journal of the australasian ceramic society": "j aust ceram soc",
"steroids": "steroids",
"radiation measurements": "radiat meas",
"journal of clinical anesthesia": "j clin anesth",
"journal of aerospace engineering": "j aerospace eng",
"food quality and preference": "food qual prefer",
"acta biologica hungarica": "acta biol hung",
"william and mary quarterly": "william mary quart",
"social science journal": "soc sci j",
"gas engineering & management": "gas eng manage",
"computing systems in engineering": "comput syst eng",
"history of the human sciences": "hist hum sci",
"international endodontic journal": "int endod j",
"journal of investigative surgery": "j invest surg",
"journal of the surveying and mapping division-asce": "j surv eng div-asce",
"religious studies": "relig stud",
"journal of substance abuse treatment": "j subst abuse treat",
"review of economics and statistics": "rev econ stat",
"developments in biological standardization": "dev biol stand",
"bulletin of the european association of fish pathologists": "bull eur assn fish p",
"journal of maxillofacial surgery": "j maxillofac surg",
"armed forces & society": "armed forces soc",
"journal of negro education": "j negro educ",
"journal of engineering and technology management": "j eng technol manage",
"few-body systems": "few-body syst",
"crc critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences": "crit rev cl lab sci",
"revue d histoire litteraire de la france": "rev hist lit fr",
"psychoanalytic dialogues": "psychoanal dialogues",
"scriblerian and the kit-cats": "scriblerian kit-cats",
"industry week": "ind week",
"spe reservoir evaluation & engineering": "spe reserv eval eng",
"journal of japanese studies": "j jpn stud",
"zdravstveni vestnik": "zdrav vestn",
"cornell law review": "cornell law rev",
"journal of bryology": "j bryol",
"earth island journal": "earth isl j",
"international journal of modern physics e-nuclear physics": "int j mod phys e",
"international journal of prosthodontics": "int j prosthodont",
"methods of information in medicine": "method inform med",
"food hydrocolloids": "food hydrocolloid",
"bryologist": "bryologist",
"international journal for philosophy of religion": "int j philos relig",
"recueil des travaux chimiques des pays-bas-journal of the royal netherlands chemical society": "recl trav chim pay b",
"goya": "goya",
"advances in polymer technology": "adv polym tech",
"critical reviews in oncology hematology": "crit rev oncol hemat",
"genetic engineering news": "genet eng news",
"annals of allergy": "ann allergy",
"journal of marketing research": "j marketing res",
"water-engineering & management": "water eng manag",
"comparative drama": "comp drama",
"ieee transactions on sonics and ultrasonics": "ieee t son ultrason",
"peabody essex museum collections": "peabody essex mus c",
"liquid crystals": "liq cryst",
"revue d histoire du theatre": "rev hist theatre",
"ieee software": "ieee software",
"journal belge de radiologie": "j belg radiol",
"apollo-the international magazine of the arts": "apollo",
"particle characterization": "part part syst char",
"chemical speciation and bioavailability": "chem spec bioavailab",
"bulletin de l institut pasteur": "b i pasteur",
"clinical neuropharmacology": "clin neuropharmacol",
"physiological chemistry and physics": "physiol chem phys m",
"crc critical reviews in diagnostic imaging": "crit rev diagn imag",
"receptors & signal transduction": "recept signal trans",
"analog integrated circuits and signal processing": "analog integr circ s",
"journal of engineering mechanics-asce": "j eng mech-asce",
"isotopenpraxis": "isotopenpraxis",
"journal of experimental psychology-human perception and performance": "j exp psychol human",
"novartis foundation symposium": "novart fdn symp",
"insect biochemistry": "insect biochem",
"european journal of vascular surgery": "eur j vascular surg",
"service industries journal": "serv ind j",
"organization": "organization",
"rubber chemistry and technology": "rubber chem technol",
"seminars in cancer biology": "semin cancer biol",
"neurosurgery": "neurosurgery",
"progress in liver diseases": "prog liver dis",
"paleontologicheskii zhurnal": "paleontol zh",
"soviet engineering research": "sov eng res",
"history and philosophy of logic": "hist philos logic",
"cell biology international": "cell biol int",
"veterinary & comparative ophthalmology": "vet comp ophthalmol",
"journal of diarrhoeal diseases research": "j diarrhoeal dis res",
"ericsson review": "ericsson rev",
"international angiology": "int angiol",
"environmental pollution": "environ pollut",
"international journal of psychophysiology": "int j psychophysiol",
"agricultural history review": "agr hist rev",
"american journal of surgical pathology": "am j surg pathol",
"american journal of physiology-renal physiology": "am j physiol-renal",
"theoretical and applied fracture mechanics": "theor appl fract mec",
"journal of radioanalytical chemistry": "j radioanal chem",
"physicochemical hydrodynamics": "physicochem hydrodyn",
"journal of the iest": "j iest",
"siemens review": "siemens rev",
"computers & chemical engineering": "comput chem eng",
"rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa": "riv stor lett relig",
"natural resources journal": "nat resour j",
"journal of polymer science-polymer symposia": "j polym sci pol sym",
"journal of fish biology": "j fish biol",
"ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology": "ultrasound obst gyn",
"proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part d-journal of automobile engineering": "p i mech eng d-j aut",
"advances in polyamine research": "adv polyamine res",
"pharmacogenetics": "pharmacogenetics",
"pharmazie": "pharmazie",
"pain reviews": "pain rev",
"theatre studies": "theatre stud",
"clinical microbiology and infection": "clin microbiol infec",
"zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen gesellschaft": "z deut morgenland g",
"cerebrovascular diseases": "cerebrovasc dis",
"biological research in pregnancy and perinatology": "biol res preg perin",
"transactions of the institution of mining and metallurgy section c-mineral processing and extractive metallurgy": "t i min metall c",
"schweizerische zeitschrift fur hydrologie-swiss journal of hydrology": "schweiz z hydrol",
"african affairs": "afr affairs",
"human toxicology": "hum toxicol",
"design engineering-london": "des eng-london",
"journal of ethnopharmacology": "j ethnopharmacol",
"journal of sleep research": "j sleep res",
"jahrbuch der berliner museen": "jahrb berlin museen",
"blake-an illustrated quarterly": "blake-illustrated q",
"european transactions on telecommunications": "eur t telecommun",
"software review": "software rev",
"health care analysis": "health care anal",
"alternative sources of energy": "alternative sourc en",
"bulletin on narcotics": "b narcotics",
"personal computing": "pers comput",
"ulster medical journal": "ulster med j",
"acta physica sinica": "acta phys sin-ch ed",
"acta mechanica sinica": "acta mech sinica",
"ocean physics and engineering": "ocean phys eng",
"microwave and optical technology letters": "microw opt techn let",
"information systems management": "inform syst manage",
"racar-revue d art canadienne-canadian art review": "racar",
"pima magazine": "pima mag",
"organic preparations and procedures international": "org prep proced int",
"technovation": "technovation",
"estudios clasicos": "estud clasico",
"british journal of aesthetics": "brit j aesthet",
"hand clinics": "hand clin",
"journal of epilepsy": "j epilepsy",
"international journal of cell cloning": "int j cell cloning",
"clinical and experimental hypertension": "clin exp hypertens",
"journal of imaging technology": "j imaging technol",
"geoderma": "geoderma",
"onkologie": "onkologie",
"journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology": "j interv card electr",
"dermatologica": "dermatologica",
"acta microbiologica academiae scientiarum hungaricae": "acta microbiol hung",
"journal of pediatric orthopaedics": "j pediatr orthoped",
"annual review of nuclear and particle science": "annu rev nucl part s",
"journal of analytical toxicology": "j anal toxicol",
"oncogene": "oncogene",
"oceania": "oceania",
"journal of quantitative criminology": "j quant criminol",
"union medicale du canada": "union med can",
"osterreichische musik zeitschrift": "osterr musik z",
"scandinavian journal of immunology": "scand j immunol",
"journal of irrigation and drainage engineering-asce": "j irrig drain e-asce",
"economic theory": "econ theory",
"american journal of health behavior": "am j health behav",
"seminars in respiratory medicine": "semin respir med",
"industrial crops and products": "ind crop prod",
"nature": "nature",
"finnish chemical letters": "finn chem lett",
"cellular and molecular neurobiology": "cell mol neurobiol",
"ultrasonics": "ultrasonics",
"british dental journal": "brit dent j",
"annals of carnegie museum": "ann carnegie mus",
"reviews of geophysics": "rev geophys",
"carbon": "carbon",
"reviews in contemporary pharmacotherapy": "rev contemp pharmaco",
"journal of visualization and computer animation": "j visual comp animat",
"medicina espanola": "med esp",
"topology": "topology",
"structure with folding & design": "struct fold des",
"journal of protein chemistry": "j protein chem",
"monographs in allergy": "monogr allergy",
"endocrine reviews": "endocr rev",
"archives of gynecology and obstetrics": "arch gynecol obstet",
"scandinavian journal of haematology": "scand j haematol",
"physiological reviews": "physiol rev",
"klinische padiatrie": "klin padiatr",
"solid wastes management": "solid waste managem",
"engineering news-record": "eng news-rec",
"vegetation history and archaeobotany": "veg hist archaeobot",
"journal of general physiology": "j gen physiol",
"hepatology research": "hepatol res",
"tierarztliche praxis ausgabe grobtiere nutztiere": "tierarztl prax g n",
"semaine des hopitaux": "sem hop paris",
"american criminal law review": "am crim law rev",
"journal of indian philosophy": "j indian philos",
"who expert committe on drug dependence - 31st report": "who tech rep ser",
"journal of turbomachinery-transactions of the asme": "j turbomach",
"bulletin of the earthquake research institute-university of tokyo": "b earthq res i tokyo",
"cytologia": "cytologia",
"nagoya mathematical journal": "nagoya math j",
"phytotherapy research": "phytother res",
"clinics in plastic surgery": "clin plast surg",
"biological bulletin": "biol bull",
"pensee": "pensee",
"acta veterinaria scandinavica": "acta vet scand",
"journal of jewish thought & philosophy": "j jewish thought ph",
"otolaryngologic clinics of north america": "otolaryng clin n am",
"folia microbiologica": "folia microbiol",
"engineering failure analysis": "eng fail anal",
"pancreas": "pancreas",
"journal of anthropological research": "j anthropol res",
"biological wastes": "biol waste",
"annual review of medicine": "annu rev med",
"tele-english edition": "tele-engl edition",
"lecture notes in computer science": "lect notes comput sc",
"journal of cardiovascular ultrasonography": "j cardiovasc ultras",
"heating-piping-air conditioning": "heat-piping-air cond",
"diabetologia": "diabetologia",
"american journal of pathology": "am j pathol",
"international orthopaedics": "int orthop",
"george washington journal of international law and economics": "george wash j int l",
"molecular pharmacology": "mol pharmacol",
"revue d esthetique": "rev esthet",
"journal of symbolic logic": "j symbolic logic",
"canadian journal of experimental psychology-revue canadienne de psychologie experimentale": "can j exp psychol",
"journal of environmental quality": "j environ qual",
"australian journal of instrumentation & control": "aust j instrum contr",
"surgery gynecology & obstetrics": "surg gynecol obstet",
"journal of arts management law and society": "j art manag law soc",
"statistica sinica": "stat sinica",
"international journal of middle east studies": "int j middle e stud",
"stratigraphy and geological correlation": "stratigr geol correl",
"experientia": "experientia",
"journal of biological education": "j biol educ",
"biochemical engineering journal": "biochem eng j",
"genitourinary medicine": "genitourin med",
"proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part b-journal of engineering manufacture": "p i mech eng b-j eng",
"vision tecnologica": "vis tecnol",
"progress in lipid research": "prog lipid res",
"brazilian journal of genetics": "braz j genet",
"journal of the early republic": "j early republ",
"russian studies in philosophy": "russ stud philos",
"journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment": "j psychopathol behav",
"international journal of electronics": "int j electron",
"experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes": "exp clin endocr diab",
"annales d urologie": "ann urol",
"ohio report on research and development": "ohio rep res dev",
"glass physics and chemistry": "glass phys chem+",
"new mexico historical review": "new mex hist rev",
"journal of semitic studies": "j semitic stud",
"zeitschrift fur klinische medizin-zkm": "z klin med",
"european journal of plastic surgery": "eur j plast surg",
"journal of developing areas": "j dev areas",
"journal of the serbian chemical society": "j serb chem soc",
"european journal of entomology": "eur j entomol",
"journal of commonwealth & comparative politics": "j commonw comp polit",
"workforce": "workforce",
"genetic resources and crop evolution": "genet resour crop ev",
"cyclin dependent kinase cdk inhibitors": "curr top microbiol",
"south african journal of chemistry-suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir chemie": "s afr j chem-s-afr t",
"international journal of industrial engineering-theory applications and practice": "int j ind eng-theory",
"international journal of forecasting": "int j forecasting",
"journal of physics a-mathematical and general": "j phys a-math gen",
"wide angle-a quarterly journal of film history theory criticism & practice": "wide angle",
"international journal of obesity": "int j obesity",
"computer graphics-us": "comput graphics-us",
"theoretical medicine and bioethics": "theor med bioeth",
"cuadernos hispanoamericanos": "cuadernos hispanoam",
"medizinische klinik": "med klin",
"physiological and biochemical zoology": "physiol biochem zool",
"applied animal ethology": "appl anim ethol",
"international social science journal": "int soc sci j",
"metals technology": "met technol",
"gegenwartskunde gesellschaft staat erziehung": "gegen ges staat erz",
"trace elements and electrolytes": "trace elem electroly",
"lymphokine research": "lymphokine res",
"landbauforschung volkenrode": "landbauforsch volk",
"journal of morphology": "j morphol",
"norges geologiske undersokelse bulletin": "norg geol unders b",
"solid state communications": "solid state commun",
"critique of anthropology": "crit anthropol",
"physics in technology": "phys technol",
"journal of glaucoma": "j glaucoma",
"journal of clinical ligand assay": "j clin ligand assay",
"proceedings of the society for experimental biology and medicine": "p soc exp biol med",
"european journal of cancer care": "eur j cancer care",
"canadian journal of plant pathology-revue canadienne de phytopathologie": "can j plant pathol",
"astrophysical journal": "astrophys j",
"journal de biophysique & medecine nucleaire": "j biophys biomec",
"international journal of industrial organization": "int j ind organ",
"lung cancer": "lung cancer-j iaslc",
"global environmental change-human and policy dimensions": "global environ chang",
"psychiatric genetics": "psychiatr genet",
"geo-processing": "geo-processing",
"ieee communications letters": "ieee commun lett",
"american politics quarterly": "am polit quart",
"scandinavian audiology": "scand audiol",
"survival": "survival",
"journal of public health policy": "j public health pol",
"human nature-an interdisciplinary biosocial perspective": "hum nature-int bios",
"journal of dermatological treatment": "j dermatol treat",
"kodikas code-ars semeiotica": "kodikas code-ars sem",
"fish pathology": "fish pathol",
"dynamics of continuous discrete and impulsive systems": "dyn contin discret i",
"journal of materials science-materials in electronics": "j mater sci-mater el",
"neural plasticity": "neural plast",
"current comments": "curr comments",
"poe studies-dark romanticism": "poe stud-dark roman",
"ai edam-artificial intelligence for engineering design analysis and manufacturing": "ai edam",
"journal of personality assessment": "j pers assess",
"bju international": "bju int",
"acta crystallographica section b-structural science": "acta crystallogr b",
"arteriosclerosis thrombosis and vascular biology": "arterioscl throm vas",
"journal of american health policy": "j am health policy",
"real-time systems": "real-time syst",
"california management review": "calif manage rev",
"artificial life": "artif life",
"scholarly publishing": "scholarly publ",
"marine biotechnology": "mar biotechnol",
"journal of robotic systems": "j robotic syst",
"applied engineering in agriculture": "appl eng agric",
"progress in quantum electronics": "prog quant electron",
"landfall": "landfall",
"medical decision making": "med decis making",
"journal of anatomy": "j anat",
"medical microbiology letters": "med microbiol lett",
"birth-issues in perinatal care": "birth-iss perinat c",
"ieee transactions on power delivery": "ieee t power deliver",
"food policy": "food policy",
"packaged software reports": "packag software rep",
"fleisch": "fleisch",
"journal of the geological society": "j geol soc london",
"journal of pediatric psychology": "j pediatr psychol",
"journal of autonomic pharmacology": "j auton pharmacol",
"journal of geography": "j geogr",
"journal of wildlife diseases": "j wildlife dis",
"fems microbiology letters": "fems microbiol lett",
"journal of computer and system sciences": "j comput syst sci",
"zeitschrift fur tierzuchtung und zuchtungsbiologie-journal of animal breeding and genetics": "z tierz zuchtungsbio",
"journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology": "j geriatr psych neur",
"nuovo cimento della societa italiana di fisica c-geophysics and space physics": "nuovo cimento c",
"curriculum inquiry": "curriculum inq",
"journal of photochemistry and photobiology b-biology": "j photoch photobio b",
"physical status: the use and interpretation of anthropometry": "who tech rep ser",
"journal of comparative and physiological psychology": "j comp physiol psych",
"scandinavian journal of work environment & health": "scand j work env hea",
"journal of infrared and millimeter waves": "j infrared millim w",
"association for recorded sound collections-journal": "assoc rec sound coll",
"dyes and pigments": "dyes pigments",
"mechanisms of ageing and development": "mech ageing dev",
"journal of the electrochemical society": "j electrochem soc",
"journal of vibration and acoustics-transactions of the asme": "j vib acoust",
"anasthesiologie intensivmedizin notfallmedizin schmerztherapie": "anasth intensiv notf",
"weed research": "weed res",
"ukrainskii biokhimicheskii zhurnal": "ukr biokhim zh+",
"welding journal": "weld j",
"journal of engineering mathematics": "j eng math",
"child welfare": "child welfare",
"bulletin de la societe botanique de france-actualites botaniques": "b soc bot fr-actual",
"crc critical reviews in oncology/hematology": "crit rev oncol hemat",
"chimica oggi-chemistry today": "chim oggi",
"west indian medical journal": "w indian med j",
"transportation planning and technology": "transport plan techn",
"journal of geophysical research-solid earth and planets": "j geophys res-solid",
"reviews of physiology,
biochemistry and pharmacology": "rev physiol bioch p",
"finite fields and their applications": "finite fields th app",
"journal of the history of sexuality": "j hist sexuality",
"quimica nova": "quim nova",
"swedish journal of agricultural research": "swed j agr res",
"american journal of perinatology": "am j perinat",
"journal of agricultural economics research": "j agr econ res",
"journal of veterinary medical education": "j vet med educ",
"earth moon and planets": "earth moon planets",
"obstetrics and gynecology": "obstet gynecol",
"feminist studies": "feminist stud",
"journal of contemporary history": "j contemp hist",
"european journal of surgery": "eur j surg",
"archiv fur reformationsgeschichte-archive for reformation history": "arch reformationsges",
"journal of endocrinology": "j endocrinol",
"etudes irlandaises": "etud irlandaises",
"biochemistry and cell biology-biochimie et biologie cellulaire": "biochem cell biol",
"combinatorica": "combinatorica",
"community mental health journal": "community ment hlt j",
"canadian journal of surgery": "can j surg",
"physics and chemistry of the earth part b-hydrology oceans and atmosphere": "phys chem earth pt b",
"journal of the canadian ceramic society": "j can ceram soc",
"wilson bulletin": "wilson bull",
"revista tecnica intevep": "rev tec intevep",
"vascular medicine": "vasc med",
"archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation": "arch phys med rehab",
"small ruminant research": "small ruminant res",
"ieee journal on selected areas in communications": "ieee j sel area comm",
"papers on language and literature": "pap lang lit",
"advances in behavioral pharmacology": "adv behav pharmacol",
"michigan germanic studies": "mich german stud",
"english language notes": "engl lang notes",
"nuova rivista storica": "nuova riv storica",
"social psychiatry": "soc psychiatr",
"computers and geotechnics": "comput geotech",
"computer integrated manufacturing systems": "comput integr manuf",
"international journal of environment and pollution": "int j environ pollut",
"experimental and toxicologic pathology": "exp toxicol pathol",
"journal of social work education": "j soc work educ",
"clinical trials journal": "clin trials j",
"asm news": "asm news",
"academy of management executive": "acad manage exec",
"archivos de investigacion medica": "arch invest med",
"journal of range management": "j range manage",
"memoirs of the entomological society of canada": "mem entomol soc can",
"farmaco-edizione scientifica": "farmaco-ed sci",
"ieee transactions on aerospace and electronic systems": "ieee t aero elec sys",
"film quarterly": "film quart",
"entomological news": "entomol news",
"journal of urology": "j urology",
"archiv fur sozialgeschichte": "arch sozialgesch",
"coastal engineering": "coast eng",
"philosophical forum": "philos forum",
"xenobiotica": "xenobiotica",
"environmental research": "environ res",
"law and philosophy": "law philos",
"international journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences": "int j rock mech min",
"geophysical journal international": "geophys j int",
"annual review of pharmacology and toxicology": "annu rev pharmacol",
"liver transplantation": "liver transplant",
"journal of petroleum technology": "j petrol technol",
"british journal of audiology": "brit j audiol",
"research in organizational behavior": "res organ behav",
"quality & quantity": "qual quant",
"human pathology": "hum pathol",
"computer vision graphics and image processing": "comput vision graph",
"osterreichische musikzeitschrift": "osterr musikz",
"neuroepidemiology": "neuroepidemiology",
"marine mammal science": "mar mammal sci",
"classical antiquity": "classical antiquity",
"international journal of eating disorders": "int j eat disorder",
"chemical senses": "chem senses",
"revue de l histoire des religions": "rev hist relig",
"arteriosclerosis and thrombosis": "arterioscler thromb",
"tissue antigens": "tissue antigens",
"thrombosis research": "thromb res",
"journal of cyclic nucleotide research": "j cyclic nucl prot",
"inhalation toxicology": "inhal toxicol",
"texas agricultural experiment station miscellaneous publication": "tex aes misc publ",
"applied acoustics": "appl acoust",
"current medicinal chemistry": "curr med chem",
"journal of endocrinological investigation": "j endocrinol invest",
"journal of applied poultry research": "j appl poultry res",
"international journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence": "int j pattern recogn",
"small business computers": "small bus comput",
"journal of carbohydrates-nucleosides-nucleotides": "j carb-nucleos-nucl",
"ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems": "ieee t comput aid d",
"sexuality and disability": "sex disabil",
"journal fur praktische chemie": "j prakt chem",
"australian computer journal": "aust comput j",
"seminars in respiratory and critical care medicine": "sem resp crit care m",
"journal of reproductive and infant psychology": "j reprod infant psyc",
"natural product letters": "nat prod lett",
"journal of clinical laboratory analysis": "j clin lab anal",
"journal of vacuum science & technology a-vacuum surfaces and films": "j vac sci technol a",
"advances in services marketing and management": "adv serv mark man",
"adolescent and pediatric gynecology": "adolescent pediat g",
"sociology of religion": "sociol relig",
"american statistician": "am stat",
"physica status solidi b-basic research": "phys status solidi b",
"public finance quarterly": "public financ quart",
"journal of accident & emergency medicine": "j accid emerg med",
"baillieres clinical rheumatology": "bailliere clin rheum",
"fiber and integrated optics": "fiber integrated opt",
"british journal of dermatology": "brit j dermatol",
"international journal of human resource management": "int j hum resour man",
"cell surface reviews": "cell surf rev",
"astm standardization news": "astm stand news",
"journal of analytical psychology": "j anal psychol",
"cognitive development": "cognitive dev",
"who expert committee on leprosy - 7th report": "who tech rep ser",
"zhurnal obshchei khimii": "zh obshch khim+",
"journal of studies on alcohol": "j stud alcohol",
"journal of nephrology": "j nephrol",
"apmis": "apmis",
"journal of art & design education": "j art design educ",
"journal of food science": "j food sci",
"decision support systems": "decis support syst",
"flora": "flora",
"materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing": "mat sci eng a-struct",
"melanoma research": "melanoma res",
"journal of advanced nursing": "j adv nurs",
"high performance polymers": "high perform polym",
"architectural record": "archit rec",
"bulletin of the american schools of oriental research": "b am sch oriental re",
"judaism": "judaism",
"publications of the astronomical society of the pacific": "publ astron soc pac",
"japanese journal of transplantation": "jpn j transplant",
"entomologica fennica": "entomol fennica",
"international journal of experimental pathology": "int j exp pathol",
"medscape womens health": "medscape womens heal",
"comparative education": "comp educ",
"great plains quarterly": "great plains quart",
"civil engineering": "civil eng",
"acta orthopaedica scandinavica": "acta orthop scand",
"scriptorium": "scriptorium",
"akzente-zeitschrift fur literatur": "akzente-z lit",
"international journal of the sociology of language": "int j sociol lang",
"ocean management": "ocean manage",
"canadian review of american studies": "can rev am stud",
"journal of research in crime and delinquency": "j res crime delinq",
"psychiatric services": "psychiatr serv",
"in vitro toxicology": "in vitro toxicol",
"epilepsia": "epilepsia",
"ieee transactions on electronics packaging manufacturing": "ieee t electron pa m",
"medicinal chemistry research": "med chem res",
"endocrinology and metabolism clinics of north america": "endocrin metab clin",
"crop research": "crop res",
"mineralogy and petrology": "miner petrol",
"drying technology": "dry technol",
"usda forest service intermountain research station research paper": "usda for serv int r",
"crc critical reviews in therapeutic drug carrier systems": "crit rev ther drug",
"naval architect": "nav archit",
"journal of african economies": "j afr econ",
"microbiological research": "microbiol res",
"world oil": "world oil",
"rn magazine": "rn mag",
"comsat technical review": "comsat tech rev",
"ieee transactions on components hybrids and manufacturing technology": "ieee t compon hybr",
"iee proceedings-optoelectronics": "iee p-optoelectron",
"nuclear geophysics": "nucl geophys",
"ieee journal of solid-state circuits": "ieee j solid-st circ",
"womens studies international forum": "women stud int forum",
"magazine of concrete research": "mag concrete res",
"publications astronomical society of australia": "publ astron soc aust",
"hospitals & health networks": "hosp health network",
"journal of medical screening": "j med screen",
"maydica": "maydica",
"veterinary microbiology": "vet microbiol",
"journal of pharmaceutical sciences": "j pharm sci",
"industrial research & development": "res dev",
"neues jahrbuch fur geologie und palaontologie-monatshefte": "neues jahrb geol p-m",
"journal of chronic diseases": "j chron dis",
"american journal of physiology-endocrinology and metabolism": "am j physiol-endoc m",
"praxis der kinderpsychologie und kinderpsychiatrie": "prax kinderpsychol k",
"journal of country music": "j country music",
"personality and social psychology bulletin": "pers soc psychol b",
"actes de la recherche en sciences sociales": "actes rech sci soc",
"fresenius environmental bulletin": "fresen environ bull",
"british journal of biomedical science": "brit j biomed sci",
"journal of macroeconomics": "j macroecon",
"izvestiya akademii nauk seriya geologicheskaya": "izv akad nauk geol+",
"proceedings of the lunar and planetary science conference": "p lunar planet sci c",
"world watch": "world watch",
"medioevo romanzo": "medioevo romanzo",
"cleveland clinic quarterly": "cleveland clin q",
"allergy and asthma proceedings": "allergy asthma proc",
"sociological inquiry": "sociol inq",
"icga journal": "icga j",
"information research and resource reports": "inform res resour r",
"journal of medicinal chemistry": "j med chem",
"american cartographer": "am cartographer",
"medical hypotheses": "med hypotheses",
"animal science": "anim sci",
"biological journal of the linnean society": "biol j linn soc",
"protein profile": "protein profile",
"aevum-rassegna di scienze storiche linguistiche e filologiche": "aevum-rass sci stor",
"intensivbehandlung": "intensivbehandlung",
"research management": "res manage",
"journal of tropical pediatrics": "j trop pediatrics",
"japanese journal of veterinary research": "jpn j vet res",
"leber magen darm": "leber magen darm",
"cellular immunology": "cell immunol",
"saggi-neuropsicologia infantile psicopedagogia riabilitazione": "saggi",
"international journal of obstetric anesthesia": "int j obstet anesth",
"moon and the planets": "moon planets",
"progress in retinal and eye research": "prog retin eye res",
"biochemical journal": "biochem j",
"ieee transactions on semiconductor manufacturing": "ieee t semiconduct m",
"journal of reading": "j reading",
"journal of clinical neuroscience": "j clin neurosci",
"mathematische annalen": "math ann",
"resuscitation": "resuscitation",
"journal of the chemical society-faraday transactions i": "j chem soc farad t 1",
"journal american water works association": "j am water works ass",
"musiktheorie": "musiktheorie",
"mathematical systems theory": "math syst theory",
"biotechnology techniques": "biotechnol tech",
"geophysics": "geophysics",
"data processing": "data process-london",
"ieee transactions on vehicular technology": "ieee t veh technol",
"journal of southern african studies": "j s afr stud",
"library computing": "libr comput",
"french studies": "fr stud",
"etudes theologiques et religieuses": "etud theol relig",
"religion and american culture-a journal of interpretation": "relig am cult",
"journal de pharmacie de belgique": "j pharm belg",
"agricultural and forest meteorology": "agr forest meteorol",
"oceanography and marine biology": "oceanogr mar biol",
"aei automazione energia informazione": "aei autom energ inf",
"revista de indias": "rev indias",
"lethaia": "lethaia",
"space power": "space power",
"smith college studies in social work": "smith coll stud soc",
"marconi review": "marconi rev",
"nanobiology": "nanobiology",
"china journal": "china j",
"japanese journal of cancer research": "jpn j cancer res",
"archivos de neurobiologia": "arch neurobiol",
"colloids and surfaces a-physicochemical and engineering aspects": "colloid surface a",
"community dental health": "community dent hlth",
"journal of the arnold arboretum": "j arnold arboretum",
"phosphorus sulfur and silicon and the related elements": "phosphorus sulfur",
"information processing letters": "inform process lett",
"optical engineering": "opt eng",
"library computer systems and equipment review": "libr comp sys equip",
"review of research in education,
21": "rev res educ",
"journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics": "j wind eng ind aerod",
"proceedings of the western pharmacology society": "p w pharmacol soc",
"siam journal on discrete mathematics": "siam j discrete math",
"applied scientific research": "appl sci res",
"kerntechnik": "kerntechnik",
"european psychiatry": "eur psychiat",
"stanford law review": "stanford law rev",
"poetique": "poetique",
"international history review": "int hist rev",
"bibliotheca psychiatrica": "bibl psychiat",
"journal of statistical computation and simulation": "j stat comput sim",
"international journal on world peace": "int j world peace",
"process control and quality": "process contr qual",
"environmental biology of fishes": "environ biol fish",
"communications in statistics-simulation and computation": "commun stat-simul c",
"cancer cells series": "cancer cell-mon rev",
"nutrition metabolism and cardiovascular diseases": "nutr metab cardiovas",
"pharmacoeconomics": "pharmacoeconomics",
"latte": "latte",
"celestial mechanics": "celestial mech",
"geriatric nursing": "geriatr nurs",
"political science": "polit sci",
"revue d histoire moderne et contemporaine": "rev hist mod contemp",
"electronics letters": "electron lett",
"kardiologiya": "kardiologiya",
"british journal of urology": "brit j urol",
"arts of asia": "art asia",
"stygologia": "stygologia",
"chirurgie": "chirurgie",
"womens history review": "women hist rev",
"head & neck surgery": "head neck-j sci spec",
"advances in chromatography": "adv chromatogr",
"journal of clinical hematology and oncology": "j clin hematol oncol",
"hematologic pathology": "hematol pathol",
"electrical communication": "electr commun",
"clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology": "clin exp pharmacol p",
"international journal of global energy issues": "int j global energy",
"neuroimaging clinics of north america": "neuroimag clin n am",
"cells and materials": "cell mater",
"arbor-ciencia pensamiento y cultura": "arbor",
"advances in the study of behavior": "adv stud behav",
"molecular and cellular neuroscience": "mol cell neurosci",
"european physical journal a": "eur phys j a",
"european physical journal b": "eur phys j b",
"european physical journal c": "eur phys j c",
"european physical journal d": "eur phys j d",
"anatomia histologia embryologia-journal of veterinary medicine series c-zentralblatt fur veterinarmedizin reihe c": "anat histol embryol",
"textilveredlung": "textilveredlung",
"seikagaku": "seikagaku",
"nurse practitioner forum-current topics and communications": "nurs pract forum",
"science in china series e-technological sciences": "sci china ser e",
"episodes": "episodes",
"journal of stone disease": "j stone dis",
"saudi medical journal": "saudi med j",
"johns hopkins apl technical digest": "j hopkins apl tech d",
"japanese journal of genetics": "jpn j genet",
"chemical engineering research & design": "chem eng res des",
"german life and letters": "ger life lett",
"inverse problems": "inverse probl",
"byzantinische zeitschrift": "byzantinische z",
"annual review of cell biology": "annu rev cell biol",
"review of international political economy": "rev int polit econ",
"chemica scripta": "chem scripta",
"international journal of cast metals research": "int j cast metal res",
"american journal of human biology": "am j hum biol",
"journal of material culture": "j mat cult",
"behavioral and neural biology": "behav neural biol",
"textile chemist and colorist & american dyestuff reporter": "text chem color am d",
"physics letters a": "phys lett a",
"infini": "infini",
"annual review of materials science": "annu rev mater sci",
"scandinavian journal of caring sciences": "scand j caring sci",
"exploration and mining geology": "explor min geol",
"chronobiologia": "chronobiologia",
"annals of glaciology,
vol 29,
1999": "ann glaciol",
"ieee transactions on medical imaging": "ieee t med imaging",
"journal of investigative dermatology": "j invest dermatol",
"dynamische psychiatrie": "dynam psychiat",
"journal of the australian mathematical society series a-pure mathematics and statistics": "j aust math soc a",
"vox sanguinis": "vox sang",
"medicina dello sport": "med sport",
"solid state sciences": "solid state sci",
"professional psychology-research and practice": "prof psychol-res pr",
"clinical reviews in allergy & immunology": "clin rev allerg immu",
"medical microbiology and immunology": "med microbiol immun",
"skull base surgery": "skull base surg",
"zoologischer anzeiger": "zool anz",
"homeostasis in health and disease": "homeostasis hlth dis",
"feminism & psychology": "fem psychol",
"nouvel automatisme": "nouv automatisme",
"waste management & research": "waste manage res",
"comparative politics": "comp polit",
"international information & library review": "int inf libr rev",
"journal of business venturing": "j bus venturing",
"renewable energy": "renew energ",
"supportive care in cancer": "support care cancer",
"massachusetts review": "mass rev",
"current orthopaedics": "curr orthopaed",
"electro-optical systems design": "electr opt syst des",
"disasters": "disasters",
"journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics": "j non-equil thermody",
"rhodora": "rhodora",
"seminars in radiation oncology": "semin radiat oncol",
"philosophy & public affairs": "philos public aff",
"hybridoma": "hybridoma",
"practical gastroenterology": "pract gastroenterol",
"biochemistry and molecular biology international": "biochem mol biol int",
"ieee-asme transactions on mechatronics": "ieee-asme t mech",
"acta haematologica japonica": "acta haematol japon",
"zuchthygiene-reproduction in domestic animals": "zuchthygiene",
"i&cs-industrial; and process control magazine": "i&cs-control; tech en",
"plant journal": "plant j",
"meldinger fra norges landbrukshogskole": "meld norg landbruks",
"sociology of education": "sociol educ",
"athletic therapy today": "athlet ther today",
"aerospace": "aerospace",
"sic materials and devices": "semiconduct semimet",
"mycorrhiza": "mycorrhiza",
"journal of experimental psychology-learning memory and cognition": "j exp psychol learn",
"international journal of environmental analytical chemistry": "int j environ an ch",
"israel journal of earth sciences": "israel j earth sci",
"hispanic journal of behavioral sciences": "hispanic j behav sci",
"netherlands journal of medicine": "neth j med",
"annales d immunologie": "ann inst pasteur imm",
"resource management and optimization": "resour manage opt",
"automation and remote control": "automat rem contr+",
"zeitschrift fur versuchstierkunde": "z versuchstierkd",
"ostrich": "ostrich",
"international journal of aviation psychology": "int j aviat psychol",
"journal of sports sciences": "j sport sci",
"psikhologicheskii zhurnal": "psikhol zh",
"sub-stance": "sub-stance",
"reviews in american history": "rev am hist",
"geomorphology": "geomorphology",
"art journal": "art j",
"reviews on environmental health": "rev environ health",
"journal of aapos": "j aapos",
"canadian journal of gastroenterology": "can j gastroenterol",
"chemical engineering world": "chem eng world",
"lingua nostra": "lingua nostra",
"advances in engineering software": "adv eng softw",
"marine geophysical researches": "mar geophys res",
"minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies": "minim invasiv ther",
"laval theologique et philosophique": "laval theol philos",
"clinical neurology and neurosurgery": "clin neurol neurosur",
"berichte uber landwirtschaft": "ber landwirtsch",
"general and comparative endocrinology": "gen comp endocr",
"cardiovascular research": "cardiovasc res",
"bibliotheca nutritio et dieta": "bibl nutr diet",
"polymer-plastics technology and engineering": "polym-plast technol",
"journal of the science of food and agriculture": "j sci food agr",
"university of pennsylvania law review": "u penn law rev",
"critical review": "crit rev",
"frontiers in neuroendocrinology": "front neuroendocrin",
"philosophy and rhetoric": "philos rhetoric",
"advances in imaging and electron physics": "adv imag electr phys",
"international journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery": "int j oral max surg",
"phonetica": "phonetica",
"arion-a journal of humanities and the classics": "arion",
"europace": "europace",
"british sugar beet review": "brit sugar beet rev",
"journal of perinatal & neonatal nursing": "j perinat neonat nur",
"thorax": "thorax",
"mnemosyne": "mnemosyne",
"ethnohistory": "ethnohistory",
"experimental neurology": "exp neurol",
"journal of vibration acoustics stress and reliability in design-transactions of the asme": "j vib acoust stress",
"atti associazione genetica italiana": "atti assoc genet it",
"journal of law & education": "j law educ",
"systems analysis modelling simulation": "syst anal model sim",
"educational leadership": "educ leadership",
"archivio veterinario italiano": "arch vet ital",
"journal of elasticity": "j elasticity",
"journal of medical speech-language pathology": "j med speech-lang pa",
"restorative neurology and neuroscience": "restor neurol neuros",
"transactions of the institute of metal finishing": "t i met finish",
"studi romani": "stud romani",
"journal of vacuum science & technology": "j vac sci technol",
"brazilian journal of medical and biological research": "braz j med biol res",
"medical care": "med care",
"american journal of rhinology": "am j rhinol",
"bell system technical journal": "at&t; tech j",
"literature and medicine": "lit med",
"iee proceedings-f radar and signal processing": "iee proc-f",
"fertilizer research": "fert res",
"islam-zeitschrift fur geschichte und kultur des islamischen orients": "islam",
"biosensors": "biosensors",
"applied psychological measurement": "appl psych meas",
"argument": "argument",
"journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics": "j pharmacol exp ther",
"american bee journal": "am bee j",
"esaim-mathematical modelling and numerical analysis-modelisation mathematique et analyse numerique": "esaim-math model num",
"american journal of mathematics": "am j math",
"rocky mountain institute newsletter": "rocky mt inst newsl",
"zeitschrift fur arbeits-und organisationspsychologie": "z arb organ",
"quantum electronics": "quantum electron+",
"chinese sociology and anthropology": "chinese soc anthrop",
"south african journal of economics": "s afr j econ",
"british journal of rheumatology": "brit j rheumatol",
"tropenmedizin und parasitologie": "tropenmed parasitol",
"journal of scholarly publishing": "j scholarly publ",
"cancer letters": "cancer lett",
"journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics": "j atmos terr phys",
"journal of occupational rehabilitation": "j occup rehabil",
"journal of cardiovascular medicine": "j cardiovasc med",
"new zealand journal of agricultural research": "new zeal j agr res",
"ornis fennica": "ornis fennica",
"critical reviews in eukaryotic gene expression": "crit rev eukar gene",
"international journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology": "int j syst evol micr",
"trends in cell biology": "trends cell biol",
"american mining congress journal": "am min congr j",
"american journal of clinical hypnosis": "am j clin hypn",
"microwaves": "microwaves",
"social and economic studies": "soc econ stud",
"social science & medicine": "soc sci med",
"italian journal of neurological sciences": "ital j neurol sci",
"russian journal of general chemistry": "russ j gen chem",
"acta poloniae pharmaceutica": "acta pol pharm",
"radiologic clinics of north america": "radiol clin n am",
"knee": "knee",
"bioprocess engineering": "bioprocess eng",
"professional engineering": "prof eng",
"immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology": "immunopharm immunot",
"anaesthesia and intensive care": "anaesth intens care",
"college & research libraries": "coll res libr",
"explicacion de textos literarios": "expl textos lit",
"hospital practice": "hosp pract",
"applied immunohistochemistry": "appl immunohistochem",
"southwestern veterinarian": "southwest vet",
"netherlands journal of sea research": "neth j sea res",
"biomedical letters": "biomed lett",
"canadian journal of sport sciences-revue canadienne des sciences du sport": "can j sport sci",
"journal of integral equations": "j integral equat",
"cutter it journal-the journal of information technology management": "cutter it j",
"zeitschrift fur kinder-und jugendpsychiatrie": "z kinder jug-psych",
"american journal of gastroenterology": "am j gastroenterol",
"architecture d aujourd hui": "archit aujourd hui",
"natural resources forum": "nat resour forum",
"selective cancer therapeutics": "select cancer ther",
"avtomatika": "avtomatika+",
"computer applications in engineering education": "comput appl eng educ",
"food technology in australia": "food technol aust",
"engineering fracture mechanics": "eng fract mech",
"journal of controlled release": "j control release",
"measurement science & technology": "meas sci technol",
"freight transportation": "transport res rec",
"turk psikoloji dergisi": "turk psikol derg",
"cleft palate journal": "cleft palate j",
"bioelectromagnetics": "bioelectromagnetics",
"acta microbiologica hungarica": "acta microbiol hung",
"seminars in nuclear medicine": "semin nucl med",
"environmental geology and water sciences": "environ geol water s",
"clinical rheumatology": "clin rheumatol",
"journal of hepatology": "j hepatol",
"bulletin de correspondance hellenique": "b corresp hellenique",
"cato journal": "cato j",
"economics letters": "econ lett",
"hvac&r; research": "hvac&r; res",
"nachrichten fur dokumentation": "nachr dok",
"south african journal of psychology-suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir sielkunde": "s afr j psychol",
"epilepsy research": "epilepsy res",
"british journal of diseases of the chest": "brit j dis chest",
"ecological entomology": "ecol entomol",
"solar physics": "sol phys",
"criticism-a quarterly for literature and the arts": "crit-q lit art",
"bulletin of equine research institute": "b equine res inst",
"european journal of gastroenterology & hepatology": "eur j gastroen hepat",
"international statistical review": "int stat rev",
"journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology": "j acq immun def synd",
"acta tropica": "acta trop",
"revista de informatica y automatica": "rev inform automat",
"berichte der bunsen-gesellschaft-physical chemistry chemical physics": "ber bunsen phys chem",
"focus on depression and anxiety": "focus depress anx",
"linguistique": "linguistique",
"historical methods": "hist method",
"proceedings of the royal society of edinburgh section b-biological sciences": "p roy soc edinb b",
"journal of urban economics": "j urban econ",
"zeitschrift fur mathematische logik und grundlagen der mathematik": "z math logik",
"disease management & health outcomes": "dis manag health out",
"advances in free radical biology and medicine": "adv free radical bio",
"human ecology": "hum ecol",
"new zealand journal of crop and horticultural science": "new zeal j crop hort",
"journal of government information": "j gov inform",
"somatosensory and motor research": "somatosens mot res",
"journal of adhesion": "j adhesion",
"chinese journal of physics": "chinese j phys",
"zeitschrift fur jagdwissenschaft": "z jagdwiss",
"southwestern historical quarterly": "southwest hist quart",
"helgoland marine research": "helgoland mar res",
"journal of sound and vibration": "j sound vib",
"annales de chimie-science des materiaux": "ann chim-sci mat",
"jsme international journal series b-fluids and thermal engineering": "jsme int j b-fluid t",
"periodica polytechnica-electrical engineering": "period polytech elec",
"american studies in scandinavia": "am stud scand",
"chemical engineering journal": "chem eng j",
"etudes anglaises": "etud anglaises",
"perfusion-uk": "perfusion-uk",
"journal of sedimentary research": "j sediment res",
"journal of egyptian archaeology": "j egypt archaeol",
"zeitschrift fur padagogische psychologie": "z padagog psychol",
"leisure sciences": "leisure sci",
"pda journal of pharmaceutical science and technology": "pda j pharm sci tech",
"cement & concrete composites": "cement concrete comp",
"quarterly journal of the royal astronomical society": "q j roy astron soc",
"revista brasileira de medicina": "rev bras med",
"fundamental and applied toxicology": "fund appl toxicol",
"parnassus-poetry in review": "parnassus-poetry rev",
"henry james review": "henry james rev",
"medical college of virginia quarterly": "med coll va quart",
"oklahoma agricultural experiment station research report": "okla aes res rep",
"landbouwtijdschrift-revue de l agriculture": "landbouwtijd-rev agr",
"paris review": "paris rev",
"journal of the american musical instrument society": "j am music instrum s",
"journal of zoological systematics and evolutionary research": "j zool syst evol res",
"mathematics and computers in simulation": "math comput simulat",
"operative dentistry": "oper dent",
"defence and peace economics": "defence peace econ",
"journal of earthquake engineering": "j earthquake eng",
"fresenius zeitschrift fur analytische chemie": "fresen z anal chem",
"microbiologica": "microbiologica",
"pacific northwest quarterly": "pac northwest quart",
"investigacion pesquera": "invest pesq",
"agn/normal galaxy connection": "adv space res",
"biological signals": "biol signal",
"human rights quarterly": "hum rights quart",
"anthropologie": "anthropologie",
"ophthalmologica": "ophthalmologica",
"computers in industry": "comput ind",
"netherlands journal of zoology": "neth j zool",
"drugs & aging": "drug aging",
"gender & society": "gender soc",
"toxicological and environmental chemistry": "toxicol environ chem",
"international journal of chemical kinetics": "int j chem kinet",
"journal of tropical ecology": "j trop ecol",
"south african medical journal": "s afr med j",
"british telecom technology journal": "brit telecom technol",
"marine and petroleum geology": "mar petrol geol",
"slavic and east european journal": "slavic e eur j",
"journal of educational psychology": "j educ psychol",
"journal of the royal anthropological institute": "j roy anthropol inst",
"physics of fluids a-fluid dynamics": "phys fluids a-fluid",
"zeitschrift fur meteorologie": "z meteorol",
"vestnik moskovskogo universiteta seriya 3 fizika astronomiya": "vestn mosk u fiz as+",
"canadian veterinary journal-revue veterinaire canadienne": "can vet j",
"oncology research": "oncol res",
"journal of broadcasting & electronic media": "j broadcast electron",
"cell motility and the cytoskeleton": "cell motil cytoskel",
"medicina-rivista della enciclopedia medica italiana": "med-riv enc med ital",
"veterinary and human toxicology": "vet hum toxicol",
"anzeiger fur schadlingskunde-journal of pest science": "anz schadl-j pest sc",
"indian journal of agronomy": "indian j agron",
"biochimie": "biochimie",
"mathematical methods of operations research": "math method oper res",
"journal of economic history": "j econ hist",
"bulletin francais de la peche et de la pisciculture": "b fr peche piscic",
"cahiers victoriens & edouardiens": "cah victor edouard",
"psychotherapy": "psychotherapy",
"phycologia": "phycologia",
"field crops research": "field crop res",
"early music": "early music",
"alzheimers reports": "alzheimers rep",
"ozone-science & engineering": "ozone-sci eng",
"linear algebra and its applications": "linear algebra appl",
"sigplan notices": "sigplan notices",
"endocrine-related cancer": "endocr-relat cancer",
"biotherapy": "biotherapy",
"otto-novecento": "otto-novecento",
"vertebrata palasiatica": "vertebrat palasiatic",
"ground water monitoring and remediation": "ground water monit r",
"annals of tropical paediatrics": "ann trop paediatr",
"annales de parasitologie humaine et comparee": "ann parasit hum comp",
"journal of youth and adolescence": "j youth adolescence",
"journal of marine research": "j mar res",
"annals of vascular surgery": "ann vasc surg",
"datacomm & distributed processing report": "datacomm distrib pr",
"pharmaceutica acta helvetiae": "pharm acta helv",
"journal of solar energy engineering-transactions of the asme": "j sol energ-t asme",
"journal of electronic imaging": "j electron imaging",
"international immunology": "int immunol",
"international interactions": "int interact",
"weather and forecasting": "weather forecast",
"advances in crystal growth": "mater sci forum",
"behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy": "behav cogn psychoth",
"nuclear medicine communications": "nucl med commun",
"jsae review": "jsae rev",
"south atlantic quarterly": "s atl quart",
"jetp letters": "jetp lett+",
"modern pathology": "modern pathol",
"progress in biophysics & molecular biology": "prog biophys mol bio",
"cahiers elisabethains": "cah elisabethains",
"colourage": "colourage",
"montana-the magazine of western history": "montana",
"iron and steel international": "iron steel int",
"international journal of cardiac imaging": "int j cardiac imag",
"advances in liquid crystals": "adv liq cryst",
"latin american indian literatures journal": "lat am indian lit j",
"harvard civil rights-civil liberties law review": "harvard civil rights",
"applied physics b-photophysics and laser chemistry": "appl phys b-photo",
"college mathematics journal": "coll math j",
"gerodontics": "gerodontics",
"modern philology": "mod philology",
"earth observation and remote sensing": "earth obs remot sen+",
"journal of crystal growth": "j cryst growth",
"women & health": "women health",
"government information quarterly": "gov inform q",
"public relations review": "public relat rev",
"lighting design & application": "light design appl",
"business week": "bus week",
"cryogenics": "cryogenics",
"latin american perspectives": "lat am perspect",
"heterocyclic communications": "heterocycl commun",
"ptb-mitteilungen": "ptb-mitt",
"collection of czechoslovak chemical communications": "collect czech chem c",
"duke mathematical journal": "duke math j",
"anti-corrosion methods and materials": "anti-corros method m",
"teratogenesis carcinogenesis and mutagenesis": "teratogen carcin mut",
"canadian journal of neurological sciences": "can j neurol sci",
"information & management": "inform manage",
"rairo-informatique-computer science": "rairo-inf-comput sci",
"archiv fur hydrobiologie": "arch hydrobiol",
"dance magazine": "dance mag",
"scientia sinica series a-mathematical physical astronomical & technical sciences": "sci sin a-math p a t",
"critical reviews in neurobiology": "crit rev neurobiol",
"ferroelectrics": "ferroelectrics",
"international journal of turbo & jet-engines": "int j turbo jet eng",
"journal of helminthology": "j helminthol",
"statistical papers": "stat pap",
"journal of sports medicine and physical fitness": "j sport med phys fit",
"archives of oto-rhino-laryngology": "arch oto-rhino-laryn",
"historical studies in the physical and biological sciences": "hist stud phys biol",
"physics of fluids": "phys fluids",
"journal of the american society for information science": "j am soc inform sci",
"acta metallurgica et materialia": "acta metall mater",
"critical reviews in neurosurgery": "crit rev neurosurg",
"reviews in computational chemistry": "rev comp ch",
"antisense research and development": "antisense res dev",
"bioconjugate chemistry": "bioconjugate chem",
"jugoslovenska medicinska biohemija-yugoslav medical biochemistry": "jugoslav med biohem",
"american journal of the medical sciences": "am j med sci",
"journal of nutrition": "j nutr",
"international journal of immunotherapy": "int j immunother",
"modern materials handling": "mod mater handl",
"gi cancer": "gi cancer",
"journal of muscle foods": "j muscle foods",
"faraday symposia of the chemical society": "faraday symp chem s",
"geschichte und gesellschaft": "gesch ges",
"annals of hematology": "ann hematol",
"separations technology": "separ technol",
"bulletin de la societe royale de botanique de belgique": "b soc roy bot belg",
"evaluation practice": "eval pract",
"traffic": "traffic",
"journal of field archaeology": "j field archaeol",
"vacuum": "vacuum",
"journal of thermal stresses": "j therm stresses",
"proceedings of the society of photo-optical instrumentation engineers": "p soc photo-opt inst",
"histopathology": "histopathology",
"world economy": "world econ",
"phytopathologische zeitschrift-journal of phytopathology": "phytopathol z",
"discovery and innovation": "discov innovat",
"british journal of educational technology": "brit j educ technol",
"seed science research": "seed sci res",
"perspectives in drug discovery and design": "perspect drug discov",
"international journal of the addictions": "int j addict",
"entomon": "entomon",
"rivista storica italiana": "riv storica ital",
"oil & gas science and technology-revue de l institut francais du petrole": "oil gas sci technol",
"behavioural pharmacology": "behav pharmacol",
"africa today": "afr today",
"acta morphologica academiae scientiarum hungaricae": "acta morphol hung",
"vldb journal": "vldb j",
"spill science & technology bulletin": "spill sci technol b",
"journal of neuroimaging": "j neuroimaging",
"flavour and fragrance journal": "flavour frag j",
"current contents/agriculture biology & environmental sciences": "cc/agr biol environ",
"current topics in pathology": "curr topics pathol",
"sportverletzung-sportschaden": "sportverletz sportsc",
"proceedings of the ieee": "p ieee",
"international journal of applied radiation and isotopes": "int j appl radiat is",
"parasitology": "parasitology",
"surface technology": "surf technol",
"australian feminist studies": "aust feminist stud",
"general pharmacology-the vascular system": "gen pharmacol-vasc s",
"proceedings of the academy of natural sciences of philadelphia": "p acad nat sci phila",
"common market law review": "common mkt law rev",
"productions animales": "prod anim",
"protein engineering": "protein eng",
"biotropica": "biotropica",
"ethics & behavior": "ethics behav",
"power": "power",
"european journal of disorders of communication": "eur j disorder comm",
"engineering analysis with boundary elements": "eng anal bound elem",
"manuscripta mathematica": "manuscripta math",
"manufacturing engineering": "manuf eng",
"american journal of occupational therapy": "am j occup ther",
"studies in romanticism": "stud romanticism",
"functional ecology": "funct ecol",
"acta paediatrica": "acta paediatr",
"annales de la societe entomologique de france": "ann soc entomol fr",
"shenandoah": "shenandoah",
"middle east journal": "middle east j",
"in vitro-journal of the tissue culture association": "in vitro cell dev b",
"international journal of robust and nonlinear control": "int j robust nonlin",
"social compass": "soc compass",
"advances in insect physiology": "adv insect physiol",
"international journal of science education": "int j sci educ",
"taxon": "taxon",
"physica scripta": "phys scripta",
"strojniski vestnik-journal of mechanical engineering": "stroj vestn-j mech e",
"review of black political economy": "rev black polit econ",
"combustion and flame": "combust flame",
"studi musicali": "stud music",
"japanese heart journal": "jpn heart j",
"seminars in veterinary medicine and surgery-small animal": "semin vet med surg",
"harvard international journal of press-politics": "harv int j press-pol",
"image": "image",
"atomkernenergie-kerntechnik": "atomkernenerg/kernt",
"contemporary educational psychology": "contemp educ psychol",
"proceedings of the nutrition society": "p nutr soc",
"journal of enhanced heat transfer": "j enhanc heat transf",
"legacy": "legacy",
"silva fennica": "silva fenn",
"progress in experimental tumor research": "prog exp tumor res",
"environmental geology": "environ geol",
"indian journal of pure & applied mathematics": "indian j pure ap mat",
"child neuropsychology": "child neuropsychol",
"journal of neuroscience research": "j neurosci res",
"symbiosis": "symbiosis",
"medical education": "med educ",
"investigacion medica internacional": "invest med int",
"actas luso-espanolas de neurologia psiquiatria y ciencias afines": "actas luso-esp neur",
"psychopharmacology": "psychopharmacology",
"kalte und klimatechnik": "kalte klimatechnik",
"annales de recherches veterinaires": "ann rech vet",
"advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry": "adv carbohyd chem bi",
"flussiges obst": "flussiges obst",
"israel journal of plant sciences": "israel j plant sci",
"verbatim": "verbatim",
"journal of toxicology-clinical toxicology": "j toxicol-clin toxic",
"journal of research in science teaching": "j res sci teach",
"stanford french review": "stanford fr rev",
"zeitschrift fur ernahrungswissenschaft": "z ernahrungswiss",
"applied biochemistry and biotechnology": "appl biochem biotech",
"chemical engineering": "chem eng-new york",
"artificial cells blood substitutes and immobilization biotechnology": "artif cell blood sub",
"nature genetics": "nat genet",
"advanced ceramic materials": "adv ceram mater",
"british journal of sociology of education": "brit j sociol educ",
"european journal of neurology": "eur j neurol",
"october": "october",
"tropical zoology": "trop zool",
"nuklearmedizin": "nuklearmed",
"international journal of pressure vessels and piping": "int j pres ves pip",
"medizinische welt": "med welt",
"immunology and cell biology": "immunol cell biol",
"crc critical reviews in microbiology": "crit rev microbiol",
"journal of heat recovery systems": "j heat recov syst",
"zeitschrift fur kristallographie": "z kristallogr",
"urologe a": "urologe a",
"iee proceedings-g circuits devices and systems": "iee proc-g",
"age": "age",
"european journal of anaesthesiology": "eur j anaesthesiol",
"visual computer": "visual comput",
"food biotechnology": "food biotechnol",
"canadian journal of botany-revue canadienne de botanique": "can j bot",
"acrida": "acrida",
"journal of petroleum geology": "j petrol geol",
"wilderness & environmental medicine": "wild environ med",
"rivista di neuroradiologia": "riv neuroradiol",
"hypertension": "hypertension",
"prostaglandins leukotrienes and essential fatty acids": "prostag leukotr ess",
"religion & literature": "relig lit",
"mathematical geology": "math geol",
"electrical technology": "electr technol+",
"journal of functional analysis": "j funct anal",
"womens health issues": "women health iss",
"acta technica academiae scientiarum hungaricae": "acta tech hung",
"journal of the royal statistical society series d-the statistician": "j roy stat soc d-sta",
"experimental dermatology": "exp dermatol",
"american journal of psychology": "am j psychol",
"advances in environmental research": "adv environ res",
"reviews in biochemical toxicology": "rev biochem toxicol",
"sloan management review": "sloan manage rev",
"behavior therapy": "behav ther",
"mobile network & applications": "mobile netw appl",
"polish journal of chemistry": "pol j chem",
"ieee transactions on signal processing": "ieee t signal proces",
"business software review": "bus softw rev",
"european review of applied psychology-revue europeenne de psychologie appliquee": "eur rev appl psychol",
"journal of logic programming": "j logic program",
"journal of engineering materials and technology-transactions of the asme": "j eng mater-t asme",
"applied organometallic chemistry": "appl organomet chem",
"journal of chemometrics": "j chemometr",
"german quarterly": "ger quart",
"bulletin of the torrey botanical club": "b torrey bot club",
"american journal of tropical medicine and hygiene": "am j trop med hyg",
"herpetological journal": "herpetol j",
"archivo espanol de arte": "arch espan art",
"occupational therapy journal of research": "occup ther j res",
"gynakologe": "gynakologe",
"klinicheskaya meditsina": "klin med moscow+",
"biochimica et biophysica acta-molecular cell research": "bba-mol cell res",
"urban education": "urban educ",
"journal of asian studies": "j asian stud",
"langenbecks archives of surgery": "langenbeck arch surg",
"musikforschung": "musikforschung",
"somatic cell genetics": "somat cell genet",
"applied psychophysiology and biofeedback": "appl psychophys biof",
"biomedical engineering-applications basis communications": "biomed eng-app bas c",
"annalen der physik": "ann phys-leipzig",
"materials research bulletin": "mater res bull",
"journal of orthomolecular psychiatry": "j orthomol med",
"seed science and technology": "seed sci technol",
"geological society of america bulletin": "geol soc am bull",
"internist": "internist",
"asian folklore studies": "asian folklore stud",
"urologic clinics of north america": "urol clin n am",
"oud holland": "oud holland",
"journal of inorganic biochemistry": "j inorg biochem",
"laser focus with fiberoptic technology": "laser focus world",
"agricultural and food science in finland": "agr food sci finland",
"meteorologische zeitschrift": "meteorol z",
"journal of nervous and mental disease": "j nerv ment dis",
"annual review of energy and the environment": "annu rev energ env",
"journal of enzyme inhibition": "j enzym inhib",
"acta ophthalmologica": "acta ophthalmol",
"design news": "design news",
"geothermics": "geothermics",
"journal of food biochemistry": "j food biochem",
"journal of agricultural economics": "j agr econ",
"american journal of physiology-gastrointestinal and liver physiology": "am j physiol-gastr l",
"international journal of insect morphology & embryology": "int j insect morphol",
"behavior research methods instruments & computers": "behav res meth instr",
"glass science and technology-glastechnische berichte": "glass sci technol",
"iee proceedings-communications": "iee p-commun",
"environmental technology": "environ technol",
"world journal of urology": "world j urol",
"advances in nursing science": "adv nurs sci",
"high energy physics and nuclear physics-chinese edition": "high energ phys nuc",
"chromatographia": "chromatographia",
"annual review of physiology": "annu rev physiol",
"journal of organizational behavior": "j organ behav",
"science in context": "sci context",
"acta medica okayama": "acta med okayama",
"pace-pacing and clinical electrophysiology": "pace",
"british journal of educational psychology": "brit j educ psychol",
"proceedings of the institution of civil engineers-geotechnical engineering": "p i civil eng-geotec",
"precambrian research": "precambrian res",
"research on social work practice": "res social work prac",
"journal of portfolio management": "j portfolio manage",
"granular matter": "granul matter",
"invasion & metastasis": "invas metast",
"technisches messen": "tech mess",
"biology & philosophy": "biol philos",
"neurosurgery quarterly": "neurosurg quart",
"zentralblatt fur veterinarmedizin reihe b-journal of veterinary medicine series b-infectious diseases immunology food hygiene veterinary public health": "zbl vet med b",
"journal of operator theory": "j operat theor",
"displays": "displays",
"volkskunde": "volkskunde",
"welsh history review": "welsh hist rev",
"analytical and quantitative cytology and histology": "anal quant cytol",
"journal of fluid mechanics": "j fluid mech",
"zentralblatt fur neurochirurgie": "zbl neurochir",
"journal of cell biology": "j cell biol",
"revista latinoamericana de psicologia": "rev lat am psicol",
"ai communications": "ai commun",
"new scientist": "new sci",
"journal of college student development": "j coll student dev",
"hautarzt": "hautarzt",
"journal of european public policy": "j eur public policy",
"research in virology": "res virology",
"contemporary sociology-a journal of reviews": "contemp sociol",
"constructive approximation": "constr approx",
"journal of animal and feed sciences": "j anim feed sci",
"photogrammetric record": "photogramm rec",
"knowledge-creation diffusion utilization": "knowledge",
"tumour biology": "tumour biol",
"khimiko-farmatsevticheskii zhurnal": "khim farm zh+",
"journal of the torrey botanical society": "j torrey bot soc",
"physics essays": "phys essays",
"kernenergie": "kernenergie",
"public culture": "public culture",
"werkstoffe und korrosion-materials and corrosion": "werkst korros",
"journal of electrophysiological techniques": "j electrophysiol tec",
"israel journal of mathematics": "israel j math",
"current topics in developmental biology": "curr top dev biol",
"proceedings of the london mathematical society": "p lond math soc",
"spine": "spine",
"trends in biochemical sciences": "trends biochem sci",
"japanese journal of educational psychology": "jpn j educ psychol",
"minerva medica": "minerva med",
"organic letters": "org lett",
"proceedings of the indian academy of sciences-animal sciences": "p indian as-anim sci",
"opera news": "opera news",
"catalysis surveys from japan": "catal surv jpn",
"fusion technology": "fusion technol",
"journal of economic dynamics & control": "j econ dyn control",
"izvestiya akademii nauk seriya biologicheskaya": "izv akad nauk biol+",
"historicky casopis": "hist casopis",
"transactions of the american mathematical society": "t am math soc",
"high temperature technology": "high temp technol",
"journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy": "j antimicrob chemoth",
"heartweb": "heartweb",
"journal of heterocyclic chemistry": "j heterocyclic chem",
"annales de la societe scientifique de bruxelles series 1-sciences mathematiques astronomiques et physiques": "ann soc sci brux",
"data & knowledge engineering": "data knowl eng",
"journal of paediatrics and child health": "j paediatr child h",
"belfagor": "belfagor",
"journal of the geological society of australia": "j geol soc aust",
"journal of the history of ideas": "j hist ideas",
"osaka journal of mathematics": "osaka j math",
"wave motion": "wave motion",
"journal of pediatric hematology oncology": "j pediat hematol onc",
"innere medizin": "inn med",
"methods of biochemical analysis": "method biochem anal",
"balance control of flexible structures": "lect notes contr inf",
"scandinavian journal of rheumatology": "scand j rheumatol",
"zootechnia": "zootechnia",
"strojarstvo": "strojarstvo",
"analytica chimica acta": "anal chim acta",
"interface age-computing for business": "interf age-comput b",
"ausgrabungen und funde": "ausgrabungen funde",
"journal of chemotherapy": "j chemotherapy",
"cardiology in the elderly": "cardiol elder",
"journal of waterway port coastal and ocean engineering-asce": "j waterw port c-asce",
"ploughshares": "ploughshares",
"systems and computers in japan": "syst comput jpn",
"fitoterapia": "fitoterapia",
"electroanalytical chemistry": "electroanal chem",
"chemistry and physics of carbon": "chem phys carbon",
"history of political economy": "hist polit econ",
"annales de l institut pasteur-microbiologie": "ann inst pasteur mic",
"international security": "int security",
"international journal of entomology": "int j entomol",
"russian journal of genetics": "russ j genet+",
"science": "science",
"journal of psychopharmacology": "j psychopharmacol",
"clinical psychology review": "clin psychol rev",
"psychophysiology": "psychophysiology",
"atla-alternatives to laboratory animals": "atla-altern lab anim",
"high energy physics & nuclear physics-english edition": "high energ phys nucl",
"forest pathology": "forest pathol",
"helicobacter": "helicobacter",
"journal of energy resources technology-transactions of the asme": "j energ resour-asme",
"environmental geochemistry and health": "environ geochem hlth",
"ponte": "ponte",
"journal of environmental science and health part a-environmental science and engineering & toxic and hazardous substance control": "j environ sci heal a",
"ieee transactions on power electronics": "ieee t power electr",
"monthly review-an independent socialist magazine": "mon rev",
"odonatologica": "odonatologica",
"pacific historical review": "pac hist rev",
"acta pharmacologica sinica": "acta pharmacol sin",
"genetic counseling": "genet counsel",
"kennedy institute of ethics journal": "kennedy inst ethic j",
"progress in hemostasis and thrombosis": "prog hemost thromb",
"experimental cell biology": "exp cell biol",
"hungarian journal of industrial chemistry": "hung j ind chem",
"journal of emotional and behavioral disorders": "j emot behav disord",
"plant physiology and biochemistry": "plant physiol bioch",
"journal of cardiovascular pharmacology": "j cardiovasc pharm",
"journal of engineering technology": "j eng technol",
"journal of insect behavior": "j insect behav",
"bird study": "bird study",
"transactions and journal of the british ceramic society": "brit ceram trans j",
"ophthalmic surgery and lasers": "ophthalmic surg las",
"journal of rare earths": "j rare earth",
"ima journal of applied mathematics": "ima j appl math",
"radiation oncology investigations": "radiat oncol investi",
"annals of the rheumatic diseases": "ann rheum dis",
"bioinformatics": "bioinformatics",
"journal of biomechanics": "j biomech",
"rheumatology international": "rheumatol int",
"ethics": "ethics",
"russian review": "russ rev",
"clinical orthopaedics and related research": "clin orthop relat r",
"landscape ecology": "landscape ecol",
"washington law review": "wash law rev",
"english in africa": "engl afr",
"word processing & information systems": "word process inform",
"jnms-journal of the neuromusculoskeletal system": "jnms-j neuromusc sys",
"science education": "sci educ",
"midwest quarterly-a journal of contemporary thought": "midwest quart",
"sabouraudia-journal of medical and veterinary mycology": "sabouraudia",
"langue francaise": "langue francaise",
"journal of the korean physical society": "j korean phys soc",
"goethe jahrbuch": "goethe jahrb",
"journal of clinical surgery-applied physiology & metabolism": "j clin surg-appl phy",
"advances in bladder research": "adv exp med biol",
"journal of computer-aided molecular design": "j comput aid mol des",
"solid state phenomena": "solid state phenom",
"applied energy": "appl energ",
"refractive and corneal surgery": "refract corneal surg",
"pharmacopsychiatria": "pharmacopsychiatria",
"bulletin of the american society of papyrologists": "b am soc papyrologis",
"journal of submicroscopic cytology and pathology": "j submicr cytol path",
"proceedings of the british academy": "p brit acad",
"jsme international journal series c-mechanical systems machine elements and manufacturing": "jsme int j c-mech sy",
"signs": "signs",
"biomedicine & pharmacotherapy": "biomed pharmacother",
"regional studies": "reg stud",
"journal of forestry": "j forest",
"strahlentherapie und onkologie": "strahlenther onkol",
"youth & society": "youth soc",
"international journal of computer vision": "int j comput vision",
"feminist review": "feminist rev",
"computers in biology and medicine": "comput biol med",
"journal of elastomers and plastics": "j elastom plast",
"diagnostic immunology": "diagn clin immunol",
"sharp technical journal": "sharp tech j",
"clinical electroencephalography": "clin electroencephal",
"soil & tillage research": "soil till res",
"journal of environmental permitting": "j environ permitting",
"vlsi design": "vlsi des",
"journal of general virology": "j gen virol",
"mokuzai gakkaishi": "mokuzai gakkaishi",
"combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening": "comb chem high t scr",
"eurasian soil science": "eurasian soil sci+",
"journal of the science society of thailand": "j sci soc thailand",
"review of economic studies": "rev econ stud",
"journal of communication": "j commun",
"journal of geochemical exploration": "j geochem explor",
"mathematical notes": "math notes+",
"key engineering materials": "key eng mat",
"engineering management international": "eng manage int",
"journal of microelectromechanical systems": "j microelectromech s",
"hispanic review": "hispanic rev",
"materials performance": "mater performance",
"archivio storico italiano": "arch storico ital",
"geostandards newsletter-the journal of geostandards and geoanalysis": "geostandard newslett",
"teoreticheskaya i eksperimentalnaya khimiya": "teor eksp khim",
"osiris": "osiris",
"music perception": "music percept",
"advances in magnetic resonance": "adv magn reson",
"nuklearmediziner": "nuklearmediziner",
"journal of product innovation management": "j prod innovat manag",
"appropriate technology": "appropriate tech",
"journal of the south african institute of mining and metallurgy": "j s afr i min metall",
"current opinion in colloid & interface science": "curr opin colloid in",
"international journal of industrial ergonomics": "int j ind ergonom",
"international journal of biochemistry": "int j biochem",
"measurement": "measurement",
"journal of pragmatics": "j pragmatics",
"gff": "gff",
"rheology": "rheology",
"essays in biochemistry": "essays biochem",
"harvard environmental law review": "harvard environ law",
"psychology": "psychology",
"european transactions on electrical power": "eur t electr power",
"journal of the market research society": "j market res soc",
"pennsylvania state university extension service special circular": "penn st ues spec cir",
"international ophthalmology": "int ophthalmol",
"acta medica polona": "acta med pol",
"clays and clay minerals": "clay clay miner",
"cytokines cellular & molecular therapy": "cytokines cell mol t",
"space technology-industrial and commercial applications": "space technol",
"genes & development": "gene dev",
"recherche aerospatiale": "rech aerospatiale",
"art criticism": "art criticism",
"journal of theological studies": "j theol stud",
"clinical journal of pain": "clin j pain",
"generations-journal of the american society on aging": "generations",
"protist": "protist",
"renal physiology and biochemistry": "renal physiol bioch",
"small business economics": "small bus econ",
"operations research letters": "oper res lett",
"computer communications": "comput commun",
"geographical journal": "geogr j",
"iee proceedings-d control theory and applications": "iee proc-d",
"journal of homosexuality": "j homosexual",
"water services": "water serv",
"journal of veterinary medicine series b-infectious diseases and veterinary public health": "j vet med b",
"current topics in membranes and transport": "curr top membr trans",
"theater heute": "theater heute",
"human resource management review": "hum resour manage r",
"holarctic ecology": "holarctic ecol",
"revista cientifica-facultad de ciencias veterinarias": "rev cient-fac cien v",
"deutsche lebensmittel-rundschau": "deut lebensm-rundsch",
"third world quarterly": "third world q",
"crc critical reviews in analytical chemistry": "crit rev anal chem",
"international philosophical quarterly": "int philos quart",
"international journal of finance & economics": "int j financ econ",
"nfd information-wissenschaft und praxis": "nfd inform-wiss prax",
"castanea": "castanea",
"journal of experimental botany": "j exp bot",
"aslib proceedings": "aslib proc",
"molecular diversity": "mol divers",
"designs codes and cryptography": "design code cryptogr",
"new york times book review": "ny times bk rev",
"nature & resources": "nature resour",
"clinical techniques in small animal practice": "clin tech small an p",
"journal of molecular modeling": "j mol model",
"pediatric pharmacology": "pediatr pharmacol",
"journal of strain analysis for engineering design": "j strain anal eng",
"annals of the entomological society of america": "ann entomol soc am",
"cytogenetics and cell genetics": "cytogenet cell genet",
"nineteenth-century french studies": "nineteen cent fr st",
"optical materials": "opt mater",
"hoppe-seylers zeitschrift fur physiologische chemie": "h-s z physiol chem",
"cdiac communications": "cdiac commun",
"cancer treatment reports": "cancer treat rep",
"soviet applied mechanics": "sov appl mech+",
"observatory": "observatory",
"lecture notes in mathematics": "lect notes math",
"ieee transactions on broadcasting": "ieee t broadcast",
"cancer cytopathology": "cancer cytopathol",
"chemical physics reports": "chem phys rep+",
"letters in mathematical physics": "lett math phys",
"aircraft engineering and aerospace technology": "aircr eng aerosp tec",
"cognitive neuropsychology": "cognitive neuropsych",
"annales de l institut henri poincare-probabilites et statistiques": "ann i h poincare-pr",
"arts in psychotherapy": "art psychother",
"revista medica de chile": "rev med chile",
"meanjin": "meanjin",
"archive for history of exact sciences": "arch hist exact sci",
"entertainment design": "entertain des",
"educational and psychological measurement": "educ psychol meas",
"acta odontologica scandinavica": "acta odontol scand",
"journal of classification": "j classif",
"comprehensive endocrinology": "compr endocrinol",
"harvard international law journal": "harvard int law j",
"virginia polytechnic institute extension service-virginia agricultural economics": "va poly i ext serv v",
"plant molecular biology reporter": "plant mol biol rep",
"laser focus world": "laser focus world",
"bijdragen tot de taal- land- en volkenkunde": "bijdr taal-land-v",
"journal of arachnology": "j arachnol",
"annales de cardiologie et d angeiologie": "ann cardiol angeiol",
"tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie": "tijdschr econ soc ge",
"drugs of today": "drugs today",
"biotechniques": "biotechniques",
"beitrage zur infusionstherapie/contributions to infusion therapy": "beitr infus",
"crystal lattice defects and amorphous materials": "cryst latt def amorp",
"natural immunity": "nat immun",
"reclamation & revegetation research": "reclam reveg res",
"archive for mathematical logic": "arch math logic",
"neuropathology and applied neurobiology": "neuropath appl neuro",
"elastomerics": "elastomerics",
"american journal of enology and viticulture": "am j enol viticult",
"european cytokine network": "eur cytokine netw",
"information and computation": "inform comput",
"opera quarterly": "opera quart",
"european addiction research": "eur addict res",
"marine micropaleontology": "mar micropaleontol",
"advances in marine biology": "adv mar biol",
"statistics": "statistics",
"analytical cellular pathology": "anal cell pathol",
"marine biology letters": "mar biol lett",
"social service review": "soc serv rev",
"revue des etudes juives": "rev etud juives",
"acta radiologica": "acta radiol",
"coral reefs": "coral reefs",
"acta oeconomica": "acta oecon",
"manual therapy": "manual ther",
"chemical engineering journal and the biochemical engineering journal": "chem eng j bioch eng",
"advances in cancer research": "adv cancer res",
"modern veterinary practice": "mod vet pract",
"proceedings of the american association for cancer research": "p am assoc canc res",
"numerical heat transfer part b-fundamentals": "numer heat tr b-fund",
"psychotherapy and psychosomatics": "psychother psychosom",
"social science quarterly": "soc sci quart",
"soviet physics semiconductors-ussr": "sov phys semicond+",
"journal of russian laser research": "j russ laser res",
"international journal of fracture": "int j fracture",
"electronic products magazine": "electron prod",
"journal of consumer psychology": "j consum psychol",
"multimedia tools and applications": "multimed tools appl",
"cardiovascular surgery": "cardiovasc surg",
"interface age": "interf age-comput b",
"condor": "condor",
"enzyme": "enzyme",
"acta neuropathologica": "acta neuropathol",
"archaeological chemistry": "acs sym ser",
"social science computer review": "soc sci comput rev",
"marine fisheries review": "mar fish rev",
"who expert committee on biological standardization": "who tech rep ser",
"toxicology in vitro": "toxicol in vitro",
"archiv fur tierzucht-archives of animal breeding": "arch tierzucht",
"current opinion in neurology and neurosurgery": "curr opin neurol neu",
"lymphology": "lymphology",
"dodo-journal of the wildlife preservation trusts": "dodo",
"european spectroscopy news": "eur spectrosc news",
"proceedings of the american antiquarian society": "p am antiquarian soc",
"water air and soil pollution": "water air soil poll",
"south dakota farm & home research": "s dak farm home res",
"mapletech": "mapletech",
"journal of applied developmental psychology": "j appl dev psychol",
"free radical research": "free radical res",
"die casting engineer": "die cast eng",
"khimicheskaya promyshlennost": "khim promst+",
"methods in enzymology": "method enzymol",
"journal of the north american benthological society": "j n am benthol soc",
"global and planetary change": "global planet change",
"european journal of immunogenetics": "eur j immunogenet",
"hepato-gastroenterology": "hepato-gastroenterol",
"information systems research": "inform syst res",
"academe-bulletin of the aaup": "academe",
"tumori": "tumori",
"archives of emergency medicine": "arch emerg med",
"advances in enzymology and related areas of molecular biology": "adv enzymol ramb",
"weed science": "weed sci",
"betriebswirtschaftliche forschung und praxis": "betrieb forsch prax",
"archives of toxicology": "arch toxicol",
"international journal of sustainable development and world ecology": "int j sust dev world",
"mathematical modelling": "math modelling",
"journal of comparative physiology": "j comp physiol",
"osteoporosis international": "osteoporosis int",
"modern metals": "mod met",
"journal of software maintenance-research and practice": "j softw maint-res pr",
"annual review of computer science": "annu rev comput sci",
"human psychopharmacology-clinical and experimental": "hum psychopharm clin",
"journal of optics-nouvelle revue d optique": "j opt",
"praxis und klinik der pneumologie": "prax klin pneumol",
"journal of otolaryngology": "j otolaryngol",
"journal of agricultural entomology": "j agr entomol",
"izvestiya akademii nauk sssr fizika atmosfery i okeana": "izv an sssr fiz atm+",
"journal of quality technology": "j qual technol",
"sociological quarterly": "sociol quart",
"new theatre quarterly": "new theat q",
"omega-journal of death and dying": "omega-j death dying",
"childhood-a global journal of child research": "childhood",
"catalysis and automotive pollution control iii": "stud surf sci catal",
"new york state agricultural experiment station search agriculture": "ny state aes search",
"transactions of the asae": "t asae",
"psychological reports": "psychol rep",
"journal of the hydraulics division-asce": "j hydr eng div-asce",
"journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology": "j neurosurg anesth",
"biological psychology": "biol psychol",
"journal of applied mechanics-transactions of the asme": "j appl mech-t asme",
"ieee transactions on components packaging and manufacturing technology part a": "ieee t compon pack a",
"journal of mathematical physics": "j math phys",
"recherche": "recherche",
"japanese journal of pharmacology": "jpn j pharmacol",
"nucleus-cambridge": "nucleus-cambridge",
"journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines": "j child psychol psyc",
"iee proceedings-b electric power applications": "iee proc-b",
"american journal of hospital pharmacy": "am j hosp pharm",
"annals of clinical and laboratory science": "ann clin lab sci",
"otechestvennaya istoriya": "otechestv istoriya",
"nuovo cimento della societa italiana di fisica b-general physics relativity astronomy and mathematical physics and methods": "nuovo cimento b",
"journal of avian biology": "j avian biol",
"journal of humanistic psychology": "j humanist psychol",
"toxicology": "toxicology",
"journal of consumer product flammability": "j consum prod flamma",
"surveys in geophysics": "surv geophys",
"matematica aplicada e computacional": "mat apl comput",
"american family physician": "am fam physician",
"in session-psychotherapy in practice": "in session-psychoth",
"soundings": "soundings",
"psychological science": "psychol sci",
"carbohydrate polymers": "carbohyd polym",
"annals of nutrition and metabolism": "ann nutr metab",
"tierarztliche umschau": "tierarztl umschau",
"journal of vascular surgery": "j vasc surg",
"pensamiento": "pensamiento",
"nouvelles questions feministes": "nouv quest fem",
"musik und kirche": "musik kirche",
"bioorganic & medicinal chemistry": "bioorgan med chem",
"biochimica et biophysica acta-bioenergetics": "bba-bioenergetics",
"control and computers": "control comput",
"wire journal international": "wire j int",
"origins of life and evolution of the biosphere": "origins life evol b",
"journal of forensic psychiatry": "j forensic psychiatr",
"journal of the association of official analytical chemists": "j assoc off ana chem",
"stanford journal of international law": "stanford j int law",
"urban ecology": "urban ecol",
"poetica-zeitschrift fur sprach-und literaturwissenschaft": "poetica",
"microchemical journal": "microchem j",
"journal of applied geophysics": "j appl geophys",
"acta polytechnica scandinavica-chemical technology series": "acta polytech sc ch",
"russian politics and law": "russ polit law",
"journal of immunology": "j immunol",
"journal of real estate finance and economics": "j real estate financ",
"optical information systems": "opt inf syst",
"anales de la asociacion quimica argentina": "an asoc quim argent",
"veterinary practice staff": "vet pract staff",
"southern humanities review": "southern human rev",
"food microbiology": "food microbiol",
"pediatric neurology": "pediatr neurol",
"microbios": "microbios",
"indian journal of agricultural research": "indian j agr res",
"international clinical psychopharmacology": "int clin psychopharm",
"knowledge organization": "knowl organ",
"institute of physics conference series": "inst phys conf ser",
"ieee computer applications in power": "ieee comput appl pow",
"experimental biology": "exp biol",
"journal of sociology": "j sociol",
"journal of information storage and processing systems": "j inf stor proc syst",
"seventeenth century": "seventeenth cent",
"siam journal on algebraic and discrete methods": "siam j algebra discr",
"near eastern archaeology": "near east archaeol",
"current genetics": "curr genet",
"journal of family welfare": "j fam welfare",
"journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation": "j vet diagn invest",
"eire-ireland": "eire-ireland",
"journal of archaeological research": "j archaeol res",
"annales zoologici fennici": "ann zool fenn",
"computerized radiology": "comput radiol",
"industrial lubrication and tribology": "ind lubr tribol",
"lasers in engineering": "laser eng",
"language and speech": "lang speech",
"automotive industries": "automot ind",
"world archaeology": "world archaeol",
"arkansas historical quarterly": "arkansas hist quart",
"marine geology": "mar geol",
"durham university journal": "durham univ j",
"neuroscience research": "neurosci res",
"drustvena istrazivanja": "drus istraz",
"geriatric cardiovascular medicine": "geriatr cardiovasc",
"zeitschrift fur naturforschung section a-a journal of physical sciences": "z naturforsch a",
"veterinarski arhiv": "vet arhiv",
"preservation": "preservation",
"anti-cancer drug design": "anti-cancer drug des",
"methods for monitoring and diagnosing the efficiency of catalytic converters: a patent-oriented survey": "stud surf sci catal",
"international review of education": "int rev educ",
"surgical clinics of north america": "surg clin n am",
"gec-journal of science & technology": "gec-j sci technol",
"virchows archiv a-pathological anatomy and histopathology": "virchows arch a",
"chirurgische gastroenterologie": "chir gastroenterol",
"canadian plant disease survey": "can plant dis surv",
"new england quarterly-a historical review of new england life and letters": "new engl quart",
"wind and structures": "wind struct",
"developmental brain dysfunction": "dev brain dysfunct",
"journal of petroleum science and engineering": "j petrol sci eng",
"european journal of pharmaceutical sciences": "eur j pharm sci",
"journal of glaciology": "j glaciol",
"microcirculation-london": "microcirculation-lon",
"community dentistry and oral epidemiology": "community dent oral",
"acta pharmaceutica": "acta pharmaceut",
"uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk": "usp fiz nauk+",
"academic emergency medicine": "acad emerg med",
"american journal of nursing": "am j nurs",
"journal of heredity": "j hered",
"transactions of the american neurological association": "t am neurol assoc",
"radiation research": "radiat res",
"international economic review": "int econ rev",
"journal of technical topics in civil engineering-asce": "j tech top civ-asce",
"systematic zoology": "syst zool",
"cimaise": "cimaise",
"supramolecular science": "supramol sci",
"life support systems": "life support syst",
"liver transplantation and surgery": "liver transplant sur",
"social behavior and personality": "soc behav personal",
"progressive architecture": "prog archit",
"foot & ankle international": "foot ankle int",
"control and cybernetics": "control cybern",
"alcohol and drug research": "alcohol drug res",
"journal of vlsi signal processing systems for signal image and video technology": "j vlsi sig process s",
"public welfare": "public welfare",
"biochimica et biophysica acta-reviews on cancer": "bba-rev cancer",
"anales de quimica serie c-quimica organica y bioquimica": "an quim c-org bioq",
"fish & shellfish immunology": "fish shellfish immun",
"assembly automation": "assembly autom",
"accounts of chemical research": "accounts chem res",
"mining engineering": "min eng-littleton",
"clinical hemorheology": "clin hemorheol",
"korea polymer journal": "korea polym j",
"dialectica": "dialectica",
"journal of the optical society of america b-optical physics": "j opt soc am b",
"journal of prosthetic dentistry": "j prosthet dent",
"bulletin of the institute of classical studies": "b i class stud",
"health communication": "health commun",
"minerva": "minerva",
"sea technology": "sea technol",
"geological magazine": "geol mag",
"journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics": "j biomol struct dyn",
"journal of polymer research-taiwan": "j polym res-taiwan",
"yonsei medical journal": "yonsei med j",
"quest": "quest",
"canadian journal of mathematics-journal canadien de mathematiques": "can j math",
"korean journal of defense analysis": "korean j def anal",
"animal blood groups and biochemical genetics": "anim genet",
"adaptive behavior": "adapt behav",
"antisense & nucleic acid drug development": "antisense nucleic a",
"journal of economic theory": "j econ theory",
"progress in allergy": "prog allergy",
"european journal of heart failure": "eur j heart fail",
"aquatic insects": "aquat insect",
"british journal of pharmacology": "brit j pharmacol",
"khimicheskaya fizika": "khim fiz",
"journal of seed technology": "j seed technol",
"journal of the learning sciences": "j learn sci",
"quality in health care": "qual health care",
"aircraft & aerospace asia-pacific": "aircr aerosp asia-pa",
"journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia": "j mammary gland biol",
"psychological medicine": "psychol med",
"american journal of semiotics": "am j semiotics",
"indian journal of plant physiology": "indian j plant physi",
"etz archiv": "etz archiv",
"research communications in psychology psychiatry and behavior": "res commun psych psy",
"national wildlife": "natl wildlife",
"population bulletin": "popul bull",
"bulletin of the polish academy of sciences-earth sciences": "b pol acad sci-earth",
"technology and disability": "technol disabil",
"new zealand medical journal": "new zeal med j",
"ergodic theory and dynamical systems": "ergod theor dyn syst",
"economic journal": "econ j",
"journal of the american animal hospital association": "j am anim hosp assoc",
"history of education quarterly": "hist educ quart",
"international journal of computer mathematics": "int j comput math",
"soil and crop science society of florida proceedings": "soil crop sci soc fl",
"journal of electron microscopy technique": "j electron micr tech",
"journal of biotechnology": "j biotechnol",
"international journal of food science and technology": "int j food sci tech",
"positions-east asia cultures critique": "positions-e asia cul",
"classical bulletin": "classical bull",
"infectious disease clinics of north america": "infect dis clin n am",
"religion": "religion",
"unified modeling language": "lect notes comput sc",
"university of pennsylvania journal of international business law": "u penn j int bus law",
"journal of invasive cardiology": "j invasive cardiol",
"high temperatures-high pressures": "high temp-high press",
"quarterly journal of engineering geology": "q j eng geol",
"earth science": "earth sci",
"ultrastructural pathology": "ultrastruct pathol",
"acta obstetricia et gynecologica scandinavica": "acta obstet gyn scan",
"zhurnal neorganicheskoi khimii": "zh neorg khim+",
"journal of invertebrate pathology": "j invertebr pathol",
"marine chemistry": "mar chem",
"bioessays": "bioessays",
"hakkokogaku kaishi-journal of the society of fermentation technology": "hakkokogaku kaishi",
"physics and chemistry of minerals": "phys chem miner",
"biomarkers": "biomarkers",
"annales des sciences naturelles-botanique et biologie vegetale": "ann sci nat bot biol",
"aba journal": "aba j",
"british polymer journal": "brit polym j",
"revista da sociedade brasileira de zootecnia-journal of the brazilian society of animal science": "rev soc bras zootecn",
"journal of clinical virology": "j clin virol",
"aggression and violent behavior": "aggress violent beh",
"rethinking history": "rethink hist",
"new zealand journal of ecology": "new zeal j ecol",
"sobornost incorporating eastern churches review": "sobornost e church r",
"bee world": "bee world",
"oral surgery oral medicine oral pathology oral radiology and endodontics": "oral surg oral med o",
"international journal of nursing studies": "int j nurs stud",
"applied radiation and isotopes": "appl radiat isotopes",
"hawaii medical journal": "hawaii med j",
"evolution & development": "evol dev",
"international review of hydrobiology": "int rev hydrobiol",
"bulletin du museum national d histoire naturelle-section b adansonia": "b mus natl hist nat",
"crystal structure communications": "cryst struct commun",
"bird conservation international": "bird conserv int",
"gerontologist": "gerontologist",
"materials chemistry": "mater chem",
"communications in mathematical physics": "commun math phys",
"journal of the history of philosophy": "j hist philos",
"biochimica et biophysica acta-lipids and lipid metabolism": "bba-lipid lipid met",
"iee proceedings-generation transmission and distribution": "iee p-gener transm d",
"environmental mutagenesis": "environ mutagen",
"composites engineering": "compos eng",
"clinical obstetrics and gynecology": "clin obstet gynecol",
"span": "span",
"journal of urban history": "j urban hist",
"siemens forschungs-und entwicklungsberichte-siemens research and development reports": "siemens forsch entw",
"refractories journal": "refract j",
"bioscience": "bioscience",
"metropolitan museum of art bulletin": "metropol mus art b",
"acta botanica indica": "acta bot indica",
"recent results in cancer research": "recent res cancer",
"connector specifier": "connector specifier",
"gene geography": "gene geogr",
"journal of experimental animal science": "j exp anim sci",
"acta paediatrica japonica": "acta paediatr japon",
"journal of geotechnical engineering-asce": "j geotech eng-asce",
"journal of computer assisted tomography": "j comput assist tomo",
"clinical trials and meta-analysis": "clin trial meta-anal",
"european journal of organic chemistry": "eur j org chem",
"comptes rendus de l academie des sciences serie i-mathematique": "cr acad sci i-math",
"journal of the copyright society of the usa": "j copyright soc usa",
"silvae genetica": "silvae genet",
"journal of reproduction and fertility": "j reprod fertil",
"journal of bacteriology": "j bacteriol",
"international hepatology communications": "int hepatol commun",
"journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences": "j pharm pharm sci",
"israel journal of medical sciences": "israel j med sci",
"journal of spinal disorders": "j spinal disord",
"byzantine and modern greek studies": "byzantine mod greek",
"spectroscopy": "spectroscopy",
"american journal of medical genetics": "am j med genet",
"toshiba review": "toshiba rev",
"urologia internationalis": "urol int",
"molecular and general genetics": "mol gen genet",
"clinics in haematology": "clin haematol",
"international journal of software engineering and knowledge engineering": "int j softw eng know",
"american journal of legal history": "am j legal hist",
"journal of medieval history": "j medieval hist",
"veterinary parasitology": "vet parasitol",
"overland": "overland",
"proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part a-journal of power and energy": "p i mech eng a-j pow",
"experimental thermal and fluid science": "exp therm fluid sci",
"accounting review": "account rev",
"ieee transactions on electromagnetic compatibility": "ieee t electromagn c",
"american anthropologist": "am anthropol",
"soviet physics acoustics-ussr": "sov phys acoust+",
"utah science": "utah sci",
"journal of the textile institute": "j text i",
"isokinetics and exercise science": "isokinet exerc sci",
"computing systems": "comput syst sci eng",
"nordisk psykologi": "nord psykol",
"north carolina medical journal": "n c med j",
"new zealand journal of geology and geophysics": "new zeal j geol geop",
"uranium": "uranium",
"american journal of speech-language pathology": "am j speech-lang pat",
"corrosion reviews": "corros rev",
"acustica": "acustica",
"journal of immunoassay": "j immunoassay",
"journal of high energy physics": "j high energy phys",
"journal of neural transplantation & plasticity": "j neural transp plas",
"journal of the communications research laboratory": "j commun res lab",
"plastics engineering": "plast eng",
"tijdschrift voor nederlandse taal-en letterkunde": "tijdschr ned taal l",
"muscle & nerve": "muscle nerve",
"neurochemistry international": "neurochem int",
"biological & pharmaceutical bulletin": "biol pharm bull",
"genetic analysis-biomolecular engineering": "genet anal-biomol e",
"revue des sciences humaines": "rev sci humaines",
"international journal of systematic bacteriology": "int j syst bacteriol",
"architectural design": "archit design",
"materials science in semiconductor processing": "mat sci semicon proc",
"marine environmental research": "mar environ res",
"applied entomology and zoology": "appl entomol zool",
"russkaia literatura": "russ literatura",
"indian journal of agricultural sciences": "indian j agr sci",
"cardiology in the young": "cardiol young",
"infant behavior & development": "infant behav dev",
"fullerene science and technology": "fullerene sci techn",
"social work": "soc work",
"journal of management information systems": "j manage inform syst",
"journal of applied ichthyology-zeitschrift fur angewandte ichthyologie": "j appl ichthyol",
"current opinion in neurology": "curr opin neurol",
"philosophy east & west": "philos east west",
"integrated computer-aided engineering": "integr comput-aid e",
"contemporary psychoanalysis": "contemp psychoanal",
"water pollution control": "water pollut control",
"international biodeterioration bulletin": "int biodeterior",
"laboratory animal science": "lab anim sci",
"phytopathology": "phytopathology",
"reports from the kevo subarctic research station": "rep kevo subarctic",
"human mutation": "hum mutat",
"photodermatology photoimmunology & photomedicine": "photodermatol photo",
"international journal of impact engineering": "int j impact eng",
"international journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics abstracts": "int j rock mech min",
"jsme international journal series i-solid mechanics strength of materials": "jsme int j i-solid m",
"revista do instituto de medicina tropical de sao paulo": "rev i med trop",
"journal of health and social behavior": "j health soc behav",
"archives of virology": "arch virol",
"novenytermeles": "novenytermeles",
"soil science and plant nutrition": "soil sci plant nutr",
"historical archaeology": "hist archaeol",
"claudel studies": "claudel stud",
"environment and behavior": "environ behav",
"philips journal of research": "philips j res",
"review of research in education,
1994": "rev res educ",
"neftyanoe khozyaistvo": "neft khoz",
"journal of natural toxins": "j nat toxins",
"journal of engineering for power-transactions of the asme": "j eng power-t asme",
"journal of architectural education": "j archit educ",
"proceedings of the koninklijke nederlandse akademie van wetenschappen": "p k ned akad wetensc",
"european urban and regional studies": "eur urban reg stud",
"superconductor science & technology": "supercond sci tech",
"ieee transactions on very large scale integration vlsi systems": "ieee t vlsi syst",
"journal of superconductivity": "j supercond",
"leonardo": "leonardo",
"crc critical reviews in biomedical engineering": "crit rev biomed eng",
"best practice & research clinical endocrinology & metabolism": "best pract res cl en",
"heythrop journal-a quarterly review of philosophy and theology": "heythrop j",
"european journal of nuclear medicine": "eur j nucl med",
"proceedings of the royal irish academy section a-mathematical and physical sciences": "p roy irish acad a",
"johns hopkins medical journal": "johns hopkins med j",
"east european quarterly": "e eur quart",
"biomass": "biomass",
"habitat international": "habitat int",
"diagnostic cytopathology": "diagn cytopathol",
"catalysis by microporous materials": "stud surf sci catal",
"doklady akademii nauk": "dokl akad nauk+",
"archiv der pharmazie": "arch pharm",
"main group metal chemistry": "main group met chem",
"journal of lipid mediators": "j lipid mediator",
"mitteilungen des kunsthistorischen institutes in florenz": "mitt kunsthist i flo",
"journal of clinical pathology": "j clin pathol",
"australian telecommunication research": "aust telecommun res",
"computers & graphics-uk": "comput graph-uk",
"ieee robotics & automation magazine": "ieee robot autom mag",
"american journal of psychotherapy": "am j psychother",
"structural optimization": "struct optimization",
"dermatologic surgery": "dermatol surg",
"journal of the japanese society for food science and technology-nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi": "j jpn soc food sci",
"m d computing": "m d comput",
"pharmacopsychiatry": "pharmacopsychiatry",
"husserl studies": "husserl stud",
"biochemical and molecular medicine": "biochem mol med",
"ntt review": "ntt review",
"technical communication": "tech commun",
"metal science": "met sci",
"transportation research part c-emerging technologies": "transport res c-emer",
"ibis": "ibis",
"astronomy letters-a journal of astronomy and space astrophysics": "astron lett+",
"liebigs annalen-recueil": "liebigs ann-recl",
"psychometrika": "psychometrika",
"brain research reviews": "brain res rev",
"agriculture in northern ireland": "agr northern ireland",
"wildlife monographs": "wildlife monogr",
"adsorption-journal of the international adsorption society": "adsorption",
"international journal of robotics & automation": "int j robot autom",
"xenotransplantation": "xenotransplantation",
"fruit varieties journal": "fruit varieties j",
"dopovidi akademii nauk ukrainskoi rsr seriya b-geologichni khimichni ta biologichni nauki": "dopov akad nauk b",
"veliger": "veliger",
"philosophical review": "philos rev",
"aphasiology": "aphasiology",
"journal of molecular structure-theochem": "j mol struc-theochem",
"zeitschrift fur parasitenkunde-parasitology research": "z parasitenkd",
"clinical social work journal": "clin soc work j",
"psychopharmakotherapie": "psychopharmakotherap",
"journal of engineering and applied sciences": "j eng appl sci",
"computer fraud & security": "comput fraud secur",
"annals of forest science": "ann for sci",
"annals of plastic surgery": "ann plas surg",
"progress in respiratory research": "prog r res",
"zeitschrift fur gastroenterologie": "z gastroenterol",
"energietechnik": "energietechnik",
"toxic substance mechanisms": "tox subst mech",
"perfusion": "perfusion",
"zeitschrift des deutschen vereins fur kunstwissenschaft": "z deut ver kunstwiss",
"international review of african american art": "int rev afr am art",
"keats-shelley review": "keats-shelley rev",
"mechanics of cohesive-frictional materials": "mech cohes-frict mat",
"oryx": "oryx",
"journal fur praktische chemie-chemiker-zeitung": "j prak chem-chem ztg",
"agricultural education magazine": "agr educ mag",
"journal of narrative technique": "j narrative tech",
"acta medica scandinavica": "acta med scand",
"speech communication": "speech commun",
"organic magnetic resonance": "org magn resonance",
"clinical research": "clin res",
"psicologia conductual": "psicol conduct",
"transactions american society for artificial internal organs": "t am soc art int org",
"comparative literature studies": "comp literature stud",
"human genome news": "hum genome news",
"journal of plasma physics": "j plasma phys",
"talanta": "talanta",
"economic geography": "econ geogr",
"archives of oto-rhino-laryngology-archiv fur ohren-nasen-und kehlkopfheilkunde": "arch oto-rhino-laryn",
"usda forest service pacific southwest research station research paper": "usda for serv psw r",
"political theory": "polit theory",
"tumor biology": "tumor biol",
"virginia law review": "va law rev",
"geometric and functional analysis": "geom funct anal",
"nematology": "nematology",
"proceedings of the koninklijke nederlandse akademie van wetenschappen series a-mathematical sciences": "p k ned akad a math",
"micron and microscopica acta": "micron microsc acta",
"urologic oncology": "urol oncol",
"journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity": "j geomagn geoelectr",
"acta botanica academiae scientiarum hungaricae": "acta bot hung",
"journal of physics g-nuclear and particle physics": "j phys g nucl partic",
"college music symposium": "coll music sym",
"journal of african history": "j afr hist",
"american scientist": "am sci",
"microbial pathogenesis": "microb pathogenesis",
"mathematica scandinavica": "math scand",
"semiconductors and semimetals": "semiconduct semimet",
"cold regions science and technology": "cold reg sci technol",
"neuro-ophthalmology": "neuro-ophthalmology",
"economic and political weekly": "econ polit weekly",
"semiconductors and insulators": "semicond insul",
"dynamics and stability of systems": "dynam stabil syst",
"zentralblatt fur bakteriologie-international journal of medical microbiology virology parasitology and infectious diseases": "zbl bakt-int j med m",
"arbeitsmedizin sozialmedizin praventivmedizin": "arb sozialmed praven",
"byron journal": "byron j",
"computers & security": "comput secur",
"orthopade": "orthopade",
"texas journal of science": "tex j sci",
"international journal of climatology": "int j climatol",
"clinical autonomic research": "clin auton res",
"journal of apicultural research": "j apicult res",
"obstetrics and gynecology clinics of north america": "obstet gyn clin n am",
"proceedings of the japan academy series b-physical and biological sciences": "p jpn acad b-phys",
"endoscopy": "endoscopy",
"journal of electroceramics": "j electroceram",
"russian mathematical surveys": "russ math surv+",
"in practice": "in practice",
"avian pathology": "avian pathol",
"tsitologiya": "tsitologiya+",
"military psychology": "mil psychol",
"journal of ethology": "j ethol",
"journal of pediatric surgery": "j pediatr surg",
"contemporary chinese thought": "contemp chin thought",
"zoomorphology": "zoomorphology",
"international journal of mental health": "int j ment health",
"archives de pediatrie": "arch pediatrie",
"tsi-technique et science informatiques": "tsi-tech sci inf",
"journal of the arnold schoenberg institute": "j arnold schoenberg",
"photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing": "photogramm eng rem s",
"journal of inorganic materials": "j inorg mater",
"journal of baltic studies": "j baltic stud",
"information sciences-applications": "inform sci-appl",
"international journal of zoonoses": "int j zoonoses",
"sedimentology": "sedimentology",
"journal of agricultural biological and environmental statistics": "j agric biol envir s",
"computer vision and image understanding": "comput vis image und",
"journal of reconstructive microsurgery": "j reconstr microsurg",
"italian journal of food science": "ital j food sci",
"bulletin des societes chimiques belges": "b soc chim belg",
"leadership quarterly": "leadership quart",
"annals of tourism research": "ann tourism res",
"food and bioproducts processing": "food bioprod process",
"revista matematica iberoamericana": "rev mat iberoam",
"journal of latin american studies": "j lat am stud",
"critica-revista hispanoamericana de filosofia": "critica",
"head and neck-journal for the sciences and specialties of the head and neck": "head neck-j sci spec",
"fish physiology and biochemistry": "fish physiol biochem",
"journal of bone and mineral metabolism": "j bone miner metab",
"leukemia & lymphoma": "leukemia lymphoma",
"journal of human evolution": "j hum evol",
"flow measurement and instrumentation": "flow meas instrum",
"insight": "insight",
"drevarsky vyskum": "drev vysk",
"proceedings of the institution of civil engineers-structures and buildings": "p i civil eng-str b",
"nuclear technology": "nucl technol",
"quarterly journal of experimental physiology and cognate medical sciences": "q j exp physiol cms",
"zeitschrift fur klinische psychologie-forschung und praxis": "z klin psychol-forsc",
"nervenarzt": "nervenarzt",
"journal of tribology-transactions of the asme": "j tribol-t asme",
"research in nondestructive evaluation": "res nondestruct eval",
"south african statistical journal": "s afr stat j",
"ieee transactions on rehabilitation engineering": "ieee t rehabil eng",
"zeitschrift fur experimentelle und angewandte psychologie": "z exp angew psychol",
"science in china series a-mathematics physics astronomy & technological sciences": "sci china ser a",
"studies in surface science and catalysis": "stud surf sci catal",
"histochemistry and cell biology": "histochem cell biol",
"energy engineering": "energ eng",
"zeitschrift fur geburtshilfe und perinatologie": "z geburtsh perinatol",
"ohio agricultural research and development center special circular": "ohio ardc spec circ",
"african journal of clinical and experimental immunology": "afr j clin exp immun",
"toung pao": "toung pao",
"jcr-journal of clinical rheumatology": "jcr-j clin rheumatol",
"energia es atomtechnika": "energ atomtech",
"inverse problems in engineering": "inverse probl eng",
"ieee transactions on information theory": "ieee t inform theory",
"journal of psychosocial oncology": "j psychosoc oncol",
"journal of agricultural engineering research": "j agr eng res",
"cancer communications": "cancer commun",
"journal of cutaneous pathology": "j cutan pathol",
"zeitschrift fur psychosomatische medizin und psychotherapie": "z psychosom med psyc",
"transplant immunology": "transpl immunol",
"semiconductor science and technology": "semicond sci tech",
"causal learning": "psychol learn motiv",
"applied measurement in education": "appl meas educ",
"crisis intervention and time-limited treatment": "crisis interv time-l",
"acta veterinaria academiae scientiarum hungaricae": "acta vet acad sci h",
"bulletin of the belgian mathematical society-simon stevin": "b belg math soc-sim",
"zeitschrift fur klinische psychologie psychiatrie und psychotherapie": "z klin psychol psych",
"progress in energy and combustion science": "prog energ combust",
"northwestern university law review": "northwest u law rev",
"social work & social sciences review": "soc work soc sci rev",
"journal of the illuminating engineering society": "j illum eng soc",
"bell labs technical journal": "bell labs tech j",
"advances in inorganic chemistry": "adv inorg chem rad",
"cancer practice": "cancer pract",
"western electric engineer": "western electr eng",
"computational & theoretical polymer science": "comput theor polym s",
"tellus series b-chemical and physical meteorology": "tellus b",
"advances in brain vasopressin": "prog brain res",
"international journal of impotence research": "int j impot res",
"scandinavian journal of primary health care": "scand j prim health",
"journal of molluscan studies": "j mollus stud",
"british educational research journal": "brit educ res j",
"physica b & c": "physica b & c",
"zeitschrift fur deutsche philologie": "z deut philol",
"journal of heart and lung transplantation": "j heart lung transpl",
"journal of molecular graphics": "j mol graphics",
"studies in eighteenth-century culture": "stud eighteenth-cent",
"veterinary journal": "vet j",
"music & letters": "music lett",
"inquiry-the journal of health care organization provision and financing": "inquiry-j health car",
"meta": "meta",
"leonardo music journal": "leonardo music j",
"wildlife society bulletin": "wildlife soc b",
"experimental physiology": "exp physiol",
"european journal of medicinal chemistry": "eur j med chem",
"media culture & society": "media cult soc",
"cancer research therapy & control": "cancer res ther cont",
"russian journal of nematology": "russ j nematol",
"revista de critica literaria latinoamericana": "rev crit lit latino",
"matrix": "matrix",
"infection and immunity": "infect immun",
"microscope": "microscope",
"bulletin of the veterinary institute in pulawy": "b vet i pulawy",
"energy communications": "energ commun",
"zeitschrift fur geomorphologie": "z geomorphol",
"contemporary psychology-apa review of books": "contemp psychol",
"international journal of multiphase flow": "int j multiphas flow",
"indian journal of social work": "indian j soc work",
"parazitologiya": "parazitologiya+",
"biotechnology software journal": "biotechnol softw j",
"advances in atomic and molecular physics": "adv atom mol phys",
"tempo": "tempo",
"leukemia": "leukemia",
"kidney & blood pressure research": "kidney blood press r",
"national institute of animal health quarterly": "natl i anim health q",
"journal of interventional cardiology": "j interv cardiol",
"neuroendocrinology": "neuroendocrinology",
"journal of world prehistory": "j world prehist",
"wyoming agricultural experiment station bulletin": "wyo aes bull",
"rivista italiana di musicologia": "riv ital music",
"ieice transactions on communications electronics information and systems": "ieice trans commun",
"international journal of fertility and menopausal studies": "int j fertil menop s",
"biochemical pharmacology": "biochem pharmacol",
"molecular simulation": "mol simulat",
"chemioterapia": "chemioterapia",
"australian water resources council technical paper": "aust water resour co",
"journal of applied social psychology": "j appl soc psychol",
"theory culture & society": "theor cult soc",
"international journal of human-computer interaction": "int j hum-comput int",
"annual review of cell and developmental biology": "annu rev cell dev bi",
"geographical review": "geogr rev",
"chemie der erde-geochemistry": "chem erde-geochem",
"kenyon review": "kenyon rev",
"landwirtschaftliche forschung": "landwirt forsch",
"polish journal of pharmacology": "pol j pharmacol",
"school psychology review": "school psychol rev",
"vestnik rossiiskoi akademii nauk": "vestn ros akad nauk+",
"american journal of hypertension": "am j hypertens",
"marine policy": "mar policy",
"scottish geographical journal": "scott geogr j",
"journal of clinical pharmacology": "j clin pharmacol",
"revista mexicana de astronomia y astrofisica": "rev mex astron astr",
"amyloid-international journal of experimental and clinical investigation": "amyloid",
"human development": "hum dev",
"applied immunohistochemistry & molecular morphology": "appl immunohisto m m",
"febs letters": "febs lett",
"marine geodesy": "mar geod",
"humor-international journal of humor research": "humor",
"germanic review": "ger rev",
"cahiers de biologie marine": "cah biol mar",
"progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry": "prog neuro-psychoph",
"international journal of high speed computing": "int j high speed com",
"harvard law review": "harvard law rev",
"physics and chemistry of glasses": "phys chem glasses",
"gynaecological endoscopy": "gynaecol endosc",
"confinia cephalalgica": "confin cephalalgica",
"tenside surfactants detergents": "tenside surfact det",
"journal of cardiovascular risk": "j cardiovasc risk",
"forschende komplementarmedizin": "forsch komplementmed",
"journal of differential geometry": "j differ geom",
"nutrition and cancer-an international journal": "nutr cancer",
"central african journal of medicine": "cent afr j med",
"journal of surgical research": "j surg res",
"journal of teaching in physical education": "j teach phys educ",
"archives of dermatological research": "arch dermatol res",
"journal of economic perspectives": "j econ perspect",
"spectrochimica acta part b-atomic spectroscopy": "spectrochim acta b",
"forstwissenschaftliches centralblatt": "forstwiss centralbl",
"journal of molecular catalysis b-enzymatic": "j mol catal b-enzym",
"journal francais d oto-rhino-laryngologie": "j fr otorhinolaryng",
"journal of fire sciences": "j fire sci",
"journal of economic entomology": "j econ entomol",
"developments in ophthalmology": "dev ophthalmol",
"international journal of social psychiatry": "int j soc psychiatr",
"journal of psychohistory": "j psychohist",
"acta biologica academiae scientiarum hungaricae": "acta biol acad sci h",
"phytoparasitica": "phytoparasitica",
"european journal of morphology": "eur j morphol",
"edf letter": "edf lett",
"prensa medica argentina": "prensa med argent",
"mammalian genome": "mamm genome",
"sociological spectrum": "sociol spectrum",
"who expert committee on biological standardization,
forty-fifth report": "who tech rep ser",
"annual review of information science and technology": "annu rev inform sci",
"acta chemica scandinavica series b-organic chemistry and biochemistry": "acta chem scand b",
"behavioral healthcare tomorrow": "behav healthc tom",
"indian journal of biochemistry & biophysics": "indian j biochem bio",
"connection science": "connect sci",
"mircen-journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology": "mircen j appl microb",
"irish journal of agricultural research": "irish j agr res",
"atmospheric environment part b-urban atmosphere": "atmos environ b-urb",
"crystal research and technology": "cryst res technol",
"filosofia": "filosofia",
"journal of rural development": "j rural develop",
"verpackungs rundschau": "verpack rundsch",
"international journal of oncology": "int j oncol",
"journal of toxicology-cutaneous and ocular toxicology": "j toxicol-cutan ocul",
"proceedings of the japan academy series a-mathematical sciences": "p jpn acad a-math",
"revue de chimie minerale": "rev chim miner",
"sra-journal of the society of research administrators": "sra-j soc res admin",
"asaio journal": "asaio j",
"advances in organometallic chemistry": "adv organomet chem",
"time & society": "time soc",
"journal of personality disorders": "j pers disord",
"infrared physics & technology": "infrared phys techn",
"computers & mathematics with applications": "comput math appl",
"journal of clinical chemistry and clinical biochemistry": "j clin chem clin bio",
"archiv fur acker und pflanzenbau und bodenkunde-archives of agronomy and soil science": "arch acker pfl boden",
"molecular reproduction and development": "mol reprod dev",
"publications of the astronomical society of australia": "publ astron soc aust",
"journal of synthetic organic chemistry japan": "j syn org chem jpn",
"yakugaku zasshi-journal of the pharmaceutical society of japan": "yakugaku zasshi",
"computational optimization and applications": "comput optim appl",
"pediatric neurosurgery": "pediatr neurosurg",
"indian journal of engineering and materials sciences": "indian j eng mater s",
"izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii matematika": "izv vuz mat+",
"european chemical news": "eur chem news",
"medical laboratory sciences": "med lab sci",
"sculpture review": "sculpt rev",
"israel journal of chemistry": "israel j chem",
"medical physics": "med phys",
"journal of thermal analysis": "j therm anal",
"holocaust and genocide studies": "holocaust genocide s",
"reviews in perinatal medicine": "rev perinatal med",
"schmerz": "schmerz",
"journal of palestine studies": "j palestine stud",
"protoplasma": "protoplasma",
"economist": "economist",
"real-time imaging": "real-time imaging",
"social cognition": "soc cognition",
"acta zoologica sinica": "acta zool sinica",
"biomedicine express": "biomed express",
"journal of experimental marine biology and ecology": "j exp mar biol ecol",
"canadian journal of civil engineering": "can j civil eng",
"plant physiology": "plant physiol",
"skandinavistik": "skandinavistik",
"critica hispanica": "critica hispanica",
"molecules": "molecules",
"health & place": "health place",
"zeitschrift fur antikes christentum-journal of ancient christianity": "z antikes christ-j a",
"neurochemical pathology": "neurochem pathol",
"michigan agricultural experiment station research report": "mich aes res rep",
"journal of micromechanics and microengineering": "j micromech microeng",
"mutation research-genomics": "mutat res-genomics",
"journal of audiovisual media in medicine": "j audiov media med",
"millennium film journal": "millennium film j",
"molecular ecology": "mol ecol",
"papers in meteorology and geophysics": "pap meteorol geophys",
"pharmacology biochemistry and behavior": "pharmacol biochem be",
"litterature": "litterature",
"archives of biology": "arch biol",
"gummi asbest kunststoffe": "gummi fasern kunstst",
"millennium-journal of international studies": "millennium-j int st",
"japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine": "jpn j phys fit sport",
"pacific science": "pac sci",
"archivum immunologiae et therapiae experimentalis": "arch immunol ther ex",
"deutsche entomologische zeitschrift": "deut entomol z",
"baillieres clinical endocrinology and metabolism": "bailliere clin endoc",
"esprit createur": "esprit createur",
"quaternary international": "quatern int",
"polymer journal": "polym j",
"nuc compact-european-american communications in nuclear medicine": "nuc compact",
"american journal of nephrology": "am j nephrol",
"journal of neurology neurosurgery and psychiatry": "j neurol neurosur ps",
"acm transactions on computer systems": "acm t comput syst",
"japanese journal of tropical agriculture": "jpn j trop agr",
"canine practice": "canine pract",
"marine technology and sname news": "mar technol sname n",
"journal of agricultural and resource economics": "j agr resour econ",
"veterinary quarterly": "vet quart",
"insula-revista de letras y ciencias humanas": "insula",
"reviews in fish biology and fisheries": "rev fish biol fisher",
"canadian literature": "can literature",
"therapeutische umschau": "ther umsch",
"international journal of psycho-analysis": "int j psychoanal",
"izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii fizika": "izv vuz fiz+",
"epidemiology and infection": "epidemiol infect",
"analusis": "analusis",
"geburtshilfe und frauenheilkunde": "geburtsh frauenheilk",
"archives of gynecology": "arch gynecol obstet",
"journal of the royal astronomical society of canada": "j roy astron soc can",
"information management": "inform manage",
"clinical reviews in allergy": "clin rev allerg",
"journal of librarianship and information science": "j libr inf sci",
"journal of stored products research": "j stored prod res",
"pure and applied chemistry": "pure appl chem",
"interfaces in computing": "interface comput",
"biofutur": "biofutur",
"vigiliae christianae": "vigiliae christian",
"american educational research journal": "am educ res j",
"european journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology": "eur j appl microbiol",
"environmetrics": "environmetrics",
"developmental review": "dev rev",
"digestive and liver disease": "digest liver dis",
"japanese journal of experimental medicine": "jpn j exp med",
"hematological oncology": "hematol oncol",
"progress in oceanography": "prog oceanogr",
"colorado school of mines quarterly": "colo school mines q",
"ieee parallel & distributed technology": "ieee parall distrib",
"american journal of physical anthropology": "am j phys anthropol",
"thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon": "thorac cardiov surg",
"geologica carpathica": "geol carpath",
"death studies": "death stud",
"journal of pharmacological methods": "j pharmacol method",
"engineering structures": "eng struct",
"knowledge engineering review": "knowl eng rev",
"ieee journal of selected topics in quantum electronics": "ieee j sel top quant",
"journal of the canadian historical association-revue de la societe historique du canada": "j can hist assoc",
"australian psychologist": "aust psychol",
"composites manufacturing": "compos manuf",
"ars combinatoria": "ars combinatoria",
"computational statistics & data analysis": "comput stat data an",
"coordination chemistry reviews": "coordin chem rev",
"rice journal": "rice j",
"endocrinologia japonica": "endocrinol japon",
"journal of neuroendocrinology": "j neuroendocrinol",
"ophthalmic research": "ophthalmic res",
"general relativity and gravitation": "gen relat gravit",
"eclogae geologicae helvetiae": "eclogae geol helv",
"pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira": "pesqui agropecu bras",
"journal of sedimentary petrology": "j sediment petrol",
"zeitschrift fur psychologie": "z psychol",
"chaos solitons & fractals": "chaos soliton fract",
"cryptogamie bryologie": "cryptogam bryol",
"milbank quarterly": "milbank q",
"documenta ophthalmologica": "doc ophthalmol",
"fuzzy sets and systems": "fuzzy set syst",
"american journal of obstetrics and gynecology": "am j obstet gynecol",
"microcirculation": "microcirculation",
"journal of regulatory economics": "j regul econ",
"european biophysics journal with biophysics letters": "eur biophys j biophy",
"deutsche zahnarztliche zeitschrift": "deut zahnaerztl z",
"siam review": "siam rev",
"canadian journal of behavioural science-revue canadienne des sciences du comportement": "can j behav sci",
"tumordiagnostik & therapie": "tumordiagn ther",
"quarterly reviews of biophysics": "q rev biophys",
"clinical imaging": "clin imag",
"confluencia-revista hispanica de cultura y literatura": "confluencia",
"european journal of respiratory diseases": "eur j respir dis",
"zeitschrift fur pflanzenphysiologie": "z pflanzenphysiol",
"global change biology": "glob change biol",
"immunological reviews": "immunol rev",
"metalurgija": "metalurgija",
"journal of endovascular surgery": "j endovasc surg",
"journal of cryptology": "j cryptol",
"community development journal": "community dev j",
"zeitschrift fur geschichtswissenschaft": "z geschichtswiss",
"terrestrial atmospheric and oceanic sciences": "terr atmos ocean sci",
"clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology": "clin diagn lab immun",
"diagnostic oncology": "diagn oncol",
"journal of applied photographic engineering": "j appl photogr eng",
"progress in neuropathology": "prog neuropath",
"seminars in liver disease": "semin liver dis",
"enzyme and microbial technology": "enzyme microb tech",
"society & natural resources": "soc natur resour",
"journal of synchrotron radiation": "j synchrotron radiat",
"journal of parasitology": "j parasitol",
"biophysical chemistry": "biophys chem",
"westerly": "westerly",
"social biology": "soc biol",
"canadian surveyor-geometre canadien": "can surveyor",
"iie solutions": "iie solutions",
"nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section a-accelerators spectrometers detectors and associated equipment": "nucl instrum meth a",
"journal of music theory": "j music theory",
"american journal of roentgenology": "am j roentgenol",
"mayo clinic proceedings": "mayo clin proc",
"journal of the institute of wood science": "j i wood sci",
"cancer epidemiology biomarkers & prevention": "cancer epidem biomar",
"proceedings of the helminthological society of washington": "p helm soc wash",
"british journal of healthcare computing & information management": "brit j healthc comp",
"scandinavian journal of history": "scand j hist",
"juvenile & family court journal": "juvenile fam court j",
"medicina clinica": "med clin-barcelona",
"montana agricultural experiment station bulletin": "mont aes bull",
"wilhelm rouxs archives of developmental biology": "roux arch dev biol",
"estuaries": "estuaries",
"australian journal of entomology": "aust j entomol",
"progress in optics": "prog optics",
"hydrogeology journal": "hydrogeol j",
"geotechnical testing journal": "geotech test j",
"australasian plant pathology": "australas plant path",
"gastroenterology": "gastroenterology",
"izvestiya akademii nauk sssr fizika zemli": "izv an sssr fiz zem+",
"land degradation & development": "land degrad dev",
"explicator": "explicator",
"research communications in molecular pathology and pharmacology": "res commun mol path",
"paediatric and perinatal epidemiology": "paediatr perinat ep",
"modern china": "mod china",
"marine and freshwater research": "mar freshwater res",
"journal of orthopaedic rheumatology": "j orthop rheumatol",
"gene-combis": "gene-combis",
"radiation and environmental biophysics": "radiat environ bioph",
"textile research journal": "text res j",
"shakespeare survey": "shakespeare surv",
"diabetes": "diabetes",
"lupus": "lupus",
"therapie": "therapie",
"acta sociologica": "acta sociol",
"journal of the mathematical society of japan": "j math soc jpn",
"atw-internationale zeitschrift fur kernenergie": "atw-int z kernenerg",
"tikhookeanskaya geologiya": "tikhookean geol",
"diseases of the colon & rectum": "dis colon rectum",
"microscopy microanalysis microstructures": "microsc microanal m",
"audio": "audio",
"justice system journal": "justice syst j",
"biological membranes": "biol membr",
"atomization and sprays": "atomization spray",
"archiv fur geflugelkunde": "arch geflugelkd",
"asian journal of chemistry": "asian j chem",
"sugar journal": "sugar j",
"wiener slavistisches jahrbuch": "wien slav jahrb",
"journal of biomedical optics": "j biomed opt",
"pathology international": "pathol int",
"journal of computational mathematics": "j comput math",
"journal of business ethics": "j bus ethics",
"applied and environmental microbiology": "appl environ microb",
"archives internationales de physiologie de biochimie et de biophysique": "arch int physiol bio",
"sexual plant reproduction": "sex plant reprod",
"national geographic research": "natl geogr res",
"journal of geophysical research-oceans and atmospheres": "j geophys res-oc atm",
"japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics": "jpn j ind appl math",
"zeitschrift fur philosophische forschung": "z philos forsch",
"neuropsychologia": "neuropsychologia",
"mechanik miesiecznik naukowo-techniczny": "mech mies nauk tech",
"cleveland clinic journal of medicine": "clev clin j med",
"transportation finance,
and management": "transport res rec",
"microbial ecology": "microbial ecol",
"international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease": "int j tuberc lung d",
"studies in american political development": "stud am polit dev",
"blood coagulation & fibrinolysis": "blood coagul fibrin",
"eastern european economics": "eastern eur econ",
"smithsonian": "smithsonian",
"traffic flow theory": "transport res rec",
"sensors and materials": "sensor mater",
"chemical journal of chinese universities-chinese": "chem j chinese u",
"forschende komplementarmedizin und klassische naturheilkunde": "forsch komp klas nat",
"nanotechnology": "nanotechnology",
"schizophrenia research": "schizophr res",
"technometrics": "technometrics",
"placenta": "placenta",
"journal of world history": "j world hist",
"journal of family psychology": "j fam psychol",
"mycologia": "mycologia",
"monatsschrift kinderheilkunde": "monatsschr kinderh",
"acta paediatrica scandinavica": "acta paediatr scand",
"early human development": "early hum dev",
"economic and social review": "econ soc rev",
"zeitschrift fur kirchengeschichte": "z kirchengesch",
"physikalische medizin rehabilitationsmedizin kurortmedizin": "phys med rehab kuror",
"journal of polymer science part a-polymer chemistry": "j polym sci pol chem",
"holocene": "holocene",
"world of music": "world music",
"materials letters": "mater lett",
"ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing": "ieee t geosci remote",
"biotechnology and genetic engineering reviews,
vol 13": "biotechnol genet eng",
"biotechnology & genetic engineering reviews,
vol 14": "biotechnol genet eng",
"arthritis care and research": "arthrit care res",
"modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering": "model simul mater sc",
"journal of rapid methods and automation in microbiology": "j rapid meth aut mic",
"russian journal of physical chemistry": "russ j phys chem+",
"national academy science letters-india": "natl acad sci lett",
"nonlinear processes in geophysics": "nonlinear proc geoph",
"science and technology of welding and joining": "sci technol weld joi",
"journal of democracy": "j democr",
"pathology research and practice": "pathol res pract",
"petroleum chemistry": "petrol chem+",
"real estate review": "real estate rev",
"acta polytechnica scandinavica-applied physics series": "acta polytech sc ap",
"indiana law journal": "indiana law j",
"journal of public policy & marketing": "j public policy mark",
"mycological research": "mycol res",
"archivos de zootecnia": "arch zootec",
"cellulose": "cellulose",
"nineteenth-century literature": "nineteen cent lit",
"semeia": "semeia",
"natural immunity and cell growth regulation": "nat immun cell grow",
"journal of the american veterinary medical association": "j am vet med assoc",
"clinical endocrinology": "clin endocrinol",
"protection ecology": "prot ecol",
"current perspectives in social theory": "curr perspect soc th",
"journal of applied polymer science": "j appl polym sci",
"scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports": "scand j med sci spor",
"career development quarterly": "career dev q",
"haematologia": "haematologia",
"health forum journal": "health forum j",
"american journal of medical technology": "am j med technol",
"psychological inquiry": "psychol inq",
"journal of orthopaedic research": "j orthopaed res",
"trimestre economico": "trimest econ",
"polymer degradation and stability": "polym degrad stabil",
"progressive fish-culturist": "prog fish cult",
"european journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology": "eur j appl physiol o",
"informacije midem-journal of microelectronics electronic components and materials": "inform midem",
"reviews of infectious diseases": "rev infect dis",
"anti-cancer drugs": "anti-cancer drug",
"journal of hydrology": "j hydrol",
"progress in natural science": "prog nat sci",
"atene e roma": "atene roma",
"laboratornoe delo": "lab delo",
"lung": "lung",
"journal of moral education": "j moral educ",
"omega-international journal of management science": "omega-int j manage s",
"canadian institute of food science and technology journal-journal de l institut canadien de science et technologie alimentaires": "can i food sc tech j",
"bulletin of the world health organization": "b world health organ",
"tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning": "tidsskr samfunnsfor",
"virchows archiv b-cell pathology including molecular pathology": "virchows arch b",
"journal fur hirnforschung": "j hirnforsch",
"journal of toxicology-toxin reviews": "j toxicol-toxin rev",
"new telecom quarterly": "new telecom q",
"psychiatric annals": "psychiat ann",
"developmental pharmacology and therapeutics": "dev pharmacol therap",
"soviet journal of optical technology": "sov j opt technol+",
"machining science and technology": "mach sci technol",
"protection of metals": "prot met+",
"human communication research": "hum commun res",
"geologie en mijnbouw": "geol mijnbouw",
"journal of biochemistry and molecular biology": "j biochem mol biol",
"arztliche laboratorium": "arztl lab",
"library & information science research": "libr inform sci res",
"scottish medical journal": "scot med j",
"journal of developmental physiology": "j dev physiol",
"hydrobiologia": "hydrobiologia",
"university of pittsburgh law review": "u pitt law rev",
"production engineering": "prod engineer",
"presse medicale": "presse med",
"in situ": "in situ",
"journal of commonwealth literature": "j commonw lit",
"journal of east asian linguistics": "j east asian linguis",
"religious education": "relig educ",
"transactions of the metal finishers association of india": "t met finish india",
"journal of computational neuroscience": "j comput neurosci",
"ameghiniana": "ameghiniana",
"archive for rational mechanics and analysis": "arch ration mech an",
"fresenius journal of analytical chemistry": "fresen j anal chem",
"annales de virologie": "ann inst pasteur vir",
"journal of affective disorders": "j affect disorders",
"geomagnetizm i aeronomiya": "geomagn aeron+",
"international journal of theoretical physics": "int j theor phys",
"journal fur die reine und angewandte mathematik": "j reine angew math",
"journal of global optimization": "j global optim",
"journal of computational acoustics": "j comput acoust",
"health education & behavior": "health educ behav",
"second messengers and phosphoproteins": "sec mess phosphoprot",
"early development & parenting": "early dev parenting",
"netherlands journal of social sciences": "neth j soc sci",
"european biophysics journal": "eur biophys j",
"economic planning": "econ plann-canada",
"learning and motivation": "learn motiv",
"proceedings of the european dialysis and transplant association": "p eur dial trans",
"sea frontiers": "sea frontiers",
"journal of heart transplantation": "j heart transplant",
"ieee engineering in medicine and biology magazine": "ieee eng med biol",
"acta anaesthesiologica scandinavica": "acta anaesth scand",
"astronomy reports": "astron rep+",
"school psychology international": "school psychol int",
"language speech and hearing services in schools": "lang speech hear ser",
"american journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology": "am j resp cell mol",
"nursing and health care perspectives": "nurs health care per",
"water quality research journal of canada": "water qual res j can",
"journal of wood science": "j wood sci",
"materials characterization": "mater charact",
"bioimaging": "bioimaging",
"sciences sociales et sante": "sci soc sante",
"journal of the mechanics and physics of solids": "j mech phys solids",
"philosophical magazine a-physics of condensed matter structure defects and mechanical properties": "philos mag a",
"acta zoologica": "acta zool-stockholm",
"environmental values": "environ value",
"hudson review": "hudson rev",
"colloid journal of the ussr": "colloid j ussr+",
"journal of cardiac surgery": "j cardiac surg",
"crc critical reviews in food science and nutrition": "crit rev food sci",
"journal of economic psychology": "j econ psychol",
"chinese medical journal": "chinese med j-peking",
"corrosion science": "corros sci",
"psychology of learning and motivation-advances in research and theory": "psychol learn motiv",
"journal of membrane biology": "j membrane biol",
"medical letter on drugs and therapeutics": "med lett drugs ther",
"revista mexicana de radiologia": "rev mex radiol",
"chemosphere": "chemosphere",
"behavioral sciences & the law": "behav sci law",
"american journal of preventive medicine": "am j prev med",
"international journal of legal medicine": "int j legal med",
"revista brasileira de genetica": "rev bras genet",
"journal of roman studies": "j roman stud",
"fortschritte der zoologie": "forts zool",
"revue d histoire de l amerique francaise": "rev hist am fr",
"philosophisches jahrbuch": "philos jahrb",
"international journal of engineering fluid mechanics": "int j eng fluid mech",
"polymer photochemistry": "polym photochem",
"south african journal of geology": "s afr j geol",
"critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology": "crit rev biochem mol",
"occupational and environmental medicine": "occup environ med",
"journal of the american society of echocardiography": "j am soc echocardiog",
"biological mass spectrometry": "biol mass spectrom",
"seminars in diagnostic pathology": "semin diagn pathol",
"journal of clinical ethics": "j clin ethic",
"ieee transactions on software engineering": "ieee t software eng",
"international journal of adhesion and adhesives": "int j adhes adhes",
"rna-a publication of the rna society": "rna",
"british journal of industrial relations": "brit j ind relat",
"who expert committee on specifications for pharmaceutical preparations,
33rd report": "who tech rep ser",
"archiv fur das eisenhuttenwesen": "arch eisenhuttenwes",
"radiation physics and chemistry": "radiat phys chem",
"advances in microbial ecology": "adv microb ecol",
"international journal of fatigue": "int j fatigue",
"archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de therapie": "arch int pharmacod t",
"journal of biological chemistry": "j biol chem",
"geology": "geology",
"beitrage zur musikwissenschaft": "beitr musikwiss",
"european journal of epidemiology": "eur j epidemiol",
"cereal foods world": "cereal food world",
"progress in particle and nuclear physics": "prog part nucl phys",
"drug resistance updates": "drug resist update",
"sociological perspectives": "sociol perspect",
"eigse-a journal of irish studies": "eigse-j irish stud",
"british journal of addiction": "brit j addict",
"journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology": "j atmos ocean tech",
"british journal of psychology": "brit j psychol",
"studies in religion-sciences religieuses": "stud relig-sci relig",
"indagationes mathematicae-new series": "indagat math new ser",
"testing of conventional and unconventional aggregates and soils": "transport res rec",
"transactions of the institution of chemical engineers": "t i chem eng-lond",
"inmunologia": "inmunologia",
"commentationes physico-mathematicae": "comment phys-math",
"aut aut": "aut aut",
"review of palaeobotany and palynology": "rev palaeobot palyno",
"sight and sound": "sight sound",
"clinical immunology": "clin immunol",
"american poetry review": "am poetry rev",
"dalhousie review": "dalhousie rev",
"journal of applied phycology": "j appl phycol",
"fire safety journal": "fire safety j",
"tectonics": "tectonics",
"journal of plantation crops": "j plantation crops",
"international polymer processing": "int polym proc",
"makromolekulare chemie-theory and simulations": "makromol chem-theor",
"indian veterinary journal": "indian vet j",
"international journal of sport psychology": "int j sport psychol",
"chemie ingenieur technik": "chem-ing-tech",
"developmental and comparative immunology": "dev comp immunol",
"cell biochemistry and function": "cell biochem funct",
"noise control engineering journal": "noise control eng j",
"journal of guidance control and dynamics": "j guid control dynam",
"phlebologie": "phlebologie",
"experimental agriculture": "exp agr",
"critica letteraria": "critica lett",
"journal of risk and insurance": "j risk insur",
"medical teacher": "med teach",
"aps journal": "aps j",
"new england economic review": "new engl econ rev",
"appita journal": "appita j",
"science in china series b-chemistry life sciences & earth sciences": "sci china ser b",
"journal of porous materials": "j porous mat",
"neuropsychiatrie de l enfance et de l adolescence": "neuropsychiat enfan",
"international journal of molecular medicine": "int j mol med",
"reviews in analytical chemistry": "rev anal chem",
"ieee internet computing": "ieee internet comput",
"annales de limnologie-international journal of limnology": "ann limnol-int j lim",
"chemical geology": "chem geol",
"applied catalysis b-environmental": "appl catal b-environ",
"progress in analytical spectroscopy": "prog anal spectrosc",
"technische mitteilungen krupp forschungsberichte": "tech mitt krupp fors",
"water sa": "water sa",
"proceedings of the indian academy of sciences-plant sciences": "p indian as-plant sc",
"american imago": "am imago",
"eau du quebec": "eau quebec",
"journal of medicine": "j med",
"food microstructure": "food microstruct",
"diabetes-metabolism reviews": "diabetes metab rev",
"studia psychologica": "stud psychol",
"archaeometry": "archaeometry",
"research on language and social interaction": "res lang soc interac",
"fungal genetics and biology": "fungal genet biol",
"virginia agricultural experiment station bulletin": "va agr exp stat b",
"journal of the royal college of general practitioners": "j roy coll gen pract",
"chemistry and technology of fuels and oils": "chem tech fuels oil+",
"journal of documentation": "j doc",
"human rights": "hum rights",
"yale journal of biology and medicine": "yale j biol med",
"fizika tverdogo tela": "fiz tverd tela+",
"journal of polymer engineering": "j polym eng",
"hematopathology and molecular hematology": "hematopathol mol hem",
"pediatric and developmental pathology": "pediatr devel pathol",
"journal of criminal justice": "j crim just",
"environmental management": "environ manage",
"social choice and welfare": "soc choice welfare",
"sen-i gakkaishi": "sen-i gakkaishi",
"journal of food quality": "j food quality",
"gruppenpsychotherapie und gruppendynamik": "gruppenpsychother gr",
"journal of curriculum studies": "j curriculum stud",
"appalachian journal": "appalachian j",
"european journal of solid state and inorganic chemistry": "eur j sol state inor",
"journal of cognitive neuroscience": "j cognitive neurosci",
"experimental pathology": "exp pathol-jena",
"computer music journal": "comput music j",
"inorganica chimica acta-f-block elements articles and letters": "inorg chim a-f-block",
"journal of consulting and clinical psychology": "j consult clin psych",
"arquivos de biologia e tecnologia": "arq biol tecnol",
"tgo-tijdschrift voor geneesmiddelenonderzoek-journal of drug research-jdr": "tgo-tijdschr ther ge",
"cardiology": "cardiology",
"environmental toxicology and water quality": "environ toxic water",
"asia-pacific journal of molecular biology and biotechnology": "asia-pac j mol biol",
"cell biochemistry and biophysics": "cell biochem biophys",
"psychoanalytic study of the child": "psychoanal stud chil",
"voprosy virusologii": "vop virusol+",
"makromolekulare chemie-macromolecular symposia": "makromol chem-m symp",
"integrated ferroelectrics": "integr ferroelectr",
"canadian family physician": "can fam physician",
"endocrine research": "endocr res",
"international journal of control": "int j control",
"free radical biology and medicine": "free radical bio med",
"written communication": "writ commun",
"foundations of physics letters": "found phys lett",
"revue philosophique de la france et de l etranger": "rev philos fr etrang",
"journal of management": "j manage",
"journal of chromatography b": "j chromatogr b",
"journal of chromatography a": "j chromatogr a",
"journal of the environmental engineering division-asce": "j env eng div-asce",
"pharmatherapeutica": "pharmatherapeutica",
"ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery": "ophthalmic plast rec",
"hazardous waste & hazardous materials": "hazard waste hazard",
"current opinion in infectious diseases": "curr opin infect dis",
"hospital medicine": "hosp med",
"abdominal imaging": "abdom imaging",
"immunology and allergy clinics of north america": "immunol allergy clin",
"chemical communications": "chem commun",
"journal of group theory": "j group theory",
"computer systems science and engineering": "comput syst sci eng",
"wildlife research": "wildlife res",
"pavlovian journal of biological science": "pavlovian j biol sci",
"journal of dispersion science and technology": "j disper sci technol",
"canadian journal of economics-revue canadienne d economique": "can j econ",
"english studies in africa": "engl stud afr",
"crime & delinquency": "crime delinquency",
"journal of medical primatology": "j med primatol",
"estreno-cuadernos del teatro espanol contemporaneo": "estreno",
"international journal of food sciences and nutrition": "int j food sci nutr",
"national medical journal of india": "natl med j india",
"acta facultatis rerum naturalium universitatis comenianae series zoologia": "acta fac rerum zoo",
"international journal of vehicle design": "int j vehicle des",
"offshore": "offshore",
"journal of sex & marital therapy": "j sex marital ther",
"supercomputer": "supercomputer",
"american journal of anatomy": "am j anat",
"journal of asian and african studies": "j asian afr stud",
"aids research": "aids res hum retrov",
"wisconsin law review": "wisc law rev",
"japanese journal of infectious diseases": "jpn j infect dis",
"biology and environment-proceedings of the royal irish academy": "biol environ",
"journal of business research": "j bus res",
"schweizerisches archiv fur volkskunde": "schweiz arch volksku",
"archives of family medicine": "arch fam med",
"molecular biology": "mol biol+",
"software-concepts and tools": "software-conc tool",
"chinese journal of chemical engineering": "chinese j chem eng",
"organic reactivity": "org reactivity+",
"psychiatric rehabilitation journal": "psychiatr rehabil j",
"international geology review": "int geol rev",
"issues in science and technology": "issues sci technol",
"pigment cell research": "pigm cell res",
"advances in clinical child psychology": "adv clin child psych",
"antibody immunoconjugates and radiopharmaceuticals": "antibody immunoconj",
"archiv fur geschichte der philosophie": "arch gesch philos",
"current organic chemistry": "curr org chem",
"muslim world": "muslim world",
"jewish quarterly review": "jewish quart rev",
"materials at high temperatures": "mater high temp",
"scandinavian journal of laboratory animal science": "scand j lab anim sci",
"adolescence": "adolescence",
"seminars in hematology": "semin hematol",
"journal of cluster science": "j clust sci",
"topics in catalysis": "top catal",
"journal of the tennessee medical association": "j tennessee med ass",
"journal of the new york entomological society": "j new york entomol s",
"ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering": "ieee t knowl data en",
"journal of experimental medicine": "j exp med",
"letters in peptide science": "lett pept sci",
"seminars in cell & developmental biology": "semin cell dev biol",
"tetrahedron-asymmetry": "tetrahedron-asymmetr",
"gynakologisch-geburtshilfliche rundschau": "gynakol geburt runds",
"heat recovery systems & chp": "heat recov syst chp",
"paediatric anaesthesia": "paediatr anaesth",
"suid-afrikaanse historiese joernaal-south african historical journal": "s afr hist j",
"internasjonal politikk": "int polit-oslo",
"animal genetics": "anim genet",
"biofactors": "biofactors",
"journal of photographic science": "j photogr sci",
"defense of mucosal surfaces: pathogenesis,
immunity and vaccines": "curr top microbiol",
"modern plastics": "mod plast",
"journal of the institution of electronic and radio engineers": "j i electron rad eng",
"american journal of eeg technology": "am j eeg technol",
"aeronautical quarterly": "aeronaut quart",
"matekon": "matekon",
"acta polymerica": "acta polym",
"wyoming agricultural experiment station research journal": "wyo aes res j",
"oceanic linguistics": "ocean linguist",
"annales de l institut fourier": "ann i fourier",
"public understanding of science": "public underst sci",
"advanced performance materials": "adv perform mater",
"poultry science": "poultry sci",
"indo-iranian journal": "indo-iran j",
"plant biology": "plant biology",
"raffles bulletin of zoology": "raffles b zool",
"medium aevum": "medium aevum",
"geosynthetics international": "geosynth int",
"spiegel der letteren": "spiegel lett",
"clinics in perinatology": "clin perinatol",
"psychiatry research-neuroimaging": "psychiat res-neuroim",
"spinal cord": "spinal cord",
"journal of clinical oncology": "j clin oncol",
"journal of the operational research society": "j oper res soc",
"asian art & culture": "asian art cult",
"qualitas plantarum-plant foods for human nutrition": "qual plant",
"computational materials science": "comp mater sci",
"europa archiv": "eur arch",
"cancer biotherapy": "cancer biotherapy",
"journal of blacks in higher education": "j blacks high educ",
"photonics spectra": "photon spectra",
"journal of educational and behavioral statistics": "j educ behav stat",
"steinbeck quarterly": "steinbeck quart",
"mississippi agricultural & forestry experiment station research report": "miss afes res rep",
"structural engineer-part a": "struct eng-a",
"current science": "curr sci india",
"ramus-critical studies in greek and roman literature": "ramus",
"journal of computational biology": "j comput biol",
"novum testamentum": "novum testamentum",
"novyi mir": "novyi mir",
"acta arithmetica": "acta arith",
"advances in anatomic pathology": "adv anat pathol",
"international journal of mineral processing": "int j miner process",
"journal of biosocial science": "j biosoc sci",
"medicine": "medicine",
"library resources & technical services": "libr resour tech ser",
"history of science": "hist sci",
"chromosome research": "chromosome res",
"saeculum": "saeculum",
"agricultural administration": "agr admin ext",
"metabolic pediatric and systemic ophthalmology": "metab pediatr syst o",
"library journal": "libr j",
"journal of structural geology": "j struct geol",
"pccp physical chemistry chemical physics": "pccp phys chem ch ph",
"clinical neuropathology": "clin neuropathol",
"pramana": "pramana",
"athenaeum-studi periodici di letteratura e storia dell antichita": "athenaeum",
"journal of interferon research": "j interferon res",
"european journal of control": "eur j control",
"journal of protozoology research": "j protozool res",
"journal of tumor marker oncology": "j tumor marker oncol",
"public works": "public works",
"chinese chemical letters": "chinese chem lett",
"journal of molecular medicine-jmm": "j mol med-jmm",
"ca-a cancer journal for clinicians": "ca-cancer j clin",
"industrial & labor relations review": "ind labor relat rev",
"journal of epidemiology and community health": "j epidemiol commun h",
"comitatus-a journal of medieval and renaissance studies": "comitatus",
"advances in physiology education": "adv physiol educ",
"preparative biochemistry": "prep biochem",
"evolution and human behavior": "evol hum behav",
"depression and anxiety": "depress anxiety",
"journal of rehabilitation": "j rehabil",
"modern language journal": "mod lang j",
"studies in latin american popular culture": "stud lat am pop cult",
"critical care clinics": "crit care clin",
"egyptian journal of genetics and cytology": "egypt j genet cytol",
"consulting engineer": "consult eng",
"annales geophysicae": "ann geophys",
"tumor targeting": "tumor target",
"applied mathematics letters": "appl math lett",
"journal fur signalaufzeichnungsmaterialien": "j inform rec mater",
"microelectronics and reliability": "microelectron reliab",
"design quarterly": "design quart",
"ieee transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation": "ieee t dielect el in",
"journal of fire & flammability": "j fire flammability",
"mathematics of operations research": "math oper res",
"dna-a journal of molecular & cellular biology": "dna-j molec cell bio",
"science of the total environment": "sci total environ",
"transplantation proceedings": "transplant p",
"indoor and built environment": "indoor built environ",
"journal of intelligent & robotic systems": "j intell robot syst",
"pediatric research": "pediatr res",
"electroanalysis": "electroanal",
"transactions of the royal society of south africa": "t roy soc s afr",
"international journal of occupational medicine immunology and toxicology": "int j occup med i t",
"physics of plasmas": "phys plasmas",
"glycoconjugate journal": "glycoconjugate j",
"distributed and parallel databases": "distrib parallel dat",
"medical principles and practice": "med prin pract",
"pennsylvania state university extension service circular": "penn st ues circ",
"yearbook for traditional music": "yearb tradit music",
"biologiske skrifter kongelige danske videnskabernes selskab": "biol skr dan vid sel",
"aquatic microbial ecology": "aquat microb ecol",
"world bank economic review": "world bank econ rev",
"turbomachinery international": "turbomach int",
"economic policy": "econ policy",
"advances in radiation biology": "adv radiat biol",
"korean journal of genetics": "korean j genetic",
"biological chemistry": "biol chem",
"aquatic conservation-marine and freshwater ecosystems": "aquat conserv",
"medical oncology": "med oncol",
"journal of microwave power and electromagnetic energy": "j microwave power ee",
"international journal of human-computer studies": "int j hum-comput st",
"anatomischer anzeiger": "anat anzeiger",
"international journal of toxicology": "int j toxicol",
"ore geology reviews": "ore geol rev",
"asymptotic analysis": "asymptotic anal",
"international journal of approximate reasoning": "int j approx reason",
"gastroenterologia japonica": "gastroenterol jpn",
"journal of combinatorial theory series a": "j comb theory a",
"shock and vibration": "shock vib",
"journal of early adolescence": "j early adolescence",
"ricerca in clinica e in laboratorio": "res clin lab",
"international journal for quality in health care": "int j qual health c",
"fizika metallov i metallovedenie": "fiz met metalloved+",
"multivariate behavioral research": "multivar behav res",
"academy of management review": "acad manage rev",
"unfallchirurg": "unfallchirurg",
"biorheology": "biorheology",
"international journal of inorganic materials": "int j inorg mater",
"journal of caribbean history": "j caribbean hist",
"polimery": "polimery-w",
"review of english studies": "rev engl stud",
"resource and energy economics": "resour energy econ",
"journal of health communication": "j health commun",
"economic record": "econ rec",
"d h lawrence review": "d h lawrence rev",
"insurance mathematics & economics": "insur math econ",
"journal of the history of the behavioral sciences": "j hist behav sci",
"pathobiology annual": "pathobiol ann",
"fluoride": "fluoride",
"polymer-korea": "polym-korea",
"journal of the agricultural association of china": "j agr assoc china",
"journal of andrology": "j androl",
"archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux": "arch mal coeur vaiss",
"molecular biotechnology": "mol biotechnol",
"supreme court review": "supreme court rev",
"rairo-analyse numerique-numerical analysis": "rairo-anal numer-num",
"canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology": "can j physiol pharm",
"acute care": "acute care",
"neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews": "neurosci biobehav r",
"journal of equine veterinary science": "j equine vet sci",
"new phytologist": "new phytol",
"folia psychiatrica et neurologica japonica": "folia psychiat neu j",
"current topics in cellular regulation": "curr top cell regul",
"history workshop journal": "hist workshop",
"nottingham french studies": "nottingham fr stud",
"australian and new zealand journal of ophthalmology": "aust nz j ophthalmol",
"ecological monographs": "ecol monogr",
"scandinavian housing & planning research": "scand hous plan res",
"journal of micronutrient analysis": "j micronutr anal",
"fett wissenschaft technologie-fat science technology": "fett wiss technol",
"international journal of high performance computing applications": "int j high perform c",
"health affairs": "health affair",
"current opinion in obstetrics & gynecology": "curr opin obstet gyn",
"trends in biotechnology": "trends biotechnol",
"journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism": "j pediatr endocr met",
"japanese journal of applied physics": "jpn j appl phys",
"metallurgical transactions a-physical metallurgy and materials science": "metall trans a",
"acta materialia": "acta mater",
"obesity & bariatric medicine": "obesity bariat med",
"eos-rivista di immunologia ed immunofarmacologia": "eos-riv immunol",
"developmental psychobiology": "dev psychobiol",
"zeitschrift fur wasser und abwasser forschung-journal for water and wastewater research": "z wasser abwass for",
"western folklore": "western folklore",
"journal of organizational change management": "j organ change manag",
"journal of asthma": "j asthma",
"frontiers of radiation therapy and oncology": "front radiat ther on",
"electrophoresis": "electrophoresis",
"journal of neurological and orthopaedic medicine and surgery": "j neurol orth med s",
"screening": "screening",
"journal of food process engineering": "j food process eng",
"drug and alcohol review": "drug alcohol rev",
"pharmaceutical science & technology today": "pharm sci technol to",
"environment and planning a": "environ plann a",
"zeitschrift fur naturforschung section b-a journal of chemical sciences": "z naturforsch b",
"oleagineux": "oleagineux",
"asian journal of spectroscopy": "asian j spectrosc",
"ecologist": "ecologist",
"annals of glaciology": "ann glaciol",
"communication research": "commun res",
"computers & operations research": "comput oper res",
"current contents/life sciences": "cc/life sci",
"journal of neuroscience": "j neurosci",
"robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing": "robot cim-int manuf",
"space policy": "space policy",
"nursing clinics of north america": "nurs clin n am",
"canadian anaesthetists society journal": "can j anaesth",
"emu": "emu",
"spectroscopy and spectral analysis": "spectrosc spect anal",
"proceedings of the yorkshire geological society": "p yorks geol soc",
"domestic animal endocrinology": "domest anim endocrin",
"welding design & fabrication": "weld design fabr",
"teaching sociology": "teach sociol",
"diamond films and technology": "diamond film technol",
"revue roumaine d histoire": "rev roum hist",
"papua new guinea medical journal": "papua new guinea med",
"comptes rendus de l academie des sciences serie ii fascicule a-sciences de la terre et des planetes": "cr acad sci ii a",
"developments in industrial microbiology": "dev ind microbiol",
"publishing history": "publ hist",
"revue canadienne d etudes du developpement-canadian journal of development studies": "rev can etud dev",
"northern history": "northern hist",
"eastern buddhist": "eastern buddhist",
"nutrient cycling in agroecosystems": "nutr cycl agroecosys",
"cambrian medieval celtic studies": "cambr mediev celt st",
"canadian mineralogist": "can mineral",
"fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures": "fatigue fract eng m",
"annual review of biophysics and bioengineering": "annu rev biophys bio",
"ecosystem health": "ecosyst health",
"therapeutic drug monitoring": "ther drug monit",
"journal of heuristics": "j heuristics",
"mutation research-fundamental and molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis": "mutat res-fund mol m",
"bulletin of the american mathematical society": "b am math soc",
"journal of near eastern studies": "j near eastern stud",
"neurosciences research program bulletin": "neurosci res prog b",
"international journal of hematology": "int j hematol",
"spazio e societa-space & society": "spaz soc-space soc",
"arquivo brasileiro de medicina veterinaria e zootecnia": "arq bras med vet zoo",
"black music research journal": "black music res j",
"arkansas farm research": "arkansas farm res",
"journals of gerontology series a-biological sciences and medical sciences": "j gerontol a-biol",
"menopause-the journal of the north american menopause society": "menopause",
"journal of animal science": "j anim sci",
"applied physics a-materials science & processing": "appl phys a-mater",
"hebrew union college annual": "hebrew union coll an",
"cambridge quarterly": "cambridge quart",
"lebensmittel industrie": "lebensmittelindustr",
"staub reinhaltung der luft": "staub reinhalt luft",
"minimally invasive neurosurgery": "minim invas neurosur",
"continuum mechanics and thermodynamics": "continuum mech therm",
"james joyce quarterly": "james joyce quart",
"statistica neerlandica": "stat neerl",
"environmental pollution series b-chemical and physical": "environ pollut b",
"brigham young university studies": "brigham young u stud",
"data entry awareness reports": "data entry awareness",
"journal of the institute of brewing": "j i brewing",
"digestive diseases": "digest dis",
"journal of nuclear science and technology": "j nucl sci technol",
"interface science": "interface sci",
"ibm journal of research and development": "ibm j res dev",
"american journal of botany": "am j bot",
"journal of molecular and applied genetics": "j mol appl genet",
"internationales archiv fur sozialgeschichte der deutschen literatur": "int arch sozialgesch",
"seizure": "seizure",
"journal of labelled compounds & radiopharmaceuticals": "j labelled compd rad",
"acta mathematica sinica-new series": "acta math sin",
"structured programming": "struct program",
"journal of abnormal child psychology": "j abnorm child psych",
"applied numerical mathematics": "appl numer math",
"histochemistry": "histochemistry",
"ingenieur archiv": "ing arch",
"evolutionary anthropology": "evol anthropol",
"exercise and sport sciences reviews,
volume 28,
1998": "exercise sport sci r",
"biological rhythm research": "biol rhythm res",
"cancer gene therapy": "cancer gene ther",
"new literary history": "new literary hist",
"lias-sources and documents relating to the early modern history of ideas": "lias",
"forschung im ingenieurwesen-engineering research": "forsch ingenieurwes",
"sarsia": "sarsia",
"measurement & control": "meas control-uk",
"archiv fur das studium der neueren sprachen und literaturen": "arch stud neue spr",
"public health nursing": "public health nurs",
"molecular biology & medicine": "mol biol med",
"mankind quarterly": "mankind quart",
"chemistry-a european journal": "chem-eur j",
"milk industry": "milk ind",
"journal of dental research": "j dent res",
"international journal of philosophical studies": "int j philos stud",
"polymer engineering and science": "polym eng sci",
"utah agricultural experiment station research report": "utah aes res rep",
"bulletin-philadelphia museum of art": "b phila museum art",
"australian literary studies": "aust lit stud",
"engineering computations": "eng computation",
"planetary and space science": "planet space sci",
"nineteenth century music": "nineteen cent music",
"agricultural record": "agr rec",
"food additives and contaminants": "food addit contam",
"high performance systems-the magazine for technology champions": "high perform syst",
"comptes rendus de l academie des sciences serie ii": "cr acad sci ii",
"res mechanica": "res mech",
"ieee transactions on electron devices": "ieee t electron dev",
"international journal of powder metallurgy": "int j powder metall",
"materials science and technology": "mater sci tech ser",
"australian journal of french studies": "aust j fr stud",
"annales de l institut henri poincare-analyse non lineaire": "ann i h poincare-an",
"quarterly journal of engineering geology and hydrogeology": "q j eng geol hydroge",
"water resources research": "water resour res",
"psychologia": "psychologia",
"journal of chemical neuroanatomy": "j chem neuroanat",
"journal of plant physiology": "j plant physiol",
"acta chirurgica scandinavica": "acta chir scand",
"biopharmaceutics & drug disposition": "biopharm drug dispos",
"anatomy and embryology": "anat embryol",
"minnesota law review": "minn law rev",
"fisheries management": "fish manage",
"communications on pure and applied mathematics": "commun pur appl math",
"dm disease-a-month": "dm-dis mon",
"lithium": "lithium",
"modern aspects of electrochemistry": "mod aspect electroc",
"advances in ecological research": "adv ecol res",
"evolutionary theory": "evol theor",
"arab gulf journal of scientific research": "arab gulf j sci res",
"acta psychologica": "acta psychol",
"ciba foundation symposia": "ciba f symp",
"ocean engineering": "ocean eng",
"anesthesiology": "anesthesiology",
"smpte journal": "smpte j",
"hand": "hand",
"college literature": "coll literature",
"houille blanche-revue internationale de l eau": "houille blanche",
"sciences-new york": "sciences",
"oxidation of metals": "oxid met",
"nihon reoroji gakkaishi": "nihon reoroji gakk",
"journal d urologie": "j urologie",
"concepts in magnetic resonance": "concept magnetic res",
"journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology": "j steroid biochem",
"journal of the radio research laboratory": "j radio res lab",
"clinical physiology": "clin physiol",
"byte": "byte",
"transactions of the institute of british geographers": "t i brit geogr",
"ieee intelligent systems & their applications": "ieee intell syst app",
"forest science": "forest sci",
"canadian modern language review-revue canadienne des langues vivantes": "can mod lang rev",
"journal of communications technology and electronics": "j commun technol el+",
"journal of economic behavior & organization": "j econ behav organ",
"theoretical medicine": "theor med",
"bulletin of the polish academy of sciences-chemistry": "b pol acad sci-chem",
"journal of clinical psychology in medical settings": "j clin psychol med s",
"production planning & control": "prod plan control",
"digital processes": "digital process",
"geologische rundschau": "geol rundsch",
"international affairs": "int aff",
"heavy vehicle systems-international journal of vehicle design": "heavy veh syst",
"haemophilia": "haemophilia",
"history of religions": "hist religions",
"annual review of physical chemistry": "annu rev phys chem",
"worlds poultry science journal": "world poultry sci j",
"thyroid": "thyroid",
"communication education": "commun educ",
"revue francaise de transfusion et immuno-hematologie": "rev fr transfus immu",
"french historical studies": "fr hist stud",
"journal of the kuwait medical association": "j kuwait med assoc",
"mosquito news": "mosq news",
"marine georesources & geotechnology": "mar georesour geotec",
"kyklos": "kyklos",
"engineering with computers": "eng comput",
"crc critical reviews in biochemistry": "crit rev biochem mol",
"international journal of gynecological cancer": "int j gynecol cancer",
"annales de la societe belge de medecine tropicale": "ann soc belg med tr",
"semiconductors": "semiconductors+",
"journal of logic and computation": "j logic comput",
"engineering journal": "eng j-canada",
"microvascular research": "microvasc res",
"scientometrics": "scientometrics",
"folia primatologica": "folia primatol",
"journal of psychology": "j psychol",
"mechanism and machine theory": "mech mach theory",
"journal of english and germanic philology": "j engl ger philol",
"maia-rivista di letterature classiche": "maia-riv lett class",
"population": "population",
"iowa law review": "iowa law rev",
"folia humanistica": "folia humanistica",
"deutsche kunst und denkmalpflege": "deut kunst denkmalpf",
"journal of neural transmission-parkinsons disease and dementia section": "j neural transm-park",
"journal of the operations research society of japan": "j oper res soc jpn",
"plant engineering": "plant eng",
"nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section b-beam interactions with materials and atoms": "nucl instrum meth b",
"jewish journal of sociology": "jewish j sociol",
"journal of chromatography": "j chromatogr",
"biomedical mass spectrometry": "biomed mass spectrom",
"computer & communications decisions": "comput decis",
"agricultural engineering": "agr eng",
"engineering costs and production economics": "eng cost prod econ",
"journal of computational physics": "j comput phys",
"experimental eye research": "exp eye res",
"health policy": "health policy",
"post-soviet geography": "post-sov geogr",
"journal of thermophysics and heat transfer": "j thermophys heat tr",
"journal of hand surgery-british and european volume": "j hand surg-brit eur",
"critique": "critique",
"journal of intelligent information systems": "j intell inf syst",
"temenos": "temenos",
"criminology": "criminology",
"japanese journal of clinical oncology": "jpn j clin oncol",
"environment and planning d-society & space": "environ plann d",
"genetics and molecular biology": "genet mol biol",
"transportation journal": "transport j",
"journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis": "j pharmaceut biomed",
"internationale revue der gesamten hydrobiologie": "int rev ges hydrobio",
"orbis-a journal of world affairs": "orbis-j world aff",
"praktische tierarzt": "prakt tierarzt",
"equine practice": "equine pract",
"progress in polymer science": "prog polym sci",
"cell regulation": "cell regul",
"applied soil ecology": "appl soil ecol",
"zentralblatt fur chirurgie": "zbl chir",
"journal of wilderness medicine": "j wilderness med",
"agribiological research-zeitschrift fur agrarbiologie agrikulturchemie okologie": "agribiol res",
"visual neuroscience": "visual neurosci",
"journal of fluorine chemistry": "j fluorine chem",
"journal of the american association of gynecologic laparoscopists": "j am assoc gyn lap",
"food structure": "food struct",
"journal of consumer research": "j consum res",
"surgical endoscopy-ultrasound and interventional techniques": "surg endosc-ultras",
"lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems": "lect notes econ math",
"hilgardia": "hilgardia",
"phoenix-the journal of the classical association of canada": "phoenix-j class assn",
"journal of nuclear medicine": "j nucl med",
"tobacco control": "tob control",
"metabolic brain disease": "metab brain dis",
"przemysl chemiczny": "przem chem",
"australian journal on ageing": "aust j ageing",
"journal of speech language and hearing research": "j speech lang hear r",
"revue francaise de sociologie": "rev fr sociol",
"seminars in arthritis and rheumatism": "semin arthritis rheu",
"pediatric surgery international": "pediatr surg int",
"journal of neurosurgery": "j neurosurg",
"vestnik akademii meditsinskikh nauk sssr": "vestn akad med nauk+",
"biochimica et biophysica acta-biomembranes": "bba-biomembranes",
"epidemiologic reviews": "epidemiol rev",
"advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering": "adv electroch el eng",
"nimhans journal": "nimhans j",
"merrill-palmer quarterly-journal of developmental psychology": "merrill palmer quart",
"fibre chemistry": "fibre chem+",
"steel research": "steel res",
"burlington magazine": "burlington mag",
"cybernetics and systems": "cybernet syst",
"ethology ecology & evolution": "ethol ecol evol",
"bulletin of indonesian economic studies": "b indones econ stud",
"journal of the indian chemical society": "j indian chem soc",
"periodontology 2000": "periodontol 2000",
"eicosanoids": "eicosanoids",
"clinical vision sciences": "clin vision sci",
"companion animal practice": "companion anim pract",
"survey and synthesis of pathology research": "surv syn pathol res",
"scripta metallurgica": "scripta metall mater",
"adaptive processing of sequences and data structures": "lect notes artif int",
"icid journal": "icid j",
"philippine journal of internal medicine": "philipp j intern med",
"paleoceanography": "paleoceanography",
"nukleonika": "nukleonika",
"economics and philosophy": "econ philos",
"water resources management": "water resour manag",
"biology of reproduction": "biol reprod",
"family & community health": "fam community health",
"acta chirurgica austriaca": "acta chir austriaca",
"journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia": "j cardiothor vasc an",
"drug development and industrial pharmacy": "drug dev ind pharm",
"journal of educational research": "j educ res",
"chirurgia plastica": "chir plast",
"computers and people": "comput people",
"isis": "isis",
"journal of child & adolescent substance abuse": "j child adoles subst",
"annals of probability": "ann probab",
"wirtschaftsinformatik": "wirtschaftsinf",
"urban studies": "urban stud",
"optoelectronics-devices and technologies": "optoelectron-devices",
"british journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery": "brit j oral max surg",
"electrical engineering": "electr eng",
"personnel review": "pers rev",
"clinical and experimental dialysis and apheresis": "clin exp dial a",
"higher education": "high educ",
"journal of metamorphic geology": "j metamorph geol",
"computing": "computing",
"hormones and behavior": "horm behav",
"telecommunications and radio engineering": "telecomm radio eng+",
"materials world": "mater world",
"cancer drug delivery": "canc drug del",
"journal of the australian mathematical society series b-applied mathematics": "j aust math soc b",
"mass spectrometry reviews": "mass spectrom rev",
"science bulletin of the faculty of agriculture kyushu university": "sci b fac agr kyushu",
"journal de biologie buccale": "j biol buccale",
"journal of products liability": "j prod liability",
"journal of arabic literature": "j arabic lit",
"test": "test",
"colloids and surfaces": "colloid surface",
"agricultural science in finland": "agr sci finland",
"biotechnology software & internet journal": "biotechnol softw i j",
"journal for research in mathematics education": "j res math educ",
"journal of agronomy and crop science-zeitschrift fur acker und pflanzenbau": "j agron crop sci",
"optics and lasers in engineering": "opt laser eng",
"chinese science bulletin": "chinese sci bull",
"journal of structural biology": "j struct biol",
"atmospheres of venus and mars": "adv space res",
"british heart journal": "brit heart j",
"urologic radiology": "urol radiol",
"bulletin of concerned asian scholars": "b concern asia schol",
"mass transit": "mass transit",
"revue de geologie dynamique et de geographie physique": "rev geol dyn geogr",
"international journal of peptide and protein research": "int j pept prot res",
"rehabilitation psychology": "rehabil psychol",
"biochemical medicine and metabolic biology": "biochem med metab b",
"wiener klinische wochenschrift": "wien klin wochenschr",
"paperi ja puu-paper and timber": "pap puu-pap tim",
"metropolitan museum journal": "metropol museum j",
"veterinary clinics of north america-large animal practice": "vet clin n am-large",
"annals of internal medicine": "ann intern med",
"vestnik moskovskogo universiteta seriya 2 khimiya": "vestn mosk u khim+",
"infections in urology": "infect urol",
"ucla symposia on molecular and cellular biology": "ucla symp mol cell b",
"journal of physiology-paris": "j physiology-paris",
"journal of construction engineering and management-asce": "j constr eng m asce",
"american industrial hygiene association journal": "am ind hyg assoc j",
"biography-an interdisciplinary quarterly": "biography",
"policy and politics": "policy polit",
"journalism quarterly": "journalism quart",
"archives europeennes de sociologie": "arch eur sociol",
"comparative biochemistry and physiology a-molecular and integrative physiology": "comp biochem phys a",
"materials engineering": "mater eng",
"south african journal of psychology": "s afr j psychol",
"british telecommunications engineering": "brit telecommun eng",
"scandinavian journal of clinical & laboratory investigation": "scand j clin lab inv",
"journal of electromagnetic waves and applications": "j electromagnet wave",
"journal of manufacturing": "j manuf",
"revue marocaine de medecine et sante": "rev maroc med sante",
"european journal of obstetrics gynecology and reproductive biology": "eur j obstet gyn r b",
"german studies review": "ger stud rev",
"transactions of the royal society of edinburgh-earth sciences": "t roy soc edin-earth",
"molecular chaperones": "method enzymol",
"zeitschrift fur physik b-condensed matter": "z phys b con mat",
"journal of algorithms": "j algorithm",
"technology transfer and training": "transport res rec",
"tubercle": "tubercle",
"belgian journal of botany": "belg j bot",
"package engineering": "package eng",
"research in veterinary science": "res vet sci",
"philosophical studies": "philos stud",
"resources and energy": "resour energ",
"jsme international journal series c-dynamics control robotics design and manufacturing": "jsme int j c-dyn con",
"pharmacopeial forum": "pharmacopeial forum",
"journal of clean technology and environmental sciences": "j clean technol env",
"canadian journal of soil science": "can j soil sci",
"journal of thermoplastic composite materials": "j thermoplast compos",
"pharmacy international": "pharm int",
"journal of learning disabilities": "j learn disabil-us",
"pferdeheilkunde": "pferdeheilkunde",
"angewandte chemie-international edition in english": "angew chem int edit",
"canadian psychology-psychologie canadienne": "can psychol",
"atomic data and nuclear data tables": "atom data nucl data",
"international journal of behavioral development": "int j behav dev",
"personnel journal": "pers j",
"chinese journal of organic chemistry": "chinese j org chem",
"cancer cells-a monthly review": "cancer cell-mon rev",
"modern judaism": "mod judaism",
"growth development and aging": "growth develop aging",
"geophysical journal-oxford": "geophys j int",
"cell differentiation and development": "cell differ dev",
"boletin de la sociedad espanola de ceramica y vidrio": "bol soc esp ceram v",
"gut": "gut",
"indian journal of experimental biology": "indian j exp biol",
"germanic notes and reviews": "ger notes rev",
"advances in contraception": "adv contracept",
"document & image automation": "doc image autom",
"rehabilitation counseling bulletin": "rehabil couns bull",
"clinics in geriatric medicine": "clin geriatr med",
"journal of neurobiology": "j neurobiol",
"journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery": "j thorac cardiov sur",
"icp business software review": "icp bus softw rev",
"economy and society": "econ soc",
"deutsche medizinische wochenschrift": "deut med wochenschr",
"optimal control applications & methods": "optim contr appl met",
"jsme international journal": "jsme int j",
"vierteljahrshefte fur zeitgeschichte": "vierteljahr zeitges",
"chinese journal of inorganic chemistry": "chin j inorg chem",
"clinical neuropsychologist": "clin neuropsychol",
"feline practice": "feline pract",
"archives of psychiatric nursing": "arch psychiat nurs",
"adolescent psychiatry": "adolescent psychiat",
"journal of accounting & economics": "j account econ",
"current topics in membranes": "curr top membr",
"memoires et etudes scientifiques de la revue de metallurgie": "mem etud sci rev met",
"opto-electronics review": "opto-electron rev",
"nanophase materials": "mater sci forum",
"european journal of public health": "eur j public health",
"acta neurobiologiae experimentalis": "acta neurobiol exp",
"sedimentary geology": "sediment geol",
"klinische neurophysiologie": "klin neurophysiol",
"best practice & research in clinical obstetrics & gynaecology": "best pract res cl ob",
"journal of musicological research": "j musicol res",
"temple law review": "temple law rev",
"essays in theatre-etudes theatrales": "essays theat",
"mikologiya i fitopatologiya": "mikol fitopatol",
"louisiana agricultural experiment station circular": "la aes circ",
"cvgip-image understanding": "cvgip-imag understan",
"algebra colloquium": "algebr colloq",
"journal of speech and hearing disorders": "j speech hear disord",
"studies in philology": "stud philol",
"bulletin of molecular biology and medicine": "b mol biol med",
"parabola-myth tradition and the search for meaning": "parabola",
"american bankruptcy law journal": "am bankrupt law j",
"performance evaluation": "perform evaluation",
"family relations": "fam relat",
"rlc-revue de litterature comparee": "rlc-rev lit comp",
"science communication": "sci commun",
"revue roumaine de mathematiques pures et appliquees": "rev roum math pure a",
"psychology and aging": "psychol aging",
"folia neuropathologica": "folia neuropathol",
"journal for the scientific study of religion": "j sci stud relig",
"power engineering": "power eng",
"journal of nonlinear optical physics & materials": "j nonlinear opt phys",
"virus genes": "virus genes",
"jahrbuch fur internationale germanistik": "jahrb int german",
"australian journal of international affairs": "aust j int aff",
"microscopy and microanalysis": "microsc microanal",
"journal of nuclear cardiology": "j nucl cardiol",
"cancer biochemistry biophysics": "cancer biochem bioph",
"international journal of supercomputer applications and high performance computing": "int j supercomput ap",
"proceedings annual reliability and maintainability symposium": "p annu rel maint sym",
"critical reviews in oral biology & medicine": "crit rev oral biol m",
"international journal of comparative sociology": "int j comp sociol",
"ieee transactions on circuits and systems i-fundamental theory and applications": "ieee t circuits-i",
"sbornik lekarsky": "sb lek",
"catheterization and cardiovascular diagnosis": "catheter cardio diag",
"pmla-publications of the modern language association of america": "pmla",
"journal of veterinary medical science": "j vet med sci",
"molecular biology and evolution": "mol biol evol",
"telecommunications policy": "telecommun policy",
"drug intelligence & clinical pharmacy": "drug intel clin phar",
"tropical animal health and production": "trop anim health pro",
"fontes artis musicae": "fontes artis musicae",
"annee biologique": "ann biol-paris",
"viral immunology": "viral immunol",
"data management": "data manage",
"journal of systems engineering": "j syst eng",
"bibliotheque de l ecole des chartes": "bibl ec chartes",
"american journal of kidney diseases": "am j kidney dis",
"journal of general internal medicine": "j gen intern med",
"terra nova": "terra nova",
"studies in family planning": "stud family plann",
"astronautics & aeronautics": "astronaut aeronaut",
"texas agricultural experiment station progress report": "tex aes prog rep",
"international journal of polymeric materials": "int j polym mater",
"population index": "popul index",
"research in african literatures": "res afr literatures",
"mathematical inequalities & applications": "math inequal appl",
"protein science": "protein sci",
"transactions of the institution of mining and metallurgy section b-applied earth science": "t i min metall b",
"studia monastica": "stud monastica",
"basic and applied social psychology": "basic appl soc psych",
"neurochirurgia": "neurochirurgia",
"ieee industry applications magazine": "ieee ind appl mag",
"machine learning": "mach learn",
"drug metabolism and disposition": "drug metab dispos",
"graphis": "graphis",
"cell transplantation": "cell transplant",
"medecine & chirurgie digestives": "med chir dig",
"research-technology management": "res technol manage",
"diabetes nutrition & metabolism": "diabetes nutr metab",
"iowa state journal of research": "iowa state j res",
"theoretical computer science": "theor comput sci",
"heart": "heart",
"european journal of clinical investigation": "eur j clin invest",
"acta physica academiae scientiarum hungaricae": "acta phys hung",
"harvey lectures": "harvey lect",
"south african journal of botany-suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir plantkunde": "s afr j bot",
"jsme international journal series iii-vibration control engineering engineering for industry": "jsme int j iii-vib c",
"water science and technology": "water sci technol",
"sociological research online": "sociol res online",
"journal of endovascular therapy": "j endovasc ther",
"architectural history": "archit hist",
"journal of adolescent & adult literacy": "j adolesc adult lit",
"gastroenterology clinics of north america": "gastroenterol clin n",
"celestial mechanics & dynamical astronomy": "celest mech dyn astr",
"classical and quantum gravity": "classical quant grav",
"livestock production science": "livest prod sci",
"refractories and industrial ceramics": "refract ind ceram+",
"bulletin de la societe botanique de france-lettres botaniques": "b soc bot fr-lett",
"clinics in dermatology": "clin dermatol",
"child & youth care forum": "child youth care for",
"petroleum geoscience": "petrol geosci",
"engineering intelligent systems for electrical engineering and communications": "eng intell syst elec",
"optika i spektroskopiya": "opt spektrosk+",
"public health": "public health",
"archiv fur lebensmittelhygiene": "arch lebensmittelhyg",
"journal of interpersonal violence": "j interpers violence",
"f&m-feinwerktechnik; & messtechnik": "f m-feinwerktech mes",
"khimiya prirodnykh soedinenii": "khim prir soedin+",
"hispamerica-revista de literatura": "hispamerica-rev lit",
"computational geometry-theory and applications": "comp geom-theor appl",
"vitis": "vitis",
"journal of regional science": "j regional sci",
"neuromuscular disorders": "neuromuscular disord",
"progress in food and nutrition science": "prog food nutr sci",
"journal of japanese society of tribologists": "j jpn soc tribologis",
"renaissance and reformation": "renaissance reform",
"futures": "futures",
"journal of korean medical science": "j korean med sci",
"proceedings of the american society for information science": "p am soc inform sci",
"heat and mass transfer": "heat mass transfer",
"thomist": "thomist",
"journal of peace research": "j peace res",
"central asiatic journal": "cent asiatic j",
"trends in food science & technology": "trends food sci tech",
"israeli journal of aquaculture-bamidgeh": "isr j aquacult-bamid",
"numen-international review for the history of religions": "numen",
"current opinion in gastroenterology": "curr opin gastroen",
"journal of geophysical research-atmospheres": "j geophys res-atmos",
"brain": "brain",
"annals of medicine": "ann med",
"journal of molecular biology": "j mol biol",
"reviews in mineralogy": "rev mineral",
"international studies quarterly": "int stud quart",
"internationale politik": "int politik",
"american annals of the deaf": "am ann deaf",
"seminar-a journal of germanic studies": "seminar-j ger stud",
"dr dobbs journal": "dr dobbs j",
"etudes litteraires": "etud litteraires",
"advances in strategic management": "adv strateg manage",
"patterns of prejudice": "patterns prejudice",
"teaching of psychology": "teach psychol",
"journal of hospital infection": "j hosp infect",
"traffic safety": "transport res rec",
"ratio-new series": "ratio",
"acsms health & fitness journal": "acsms health fit j",
"annual reports on nmr spectroscopy": "ann r nmr s",
"post office electrical engineers journal": "post office elec eng",
"international journal of osteoarchaeology": "int j osteoarchaeol",
"studies in higher education": "stud high educ",
"psychological review": "psychol rev",
"continental shelf research": "cont shelf res",
"national association of college teachers of agriculture journal": "nacta j",
"journal of algebraic geometry": "j algebraic geom",
"syesis": "syesis",
"unfallheilkunde-traumatology": "unfallheilkunde",
"annali di chimica": "ann chim-rome",
"metals forum": "met forum",
"international journal of immunopathology and pharmacology": "int j immunopath ph",
"acta pharmacologica et toxicologica": "acta pharmacol tox",
"marine technology society journal": "mar technol soc j",
"cellular & molecular biology letters": "cell mol biol lett",
"pakistan journal of nematology": "pakistan j nematol",
"biologizace a chemizace zivocisne vyroby-veterinaria": "biol chem zivocisme",
"journal of electronics manufacturing": "j electron manuf",
"journal of american folklore": "j am folklore",
"games and economic behavior": "game econ behav",
"current opinion in radiology": "curr opin radiol",
"british journal of management": "brit j manage",
"international journal of infrared and millimeter waves": "int j infrared milli",
"mechanics research communications": "mech res commun",
"neurobiology-budapest": "neurobiology-budapes",
"advanced powder technology": "adv powder technol",
"revista de microbiologia": "rev microbiol",
"electric machines and electromechanics": "electr mach electrom",
"mammalia": "mammalia",
"journal of neuroradiology": "j neuroradiology",
"melliand textilberichte international textile reports": "melliand textil int",
"journal of cellular biochemistry": "j cell biochem",
"mathematics and mechanics of solids": "math mech solids",
"international journal of mechanical sciences": "int j mech sci",
"biochimica et biophysica acta-reviews on biomembranes": "bba-rev biomembranes",
"mathematical intelligencer": "math intell",
"brown boveri review": "brown boveri rev",
"cineforum": "cineforum",
"agricultura de las americas": "agr am",
"immunologic research": "immunol res",
"annals of pharmacotherapy": "ann pharmacother",
"cable and satellite europe": "cable satell eur",
"cartographic journal": "cartogr j",
"russian plant physiology": "russ plant physiol+",
"journal of industrial economics": "j ind econ",
"acta diabetologica latina": "acta diabetol lat",
"sekiyu gakkaishi-journal of the japan petroleum institute": "sekiyu gakkaishi",
"journal of fire retardant chemistry": "j fire retard chem",
"gec review": "gec rev",
"revue francaise d etudes americaines": "rev fr etud amer",
"journal of economic growth": "j econ growth",
"singapore journal of obstetrics & gynaecology": "singapore j obstet",
"cereal research communications": "cereal res commun",
"economics of transition": "econ transit",
"seminars in immunology": "semin immunol",
"utah agricultural experiment station research bulletin": "utah aes res bull",
"journal of educational and psychological consultation": "j educ psychol cons",
"child & family behavior therapy": "child fam behav ther",
"journal of cellular plastics": "j cell plast",
"journal of materials engineering and performance": "j mater eng perform",
"natural language & linguistic theory": "nat lang linguist th",
"seminars in neuroscience": "semin neurosci",
"neuroprotocols-a companion to methods in neurosciences": "neuroprotocols",
"zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche wissenschaft und die kunde der alteren kirche": "z neutestament wiss",
"revue historique": "rev historique",
"archives francaises de pediatrie": "arch fr pediatr",
"polymer composites": "polym composite",
"journal of computational and graphical statistics": "j comput graph stat",
"climatic change": "climatic change",
"topics in geriatric rehabilitation": "top geriatr rehabil",
"transactions of the ancient monuments society": "t ancient monument",
"critical quarterly": "crit quart",
"zeitschrift fur orthopadie und ihre grenzgebiete": "z orthop grenzgeb",
"siam journal on mathematical analysis": "siam j math anal",
"isotopes in environmental and health studies": "isot environ healt s",
"work employment and society": "work employ soc",
"housing studies": "housing stud",
"journal of applied physiology": "j appl physiol",
"review of educational research": "rev educ res",
"structural and multidisciplinary optimization": "struct multidiscip o",
"quaderni medievali": "quad medievali",
"structural design of tall buildings": "struct des tall buil",
"journal of food and drug analysis": "j food drug anal",
"aids education and prevention": "aids educ prev",
"american journal of philology": "am j philology",
"psychology in the schools": "psychol schools",
"monuments historiques": "monument hist",
"journal of the world aquaculture society": "j world aquacult soc",
"journal of phytopathology-phytopathologische zeitschrift": "j phytopathol",
"forest ecology and management": "forest ecol manag",
"experimental hematology": "exp hematol",
"journal of autoimmunity": "j autoimmun",
"nutrition": "nutrition",
"ima journal of mathematical control and information": "ima j math control i",
"international journal of technology management": "int j technol manage",
"methods in cell biology": "method cell biol",
"public choice": "public choice",
"virginia magazine of history and biography": "va mag hist biog",
"training & development": "training dev",
"organization science": "organ sci",
"energy and buildings": "energ buildings",
"asle transactions": "asle trans",
"clinics in laboratory medicine": "clin lab med",
"journal of chromatographic science": "j chromatogr sci",
"camera obscura": "camera obscura",
"brain injury": "brain injury",
"antonie van leeuwenhoek journal of microbiology": "a van leeuw j microb",
"collegium antropologicum": "collegium antropol",
"trends in cardiovascular medicine": "trends cardiovas med",
"acm transactions on design automation of electronic systems": "acm t des automat el",
"psicothema": "psicothema",
"journal of dentistry for children": "j dent child",
"microprocessors and microsystems": "microprocess microsy",
"magnesium": "magnesium",
"gruppendynamik-zeitschrift fur angewandte sozialpsychologie": "gruppendynamik",
"fruits": "fruits",
"anthropology and archeology of eurasia": "anthr archeol euras",
"sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya": "sotsiol issled+",
"clinical and experimental rheumatology": "clin exp rheumatol",
"international laboratory": "int lab",
"gene therapy": "gene ther",
"redox report": "redox rep",
"archive of fishery and marine research": "arch fish mar res",
"journal of industrial and engineering chemistry": "j ind eng chem",
"tierarztliche praxis ausgabe kleintiere heimtiere": "tierarztl prax k h",
"geoscience canada": "geosci can",
"southwestern entomologist": "southwest entomol",
"acta mathematica": "acta math-djursholm",
"naval research logistics": "nav res log",
"international journal of hyperthermia": "int j hyperther",
"international journal of pharmaceutics": "int j pharm",
"prostaglandins": "prostaglandins",
"philosophy today": "philos today",
"seminars in neurology": "semin neurol",
"astronomy & astrophysics supplement series": "astron astrophys sup",
"journal of applied sport psychology": "j appl sport psychol",
"toxicology and applied pharmacology": "toxicol appl pharm",
"international journal of biometeorology": "int j biometeorol",
"online": "online",
"molecular crystals and liquid crystals science and technology section a-molecular crystals and liquid crystals": "mol cryst liq crys a",
"journal of personality": "j pers",
"potato research": "potato res",
"journal of the japanese and international economies": "j jpn int econ",
"zeitschrift fur kinder-und jugendpsychiatrie und psychotherapie": "z kinder jug-psych",
"oncology-new york": "oncology-ny",
"immunological investigations": "immunol invest",
"british journal of mathematical & statistical psychology": "brit j math stat psy",
"fluid phase equilibria": "fluid phase equilibr",
"feminist economics": "fem econ",
"ultramicroscopy": "ultramicroscopy",
"optical and quantum electronics": "opt quant electron",
"synthese": "synthese",
"positif": "positif",
"journal of the american helicopter society": "j am helicopter soc",
"corrosion prevention & control": "corros prevent contr",
"acm transactions on database systems": "acm t database syst",
"behavioural neurology": "behav neurol",
"aktuelle ernahrungsmedizin": "aktuel ernahrungsmed",
"journal of electronic materials": "j electron mater",
"hadronic journal": "hadronic j",
"international journal of machine tools & manufacture": "int j mach tool manu",
"psychobiology": "psychobiology",
"american journal of alternative agriculture": "am j alternative agr",
"agricultural research": "agr res",
"journal of field ornithology": "j field ornithol",
"field analytical chemistry and technology": "field anal chem tech",
"alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics": "aliment pharm therap",
"journal of strength and conditioning research": "j strength cond res",
"ieee transactions on computers": "ieee t comput",
"real estate economics": "real estate econ",
"journal of toxicology and environmental health-part b-critical reviews": "j toxicol env heal b",
"international journal of general systems": "int j gen syst",
"pharmacology & therapeutics": "pharmacol therapeut",
"process safety and environmental protection": "process saf environ",
"geography": "geography",
"bone and mineral": "bone miner",
"optics and spectroscopy": "opt spectrosc+",
"medical biology": "med biol",
"materials evaluation": "mater eval",
"agrologist": "agrologist",
"journal de physiologie": "j physiol-paris",
"journal of sport rehabilitation": "j sport rehabil",
"sierra": "sierra",
"transactions of the royal society of south australia": "t roy soc south aust",
"journal of molecular recognition": "j mol recognit",
"cardiovascular drugs and therapy": "cardiovasc drug ther",
"perspectives of new music": "perspect new music",
"journal of peptide science": "j pept sci",
"journal of raman spectroscopy": "j raman spectrosc",
"advances in renal replacement therapy": "adv renal replace th",
"queueing systems": "queueing syst",
"manuscripta": "manuscripta",
"european journal of pharmacology-environmental toxicology and pharmacology section": "eur j pharm-environ",
"risk analysis": "risk anal",
"geological journal": "geol j",
"eksperimentalnaya onkologiya": "eksp onkol",
"journal of church and state": "j church state",
"journal of biomaterials science-polymer edition": "j biomat sci-polym e",
"acta phytopathologica et entomologica hungarica": "acta phytopathol hun",
"synapse": "synapse",
"latomus": "latomus",
"vie et milieu-life and environment": "vie milieu",
"journal of mammalogy": "j mammal",
"sexually transmitted diseases": "sex transm dis",
"journal de physique iv": "j phys iv",
"modern drama": "mod drama",
"who expert committee on specifications for pharmaceutical preparations - thirty-fifth report": "who tech rep ser",
"zeitschrift fur physikalische chemie-international journal of research in physical chemistry & chemical physics": "z phys chem",
"journal de physique ii": "j phys iv",
"infusionstherapie und klinische ernahrung": "infusionstherapie",
"journal of theoretical probability": "j theor probab",
"american biotechnology laboratory": "am biotechnol lab",
"oklahoma current farm economics": "okla curr farm econ",
"revue francaise d allergologie et d immunologie clinique": "rev fr allergol",
"social & legal studies": "soc legal stud",
"electrochemistry communications": "electrochem commun",
"heterogeneous chemistry reviews": "heterogen chem rev",
"journal of human hypertension": "j hum hypertens",
"international journal of clinical pharmacology research": "int j clin pharm res",
"analytical communications": "anal commun",
"acta oto-laryngologica": "acta oto-laryngol",
"cell and tissue research": "cell tissue res",
"journal of technical writing and communication": "j tech writ commun",
"acta biochimica et biophysica hungarica": "acta biochim biophys",
"american ethnologist": "am ethnol",
"helvetica paediatrica acta": "helv paediatr acta",
"annales de l institut pasteur-immunology": "ann inst pasteur imm",
"european food research and technology": "eur food res technol",
"slavic review": "slavic rev",
"alta frequenza": "alta freq",
"journal de genetique humaine": "j genet hum",
"sozial-und praventivmedizin": "soz praventiv med",
"studies in symbolic interaction": "stud symb interact",
"modeling identification and control": "model ident control",
"international yearbook of nephrology": "int yearbook nephrol",
"radical philosophy": "radical philos",
"industrial management & data systems": "ind manage data syst",
"new zealand journal of botany": "new zeal j bot",
"labour-le travail": "labour-travail",
"international journal of bifurcation and chaos": "int j bifurcat chaos",
"communist economies & economic transformation": "communist econ ec tr",
"ecology law quarterly": "ecol law quart",
"architectural review": "archit rev",
"boston university law review": "boston u law rev",
"journal de mecanique": "j mecanique",
"journal of business and technical communication": "j bus tech commun",
"physical review b-condensed matter": "phys rev b",
"annales de biologie clinique": "ann biol clin-paris",
"toxicology and industrial health": "toxicol ind health",
"florida entomologist": "fla entomol",
"bulletin de la societe zoologique de france": "b soc zool fr",
"polymer communications": "polym commun",
"biotechnology & genetic engineering reviews,
vol. 15": "biotechnol genet eng",
"research publications-association for research in nervous and mental disease": "res publ assoc res n",
"international gas engineering and management": "int gas eng manage",
"journal of reading behavior": "j reading behav",
"journal of seismology": "j seismol",
"computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering": "comput method appl m",
"italian journal of mineral & electrolyte metabolism": "ital j miner elect m",
"zhurnal nauchnoi i prikladnoi fotografii": "zh nauch prikl fotog",
"neural computation": "neural comput",
"dispute resolution journal": "dispute resolut j",
"disability and rehabilitation": "disabil rehabil",
"annual review of plant physiology and plant molecular biology": "annu rev plant phys",
"journal of applied econometrics": "j appl econom",
"journal of leukocyte biology": "j leukocyte biol",
"immunoparasitology today-a combined issue of immunology today and parasitology today": "immunoparasitol tod",
"communications in theoretical physics": "commun theor phys",
"journal of physics d-applied physics": "j phys d appl phys",
"european journal of combinatorics": "eur j combin",
"scandinavian journal of metallurgy": "scand j metall",
"archives of andrology": "arch andrology",
"journal of biological rhythms": "j biol rhythm",
"annual review of fluid mechanics": "annu rev fluid mech",
"clinical oncology monographs": "clin oncolo",
"civil engineering and environmental systems": "civ eng environ syst",
"molecular brain research": "mol brain res",
"human neurobiology": "hum neurobiol",
"plant pathology": "plant pathol",
"journal of labor economics": "j labor econ",
"comptes rendus des seances de la societe de biologie et de ses filiales": "cr soc biol",
"places-a quarterly journal of environmental design": "places-q j environ d",
"victorian newsletter": "victorian newsl",
"population and development review": "popul dev rev",
"general hospital psychiatry": "gen hosp psychiat",
"australian journal of earth sciences": "aust j earth sci",
"land economics": "land econ",
"bio-technology": "bio-technol",
"journal of accounting research": "j accounting res",
"international journal of industrial engineering-applications and practice": "int j ind eng-appl p",
"rivista di economia agraria": "riv econ agr",
"angewandte chemie-international edition": "angew chem int edit",
"system familie": "syst fam",
"journal of bone and mineral research": "j bone miner res",
"mosaic-a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature": "mosaic",
"party politics": "party polit",
"environmental & engineering geoscience": "environ eng geosci",
"immunotechnology": "immunotechnology",
"journal of pathology": "j pathol",
"polymer": "polymer",
"chinese physics letters": "chinese phys lett",
"development and psychopathology": "dev psychopathol",
"journal of human movement studies": "j hum movement stud",
"food manufacture": "food manuf",
"wood and fiber": "wood fiber sci",
"management science": "manage sci",
"izvestiya akademii nauk sssr seriya biologicheskaya": "izv an sssr biol+",
"current problems in obstetrics gynecology and fertility": "curr prob obst gyn f",
"supramolecular chemistry": "supramol chem",
"interconnection technology": "interconnect technol",
"child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of north america": "child adol psych cl",
"brain and language": "brain lang",
"techniques in neurosurgery": "tech neurosurg",
"annals of otology rhinology and laryngology": "ann oto rhinol laryn",
"international journal of neuroradiology": "int j neuroradiol",
"international journal of polymer analysis and characterization": "int j polym anal ch",
"european journal of psychology of education": "eur j psychol educ",
"transplantation": "transplantation",
"journal of statistical planning and inference": "j stat plan infer",
"applicable analysis": "appl anal",
"advances in virus research": "adv virus res",
"journal of biblical literature": "j biblical lit",
"zeitschrift fur slavische philologie": "z slav philol",
"psychiatrie de l enfant": "psychiat enfant",
"arctic": "arctic",
"journal of policy analysis and management": "j policy anal manag",
"receptors and recognition series b": "receptor recog ser b",
"molecular aspects of medicine": "mol aspects med",
"chicago journal of theoretical computer science": "chic j theor comput",
"bulletin of the history of medicine": "b hist med",
"acta informatica": "acta inform",
"dermatosen in beruf und umwelt": "dermatos ber umwelt",
"exercise immunology review": "exerc immunol rev",
"mutation research-reviews in mutation research": "mutat res-rev mutat",
"human factors and ergonomics in manufacturing": "hum factor ergon man",
"theater": "theater",
"journal of process control": "j process contr",
"letters in heat and mass transfer": "lett heat mass trans",
"journal of dairy science": "j dairy sci",
"haematologica": "haematologica",
"studia rosenthaliana": "stud rosenthaliana",
"advances in immunology": "adv immunol",
"intensive care medicine": "intens care med",
"warme und stoffubertragung-thermo and fluid dynamics": "warme stoffubertrag",
"journal of pidgin and creole languages": "j pidgin creole lang",
"swiss journal of psychology": "swiss j psychol",
"starch-starke": "starch-starke",
"molecular medicine today": "mol med today",
"confectionery production": "confect prod",
"monatsschrift fur brauwissenschaft": "monatsschr brauwiss",
"housing policy debate": "hous policy debate",
"british journal of psychiatry": "brit j psychiat",
"revue de physique appliquee": "rev phys appl",
"spectrochimica acta reviews": "spectrochim acta rev",
"journal of natural history": "j nat hist",
"neurogenetics": "neurogenetics",
"systematic botany": "syst bot",
"american neptune": "am neptune",
"diogenes": "diogenes",
"journal of mental health administration": "j ment health admin",
"best practice & research clinical haematology": "best pract res cl ha",
"progress in photovoltaics": "prog photovoltaics",
"computer graphics and image processing": "comput vision graph",
"obesity research": "obes res",
"journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery": "j oral maxil surg",
"surface science reports": "surf sci rep",
"angewandte makromolekulare chemie": "angew makromol chem",
"avant scene opera": "avant scene opera",
"mutation research-environmental mutagenesis and related subjects": "mutat res-envir muta",
"agricultural economics": "agr econ",
"review of religious research": "rev relig res",
"complications in surgery": "complication surg",
"columbia journal of transnational law": "columbia j trans law",
"journal of supercomputing": "j supercomput",
"optica applicata": "opt appl",
"advances in experimental social psychology": "adv exp soc psychol",
"journal of economics & management strategy": "j econ manage strat",
"hungarian quarterly": "hung quart",
"journal of chemical engineering of japan": "j chem eng jpn",
"critical reviews in biocompatibility": "crit rev biocompat",
"biotechnology letters": "biotechnol lett",
"transport theory and statistical physics": "transport theor stat",
"european journal of dermatology": "eur j dermatol",
"fortune": "fortune",
"journal of alternative and complementary medicine": "j altern complem med",
"rairo-automatique-productique informatique industrielle-automatic control production systems": "rairo-autom prod inf",
"pmm journal of applied mathematics and mechanics": "pmm-j appl math mec+",
"ibm systems journal": "ibm syst j",
"journal of american culture": "j am culture",
"european journal of gynaecological oncology": "eur j gynaecol oncol",
"matematisk-fysiske meddelelser kongelige danske videnskabernes selskab": "mat fys medd dan vid",
"annales chirurgiae et gynaecologiae": "ann chir gynaecol fe",
"health care management review": "health care manage r",
"journal of family issues": "j fam issues",
"hormone and metabolic research": "horm metab res",
"cafe cacao the": "cafe cacao the",
"partisan review": "partisan rev",
"molecular and cellular probes": "mol cell probe",
"journal of ocular pharmacology": "j ocul pharmacol",
"review of financial studies": "rev financ stud",
"texte-revue de critique et de theorie litteraire": "texte",
"journal of the american planning association": "j am plann assoc",
"journal of the american real estate and urban economics association": "j am real estate urb",
"southern economic journal": "southern econ j",
"regional anesthesia and pain medicine": "region anesth pain m",
"veterinary medicine & small animal clinician": "vet med sm anim clin",
"ff communications": "ff commun",
"proceedings of the sid": "p sid",
"computers and electronics in agriculture": "comput electron agr",
"computer networks and isdn systems": "comput networks isdn",
"soap cosmetics chemical specialties": "soap cosmet chem spe",
"western american literature": "western am lit",
"fleischwirtschaft": "fleischwirtschaft",
"international journal of methods in psychiatric research": "int j method psych",
"ethos": "ethos",
"clinical biochemistry contemporary theories and techniques": "clin biochem contemp",
"hydrological processes": "hydrol process",
"gesta-international center of medieval art": "gesta",
"journal of vlsi signal processing": "j vlsi signal proc",
"exploitation of fine-grain parallelism": "lect notes comput sc",
"new york university law review": "new york u law rev",
"journal of the american musicological society": "j am music soc",
"journal of prosthetics and orthotics": "j prosthet orthot",
"industrial diamond review": "ind diamond rev",
"epileptic disorders": "epileptic disord",
"international journal of sport biomechanics": "int j sport biomech",
"clinical nephrology": "clin nephrol",
"maryland agricultural experiment station miscellaneous publication": "maryland aes misc pu",
"palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology": "palaeogeogr palaeocl",
"scandinavica": "scandinavica",
"health promotion international": "health promot int",
"journal of endourology": "j endourol",
"journal of wuhan university of technology-materials science edition": "j wuhan univ technol",
"international journal of biological research in pregnancy": "int j biol res preg",
"journal of religious ethics": "j relig ethics",
"journal of healthcare management": "j healthc manag",
"reports on progress in physics": "rep prog phys",
"filozofia": "filozofia",
"international journal of computational geometry & applications": "int j comput geom ap",
"archives for meteorology geophysics and bioclimatology series b-theoretical and applied climatology": "arch meteor geophy b",
"calculus of variations and partial differential equations": "calc var partial dif",
"indian journal of radio & space physics": "indian j radio space",
"canadian journal of dietetic practice and research": "can j diet pract res",
"zeitschrift fur wasser- und abwasser-forschung-journal for water and wastewater research-acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica": "z wasser-acta hydroc",
"computational mechanics": "comput mech",
"winterthur portfolio-a journal of american material culture": "winterthur portfolio",
"journal of aquatic plant management": "j aquat plant manage",
"stahl und eisen": "stahl eisen",
"psychopathology": "psychopathology",
"radiology": "radiology",
"area": "area",
"proceedings of the koninklijke nederlandse akademie van wetenschappen series b-palaeontology geology physics chemistry anthropology": "p k ned akad b phys",
"plant and soil": "plant soil",
"eighteenth century-theory and interpretation": "eighteenth cent-theo",
"resources and conservation": "resour conserv",
"world journal of surgery": "world j surg",
"journal of womens health & gender-based medicine": "j women health gen-b",
"applied & preventive psychology": "appl prev psychol",
"zeitschrift fur gerontologie": "z gerontol",
"bulletin of the london mathematical society": "b lond math soc",
"radiologe": "radiologe",
"european journal of pharmacology-molecular pharmacology section": "eur j pharm-molec ph",
"journal of the european academy of dermatology and venereology": "j eur acad dermatol",
"filtration & separation": "filtr separat",
"journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences": "j neuropsych clin n",
"politicka ekonomie": "polit ekon",
"endocrine pathology": "endocr pathol",
"blood vessels": "blood vessels",
"tgo-tijdschrift voor therapie geneesmiddel en onderzoek jdr-journal for drugtherapy and research": "tgo-tijdschr ther ge",
"journal of memory and language": "j mem lang",
"izvestiya akademii nauk seriya fizicheskaya": "izv akad nauk fiz+",
"american music": "am music",
"digestive diseases and sciences": "digest dis sci",
"siam journal on applied mathematics": "siam j appl math",
"international journal of quantum chemistry": "int j quantum chem",
"drug and alcohol dependence": "drug alcohol depen",
"circulation": "circulation",
"iowa agricultural and home economics experiment station research bulletin": "iowa ahees res bull",
"geologiska foreningens i stockholm forhandlingar": "geol foren stock for",
"biblical archaeologist": "biblic archaeol",
"seminars in perinatology": "semin perinatol",
"transactions of the society for computer simulation international": "t soc comput simul i",
"synthesis-cambridge": "synthesis-cambridge",
"pesticide biochemistry and physiology": "pestic biochem phys",
"proceedings of the american philosophical society": "p am philos soc",
"historia": "historia",
"cognitive linguistics": "cogn linguist",
"progress in reaction kinetics and mechanism": "prog react kinet mec",
"journal of vascular research": "j vasc res",
"laboratory robotics and automation": "lab robotics automat",
"advances in food research": "adv food res",
"acta medica hungarica": "acta med hung",
"current problems in dermatology-us": "curr probl derm-us",
"journal of mechanisms transmissions and automation in design-transactions of the asme": "j mech transm-t asme",
"nuova rivista musicale italiana": "nuova riv music ital",
"hospitals": "hospitals",
"cybernetics and systems analysis": "cybern syst anal+",
"mexican studies-estudios mexicanos": "mex stud",
"ironmaking & steelmaking": "ironmak steelmak",
"annals of applied nematology": "ann appl nematol",
"japanese journal of medicine": "jpn j med",
"tree physiology": "tree physiol",
"genetical research": "genet res",
"peripheral and spinal mechanisms in the neural control of movement": "prog brain res",
"inquiry-an interdisciplinary journal of philosophy": "inquiry",
"isotope geoscience": "isot geosci",
"journal of differential equations": "j differ equations",
"australian and new zealand journal of medicine": "aust nz j med",
"journal of telemedicine and telecare": "j telemed telecare",
"stand magazine": "stand mag",
"health values": "health val",
"solar energy materials and solar cells": "sol energ mat sol c",
"bell laboratories record": "bell lab rec",
"magnesium and trace elements": "magnesium trace elem",
"berliner und munchener tierarztliche wochenschrift": "berl munch tierarztl",
"journal of glass studies": "j glass stud",
"journal of nutritional biochemistry": "j nutr biochem",
"european journal of protistology": "eur j protistol",
"marine biology": "mar biol",
"ecological applications": "ecol appl",
"electronic journal of theoretical chemistry": "electron j theor ch",
"history of european ideas": "hist eur idea",
"technical physics letters": "tech phys lett+",
"experimental aging research": "exp aging res",
"acta histochemica et cytochemica": "acta histochem cytoc",
"modal analysis-the international journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis": "modal anal",
"agrartorteneti szemle": "agrartort szemle",
"solid state nuclear magnetic resonance": "solid state nucl mag",
"baillieres clinical haematology-international practice and research": "bail cl hae",
"human-computer interaction": "hum-comput interact",
"food research international": "food res int",
"archives d anatomie microscopique et de morphologie experimentale": "arch anat microsc mo",
"experimental parasitology": "exp parasitol",
"journal of fermentation and bioengineering": "j ferment bioeng",
"journal of fertilizer issues": "j fert issues",
"annals of mathematics": "ann math",
"agri-practice": "agri-practice",
"nec research & development": "nec res dev",
"invertebrate neuroscience": "invertebr neurosci",
"social work research & abstracts": "soc work res abstr",
"publications of the astronomical society of australia": "publ astron soc aust",
"scottish historical review": "scot hist rev",
"upsala journal of medical sciences": "upsala j med sci",
"journal of physical chemistry b": "j phys chem b",
"rivers-studies in the science environmental policy and law of instream flow": "rivers-stud sci env",
"journal of physical chemistry a": "j phys chem a",
"journal of research on adolescence": "j res adolescence",
"american antiquity": "am antiquity",
"organizational dynamics": "organ dyn",
"separation science and technology": "separ sci technol",
"vestnik akademii nauk sssr": "vestn an sssr+",
"agricultural wastes": "agr wastes",
"irish journal of psychology": "irish j psychol",
"journal of gene medicine": "j gene med",
"apoptosis": "apoptosis",
"bacterial invasiveness": "curr top microbiol",
"journal of environmental radioactivity": "j environ radioactiv",
"langenbecks archiv fur chirurgie": "langenbeck arch chir",
"south african mechanical engineer": "s afr mech eng",
"research and industry": "res ind",
"ecology letters": "ecol lett",
"industrial photography": "ind photogr",
"zement-kalk-gips": "zkg int",
"educational psychologist": "educ psychol",
"revue canadienne de biologie experimentale": "rev can biol exptl",
"lubrication": "lubrication",
"american heritage": "am heritage",
"folia histochemica et cytobiologica": "folia histochem cyto",
"bunseki kagaku": "bunseki kagaku",
"biochemical society transactions": "biochem soc t",
"south african journal of surgery": "s afr j surg",
"journal of comparative physiology b-biochemical systemic and environmental physiology": "j comp physiol b",
"high pressure research": "high pressure res",
"ieee transactions on microwave theory and techniques": "ieee t microw theory",
"clinical pharmacy": "clin pharmacy",
"periodica polytechnica-chemical engineering": "period polytech chem",
"arethusa": "arethusa",
"current opinion in genetics & development": "curr opin genet dev",
"zeitschrift fur geologische wissenschaften": "z geol wissenschaft",
"annals of ophthalmology & glaucoma": "ann ophthalmol glauc",
"microsurgery": "microsurg",
"international journal of computational fluid dynamics": "int j comput fluid d",
"journal of clinical pathology-molecular pathology": "j clin pathol-mol pa",
"clay minerals": "clay miner",
"numerical linear algebra with applications": "numer linear algebr",
"journal of the optical society of america a-optics image science and vision": "j opt soc am a",
"journal of water services research and technology-aqua": "j water serv res tec",
"journal of applied meteorology": "j appl meteorol",
"european journal of neuroscience": "eur j neurosci",
"journal of embryology and experimental morphology": "j embryol exp morph",
"sampe journal": "sampe j",
"philosophical magazine letters": "phil mag lett",
"tradition-a journal of orthodox jewish thought": "tradition",
"microbiology": "microbiology+",
"studies in short fiction": "stud short fiction",
"concepts in neuroscience": "concept neurosci",
"journal of the construction division-asce": "j construct div-asce",
"japanese journal of neuropsychopharmacology": "jpn j neuropsychoph",
"revista de occidente": "rev occidente",
"biophysics of structure and mechanism": "biophys struct mech",
"match-communications in mathematical and in computer chemistry": "match-commun math co",
"journal of geophysical research-planets": "j geophys res-planet",
"scottish geographical magazine": "scot geogr mag",
"journal of supramolecular structure and cellular biochemistry": "j supramol str cell",
"tappi journal": "tappi j",
"international journal of robotics research": "int j robot res",
"journal of macromolecular science-reviews in macromolecular chemistry and physics": "j macromol sci r m c",
"applied psycholinguistics": "appl psycholinguist",
"communications in statistics part b-simulation and computation": "commun stat b-simul",
"work and stress": "work stress",
"american journal of clinical oncology-cancer clinical trials": "am j clin oncol-canc",
"operative techniques in sports medicine": "oper techn sport med",
"nephrology dialysis transplantation": "nephrol dial transpl",
"padiatrie und padologie": "padiatr padol",
"american transcendental quarterly": "am transcend quart",
"chemiker-zeitung": "chem ztg",
"archives of histology and cytology": "arch histol cytol",
"ai applications": "ai applications",
"aids & public policy journal": "aids public policy j",
"physics and chemistry of the earth part a-solid earth and geodesy": "phys chem earth pt a",
"organic reactions": "org reactions",
"siberian mathematical journal": "siberian math j+",
"journals of gerontology series b-psychological sciences and social sciences": "j gerontol b-psychol",
"journal of garden history": "j garden hist",
"issues & studies": "issues stud",
"herz kreislauf": "herz kreislauf",
"british journal of plastic surgery": "brit j plast surg",
"annals of dyslexia": "ann dyslexia",
"applied economics": "appl econ",
"law and contemporary problems": "law contemp probl",
"listy cukrovarnicke a reparske": "listy cukrov",
"food chemistry": "food chem",
"ieee personal communications": "ieee pers commun",
"journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer": "j quant spectrosc ra",
"journal of solid state chemistry": "j solid state chem",
"quality progress": "qual prog",
"canadian agricultural engineering": "can agr eng",
"omni": "omni",
"nuclear engineering and design": "nucl eng des",
"nebraska symposium on motivation": "nebr sym motiv",
"helminthologia": "helminthologia",
"surface engineering": "surface eng",
"equine athlete": "equine athlete",
"journal of education for teaching": "j educ teaching",
"czech journal of animal science": "czech j anim sci",
"english historical review": "engl hist rev",
"journal of heat transfer-transactions of the asme": "j heat trans-t asme",
"cancer genetics and cytogenetics": "cancer genet cytogen",
"biometals": "biometals",
"circulation research": "circ res",
"usda forest service rocky mountain research station research paper rmrs": "usda for serv rm r s",
"european journal of information systems": "eur j inform syst",
"journal of engineering for gas turbines and power-transactions of the asme": "j eng gas turb power",
"journal of fusion energy": "j fusion energ",
"food and agricultural immunology": "food agric immunol",
"water research": "water res",
"journal of materials science-materials in medicine": "j mater sci-mater m",
"australian and new zealand journal of surgery": "aust nz j surg",
"remedial and special education": "rem spec educ",
"revista de biologia tropical": "rev biol trop",
"journal of mediterranean studies": "j mediterr stud",
"international journal of production research": "int j prod res",
"journal of immunogenetics": "j immunogenet",
"journal of biomechanical engineering-transactions of the asme": "j biomech eng-t asme",
"physiological psychology": "physiol psychol",
"journal of south american earth sciences": "j s am earth sci",
"bulletin of the jsme-japan society of mechanical engineers": "b jsme",
"izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii radiofizika": "izv vuz radiofiz+",
"polymers for advanced technologies": "polym advan technol",
"ecological engineering": "ecol eng",
"aeu-archiv fur elektronik und ubertragungstechnik-international journal of electronics and communications": "aeu-arch elektron ub",
"quarterly journal of experimental psychology section a-human experimental psychology": "q j exp psychol-a",
"psychological assessment": "psychol assessment",
"history": "history",
"journal of the royal statistical society series b-methodological": "j roy stat soc b met",
"nautilus": "nautilus",
"european heart journal supplements": "eur heart j suppl",
"journal of special education": "j spec educ",
"exotic pet practice": "exot pet pract",
"ballett international-tanz aktuell": "ballett int-tanz akt",
"cognitive and behavioral practice": "cogn behav pract",
"journal of comparative economics": "j comp econ",
"journal of laboratory and clinical medicine": "j lab clin med",
"canadian journal of zoology-revue canadienne de zoologie": "can j zool",
"journal of anxiety disorders": "j anxiety disord",
"knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy": "knee surg sport tr a",
"journal of music therapy": "j music ther",
"applied magnetic resonance": "appl magn reson",
"journal of literary semantics": "j literary semantics",
"journal of combinatorial optimization": "j comb optim",
"voprosy istorii": "vop istorii",
"reading research and instruction": "read res instruct",
"novel-a forum on fiction": "novel-forum fict",
"soil biology & biochemistry": "soil biol biochem",
"journal of the engineering mechanics division-asce": "j eng mech div-asce",
"revue canadienne des sciences de l administration-canadian journal of administrative sciences": "rev can sci admin",
"journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery": "j cranio maxill surg",
"behavior genetics": "behav genet",
"advances in computational mathematics": "adv comput math",
"ieee-acm transactions on networking": "ieee acm t network",
"pharmaceutical development and technology": "pharm dev technol",
"past & present": "past present",
"astronomy & geophysics": "astron geophys",
"chinese journal of analytical chemistry": "chinese j anal chem",
"pediatrie": "pediatrie",
"journal of addictive diseases": "j addict dis",
"bulletin de mineralogie": "b mineral",
"archiv fur experimentelle veterinarmedizin": "arch exp vet med",
"south african journal of botany": "s afr j bot",
"applied clay science": "appl clay sci",
"russian journal of nondestructive testing": "russ j nondestruct+",
"contraceptive delivery systems": "contracept deliv sys",
"evolutionary biology": "evol biol",
"veterinary immunology and immunopathology": "vet immunol immunop",
"metal progress": "met prog",
"kagaku kogaku ronbunshu": "kagaku kogaku ronbun",
"afinidad": "afinidad",
"international journal of behavioral medicine": "int j behav med",
"educational gerontology": "educ gerontol",
"international journal of biological macromolecules": "int j biol macromol",
"cutis": "cutis",
"neue zeitschrift fur musik": "neue z musik",
"population and environment": "popul environ",
"journal of biochemical and biophysical methods": "j biochem bioph meth",
"environmental monitoring and assessment": "environ monit assess",
"israel medical association journal": "israel med assoc j",
"in vitro cellular & developmental biology-plant": "in vitro cell dev-pl",
"scandinavian cardiovascular journal": "scand cardiovasc j",
"catholic historical review": "cathol hist rev",
"british journal of general practice": "brit j gen pract",
"zeitschrift fur flugwissenschaften und weltraumforschung": "z flugwiss weltraum",
"australian meteorological magazine": "aust meteorol mag",
"international journal of satellite communications": "int j satell commun",
"international journal of materials & product technology": "int j mater prod tec",
"social work research": "soc work res",
"animal production": "anim prod",
"mathematics of control signals and systems": "math control signal",
"current history": "curr hist",
"data base": "data base",
"bulletin de la societe zoologique de france-evolution et zoologie": "b soc zool fr",
"journal of career development": "j career dev",
"vlsi systems design": "vlsi syst des",
"journal of medieval and early modern studies": "j mediev early mod s",
"brain research": "brain res",
"arzneimittel-forschung-drug research": "arzneimittel-forsch",
"eighteenth-century life": "eighteenth-cent life",
"surgical neurology": "surg neurol",
"journal of horticultural science & biotechnology": "j hortic sci biotech",
"edp analyzer": "edp anal",
"microbiological reviews": "microbiol rev",
"methods in molecular and cellular biology": "method mol cell biol",
"transactions of nonferrous metals society of china": "t nonferr metal soc",
"journal of world trade": "j world trade",
"eighteenth-century studies": "eighteenth-cent stud",
"infrared solar physics": "iau symp",
"journal of the history of biology": "j hist biol",
"mathematika": "mathematika",
"telemedicine journal": "telemed j",
"proceedings of the royal society of london series a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences": "p roy soc lond a mat",
"aquacultural engineering": "aquacult eng",
"current opinion in pediatrics": "curr opin pediatr",
"composite interfaces": "compos interface",
"computertomographie sonographie und andere neue bilddiagnostische methoden": "computertom sonograp",
"hiroshima journal of medical sciences": "hiroshima j med sci",
"journal of biological standardization": "j biol stand",
"reliability engineering & system safety": "reliab eng syst safe",
"m s-medecine sciences": "m s-med sci",
"solvent extraction research and development-japan": "solvent extr res dev",
"isi atlas of science-animal & plant sciences": "isi atl sci-anim pl",
"irish journal of earth sciences": "irish j earth sci",
"acta mathematica scientia": "acta math sci",
"journal of fish diseases": "j fish dis",
"african studies": "afr stud",
"meteorologische rundschau": "meteorol rundsch",
"waterbirds": "waterbirds",
"journal of veterinary medicine series a-zentralblatt fur veterinarmedizin reihe a-physiology pathology clinical medicine": "j vet med a",
"natural history": "nat hist",
"acta alimentaria": "acta aliment hung",
"acta agronomica academiae scientiarum hungaricae": "acta agron hung",
"indiana university mathematics journal": "indiana u math j",
"american mathematical monthly": "am math mon",
"drug safety": "drug safety",
"experimental heat transfer": "exp heat transfer",
"studi medievali": "stud mediev",
"americas": "americas",
"boletin de la sociedad matematica mexicana": "bol soc mat mex",
"new left review": "new left rev",
"physics letters b": "phys lett b",
"online information review": "online inform rev",
"calphad-computer coupling of phase diagrams and thermochemistry": "calphad",
"engineering journal-american institute of steel construction inc": "eng j aisc",
"freshwater biology": "freshwater biol",
"sixteenth century journal": "sixteenth cent j",
"osterreichische zeitschrift fur politikwissenschaft": "osterr z polit",
"antiquity": "antiquity",
"clinical immunotherapeutics": "clin immunother",
"perspectives in pediatric pathology": "perspect pediat path",
"nuclear engineering and design-fusion": "nucl eng des fusion",
"genome research": "genome res",
"designed monomers and polymers": "des monomers polym",
"astronomy and space science from the moon": "adv space res",
"antibiotiki i meditsinskaya biotekhnologiya": "antibiot med biotek",
"european journal of political research": "eur j polit res",
"communications in numerical methods in engineering": "commun numer meth en",
"journal of historical geography": "j hist geogr",
"coleopterists bulletin": "coleopts bull",
"revue belge de philologie et d histoire": "rev belge philol his",
"faraday discussions": "faraday discuss",
"invertebrate biology": "invertebr biol",
"sbornik mathematics": "sb math+",
"zeitschrift fur soziologie": "z soziol",
"acta physica slovaca": "acta phys slovaca",
"foreign affairs": "foreign aff",
"revista latinoamericana de ingenieria quimica y quimica aplicada-latin american journal of chemical engineering and applied chemistry": "rev lat am ing quim",
"instructional science": "instr sci",
"metaphor and symbolic activity": "metaphor symb act",
"publications mathematiques": "publ math-paris",
"columbia law review": "columbia law rev",
"neurourology and urodynamics": "neurourol urodynam",
"progress in inorganic chemistry": "prog inorg chem",
"journal of investigational allergology & clinical immunology": "j invest allerg clin",
"scottish journal of geology": "scot j geol",
"acta veterinaria hungarica": "acta vet hung",
"science news": "sci news",
"computers and artificial intelligence": "comput artif intell",
"population research and policy review": "popul res policy rev",
"journal of linguistics": "j linguist",
"gamete research": "gamete res",
"journal of neurocytology": "j neurocytol",
"journal of number theory": "j number theory",
"revue internationale des hautes temperatures et des refractaires": "rev int hautes temp",
"journal of arthroplasty": "j arthroplasty",
"contraception": "contraception",
"proceedings of the institution of civil engineers-municipal engineer": "p i civil eng-munic",
"interpretation-a journal of bible and theology": "interpretation",
"acta geophysica sinica": "acta geophys sinica",
"polar research": "polar res",
"theory and decision": "theor decis",
"illahee-journal for the northwest environment": "illahee",
"basic research in cardiology": "basic res cardiol",
"aapg bulletin-american association of petroleum geologists": "aapg bull",
"bulletin europeen de physiopathologie respiratoire-clinical respiratory physiology": "b eur physiopath res",
"critical reviews in food science and nutrition": "crit rev food sci",
"american fern journal": "am fern j",
"ion-selective electrode reviews": "ion sel electrode r",
"international journal of primatology": "int j primatol",
"beitrage zur tabakforschung international": "beitr tabakforsch",
"acta pharmaceutica jugoslavica": "acta pharm jugosl",
"risorgimento": "risorgimento",
"journal of evolutionary biology": "j evolution biol",
"ps-political science & politics": "ps",
"journal of colloid and interface science": "j colloid interf sci",
"kovove materialy-metallic materials": "kovove mater",
"insect science and its application": "insect sci appl",
"japanese economic studies": "jpn econ stud",
"pedobiologia": "pedobiologia",
"ophthalmic and physiological optics": "ophthal physl opt",
"phytochemistry": "phytochemistry",
"journal of plant research": "j plant res",
"international journal of artificial organs": "int j artif organs",
"forum der psychoanalyse": "forum psychoanal",
"siam journal on numerical analysis": "siam j numer anal",
"plastic and reconstructive surgery": "plast reconstr surg",
"journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics": "j vet pharmacol ther",
"helvetica chimica acta": "helv chim acta",
"journal fur ornithologie": "j ornithol",
"vestnik khirurgii imeni i i grekova": "vestn khir im grekov",
"ieee instrumentation & measurement magazine": "ieee instru meas mag",
"parasitology today": "parasitol today",
"annales de chirurgie": "ann chir",
"women & politics": "women polit",
"proceedings : annual reliability and maintainability symposium": "p a rel mai",
"american speech": "am speech",
"minnesota agricultural experiment station technical bulletin": "minn aes tech bull",
"zeitschrift fur naturforschung c-a journal of biosciences": "z naturforsch c",
"klinische monatsblatter fur augenheilkunde": "klin monatsbl augenh",
"elementary school journal": "elem school j",
"zeitschrift fur agyptische sprache und altertumskunde": "z agypt sprache alt",
"anatomia clinica": "anat clin",
"selective electrode reviews": "select electr rev",
"revue francaise de transfusion et d hemobiologie": "rev fr transfus hem",
"journal of social distress and the homeless": "j soc distress homel",
"iugoslavica physiologica et pharmacologica acta": "iugosl physl pharm a",
"library trends": "libr trends",
"information & records management": "inform rec manage",
"transportation research part d-transport and environment": "transport res d-tr e",
"journal of the geotechnical engineering division-asce": "j geotech eng-asce",
"journal of systems and software": "j syst software",
"journal of biomolecular screening": "j biomol screen",
"south asia-journal of south asian studies": "s asia",
"interface-journal of new music research": "interface-j new mus",
"man and world-an international philosophical review": "man world",
"metallography": "metallography",
"industrial & engineering chemistry product research and development": "ind eng chem prod rd",
"journal of physical oceanography": "j phys oceanogr",
"fibrinolysis & proteolysis": "fibrinolysis proteol",
"bulletin of the medical library association": "b med libr assoc",
"minerals & metallurgical processing": "miner metall proc",
"nursing outlook": "nurs outlook",
"veterinary medicine": "vet med-us",
"probability in the engineering and informational sciences": "probab eng inform sc",
"ocean science and engineering": "ocean phys eng",
"nuclear plant journal": "nucl plant j",
"compost science & utilization": "compost sci util",
"acta chimica academiae scientarium hungaricae": "acta chim hung",
"acta physica polonica a": "acta phys pol a",
"acta physica polonica b": "acta phys pol b",
"journal of mass spectrometry": "j mass spectrom",
"history of photography": "hist photogr",
"manufacturing chemist": "manuf chemist",
"bollettino di zoologia": "b zool",
"estudios filologicos": "estud filol",
"zeitschrift fur acker und pflanzenbau-journal of agronomy and crop science": "z acker pflanzenbau",
"tribology letters": "tribol lett",
"energy sources": "energ source",
"journal of materials synthesis and processing": "j mater synth proces",
"quarterly journal of mathematics": "q j math",
"statistical science": "stat sci",
"international journal for the advancement of counselling": "int j adv couns",
"phlebology": "phlebology",
"stochastic hydrology and hydraulics": "stoch hydrol hydraul",
"izvestiya akademii nauk fizika atmosfery i okeana": "izv an fiz atmos ok+",
"rhetorica-a journal of the history of rhetoric": "rhetorica",
"encephale-revue de psychiatrie clinique biologique et therapeutique": "encephale",
"south african journal of physics - suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir fisika": "s afr j phys",
"biotechnology and applied biochemistry": "biotechnol appl bioc",
"international journal of oral surgery": "int j oral maxillof",
"quantum and semiclassical optics": "quantum semicl opt",
"education and training in mental retardation and developmental disabilities": "educ train ment ret",
"biologicals": "biologicals",
"journal de medecine nucleaire et biophysique": "j med nucl biophys",
"apidologie": "apidologie",
"acta mathematica sinica-english series": "acta math sin",
"chemische technik": "chem tech-leipzig",
"international journal of plasticity": "int j plasticity",
"journal of laryngology and otology": "j laryngol otol",
"modern casting": "mod cast",
"international journal of biochemistry & cell biology": "int j biochem cell b",
"finance a uver": "financ a uver",
"bulletin de la societe chimique de france partie i-physicochimie des systemes liquides electrochimie catalyse genie chimique": "b soc chim fr i-phys",
"scanning": "scanning",
"developmental biology": "dev biol",
"radio and electronic engineer": "j i electron rad eng",
"seminars in virology": "semin virol",
"boundary 2-an international journal of literature and culture": "boundary two",
"bibliotheque d humanisme et renaissance": "bibl hum renaissance",
"bangladesh journal of botany": "bangladesh j botany",
"anais da academia brasileira de ciencias": "an acad bras cienc",
"transportation": "transportation",
"permafrost and periglacial processes": "permafrost periglac",
"acta agriculturae scandinavica": "acta agr scand",
"topics in language disorders": "top lang disord",
"acta endocrinologica": "acta endocrinol-cop",
"early childhood research quarterly": "early child res q",
"canadian ceramics quarterly-journal of the canadian ceramic society": "can ceram quart",
"journal of the royal statistical society series a-statistics in society": "j roy stat soc a sta",
"european journal of ophthalmology": "eur j ophthalmol",
"journal of population economics": "j popul econ",
"canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences": "can j fish aquat sci",
"pharmacology & toxicology": "pharmacol toxicol",
"rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia": "riv ital paleontol s",
"journal of geophysical research-oceans": "j geophys res-oceans",
"internetworking-research and experience": "internetworking",
"teaching and teacher education": "teach teach educ",
"sociologia": "sociologia",
"phronesis-a journal for ancient philosophy": "phronesis",
"polish journal of environmental studies": "pol j environ stud",
"behavior and philosophy": "behav philos",
"revue du praticien": "rev praticien",
"new york review of books": "new york rev books",
"journal of neurogenetics": "j neurogenet",
"or spektrum": "or spektrum",
"ieee transactions on professional communication": "ieee t prof commun",
"perception & psychophysics": "percept psychophys",
"journal of rural health": "j rural health",
"journal of experimental psychology-animal behavior processes": "j exp psychol anim b",
"schweizerische medizinische wochenschrift": "schweiz med wschr",
"russian and east european finance and trade": "russ e eur financ tr",
"cancer immunology immunotherapy": "cancer immunol immun",
"lectures on proof verification and approximation algorithms": "lect notes comput sc",
"resources for american literary study": "resour am lit stud",
"experimental brain research": "exp brain res",
"zeitschrift fur bibliothekswesen und bibliographie": "z bibl bibl",
"tropical grasslands": "trop grasslands",
"genes to cells": "genes cells",
"journal of modern optics": "j mod optic",
"physics of atomic nuclei": "phys atom nucl+",
"financial management": "financ manage",
"war in history": "war hist",
"clinics in chest medicine": "clin chest med",
"aci structural journal": "aci struct j",
"journal of the society of cosmetic chemists": "j soc cosmet chem",
"american art journal": "am art j",
"searcher-the magazine for database professionals": "searcher",
"hormone research": "horm res",
"italian journal of gastroenterology": "ital j gastroenterol",
"stain technology": "stain technol",
"texas reports on biology and medicine": "tex rep biol med",
"advances in agronomy": "adv agron",
"horticulture": "horticulture",
"daedalus": "daedalus",
"philips telecommunication review": "philips telecomm rev",
"instruments and experimental techniques": "instrum exp tech+",
"space solar power review": "space power",
"journal of coastal research": "j coastal res",
"bulletin monumental": "b monumental",
"rivista aeronautica": "riv aeronaut",
"review of research in education 22,
1997": "rev res educ",
"biotechnology and development monitor": "biotechnol dev monit",
"archives of otolaryngology-head & neck surgery": "arch otolaryngol",
"journal of experimental zoology": "j exp zool",
"nuclear fusion": "nucl fusion",
"meteorological applications": "meteorol appl",
"journal of international economics": "j int econ",
"perspectives on developmental neurobiology": "perspect dev neurobi",
"clinical research and regulatory affairs": "clin res regul aff",
"agriculture and environment": "agr environ",
"data base product reports": "data base prod rep",
"silica: physical behavior,
geochemistry and materials applications": "rev mineral",
"nahrung-food": "nahrung",
"liver": "liver",
"folklore": "folklore",
"meat science": "meat sci",
"global ecology and biogeography": "global ecol biogeogr",
"acta parasitologica": "acta parasitol",
"advances in inorganic biochemistry": "adv inorg biochem",
"annals of the institute of statistical mathematics": "ann i stat math",
"color research and application": "color res appl",
"harvard journal on legislation": "harvard j legis",
"biomedica biochimica acta": "biomed biochim acta",
"telecommunication journal": "telecommun j",
"n&hc-perspectives; on community": "n&hc; perspect commun",
"pacific affairs": "pac aff",
"advances in microbial physiology": "adv microb physiol",
"journal of medical engineering & technology": "j med eng technol",
"user modeling and user-adapted interaction": "user model user-adap",
"ieee computational science & engineering": "ieee comput sci eng",
"popular music and society": "pop music soc",
"new ideas in psychology": "new ideas psychol",
"annales medico-psychologiques": "ann med-psychol",
"journal of collective negotiations in the public sector": "j collect neg pub se",
"biological cybernetics": "biol cybern",
"environmental toxicology and chemistry": "environ toxicol chem",
"canadian journal of analytical sciences and spectroscopy": "can j anal sci spect",
"genetika": "genetika+",
"construction contracting": "constr contract",
"bulletin du centre de recherches elf exploration production": "bull cent rech elf e",
"european journal of pharmacology": "eur j pharmacol",
"australian journal of agricultural research": "aust j agr res",
"mathematics of the ussr-sbornik": "math ussr sb+",
"chemia analityczna": "chem anal-warsaw",
"revista iberoamericana": "rev iberoamericana",
"public personnel management": "public pers manage",
"atom & strom": "atom strom",
"zeitschrift fur rheumatologie": "z rheumatol",
"british medical bulletin": "brit med bull",
"current microbiology": "curr microbiol",
"grana": "grana",
"neuroreport": "neuroreport",
"scandinavian political studies": "scand polit stud",
"packaging technology and science": "packag technol sci",
"chinese journal of geophysics-chinese edition": "chinese j geophys-ch",
"geophysical journal of the royal astronomical society": "geophys j roy astr s",
"progress in physical geography": "prog phys geog",
"optik": "optik",
"chinese journal of physiology": "chinese j physiol",
"clinical and experimental dermatology": "clin exp dermatol",
"annales de medecine veterinaire": "ann med vet",
"fluid dynamics research": "fluid dyn res",
"rairo-informatique theorique et applications-theoretical informatics and applications": "rairo-inf theor appl",
"journal of athletic training": "j athl training",
"milton studies": "milton stud",
"heart & lung": "heart lung",
"information systems": "inform syst",
"journal of transpersonal psychology": "j transpersonal psy",
"database": "database",
"revue suisse de zoologie": "rev suisse zool",
"izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii radioelektronika": "izv vuz radioelektr+",
"revue d ecologie-la terre et la vie": "rev ecol-terre vie",
"ecological research": "ecol res",
"cell differentiation": "cell differ dev",
"ieee aerospace and electronic systems magazine": "ieee aero el sys mag",
"microcontamination": "microcontamination",
"economic geology": "econ geol",
"journal of multivariate analysis": "j multivariate anal",
"iee proceedings-control theory and applications": "iee p-contr theor ap",
"tennessee farm & home science": "tenn farm home sci",
"artificial organs": "artif organs",
"studia mathematica": "stud math",
"journal of ecclesiastical history": "j ecclesiast hist",
"studies in the history of gardens & designed landscapes": "stud hist gard des l",
"applied rheology": "appl rheol",
"political behavior": "polit behav",
"bacterial response to ph": "novart fdn symp",
"european journal of lipid science and technology": "eur j lipid sci tech",
"coastal zone management journal": "coast zone manage j",
"asia pacific journal of clinical nutrition": "asia pac j clin nutr",
"molecular physics": "mol phys",
"wood science": "wood sci",
"journal of consumer affairs": "j consum aff",
"british medical journal": "brit med j",
"interciencia": "interciencia",
"arhiv za poljoprivredne nauke": "arh poljopr nauke",
"journal of language and social psychology": "j lang soc psychol",
"journal of international marketing": "j int marketing",
"acta physiologiae plantarum": "acta physiol plant",
"continental philosophy review": "cont philos rev",
"agro-ecosystems": "agro-ecosystems",
"physical review e": "phys rev e",
"monthly notices of the royal astronomical society": "mon not r astron soc",
"journal of the institution of electronics and telecommunication engineers": "j i el telecom eng",
"reference & user services quarterly": "ref user serv q",
"ecosystems": "ecosystems",
"journal of chromatography-biomedical applications": "j chromatogr-biomed",
"annales francaises d anesthesie et de reanimation": "ann fr anesth",
"zkg international": "zkg int",
"iie transactions": "iie trans",
"physical review a": "phys rev a",
"behaviour research and therapy": "behav res ther",
"combustion explosion and shock waves": "combust explo shock+",
"acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica section a-pathology": "acta path micro im a",
"journal of american health care": "j am health care",
"environment and planning b-planning & design": "environ plann b",
"british veterinary journal": "brit vet j",
"adsorption science & technology": "adsorpt sci technol",
"acta physica et chemica": "acta phys chem",
"journal of mathematical analysis and applications": "j math anal appl",
"review of income and wealth": "rev income wealth",
"journal of vacuum science & technology b": "j vac sci technol b",
"canadian journal of information science-revue canadienne des sciences de l information": "can j inform sci",
"cladistics-the international journal of the willi hennig society": "cladistics",
"high energy chemistry": "high energ chem+",
"journal of constructivist psychology": "j constr psychol",
"journal of physiology and biochemistry": "j physiol biochem",
"who expert committee on biological standardization - 48th report": "who tech rep ser",
"acta pathologica microbiologica et immunologica scandinavica section b-microbiology": "acta path micro im b",
"statistical methods in medical research": "stat methods med res",
"psychiatry and clinical neurosciences": "psychiat clin neuros",
"medical instrumentation": "med instrum",
"journal of clinical monitoring and computing": "j clin monitor comp",
"journal of organic chemistry": "j org chem",
"physics of fluids b-plasma physics": "phys fluids b-plasma",
"phyton-annales rei botanicae": "phyton-ann rei bot a",
"synergistic use of multisensor data for land processes": "adv space res",
"transactions of the american philosophical society": "t am philos soc",
"berichte der deutschen botanischen gesellschaft": "ber deut bot ges",
"proceedings of the royal society of edinburgh section a-mathematics": "p roy soc edinb a",
"welt der slaven-halbjahresschrift fur slavistik": "welt slaven",
"journal of contemporary ethnography": "j contemp ethnogr",
"program-automated library and information systems": "program-autom libr",
"journal of biological inorganic chemistry": "j biol inorg chem",
"cognition & emotion": "cognition emotion",
"man in india": "man india",
"journal of the society of leather technologists and chemists": "j soc leath tech ch",
"international dairy journal": "int dairy j",
"topics in early childhood special education": "top early child spec",
"journal of the australian entomological society": "j aust entomol soc",
"iberoromania": "iberoromania",
"acta agriculturae scandinavica section a-animal science": "acta agr scand a-an",
"theoretical foundations of chemical engineering": "theor found chem eng",
"journal of aging studies": "j aging stud",
"environmental & resource economics": "environ resour econ",
"australian journal of biological sciences": "aust j biol sci",
"journal of vlsi and computer systems": "j vlsi comput syst",
"herba polonica": "herba pol",
"current psychology": "curr psychol",
"plastics and rubber processing and applications": "plast rub proc appl",
"qualitative health research": "qual health res",
"systems research": "syst res",
"prace vulhm-reports of the forestry and game management research institute": "prace vulhm",
"journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities": "j appl res intellect",
"international journal of intercultural relations": "int j intercult rel",
"sampe quarterly-society for the advancement of material and process engineering": "sampe quart",
"archives of pharmacal research": "arch pharm res",
"ieee electron device letters": "ieee electr device l",
"american journal of comparative law": "am j comp law",
"polymer bulletin": "polym bull",
"acta clinica belgica": "acta clin belg",
"oklahoma agricultural experiment station miscellaneous publication": "okla aes misc publ",
"neoplasma": "neoplasma",
"american journal of managed care": "am j manag care",
"communications in statistics-theory and methods": "commun stat-theor m",
"education for information": "educ inform",
"american laboratory": "am lab",
"acta oecologica-international journal of ecology": "acta oecol",
"systems objectives solutions": "syst object solut",
"acta polytechnica scandinavica-civil engineering and building construction series": "acta polytech sc ci",
"chemical week": "chem week",
"biotechnology and genetic engineering reviews,
vol 16": "biotechnol genet eng",
"design issues": "des issues",
"acta geologica sinica-english edition": "acta geol sin-engl",
"journal of systems management": "j syst manage",
"american journal of law & medicine": "am j law med",
"victorian studies": "victorian stud",
"womens studies-an interdisciplinary journal": "women stud",
"journal of hygiene": "j hyg-cambridge",
"vestnik leningradskogo universiteta seriya matematika mekhanika astronomiya": "vestn lenin u mma",
"canadian review of sociology and anthropology-revue canadienne de sociologie et d anthropologie": "can rev soc anthrop",
"international journal of social economics": "int j soc econ",
"differential geometry and its applications": "differ geom appl",
"veterinary clinics of north america-food animal practice": "vet clin n am-food a",
"pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics": "pulm pharmacol ther",
"communications product reports": "commun prod rep",
"publius-the journal of federalism": "publius j federalism",
"desalination": "desalination",
"journal of low frequency noise vibration and active control": "j low freq noise v a",
"medical science research-biochemistry": "med sci res-biochem",
"voprosy onkologii": "vop onkol+",
"econometric theory": "economet theor",
"automatic welding ussr": "automat weld+",
"biomolecular engineering": "biomol eng",
"integrative psychiatry": "integrative psychiat",
"metall": "metall",
"international applied mechanics": "int appl mech+",
"journal of medical entomology": "j med entomol",
"advanced materials for optics and electronics": "adv mater opt electr",
"asian journal of business & information systems": "asian j bus inf syst",
"journal of substance abuse": "j subst abuse",
"microscopia electronica y biologia celular": "microsc electron bio",
"biotechnology education": "biotechnol educ",
"edn magazine-electrical design news": "edn",
"journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism": "j clin endocr metab",
"journal of magnetic resonance series b": "j magn reson ser b",
"journal of magnetic resonance series a": "j magn reson ser a",
"modern paint and coatings": "mod paint coating",
"izvestiya sibirskogo otdeleniya akademii nauk sssr seriya khimicheskikh nauk": "izv sib otd an khim+",
"brimleyana": "brimleyana",
"genome": "genome",
"european journal of surgical oncology": "eur j surg oncol",
"mechatronics": "mechatronics",
"journal of oral pathology & medicine": "j oral pathol med",
"fibonacci quarterly": "fibonacci quart",
"journal of catalysis": "j catal",
"network-computation in neural systems": "network-comp neural",
"international journal of operations & production management": "int j oper prod man",
"journal of the royal asiatic society": "j roy asiatic soc",
"nippon kagaku kaishi": "nippon kagaku kaishi",
"arkansas agricultural experiment station bulletin": "arkansas aes bull",
"families in society-the journal of contemporary human services": "fam soc-j contemp h",
"contact dermatitis": "contact dermatitis",
"clinical oncology": "clin oncol-uk",
"proceedings of lunar and planetary science": "p lunar planet sci",
"studies in mycology": "stud mycol",
"musical times": "music times",
"polymer networks & blends": "polym network blend",
"mis quarterly": "mis quart",
"neuropathology": "neuropathology",
"fordham law review": "fordham law rev",
"structure": "structure",
"combinatorial chemistry in biology": "curr top microbiol",
"inorganica chimica acta-articles and letters": "inorg chim a-art let",
"indian journal of medical research": "indian j med res",
"ieee concurrency": "ieee concurr",
"journal of women & aging": "j women aging",
"genetic testing": "genet test",
"angewandte informatik": "angew inform",
"design automation for embedded systems": "des autom embed syst",
"communications in contemporary mathematics": "commun contemp math",
"journal of orofacial pain": "j orofac pain",
"journal of trace and microprobe techniques": "j trace microprobe t",
"bulletin de l academie veterinaire de france": "b acad vet france",
"journal of inherited metabolic disease": "j inherit metab dis",
"transportation science": "transport sci",
"print quarterly": "print q",
"machine vision and applications": "mach vision appl",
"vitamins and hormones-advances in research and applications": "vitam horm",
"revue romane": "rev romane",
"international biodeterioration & biodegradation": "int biodeter biodegr",
"prostaglandins & other lipid mediators": "prostag oth lipid m",
"classical review": "classical rev",
"journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis": "j anal appl pyrol",
"experimental cell research": "exp cell res",
"psychosomatics": "psychosomatics",
"clavier": "clavier",
"usda forest service southeastern forest experiment station research paper": "usda for serv se res",
"radiochemistry": "radiochemistry+",
"lifetime data analysis": "lifetime data anal",
"journal of contemporary asia": "j contemp asia",
"annales academiae scientiarum fennicae-mathematica": "ann acad sci fenn-m",
"scripta metallurgica et materialia": "scripta metall mater",
"emerging infectious diseases": "emerg infect dis",
"journal of antibiotics": "j antibiot",
"diplomatic history": "diplomatic hist",
"philippine journal of veterinary medicine": "philipp j vet med",
"mitteilungen der osterreichischen geographischen gesellschaft": "mitt osterr geogr g",
"oral oncology-european journal of cancer part b": "oral oncol",
"journal of gastroenterology and hepatology": "j gastroen hepatol",
"british journal of cancer": "brit j cancer",
"canadian journal of political science-revue canadienne de science politique": "can j polit sci",
"glasgow mathematical journal": "glasgow math j",
"tls-the times literary supplement": "tls-times lit suppl",
"journal of perinatal medicine": "j perinat med",
"lettere italiane": "lett ital",
"callaloo": "callaloo",
"tropical pest management": "trop pest manage",
"science and engineering of composite materials": "sci eng compos mater",
"wireless personal communications": "wireless pers commun",
"deutsche vierteljahrsschrift fur literaturwissenschaft und geistesgeschichte": "deut vier lit geist",
"journal of the forensic science society": "j forensic sci soc",
"international journal of psychology": "int j psychol",
"personal relationships": "pers relationship",
"configurations": "configurations",
"journal of the kentucky medical association": "j kentucky med assoc",
"pediatric aids and hiv infection-fetus to adolescent": "pediatr aids hiv inf",
"journal of family therapy": "j fam ther",
"current topics in microbiology and immunology": "curr top microbiol",
"metallurgical and materials transactions b-process metallurgy and materials processing science": "metall mater trans b",
"physica medica": "phys medica",
"tekstil": "tekstil",
"international family planning perspectives": "int fam plan perspec",
"twentieth century literature": "twentieth cent lit",
"journal of the american medical technologists": "j am med technol",
"cell": "cell",
"numerical functional analysis and optimization": "numer func anal opt",
"journal of medieval and renaissance studies": "j medieval renaiss",
"volta review": "volta rev",
"scientia marina": "sci mar",
"third world planning review": "third world plan rev",
"theatre research international": "theatre res int",
"preparative biochemistry & biotechnology": "prep biochem biotech",
"nuclear medicine annual": "nucl med a",
"monatsschrift fur brauerei": "monat brauerei",
"minnesota agricultural experiment station bulletin": "minn aes bull",
"critical studies in media communication": "crit stud media comm",
"pediatrics": "pediatrics",
"south african journal of zoology": "s afr j zool",
"journal of geometry and physics": "j geom phys",
"hazardous waste consultant": "hazardous waste cons",
"veterinary and comparative orthopaedics and traumatology": "vet comp orthopaed",
"linguistic review": "linguist rev",
"literature & history-third series": "lit hist-third ser",
"gynecologic and obstetric investigation": "gynecol obstet inves",
"journal of phenomenological psychology": "j phenomenol psychol",
"neuropharmacology": "neuropharmacology",
"papier": "papier",
"experimental and molecular pathology": "exp mol pathol",
"annali di matematica pura ed applicata": "ann mat pur appl",
"british journal of political science": "brit j polit sci",
"mathematical engineering in industry": "math eng ind",
"technology in society": "technol soc",
"archivos de medicina veterinaria": "arch med vet",
"folia biologica": "folia biol-prague",
"revista de chimie": "rev chim-bucharest",
"gene": "gene",
"moreana": "moreana",
"brazilian journal of chemical engineering": "braz j chem eng",
"microtecnic": "microtecnic",
"south african journal of animal science-suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir veekunde": "s afr j anim sci",
"anales de quimica-international edition": "an quim-int",
"journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents": "j biol reg homeos ag",
"nutrition today": "nutr today",
"film criticism": "film criticism",
"revue de medecine veterinaire": "rev med vet-toulouse",
"journal of pharmacobio-dynamics": "j pharmacobio-dynam",
"polar biology": "polar biol",
"journal of clinical immunoassay": "j clin immunoassay",
"chemical biomedical and environmental instrumentation": "chem biomed env inst",
"isozymes-current topics in biological and medical research": "isozymes-curr t biol",
"journal of veterinary medicine series b-zentralblatt fur veterinarmedizin reihe b-infectious diseases and veterinary public health": "j vet med b",
"european eating disorders review": "eur eat disord rev",
"journal de mathematiques pures et appliquees": "j math pure appl",
"proceedings of the institution of civil engineers part 2-research and theory": "p i civil eng pt 2",
"blood reviews": "blood rev",
"indian economic and social history review": "indian econ soc hist",
"politics and the life sciences": "polit life sci",
"european journal of industrial relations": "eur j ind relat",
"cereal chemistry": "cereal chem",
"chemische berichte": "chem ber",
"journal of the south african veterinary association-tydskrif van die suid-afrikaanse veterinere vereniging": "j s afr vet assoc",
"journal of surfactants and detergents": "j surfactants deterg",
"journal of cross-cultural psychology": "j cross cult psychol",
"virginia quarterly review": "va quart rev",
"order-a journal on the theory of ordered sets and its applications": "order",
"pacific philosophical quarterly": "pac philos quart",
"foot & ankle": "foot ankle",
"journal of low temperature physics": "j low temp phys",
"endocrinologist": "endocrinologist",
"chimia": "chimia",
"european journal of cancer": "eur j cancer",
"botanical review": "bot rev",
"journal of the autonomic nervous system": "j autonom nerv syst",
"entomophaga": "entomophaga",
"journal of health science": "j health sci",
"public historian": "publ historian",
"linguistica biblica": "linguist bibl",
"izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii aviatsionaya tekhnika": "izv vuz aviats tekh+",
"cuban journal of agricultural science": "cuban j agr sci",
"journal of mathematical psychology": "j math psychol",
"canadian journal of chemistry-revue canadienne de chimie": "can j chem",
"journal of microencapsulation": "j microencapsul",
"human immunology": "hum immunol",
"parallel computing": "parallel comput",
"pennsylvania agricultural experiment station bulletin": "penn aes bull",
"journal of chemical ecology": "j chem ecol",
"annales botanici fennici": "ann bot fenn",
"acta physico-chimica sinica": "acta phys-chim sin",
"critical studies in mass communication": "crit stud mass comm",
"acta pathologica microbiologica et immunologica scandinavica section a-pathology": "acta path micro im a",
"world review of nutrition and dietetics": "world rev nutr diet",
"transactions of the american philological association": "t am philol assoc",
"paleobiology": "paleobiology",
"american heart journal": "am heart j",
"atherosclerosis reviews": "ather rev",
"poetry": "poetry",
"applied composite materials": "appl compos mater",
"social problems": "soc probl",
"survey of ophthalmology": "surv ophthalmol",
"american journal of emergency medicine": "am j emerg med",
"geostandards newsletter": "geostandard newslett",
"journal of information science": "j inform sci",
"counseling psychologist": "couns psychol",
"journal of gastrointestinal surgery": "j gastrointest surg",
"lingua e stile": "lingua stile",
"annales henri poincare": "ann henri poincare",
"biotechnology & biotechnological equipment": "biotechnol biotec eq",
"journal of dairy research": "j dairy res",
"journal of structural mechanics": "j struct mech",
"archiv fur fischereiwissenschaft": "arch fischereiwiss",
"wordsworth circle": "wordsworth circle",
"journal of applied physics": "j appl phys",
"high temperature materials and processes": "high temp mater proc",
"contemporary economic policy": "contemp econ policy",
"notes and records of the royal society of london": "notes rec roy soc",
"journal of surgical oncology": "j surg oncol",
"modern hebrew literature": "mod hebrew lit",
"journal of intelligent manufacturing": "j intell manuf",
"ieee journal of robotics and automation": "ieee t robotic autom",
"vetus testamentum": "vetus testamentum",
"plant varieties and seeds": "plant var seeds",
"journal of medical genetics": "j med genet",
"agenda": "agenda",
"storia dell arte": "storia arte",
"journal of drug issues": "j drug issues",
"environmental toxicology and pharmacology": "environ toxicol phar",
"aerospace engineering": "aerospace eng",
"transactions of the philological society": "t philol soc",
"experimental mycology": "exp mycol",
"tissue engineering": "tissue eng",
"archive of applied mechanics": "arch appl mech",
"journal of advanced materials": "j adv mater",
"technology and health care": "technol health care",
"american journal of pediatric hematology oncology": "am j pediat hematol",
"political quarterly": "polit quart",
"acta medica academiae scientiarum hungaricae": "acta med hung",
"proceedings of the entomological society of washington": "p entomol soc wash",
"medical informatics and the internet in medicine": "med inform internet",
"oil & gas journal": "oil gas j",
"international journal of african historical studies": "int j afr hist stud",
"mechanisms of development": "mech develop",
"journal de mycologie medicale": "j mycol med",
"journal of clinical immunology": "j clin immunol",
"journal of conchology": "j conchol",
"health psychology": "health psychol",
"acta obstetrica et gynaecologica japonica": "acta obstet gyn jpn",
"water international": "water int",
"chemical engineering progress": "chem eng prog",
"journal of southern history": "j southern hist",
"journal of luminescence": "j lumin",
"agrokemia es talajtan": "agrokem talajtan",
"infrared physics": "infrared phys",
"current biology": "curr biol",
"infectious diseases in clinical practice": "infect dis clin prac",
"antarctic science": "antarct sci",
"speculum-a journal of medieval studies": "speculum",
"central european history": "cent eur hist",
"spectrum-the journal of state government": "spectrum-j state gov",
"south african journal of wildlife research": "s afr j wildl res",
"annali di geofisica": "ann geofis",
"international monetary fund staff papers": "int monet fund s pap",
"nordic journal of botany": "nord j bot",
"blood purification": "blood purificat",
"systems research and information science": "syst res inform sci",
"internet journal of chemistry": "internet j chem",
"journal of soil and water conservation": "j soil water conserv",
"journal of geophysical research-solid earth": "j geophys res-sol ea",
"zeitschrift fur geburtshilfe und neonatologie": "z geburtsh neonatol",
"sociological theory and methods": "sociol theor method",
"modern problems of pharmacopsychiatry": "mod probl pharm",
"marine pollution bulletin": "mar pollut bull",
"journal of thermal biology": "j therm biol",
"pamietnik literacki": "pamietnik literacki",
"european journal of oral sciences": "eur j oral sci",
"literary review": "literary rev",
"current directions in psychological science": "curr dir psychol sci",
"clinical and experimental hypertension part b-hypertension in pregnancy": "clin exp hypertens b",
"crop science": "crop sci",
"baroda journal of nutrition": "baroda j nutr",
"annals of arid zone": "ann arid zone",
"accounting organizations and society": "account org soc",
"biochemical genetics": "biochem genet",
"fisheries science": "fisheries sci",
"journal of the american dental association": "j am dent assoc",
"applied physics b-lasers and optics": "appl phys b-lasers o",
"international journal of manpower": "int j manpower",
"biologia plantarum": "biol plantarum",
"african economic history": "afr econ hist",
"journal of the elisha mitchell scientific society": "j elisha mitch sci s",
"zeitschrift fur volkskunde": "z volkskunde",
"international journal of research in marketing": "int j res mark",
"materials science research international": "mater sci res int",
"biochemical systematics and ecology": "biochem syst ecol",
"review of international studies": "rev int stud",
"journal of canadian petroleum technology": "j can petrol technol",
"holzforschung": "holzforschung",
"intelligent automation and soft computing": "intell autom soft co",
"american city & county": "am city county",
"electronic design": "electron des",
"grass and forage science": "grass forage sci",
"oil shale": "oil shale",
"journal of immunopharmacology": "j immunopharmacol",
"helvetica physica acta": "helv phys acta",
"new zealand journal of history": "new zeal j hist",
"journal of head trauma rehabilitation": "j head trauma rehab",
"journal of materials for energy systems": "j mater eng",
"corrosion": "corrosion",
"psychological research-psychologische forschung": "psychol res-psych fo",
"russian academy of sciences sbornik mathematics": "russ ac sc sb math+",
"annals of nuclear energy": "ann nucl energy",
"anatomical record": "anat rec",
"biomaterials artificial cells and artificial organs": "biomater artif cell",
"addiction research": "addict res",
"nineteenth century prose": "nineteenth century p",
"audubon": "audubon",
"portuguese studies": "portuguese stud",
"lancet": "lancet",
"experimental astronomy": "exp astron",
"advances in earth oriented applications of space technology": "adv earth orient sp",
"gazette medicale": "gaz med-france",
"fire command": "fire command",
"comptes rendus de l academie des sciences serie ii fascicule b-mecanique physique astronomie": "cr acad sci ii b",
"ecology of food and nutrition": "ecol food nutr",
"review of research in education,
1998": "rev res educ",
"bulletin de l academie nationale de medecine": "b acad nat med paris",
"journal of geology": "j geol",
"journal of elder abuse & neglect": "j elder abuse negl",
"isla-a journal of micronesian studies": "isla-j micrones stud",
"synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry": "syn react inorg met",
"deutsche gesundheitswesen-zeitschrift fur klinische medizin": "deut gesundheitswes",
"journal of peasant studies": "j peasant stud",
"advances in nuclear physics": "adv nucl phys",
"russian journal of electrochemistry": "russ j electrochem+",
"nouvelle revue francaise d hematologie": "nouv rev fr hematol",
"journal of cosmetic science": "j cosmet sci",
"international journal of mass spectrometry": "int j mass spectrom",
"man": "man",
"iarc scientific publications": "iarc sci publ",
"critical reviews in toxicology": "crit rev toxicol",
"spe reservoir engineering": "spe reservoir eng",
"anthropological science": "anthropol sci",
"mathematical programming": "math program",
"international journal of microcirculation-clinical and experimental": "int j microcirc",
"current opinion in cosmetic dentistry": "curr opin cosmet d",
"annals of tropical medicine and parasitology": "ann trop med parasit",
"geological society of america memoirs": "geol soc am mem",
"educational & training technology international": "educ train technol",
"acta societatis botanicorum poloniae": "acta soc bot pol",
"acta entomologica bohemoslovaca": "acta entomol bohemos",
"new zealand journal of educational studies": "new zeal j educ stud",
"journal of power sources": "j power sources",
"advances in microcirculation": "adv microcirculat",
"advances in geophysics": "adv geophys",
"american journal of primatology": "am j primatol",
"fujitsu scientific & technical journal": "fujitsu sci tech j",
"cell calcium": "cell calcium",
"kunststoffe-german plastics": "kunstst-ger plast+",
"international journal of rapid solidification": "int j rapid solidif",
"michigan quarterly review": "mich quart rev",
"group decision and negotiation": "group decis negot",
"analytical chemistry": "anal chem",
"journal of human nutrition": "j hum nutr",
"harvard review of psychiatry": "harvard rev psychiat",
"research in phenomenology": "res phenomenol",
"lecture notes in physics": "lect notes phys",
"zeitschrift fur germanistische linguistik": "z ger linguistik",
"new hampshire agricultural experiment station research report": "new hamp aes res rep",
"mykosen": "mykosen",
"kybernetika": "kybernetika",
"neue rundschau": "neue rundsch",
"sound and vibration": "sound vib",
"bulletin of the chemical society of japan": "b chem soc jpn",
"vertica": "vertica",
"light metal age": "light met age",
"microgravity science and technology": "microgravity sci tec",
"conflict management and peace science": "conflict manag peace",
"transactions of the royal society of tropical medicine and hygiene": "t roy soc trop med h",
"materials & design": "mater design",
"journal of international medical research": "j int med res",
"geologiya i geofizika": "geol geofiz",
"european radiology": "eur radiol",
"mechanical systems and signal processing": "mech syst signal pr",
"journal of adult development": "j adult dev",
"journal of environmental science and health part a-toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering": "j environ sci heal a",
"pathobiology": "pathobiology",
"theoretical linguistics": "theor linguist",
"theoretical chemistry accounts": "theor chem acc",
"ocular immunology and inflammation": "ocul immunol inflamm",
"mrs bulletin": "mrs bull",
"glass technology": "glass technol",
"klinische wochenschrift": "klin wochenschr",
"inorganic biochemistry": "inorg biochem",
"studies in applied mathematics": "stud appl math",
"crc critical reviews in immunology": "crit rev immunol",
"modern concepts of cardiovascular disease": "mod conc cardiov dis",
"polycyclic aromatic compounds": "polycycl aromat comp",
"geografiska annaler series a-physical geography": "geogr ann a",
"cellular and molecular biology": "cell mol biol",
"journal of long-term effects of medical implants": "j long-term eff med",
"acm transactions on software engineering and methodology": "acm t softw eng meth",
"physiological zoology": "physiol zool",
"hereditas": "hereditas",
"journal of psychology and theology": "j psychol theol",
"new zealand journal of science": "new zeal j sci",
"jarq-japan agricultural research quarterly": "jarq-jpn agr res q",
"skin research and technology": "skin res technol",
"embo journal": "embo j",
"bulletin of the australian mathematical society": "b aust math soc",
"romance notes": "romance notes",
"comparative political studies": "comp polit stud",
"journal of behavioral health services & research": "j behav health ser r",
"assistive technology": "assist technol",
"archaologisches nachrichtenblatt": "archaol nachr",
"alabama agricultural experiment station progress report series": "ala agr exp sta prog",
"journal of capillary electrophoresis": "j capillary electrop",
"american journal of reproductive immunology and microbiology": "am j reprod immunol",
"journal of experimental child psychology": "j exp child psychol",
"nuclear medicine annual,
1997": "nucl med a",
"boreas": "boreas",
"public administration and development": "public admin develop",
"sankhya-the indian journal of statistics series b": "sankhya ser b",
"journal of cytology and genetics": "j cytol genet",
"progress in pediatric cardiology": "prog pediatr cardiol",
"verhaltenstherapie": "verhaltenstherapie",
"actas espanolas de psiquiatria": "actas esp psiquiatri",
"clinical physics and physiological measurement": "clin phys physiol m",
"journal of the indian institute of science section c-biological sciences": "j indian i sci c-bio",
"maintenance management international": "maint manage int",
"aiaa journal": "aiaa j",
"journal of chinese philosophy": "j chinese philos",
"fuel": "fuel",
"libri": "libri",
"acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica": "acta hydroch hydrob",
"journal of the physical society of japan": "j phys soc jpn",
"fire service today": "fire serv today",
"meteoritics & planetary science": "metorit planet sci",
"molecular and cellular biochemistry": "mol cell biochem",
"journal of coatings technology": "j coating technol",
"neuropsychobiology": "neuropsychobiology",
"new york fish and game journal": "new york fish game j",
"archives of biochemistry and biophysics": "arch biochem biophys",
"estuarine coastal and shelf science": "estuar coast shelf s",
"metabolism-clinical and experimental": "metabolism",
"analytical letters part a-chemical analysis": "anal lett pt a",
"journal of religion & health": "j relig health",
"zeitschrift fur romanische philologie": "z roman philol",
"evolution": "evolution",
"journal of the london mathematical society-second series": "j lond math soc",
"strategic management journal": "strategic manage j",
"science 85": "science 85",
"folia phoniatrica et logopaedica": "folia phoniatr logo",
"journal of psychoeducational assessment": "j psychoeduc assess",
"pediatrics international": "pediatr int",
"review of social economy": "rev soc econ",
"british journal of obstetrics and gynaecology": "brit j obstet gynaec",
"european journal of psychological assessment": "eur j psychol assess",
"composites part a-applied science and manufacturing": "compos part a-appl s",
"atemwegs-und lungenkrankheiten": "atemweg lungenkrank",
"journal of the west": "j west",
"advances in atmospheric sciences": "adv atmos sci",
"journal of chemical technology and biotechnology b-biotechnology": "j chem technol biot",
"eisei kagaku-japanese journal of toxicology and environmental health": "eisei kagaku",
"computer": "computer",
"journal of the society of dairy technology": "j soc dairy technol",
"bulletin des sciences mathematiques": "b sci math",
"microbes and infection": "microbes infect",
"psychology of addictive behaviors": "psychol addict behav",
"monthly weather review": "mon weather rev",
"leprosy review": "leprosy rev",
"antibiotiki": "antibiot med biotek",
"environmental carcinogenesis & ecotoxicology reviews-part c of journal of environmental science and health": "environ carcin eco r",
"science technology & human values": "sci technol hum val",
"european journal of immunology": "eur j immunol",
"deep-sea research part a-oceanographic research papers": "deep-sea res",
"computers in nursing": "comput nurs",
"journal of the international association for mathematical geology": "j int ass math geol",
"performing arts & entertainment in canada": "perform art ent can",
"ieee design & test of computers": "ieee des test comput",
"ieee transactions on evolutionary computation": "ieee t evolut comput",
"historic preservation": "hist preservation",
"analytical letters part b-clinical and biochemical analysis": "anal lett pt b",
"journal of the structural division-asce": "j struct div-asce",
"comprehensive psychiatry": "compr psychiat",
"housing theory and society": "hous theory soc",
"advances in chemical conversions for mitigating carbon dioxide": "stud surf sci catal",
"aquatic botany": "aquat bot",
"sociobiology": "sociobiology",
"revista de investigacion clinica": "rev invest clin",
"atomic spectroscopy": "atom spectrosc",
"journal of the society of architectural historians": "j soc archit hist",
"fabula": "fabula",
"photosynthetica": "photosynthetica",
"program-electronic library and information systems": "program-electron lib",
"aaa-arbeiten aus anglistik und amerikanistik": "aaa-arb anglist am",
"process engineering": "process eng",
"lebensmittelindustrie": "lebensmittelindustr",
"cancer treatment reviews": "cancer treat rev",
"journal of endodontics": "j endodont",
"studies on neotropical fauna and environment": "stud neotrop fauna e",
"landscape and urban planning": "landscape urban plan",
"production and operations management": "prod oper manag",
"linguistics and philosophy": "linguist philos",
"journal of polymer science part b-polymer physics": "j polym sci pol phys",
"springer seminars in immunopathology": "springer semin immun",
"antigonish review": "antigonish rev",
"international journal of educational development": "int j educ dev",
"trac-trends in analytical chemistry": "trac-trend anal chem",
"american studies international": "am stud int",
"plastics world": "plast world",
"geochimica et cosmochimica acta": "geochim cosmochim ac",
"agricultural systems": "agr syst",
"coal age": "coal age",
"advances in human genetics": "adv hum genet",
"wood science and technology": "wood sci technol",
"bio-medical materials and engineering": "bio-med mater eng",
"bulletin on the rheumatic diseases": "b rheum dis",
"journal of legal medicine": "j legal med",
"diversity": "diversity",
"zeitschrift fur semiotik": "z semiotik",
"canadian review of comparative literature-revue canadienne de litterature comparee": "can rev comp lit",
"zeitschrift fur tierpsychologie-journal of comparative ethology": "z tierpsychol",
"research communications in chemical pathology and pharmacology": "res commun chem path",
"australian economic history review": "aust econ hist rev",
"ieee control systems magazine": "ieee contr syst mag",
"environment international": "environ int",
"psychology & health": "psychol health",
"sociology-the journal of the british sociological association": "sociology",
"radiotekhnika i elektronika": "radiotekh elektron+",
"judicature": "judicature",
"international journal of cosmetic science": "int j cosmetic sci",
"journal of pediatrics": "j pediatr",
"science progress": "sci prog",
"international surgery": "int surg",
"journal of clinical densitometry": "j clin densitom",
"personality and social psychology review": "pers soc psychol rev",
"research in nursing & health": "res nurs health",
"combustion theory and modelling": "combust theor model",
"astronomy and astrophysics": "astron astrophys",
"neuron": "neuron",
"clinics in sports medicine": "clin sport med",
"meteorology and atmospheric physics": "meteorol atmos phys",
"bulletin of the american meteorological society": "b am meteorol soc",
"journal of ship research": "j ship res",
"journal of food processing and preservation": "j food process pres",
"american forests": "am forests",
"review of research in education,
24 1999": "rev res educ",
"allergologia et immunopathologia": "allergol immunopath",
"african entomology": "afr entomol",
"journal of vector ecology": "j vector ecol",
"ucla law review": "ucla law rev",
"world politics": "world polit",
"journal of mathematical economics": "j math econ",
"acta morphologica neerlando-scandinavica": "acta morphol neer sc",
"perspectives in psychiatric care": "perspect psychiatr c",
"international migration": "int migr",
"peptides": "peptides",
"practitioner": "practitioner",
"american literary realism 1870-1910": "am lit realism",
"festkorperprobleme-advances in solid state physics": "festkor a s",
"advances in case-based reasoning": "lect notes artif int",
"international journal of refrigeration-revue internationale du froid": "int j refrig",
"zeitschrift fur religions-und geistesgeschichte": "z relig geistesgesch",
"international journal of invertebrate reproduction": "int j inver rep dev",
"cambridge journal of economics": "cambridge j econ",
"sciences des aliments": "sci aliment",
"nation": "nation",
"acta physiologica academiae scientiarum hungaricae": "acta physiol hung",
"neurophysiology": "neurophysiology+",
"minerals and the environment": "miner environ",
"pflugers archiv-european journal of physiology": "pflug arch eur j phy",
"journal of bioactive and compatible polymers": "j bioact compat pol",
"baillieres clinical infectious diseases": "bailliere clin inf d",
"botanical gazette": "bot gaz",
"journal of hazardous materials": "j hazard mater",
"urban lawyer": "urban lawyer",
"jsme international journal series ii-fluids engineering heat transfer power combustion thermophysical properties": "jsme int j ii-fluid",
"annual review of neuroscience": "annu rev neurosci",
"international review of cytology-a survey of cell biology": "int rev cytol",
"cement concrete and aggregates": "cement concrete aggr",
"electronics world": "electron world",
"b lymphocytes and autoimmunity": "ann ny acad sci",
"international journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology": "int j offender ther",
"electronics and communications in japan part iii-fundamental electronic science": "electron comm jpn 3",
"journal of environmental sciences": "j environ sci",
"advances in colloid and interface science": "adv colloid interfac",
"zeitschrift fur evangelische ethik": "z evangel ethik",
"geochemical journal": "geochem j",
"journal of environmental engineering-asce": "j environ eng-asce",
"acta radiologica oncology": "acta radiol oncol",
"journal of coordination chemistry": "j coord chem",
"journal of value inquiry": "j value inquiry",
"clinical cancer research": "clin cancer res",
"museum news": "museum news",
"giornale di neuropsichiatria dell eta evolutiva": "giorn neuropsi evol",
"journal of macromolecular science-chemistry": "j macromol sci chem",
"psychotherapie psychosomatik medizinische psychologie": "psychother psych med",
"physiological chemistry and physics and medical nmr": "physiol chem phys me",
"farm building progress": "farm build progr",
"biology of metals": "biol met",
"neurotoxicology and teratology": "neurotoxicol teratol",
"injury-international journal of the care of the injured": "injury",
"chinese journal of mechanics-series a": "chin j mech-ser a",
"earth and planetary science letters": "earth planet sc lett",
"book collector": "book collect",
"food reviews international": "food rev int",
"pharmacological research communications": "pharmacol res commun",
"annales de l institut oceanographique": "ann i oceanogr paris",
"animal reproduction science": "anim reprod sci",
"anxiety stress and coping": "anxiety stress copin",
"energy policy": "energ policy",
"etri journal": "etri j",
"industrial & engineering chemistry fundamentals": "ind eng chem fund",
"immunology": "immunology",
"italian journal of zoology": "ital j zool",
"calcolo": "calcolo",
"university of california division of agricultural sciences bulletin": "u calif agr sci bull",
"soviet journal of ecology": "sov j ecol+",
"coton et fibres tropicales": "coton fibres trop",
"journal of university of science and technology beijing": "j univ sci technol b",
"schweizer archiv fur neurologie und psychiatrie": "schweiz arch neurol",
"frontiers-a journal of women studies": "frontiers",
"graefes archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology": "graef arch clin exp",
"south african journal of zoology-suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir dierkunde": "s afr j zool",
"harvard theological review": "harvard theol rev",
"journal of general and applied microbiology": "j gen appl microbiol",
"journal of fluorescence": "j fluoresc",
"archives of sexual behavior": "arch sex behav",
"thymus": "thymus",
"canadian journal of applied physiology-revue canadienne de physiologie appliquee": "can j appl physiol",
"journal of econometrics": "j econometrics",
"journal of the american society of brewing chemists": "j am soc brew chem",
"american journal of physiology-regulatory integrative and comparative physiology": "am j physiol-reg i",
"homo": "homo",
"history of political thought": "hist polit thought",
"pci journal": "pci j",
"plant growth regulation": "plant growth regul",
"acta mechanica": "acta mech",
"pure and applied geophysics": "pure appl geophys",
"journal of imperial and commonwealth history": "j imp commonw hist",
"reviews of modern physics": "rev mod phys",
"dopovidi akademii nauk ukrainskoi rsr seriya a-fiziko-matematichni ta technichni nauki": "dopov akad nauk a",
"journal of nondestructive evaluation": "j nondestruct eval",
"reviews in mathematical physics": "rev math phys",
"inflammation": "inflammation",
"journal of quaternary science": "j quaternary sci",
"radio-electronics": "radio-electron",
"plant cell": "plant cell",
"gene expression": "gene expression",
"seminars in cell biology": "semin cell biol",
"journal of materials processing technology": "j mater process tech",
"mineralogical magazine": "mineral mag",
"current contents": "curr contents",
"amphibia-reptilia": "amphibia-reptilia",
"journal of teacher education": "j teach educ",
"surface and interface analysis": "surf interface anal",
"mutation research-dnaging genetic instability and aging": "mutat res-dnaging g",
"cells tissues organs": "cells tissues organs",
"journal of fluids and structures": "j fluid struct",
"pathology and immunopathology research": "pathol immunopath r",
"russian academy of sciences izvestiya mathematics": "russ ac sc izv math+",
"ekonomicky casopis": "ekon cas",
"journal of education for library and information science": "j educ libr inf sci",
"journal of aesthetic education": "j aesthet educ",
"acta mozartiana": "acta mozartiana",
"learning & memory": "learn memory",
"vestnik rossiiskoi akademii meditsinskikh nauk": "vestn ros akad med+",
"advances in water resources": "adv water resour",
"acta mechanica solida sinica": "acta mech solida sin",
"instrumentation technology": "intech",
"macroeconomic dynamics": "macroecon dyn",
"british journal of clinical practice": "brit j clin pract",
"zeitschrift fur tierphysiologie tierernahrung und futtermittelkunde-journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition": "z tierphysiol tierer",
"receptor": "receptor",
"plant disease": "plant dis",
"aquaculture international": "aquacult int",
"mathematical biosciences": "math biosci",
"journal of paleolimnology": "j paleolimnol",
"early american literature": "early am literature",
"ohio journal of science": "ohio j sci",
"experimental horticulture": "exp hortic",
"forum italicum": "forum italicum",
"medical ultrasound": "med ultrasound",
"annales academiae scientiarum fennicae series a1-mathematica": "ann acad sci fenn a1",
"bulletin of the korean chemical society": "b kor chem soc",
"proceedings of the american mathematical society": "p am math soc",
"international labour review": "int labour rev",
"artificial intelligence": "artif intell",
"kybernetes": "kybernetes",
"zeitschrift fur experimentelle psychologie": "z exp psychol",
"journal of mechanical design": "j mech design",
"journal of artificial intelligence research": "j artif intell res",
"proceedings astronomical society of australia": "p astron soc aust",
"human biology": "hum biol",
"clinical neurosurgery": "clin neur",
"photodermatology": "photodermatology",
"heterocycles": "heterocycles",
"journal of optical technology": "j opt technol+",
"cell death and differentiation": "cell death differ",
"progress in hematology": "prog hematol",
"current problems in surgery": "curr prob surg",
"journal of chemical physics": "j chem phys",
"annee psychologique": "ann psychol",
"journal of magnetism and magnetic materials": "j magn magn mater",
"cardiovascular risk factors": "cardiovasc risk fact",
"commutation & transmission": "commutation transm",
"journal of creative behavior": "j creative behav",
"gematologiya i transfuziologiya": "gematol transfuziol",
"plasma physics reports": "plasma phys rep+",
"annals of epidemiology": "ann epidemiol",
"reading research quarterly": "read res quart",
"journal of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynecology": "j psychosom obst gyn",
"electro-optics": "electro-optics",
"clinics in gastroenterology": "clin gastroenterol",
"springer tracts in modern physics": "springer tr mod phys",
"safety science": "safety sci",
"power engineering journal": "power eng j",
"journal of solid state electrochemistry": "j solid state electr",
"biology of the neonate": "biol neonate",
"psychologie in erziehung und unterricht": "psychol erz unterr",
"undersea biomedical research": "undersea biomed res",
"poetry review": "poetry rev",
"atmospheric environment part a-general topics": "atmos environ a-gen",
"clinical and investigative medicine-medecine clinique et experimentale": "clin invest med",
"chromosoma": "chromosoma",
"zhurnal tekhnicheskoi fiziki": "zh tekh fiz+",
"cell structure and function": "cell struct funct",
"hermes-zeitschrift fur klassische philologie": "hermes-z klass philo",
"european journal of soil biology": "eur j soil biol",
"journal of comparative neurology": "j comp neurol",
"magnetic resonance in chemistry": "magn reson chem",
"plasma therapy & transfusion technology": "plasma ther transfus",
"midwifery": "midwifery",
"monitore zoologico italiano-italian journal of zoology": "monit zool ital",
"mathematical logic quarterly": "math logic quart",
"acta neurochirurgica": "acta neurochir",
"attention and performance": "attention perform",
"annales entomologici fennici": "ann entomol fenn",
"journal of microcomputer applications": "j microcomput appl",
"oil gas-european magazine": "oil gas-eur mag",
"comprehensive immunology": "compr immunol",
"geokhimiya": "geokhimiya+",
"psychoanalytic inquiry": "psychoanal inq",
"population ecology": "popul ecol",
"green chemistry": "green chem",
"proceedings of the entomological society of ontario": "p entomol soc ont",
"acta protozoologica": "acta protozool",
"nationalokonomisk tidsskrift": "nationalokon tidsskr",
"specifying engineer": "specif eng",
"journal of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer": "j in vitro fertil em",
"hno": "hno",
"lettres romanes": "lett romanes",
"journal of geography in higher education": "j geogr higher educ",
"american machinist": "am mach",
"joint bone spine": "joint bone spine",
"georgia agricultural research": "georgia agr res",
"environmental health perspectives": "environ health persp",
"differential equations": "diff equat+",
"electric power systems research": "electr pow syst res",
"journal of computing in civil engineering": "j comput civil eng",
"wetlands": "wetlands",
"college composition and communication": "coll compos commun",
"neoplasia": "neoplasia",
"civil engineering for practicing and design engineers": "civil eng pract des",
"journal of the professional association for cactus development": "j prof assoc cactus",
"knowledge-based systems": "knowl-based syst",
"herpetologica": "herpetologica",
"international metals reviews": "int mater rev",
"auk": "auk",
"latin american music review-revista de musica latinoamericana": "lat am music rev",
"biochimica et biophysica acta-gene structure and expression": "bba-gene struct expr",
"breast cancer research and treatment": "breast cancer res tr",
"international journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics": "int j numer anal met",
"journal of geophysics-zeitschrift fur geophysik": "j geophys-z geophys",
"australian and new zealand journal of public health": "aust nz j publ heal",
"magnetic resonance in medicine": "magnet reson med",
"physiological plant pathology": "physiol plant pathol",
"journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism": "j cerebr blood f met",
"advances in electronics and electron physics": "adv electron el phys",
"clinical microbiology reviews": "clin microbiol rev",
"journal of infection": "j infection",
"womans art journal": "woman art j",
"acta biologica cracoviensia series zoologia": "acta biol cracov zoo",
"journal of geological education": "j geol educ",
"revista de historia de america": "rev hist am",
"naval engineers journal": "nav eng j",
"iau symposia": "iau symp",
"analytical proceedings": "anal proc",
"quarterly journal of speech": "q j speech",
"proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers": "p i mech eng",
"gastrointestinal endoscopy": "gastrointest endosc",
"outlook on agriculture": "outlook agr",
"quaderni d italianistica": "quad ital",
"structural chemistry": "struct chem",
"chemical engineering and processing": "chem eng process",
"applied catalysis": "appl catal",
"okeanologiya": "okeanologiya+",
"oral oncology": "oral oncol",
"research in clinic and laboratory": "res clin lab",
"journal of shellfish research": "j shellfish res",
"pacific insects": "pac insects",
"austral ecology": "austral ecol",
"journal of biological physics": "j biol phys",
"computers & graphics": "comput graph",
"classical world": "classical world",
"histoire": "histoire",
"european journal of phycology": "eur j phycol",
"molecular biology reports": "mol biol rep",
"keats-shelley journal": "keats-shelley j",
"comptes rendus de l academie des sciences serie iii-sciences de la vie-life sciences": "cr acad sci iii-vie",
"journal of ultrasound in medicine": "j ultras med",
"international journal for numerical methods in fluids": "int j numer meth fl",
"behavior modification": "behav modif",
"fuel science & technology international": "fuel sci techn int",
"journal of geometric analysis": "j geom anal",
"catholic biblical quarterly": "cath biblical quart",
"planta": "planta",
"aquatic geochemistry": "aquat geochem",
"cellulose chemistry and technology": "cell chem technol",
"anthropology & education quarterly": "anthropol educ quart",
"neurologic clinics": "neurol clin",
"applied physics letters": "appl phys lett",
"veterinarni medicina": "vet med-czech",
"library chronicle of the university of texas at austin": "libr chron univ tex",
"toxicon": "toxicon",
"ieee transactions on power apparatus and systems": "ieee t power ap syst",
"molecular plant-microbe interactions": "mol plant microbe in",
"kant-studien": "kant-stud",
"journal of technology transfer": "j technol transfer",
"computer physics communications": "comput phys commun",
"library collections acquisitions & technical services": "libr collect acquis",
"international pharmacopsychiatry": "int pharmacopsychiat",
"mathematical and computer modelling": "math comput model",
"physics and chemistry of the earth": "phys chem earth",
"liebigs annalen der chemie": "liebigs ann chem",
"revue philosophique de louvain": "rev philos louvain",
"arctic anthropology": "arctic anthropol",
"british journal of ophthalmology": "brit j ophthalmol",
"european journal of endocrinology": "eur j endocrinol",
"american archivist": "am archivist",
"federation proceedings": "fed proc",
"seventeenth-century french studies": "seventeen-cent fr st",
"economica": "economica",
"economic inquiry": "econ inq",
"progress in nuclear energy": "prog nucl energ",
"illinois research": "illinois res",
"chemistry & industry": "chem ind-london",
"journal of occupational and environmental medicine": "j occup environ med",
"materialprufung": "materialprufung",
"journal of visual languages and computing": "j visual lang comput",
"university of chicago law review": "u chicago law rev",
"wilderness": "wilderness",
"optics letters": "opt lett",
"desarrollo economico-revista de ciencias sociales": "desarrollo econ",
"landscape": "landscape",
"journal of molecular structure": "j mol struct",
"x-ray spectrometry": "x-ray spectrom",
"journal of inorganic & nuclear chemistry": "j inorg nucl chem",
"photobiochemistry and photobiophysics": "photobioch photobiop",
"journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology": "j clin exp neuropsyc",
"engineering plastics": "eng plast",
"deutsche sprache": "deut sprache",
"teachers college record": "teach coll rec",
"holz als roh-und werkstoff": "holz roh werkst",
"proceedings of the indian academy of sciences-earth and planetary sciences": "p indian as-earth",
"archiv fur japanische chirurgie": "arch jpn chir",
"australian paediatric journal": "aust paediatr j",
"revista mexicana de fisica": "rev mex fis",
"turkish journal of veterinary & animal sciences": "turk j vet anim sci",
"american book review": "am book rev",
"chimica & l industria": "chim ind-milan",
"journal of programming languages": "j program lang",
"at&t; technical journal": "at&t; tech j",
"jnt-journal of narrative theory": "j narrative theory",
"japanese journal of psychiatry and neurology": "jpn j psychiat neur",
"plant cell reports": "plant cell rep",
"journal of anthropological archaeology": "j anthropol archaeol",
"asian pacific journal of allergy and immunology": "asian pac j allergy",
"developmental immunology": "dev immunol",
"brain research bulletin": "brain res bull",
"mycoses": "mycoses",
"acta botanica neerlandica": "acta bot neerl",
"journal of the chartered institution of water and environmental management": "j chart inst water e",
"natural hazards": "nat hazards",
"journal of bone and joint surgery-british volume": "j bone joint surg br",
"fetal diagnosis and therapy": "fetal diagn ther",
"journal of neurologic rehabilitation": "j neurol rehabil",
"ricerche di matematica": "ric mat",
"biochimica et biophysica acta-molecular and cell biology of lipids": "bba-mol cell biol l",
"theatre notebook": "theatre notebook",
"dance theatre journal": "dance theat j",
"studia mystica": "stud myst",
"topics in stereochemistry": "top stereochem",
"current opinion in cell biology": "curr opin cell biol",
"videodisc-videotex": "videodisc-videotex",
"radiotherapy and oncology": "radiother oncol",
"health policy and planning": "health policy plann",
"journal of materials chemistry": "j mater chem",
"ecological modelling": "ecol model",
"sex roles": "sex roles",
"journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena": "j electron spectrosc",
"world today": "world today",
"russian metallurgy": "russ metall+",
"clinical and diagnostic virology": "clin diagn virol",
"paraplegia": "paraplegia",
"urologe-ausgabe a": "urologe a",
"american journal of physiology-cell physiology": "am j physiol-cell ph",
"minerals engineering": "miner eng",
"music analysis": "music anal",
"record-at&t; bell laboratories": "record-at&t; bell lab",
"brookings papers on economic activity": "brookings pap eco ac",
"radical history review": "radical hist rev",
"journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology": "j child adol psychop",
"evaluation & the health professions": "eval health prof",
"journal of receptor research": "j receptor res",
"law and social inquiry-journal of the american bar foundation": "law social inquiry",
"nursing research": "nurs res",
"inflammation research": "inflamm res",
"journal of criminal law & criminology": "j crim law crim",
"american programmer": "am program",
"turkish journal of chemistry": "turk j chem",
"journal of veterinary medicine series a-physiology pathology clinical medicine": "j vet med a",
"mutagenesis": "mutagenesis",
"island arc": "isl arc",
"journal of laparoendoscopic surgery": "j laparoendosc surg",
"journal of health politics policy and law": "j health polit polic",
"journal of mind and behavior": "j mind behav",
"journal of ect": "j ect",
"extremophiles": "extremophiles",
"cultural anthropology": "cult anthropol",
"geological survey circular": "geol surv circular",
"research policy": "res policy",
"acta dermato-venereologica": "acta derm-venereol",
"computer physics reports": "comput phys rep",
"lasers in medical science": "laser med sci",
"applied thermal engineering": "appl therm eng",
"colorado state university experiment station bulletin": "colo st ex st bull",
"macromolecular symposia": "macromol symp",
"college and university": "coll univ",
"japan annual reviews in electronics computers & telecommunications": "jpn annu rev electr",
"applied mathematics and mechanics-english edition": "appl math mech-engl",
"international sugar journal": "int sugar j",
"international archives of allergy and immunology": "int arch allergy imm",
"journal of physiology-london": "j physiol-london",
"aging and cognition": "aging cognition",
"amerasia journal": "amerasia j",
"current opinion in nephrology and hypertension": "curr opin nephrol hy",
"wounds-a compendium of clinical research and practice": "wounds",
"denki kagaku": "denki kagaku",
"literatur und kritik": "lit kritik",
"reading teacher": "read teach",
"annales de dermatologie et de venereologie": "ann dermatol vener",
"european journal of orthodontics": "eur j orthodont",
"gazette medicale de france": "gazette med france",
"church history": "church hist",
"british birds": "brit birds",
"annals of allergy asthma & immunology": "ann allerg asthma im",
"international journal of aging & human development": "int j aging hum dev",
"journal of agricultural and food chemistry": "j agr food chem",
"policy review": "policy rev",
"bulgarian historical review-revue bulgare d histoire": "bulg hist rev-rev b",
"annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence": "ann math artif intel",
"online review": "online rev",
"atherosclerosis": "atherosclerosis",
"japanese journal of applied physics part 2-letters": "jpn j appl phys 2",
"infections in medicine": "infect med",
"industrial wastes": "ind waste",
"frontiers of hormone research": "front horm res",
"ach-models in chemistry": "ach-models chem",
"elh-english literary history": "elh-engl lit hist",
"tdr-the drama review-a journal of performance studies": "tdr-drama rev-j perf",
"journal of neural transmission-supplement": "j neural transm-supp",
"romantisme": "romantisme",
"structural safety": "struct saf",
"journal of human genetics": "j hum genet",
"journal of trauma-injury infection and critical care": "j trauma",
"reviews in the neurosciences": "rev neuroscience",
"mississippi agricultural & forestry experiment station bulletin": "miss afes bull",
"reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology": "rev environ contam t",
"journal of composites technology & research": "j compos tech res",
"building research and information": "build res inf",
"bone": "bone",
"soviet radiochemistry": "sov radiochem+",
"minerals and metallurgical processing": "miner metall proc",
"proceedings of the biological society of washington": "p biol soc wash",
"glastechnische berichte-glass science and technology": "glastech ber-glass",
"sociological forum": "sociol forum",
"industrial finishing": "ind finish",
"archives of pathology & laboratory medicine": "arch pathol lab med",
"revue de chirurgie orthopedique et reparatrice de l appareil moteur": "rev chir orthop",
"advances in veterinary medicine academic press": "adv veter med ap",
"aids": "aids",
"javnost-the public": "javnost-public",
"journal of psychiatric treatment and evaluation": "j psychiat treat ev",
"journal of comparative psychology": "j comp psychol",
"experimental oncology": "exp oncol",
"zoologische jahrbucher-abteilung fur allgemeine zoologie und physiologie der tiere": "zool jahrb allg zool",
"journal of community health": "j commun health",
"plant and cell physiology": "plant cell physiol",
"synthetic metals": "synthetic met",
"bulletin hispanique": "b hispanique",
"journal of molecular electronics": "j mol electron",
"siam journal on control and optimization": "siam j control optim",
"neurologia medico-chirurgica": "neurol med-chir",
"publishing research quarterly": "publish res q",
"praktische metallographie-practical metallography": "prakt metallogr-pr m",
"russian journal of applied chemistry": "russ j appl chem+",
"journal of lie theory": "j lie theory",
"journal of applied entomology-zeitschrift fur angewandte entomologie": "j appl entomol",
"tubercle and lung disease": "tubercle lung dis",
"rhode island medical journal": "r i med j",
"bulletin of marine science": "b mar sci",
"age and ageing": "age ageing",
"european journal of plant pathology": "eur j plant pathol",
"pattern analysis and applications": "pattern anal appl",
"journal of nuclear medicine and allied sciences": "j nucl med allied s",
"postgraduate medicine": "postgrad med",
"aaps pharmsci": "aaps pharmsci",
"biomaterial-living system interactions": "biomater living syst",
"trends in pharmacological sciences": "trends pharmacol sci",
"cim bulletin": "cim bull",
"plasma devices and operations": "plasma devices oper",
"thrombosis and haemostasis": "thromb haemostasis",
"biocell": "biocell",
"thermochimica acta": "thermochim acta",
"morfologia normal y patologica seccion a-histologia": "morfol norm patol a",
"proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part c-journal of mechanical engineering science": "p i mech eng c-j mec",
"american journal of chinese medicine": "am j chinese med",
"cytotechnology": "cytotechnology",
"cancer nursing": "cancer nurs",
"pisma v zhurnal tekhnicheskoi fiziki": "pisma zh tekh fiz+",
"ieice transactions on communications": "ieice t commun",
"japanese journal of toxicology and environmental health": "jpn j tox env health",
"oeil-magazine international d art": "oeil-mag int art",
"journal of clinical periodontology": "j clin periodontol",
"crc critical reviews in biotechnology": "crit rev biotechnol",
"iee proceedings-h microwaves antennas and propagation": "iee proc-h",
"cahiers de psychologie cognitive-current psychology of cognition": "cah psychol cogn",
"psycho-oncology": "psycho-oncol",
"african journal of ecology": "afr j ecol",
"historian": "historian",
"journal of the american society for psychical research": "j am soc psychical r",
"journal of testing and evaluation": "j test eval",
"mouvement social": "mouvement soc",
"entomologica scandinavica": "entomol scand",
"psychoanalytic review": "psychoanal rev",
"heterotrimeric g-protein effectors": "method enzymol",
"maatstaf": "maatstaf",
"journal of environmental pathology toxicology and oncology": "j environ pathol tox",
"primary care": "primary care",
"nanostructured materials": "nanostruct mater",
"california fish and game": "calif fish game",
"russian journal of plant physiology": "russ j plant physl+",
"journal of financial economics": "j financ econ",
"journal of information science and engineering": "j inf sci eng",
"contraception fertilite sexualite": "contracept fertil s",
"evoked potentials-electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology": "evoked potential",
"kosmorama": "kosmorama",
"american journal of international law": "am j int law",
"solar energy": "sol energy",
"anxiety": "anxiety",
"journal of immunological methods": "j immunol methods",
"georgetown law journal": "georgetown law j",
"journal of manufacturing science and engineering-transactions of the asme": "j manuf sci e-t asme",
"journal of hydraulic research": "j hydraul res",
"nutrition research": "nutr res",
"journal of supercritical fluids": "j supercrit fluid",
"new journal of chemistry": "new j chem",
"information and control": "inform control",
"indian journal of heterocyclic chemistry": "indian j heterocy ch",
"iee proceedings-circuits devices and systems": "iee p-circ dev syst",
"izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii pishchevaya tekhnologiya": "izv vuz pishch tekh",
"neurobiology of learning and memory": "neurobiol learn mem",
"critical care medicine": "crit care med",
"mind": "mind",
"labor law journal": "labor law j",
"contemporary topics in molecular immunology": "contemp top molec im",
"chinese annals of mathematics series b": "chinese ann math b",
"ergonomics": "ergonomics",
"microscopica acta": "microsc acta",
"psychological bulletin": "psychol bull",
"cell biology international reports": "cell biol int rep",
"interlending & document supply": "interlend doc supply",
"genetica polonica": "genet pol",
"botanical bulletin of academia sinica": "bot bull acad sinica",
"international journal of damage mechanics": "int j damage mech",
"canadian journal of medical technology": "can j med technol",
"international journal of dermatology": "int j dermatol",
"journal of environmental education": "j environ educ",
"science 83": "science 85",
"science 84": "science 85",
"anales de quimica serie b-quimica inorganica y quimica analytica": "an quim b-inorg anal",
"british phycological journal": "brit phycol j",
"chest": "chest",
"scientia horticulturae": "sci hortic-amsterdam",
"european journal of rheumatology and inflammation": "eur j rheumatol infl",
"annual review of biophysics and biophysical chemistry": "annu rev biophys bio",
"journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics": "j non-newton fluid",
"tropical medicine & international health": "trop med int health",
"bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters": "bioorg med chem lett",
"world health forum": "world health forum",
"acta veterinaria brno": "acta vet brno",
"social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology": "soc psych psych epid",
"problems of control and information theory-problemy upravleniya i teorii informatsii": "probl control inform",
"michigan historical review": "mich hist rev",
"journal of microbiology": "j microbiol",
"schweizerische zeitschrift fur psychologie-revue suisse de psychologie": "schweiz z psychol",
"theology today": "theol today",
"science of computer programming": "sci comput program",
"acta pharmaceutica nordica": "acta pharm nordica",
"journal of clinical neuro-ophthalmology": "j clin neuro-ophthal",
"archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine": "arch pediat adol med",
"international review of social history": "int rev soc hist",
"journal of biomedical materials research": "j biomed mater res",
"international journal of thermophysics": "int j thermophys",
"optical review": "opt rev",
"public roads": "public roads",
"alimenta": "alimenta",
"musical quarterly": "music quart",
"anales de quimica": "an quim",
"biopharm-the technology & business of biopharmaceuticals": "biopharm-technol bus",
"journal de chimie physique et de physico-chimie biologique": "j chim phys pcb",
"molecular and cellular biology": "mol cell biol",
"neurological surgery": "neurol surg tokyo",
"uspekhi khimii": "usp khim+",
"journal of immunotherapy": "j immunother",
"offentliche gesundheitswesen": "offentl gesundh wes",
"journal de chirurgie": "j chir-paris",
"journal of the chemical society-chemical communications": "j chem soc chem comm",
"construction and building materials": "constr build mater",
"terapevticheskii arkhiv": "terapevt arkh",
"japanese journal of crop science": "jpn j crop sci",
"integrative physiological and behavioral science": "integr phys beh sci",
"metals materials and processes": "met mater process",
"toxicologic pathology": "toxicol pathol",
"music theory spectrum": "music theor spectrum",
"journal of fluency disorders": "j fluency disord",
"culture medicine and psychiatry": "cult med psychiat",
"journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics": "j ocul pharmacol th",
"memoirs of the american mathematical society": "mem am math soc",
"ieee transactions on applied superconductivity": "ieee t appl supercon",
"journal of physics b-atomic molecular and optical physics": "j phys b-at mol opt",
"medical care research and review": "med care res rev",
"journal of family history": "j fam hist",
"bioorganicheskaya khimiya": "bioorg khim+",
"yearbook of physical anthropology": "yearb phys anthropol",
"scandinavian journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery": "scand j thorac card",
"journal of research in personality": "j res pers",
"international journal of stress management": "int j stress manage",
"rairo-recherche operationnelle-operations research": "rairo-rech oper",
"science & justice": "sci justice",
"biofizika": "biofizika+",
"radiation effects letters": "radiat eff lett",
"international journal of rehabilitation research": "int j rehabil res",
"journal of dharma": "j dharma",
"journal of neurovirology": "j neurovirol",
"international dental journal": "int dent j",
"sarcoidosis vasculitis and diffuse lung diseases": "sarcoidosis vasc dif",
"michigan cooperative extension service extension bulletin": "mich ces ext bull",
"clinical hemorheology and microcirculation": "clin hemorheol micro",
"advanced materials": "adv mater",
"basic and applied histochemistry": "basic appl histochem",
"gastroenterologie clinique et biologique": "gastroen clin biol",
"cell stress & chaperones": "cell stress chaperon",
"canadian journal of comparative medicine-revue canadienne de medecine comparee": "can j comp med",
"acta botanica gallica": "acta bot gallica",
"ferroelectrics letters section": "ferroelectrics lett",
"developmental brain research": "dev brain res",
"crop protection": "crop prot",
"journal of chemical thermodynamics": "j chem thermodyn",
"clinical investigator": "clin investigator",
"journal of asian history": "j asian hist",
"international journal of mining engineering": "int j mining eng",
"architecture": "architecture",
"applied stochastic models in business and industry": "appl stoch model bus",
"journal of water resources planning and management-asce": "j water res pl-asce",
"inorganica chimica acta": "inorg chim acta",
"journal of theoretical politics": "j theor polit",
"zhurnal nevropatologii i psikhiatrii imeni s s korsakova": "zh nevropatol psikh",
"psychology crime & law": "psychol crime law",
"tribology international": "tribol int",
"electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology": "electroen clin neuro",
"journal of engineering design": "j eng design",
"journal of child neurology": "j child neurol",
"proteus": "proteus",
"ieee micro": "ieee micro",
"pesticides monitoring journal": "pestic monit j",
"journal of combinatorial designs": "j comb des",
"instruments & control systems": "i&cs-control; tech en",
"reproductive toxicology": "reprod toxicol",
"journal of engineering for industry-transactions of the asme": "j eng ind-t asme",
"nematologica": "nematologica",
"international reviews of ergonomics": "int rev ergon",
"advances in nutritional research": "adv nutr res",
"contemporary pharmacy practice": "contemp pharm pract",
"integral equations and operator theory": "integr equat oper th",
"fiziologicheskii zhurnal": "fiziol zh sssr",
"respiration physiology": "resp physiol",
"annals of thoracic surgery": "ann thorac surg",
"poetics today": "poetics today",
"international journal of antimicrobial agents": "int j antimicrob ag",
"human reproduction": "hum reprod",
"journal of interventional radiology": "j intervent radiol",
"journal of common market studies": "j common mark stud",
"lingua franca": "lingua franca",
"historical research": "hist res",
"canadian journal of statistics-revue canadienne de statistique": "can j stat",
"research in experimental medicine": "res exp med",
"clinical science": "clin sci",
"journal of health economics": "j health econ",
"journal of the marine biological association of the united kingdom": "j mar biol assoc uk",
"renal failure": "renal failure",
"theoretical and mathematical physics": "theor math phys+",
"journal of clinical psychiatry": "j clin psychiat",
"who expert committee on drug dependence - 30th report": "who tech rep ser",
"geophysical research letters": "geophys res lett",
"journal of social service research": "j soc serv res",
"modern international drama": "mod int drama",
"cryptogamie algologie": "cryptogamie algol",
"lc gc north america": "lc gc n am",
"military medicine": "mil med",
"discrete dynamics in nature and society": "discrete dyn nat soc",
"investigative ophthalmology & visual science": "invest ophth vis sci",
"computer design": "comput des",
"mental handicap research": "ment handicap res",
"physical therapy": "phys ther",
"lubrication engineering": "lubr eng",
"hortscience": "hortscience",
"archives of microbiology": "arch microbiol",
"regulatory toxicology and pharmacology": "regul toxicol pharm",
"current opinion in lipidology": "curr opin lipidol",
"journal of biomedical materials research-applied biomaterials": "j biomed mater res-a",
"british corrosion journal": "brit corros j",
"collagen and related research": "collagen rel res",
"science digest": "sci dig",
"ieee transactions on consumer electronics": "ieee t consum electr",
"nonlinear dynamics": "nonlinear dynam",
"juvenile and family court journal": "juvenile fam court j",
"australian systematic botany": "aust syst bot",
"american scholar": "am scholar",
"health education research": "health educ res",
"revista chilena de literatura": "rev chil lit",
"american journal of sports medicine": "am j sport med",
"pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety": "pharmacoepidem dr s",
"architectural digest": "archit digest",
"surgical and radiologic anatomy": "surg radiol anat",
"statistics in medicine": "stat med",
"minds and machines": "mind mach",
"revue d histoire ecclesiastique": "rev hist ecclesiast",
"alcohol and alcoholism": "alcohol alcoholism",
"journal of planning education and research": "j plan educ res",
"studies in comparative international development": "stud comp int dev",
"environmental impact assessment review": "environ impact asses",
"advances in x-ray analysis": "adv x ray anal",
"pediatric annals": "pediatr ann",
"buffalo law review": "buffalo law rev",
"ofioliti": "ofioliti",
"metal finishing": "met finish",
"japanese journal of breeding": "jpn j breed",
"review of the electrical communications laboratories": "rev elec commun lab",
"european heart journal": "eur heart j",
"international journal of surgical pathology": "int j surg pathol",
"international journal of public opinion research": "int j public opin r",
"aquaculture nutrition": "aquacult nutr",
"journal of manufacturing systems": "j manuf syst",
"studia scientiarum mathematicarum hungarica": "stud sci math hung",
"revista de literatura": "rev literatura",
"journal of political philosophy": "j polit philos",
"rare metals": "rare metals",
"pediatric hematology and oncology": "pediatr hemat oncol",
"acta histochemica": "acta histochem",
"journal of environmental economics and management": "j environ econ manag",
"future of children": "future child",
"post-soviet geography and economics": "post-sov geogr econ",
"journal of general psychology": "j gen psychol",
"computer graphics": "comput graphics",
"ndt & e international": "ndt&e; int",
"australian journal of education": "aust j educ",
"sociology of health & illness": "sociol health ill",
"advances in botanical research": "adv bot res",
"revue de metaphysique et de morale": "rev metaphys morale",
"mississippi agricultural & forestry experiment station information sheet": "miss afes info sheet",
"birth defects-original article series": "birth defects-orig",
"proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america": "p natl acad sci usa",
"acadiensis": "acadiensis",
"acta acustica": "acta acust",
"synthetic communications": "synthetic commun",
"health physics": "health phys",
"china quarterly": "china quart",
"pcps-proceedings of the cambridge philological society": "pcps-p camb philol s",
"solid state physics-advances in research and applications": "solid state phys",
"critical reviews in oncology/hematology": "crit rev oncol hemat",
"physics and chemistry of liquids": "phys chem liq",
"andrologia": "andrologia",
"communist and post-communist studies": "communis post-commun",
"aeronautical journal": "aeronaut j",
"chemie in unserer zeit": "chem unserer zeit",
"journal of traumatic stress": "j trauma stress",
"journal of maternal-fetal investigation": "j matern-fetal inves",
"texas studies in literature and language": "tex stud lit lang",
"international journal for the semiotics of law-revue internationale de semiotique juridique": "int j semiotic law",
"journal of automated reasoning": "j autom reasoning",
"cambridge archaeological journal": "camb archaeol j",
"journal of computer assisted learning": "j comput assist lear",
"pramana-journal of physics": "pramana-j phys",
"drug delivery": "drug deliv",
"european journal of operational research": "eur j oper res",
"transactions of the north american wildlife and natural resources conference": "t n am wildl nat res",
"solar cells": "sol cells",
"landscape planning": "landscape plan",
"biotechnology law report": "biotechnol law rep",
"mutation research": "mutat res",
"british journal of health psychology": "brit j health psych",
"singapore journal of tropical geography": "singapore j trop geo",
"reviews of physiology biochemistry and pharmacology": "rev physiol bioch p",
"radiation protection dosimetry": "radiat prot dosim",
"scandinavian journal of infectious diseases": "scand j infect dis",
"crc critical reviews in biocompatibility": "crit rev biocompat",
"journal of soil science": "j soil sci",
"vom wasser": "vom wasser",
"american literature": "am lit",
"journal of the chinese chemical society": "j chin chem soc-taip",
"history and theory": "hist theory",
"ceskoslovenska psychologie": "cesk psychol",
"philosophical transactions of the royal society of london series a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences": "philos t roy soc a",
"clinical rehabilitation": "clin rehabil",
"animal behaviour": "anim behav",
"computer decisions": "comput decis",
"physiological measurement": "physiol meas",
"journal of strategic information systems": "j strategic inf syst",
"large scale systems in information and decision technologies": "large scale syst",
"french forum": "fr forum",
"journal of medical systems": "j med syst",
"essays in literature": "essays literature",
"journal of the irish colleges of physicians and surgeons": "j irish coll phys s",
"statistics and computing": "stat comput",
"current opinion in biotechnology": "curr opin biotech",
"journal of religious history": "j relig hist",
"political geography": "polit geogr",
"advances in heterocyclic chemistry": "adv heterocycl chem",
"iee review": "iee review",
"algorithmica": "algorithmica",
"annual review of microbiology": "annu rev microbiol",
"research and development in agriculture": "res dev agric",
"journal of transport economics and policy": "j transp econ policy",
"annals of mathematical logic": "ann math logic",
"journal of experimental psychology-general": "j exp psychol gen",
"computer aided geometric design": "comput aided geom d",
"british ceramic transactions": "brit ceram t",
"urban affairs review": "urban aff rev",
"journal of biomedical engineering": "j biomed eng",
"experiments in fluids": "exp fluids",
"molecular medicine": "mol med",
"american journal of pharmaceutical education": "am j pharm educ",
"tsitologiya i genetika": "tsitol genet+",
"economic geology and the bulletin of the society of economic geologists": "econ geol bull soc",
"international journal of food microbiology": "int j food microbiol",
"pediatric nephrology": "pediatr nephrol",
"journal of the american society for horticultural science": "j am soc hortic sci",
"cryo-letters": "cryo-lett",
"journal of cardiac failure": "j card fail",
"family practice": "fam pract",
"endocrine research communications": "endocr res commun",
"triquarterly": "triquarterly",
"acm transactions on programming languages and systems": "acm t progr lang sys",
"revue roumaine de medecine-medecine interne": "rev roum med-med int",
"british journal for the history of science": "brit j hist sci",
"innovations in education and training international": "innov educ train int",
"journal of applied psychology": "j appl psychol",
"engineering cybernetics": "eng cybern",
"biomaterials medical devices and artificial organs": "biomater artif cell",
"journal of psychotherapy integration": "j psychother integr",
"bulletin of science technology & society": "b sci technol soc",
"basis for cancer management": "ann ny acad sci",
"pediatric dermatology": "pediatr dermatol",
"aging neuropsychology and cognition": "aging neuropsychol c",
"metallurgia": "metallurgia",
"journal of black studies": "j black stud",
"journal of the association for computing machinery": "j assoc comput mach",
"library": "library",
"radiochimica acta": "radiochim acta",
"vide-science technique et applications": "vide",
"cognitive psychology": "cognitive psychol",
"journal of bone and joint surgery-american volume": "j bone joint surg am",
"journal of muscle research and cell motility": "j muscle res cell m",
"actualites odonto-stomatologiques": "actual odonto-stomat",
"journal of clinical nursing": "j clin nurs",
"acta crystallographica section a": "acta crystallogr a",
"nutrition research reviews": "nutr res rev",
"parergon": "parergon",
"journal of drug development": "j drug dev",
"historisches jahrbuch": "hist jahrb",
"forensic science international": "forensic sci int",
"soviet mining science ussr": "sov min sci+",
"connaissance des arts": "connaissance arts",
"confrontation": "confrontation",
"problems of economic transition": "probl econ transit",
"tissue & cell": "tissue cell",
"american journal of psychiatry": "am j psychiat",
"inorganica chimica acta-bioinorganic chemistry": "inorg chim a-bioinor",
"international journal for numerical methods in engineering": "int j numer meth eng",
"comments on inorganic chemistry": "comment inorg chem",
"makromolekulare chemie-macromolecular chemistry and physics": "makromol chem",
"vehicle system dynamics": "vehicle syst dyn",
"automation in construction": "automat constr",
"rock mechanics": "rock mech",
"journal of clinical neurophysiology": "j clin neurophysiol",
"politics & society": "polit soc",
"schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische mitteilungen": "schweiz miner petrog",
"european journal of pediatric surgery": "eur j pediatr surg",
"sydowia": "sydowia",
"journal of experimental social psychology": "j exp soc psychol",
"arab gulf journal of scientific research b-agricultural and biological sciences": "arab gulf j sci res",
"journal of microbiological methods": "j microbiol meth",
"minnesota agricultural extension service extension bulletin": "minn aes ext bull",
"functional analysis and its applications": "funct anal appl+",
"journal of the atmospheric sciences": "j atmos sci",
"plant ecology": "plant ecol",
"journal of indo-european studies": "j indo-eur stud",
"zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine chemie": "z anorg allg chem",
"industrial design magazine": "ind design mag",
"internal medicine": "internal med",
"international journal of human factors in manufacturing": "int j hum factor man",
"psychiatry research": "psychiat res",
"journal of macromolecular science-physics": "j macromol sci phys",
"nouvelle revue aeronautique astronautique": "nouv rev aeronaut as",
"european journal of cognitive psychology": "eur j cogn psychol",
"international journal of leprosy": "int j leprosy",
"theoretical surgery": "theor surg",
"ultrasonic imaging": "ultrasonic imaging",
"european cancer news": "eur cancer news",
"african arts": "afr arts",
"phase transitions": "phase transit",
"holzforschung und holzverwertung": "holzforsch holzverw",
"diabetes reviews": "diabetes rev",
"journal of the formosan medical association": "j formos med assoc",
"journal of environmental science and health part b-pesticides food contaminants and agricultural wastes": "j environ sci heal b",
"colloid journal": "colloid j+",
"developmental genetics": "dev genet",
"journal of musicology": "j musicology",
"seybold outlook on professional computing": "andrew seybold out p",
"transactions of the japan society for aeronautical and space sciences": "t jpn soc aeronaut s",
"infor": "infor",
"analyst": "analyst",
"organization studies": "organ stud",
"journal of the urban planning & development division-asce": "j urban plan dev div",
"laboratory investigation": "lab invest",
"michigan law review": "mich law rev",
"human factors": "hum factors",
"zygon": "zygon",
"journal of circuits systems and computers": "j circuit syst comp",
"journal of fermentation technology": "j ferment technol",
"clinical chemistry": "clin chem",
"online journal of knowledge synthesis for nursing": "online j knowl syn n",
"asian philosophy": "asian philos",
"folia biologica-krakow": "folia biol-krakow",
"orthotics and prosthetics": "orthotics prosthet",
"transactions of the iron and steel institute of japan": "t iron steel i jpn",
"archiv der mathematik": "arch math",
"advances in molecular relaxation and interaction processes": "adv mol relax int pr",
"progress in neurobiology": "prog neurobiol",
"human heredity": "hum hered",
"journal of the chinese institute of engineers": "j chin inst eng",
"journal of popular film and television": "j pop film tv",
"journal of sports chiropractic & rehabilitation": "j sport chiropr reh",
"mutation research letters": "mutat res lett",
"advanced composite materials": "adv compos mater",
"topics in magnetic resonance imaging": "top magn reson imag",
"iee proceedings-microwaves antennas and propagation": "iee p-microw anten p",
"transportation research part a-policy and practice": "transport res a-pol",
"journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy": "j orthop sport phys",
"georgia review": "georgia rev",
"historica": "historica",
"logistics and transportation review": "logist transport rev",
"revue des etudes italiennes": "rev etud ital",
"object oriented systems": "object oriented syst",
"journal of the royal society of medicine": "j roy soc med",
"virus research": "virus res",
"journal of mathematics of kyoto university": "j math kyoto u",
"anasthesiologie & intensivmedizin": "anasth intensivmed",
"architectura-zeitschrift fur geschichte der baukunst": "architectura",
"astrophysical journal supplement series": "astrophys j suppl s",
"american journal of sociology": "am j sociol",
"agronomy journal": "agron j",
"ernahrungs-umschau": "ernahrungs-umschau",
"neuroscience": "neuroscience",
"acm transactions on mathematical software": "acm t math software",
"critical reviews in oral biology and medicine": "crit rev oral biol m",
"scandinavian journal of statistics": "scand j stat",
"international journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes": "int j mass spectrom",
"journal of phycology": "j phycol",
"comparative haematology international": "comp haematol int",
"agriculture ecosystems & environment": "agr ecosyst environ",
"indian horizons": "indian horizons",
"sefarad": "sefarad",
"acta biologica cracoviensia series botanica": "acta biol cracov bot",
"zentralblatt fur veterinarmedizin reihe a-journal of veterinary medicine series a-animal physiology pathology and clinical veterinary medicine": "zbl vet med a",
"paroi arterielle-arterial wall": "paroi arteriel",
"general pharmacology": "gen pharmacol",
"clinical therapeutics": "clin ther",
"minerva biotecnologica": "minerva biotecnol",
"plastics & rubber international": "plast rubber int",
"biomedical and environmental sciences": "biomed environ sci",
"coloquio-artes": "coloquio-artes",
"system familie-forschung und therapie": "syst fam",
"ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement": "ieee t instrum meas",
"biogenic amines": "biogenic amines",
"progress in the chemistry of organic natural products": "prog ch org nat prod",
"conservation biology": "conserv biol",
"atmospheric research": "atmos res",
"farmakologiya i toksikologiya": "farmakol toksikol",
"essays on canadian writing": "essays can writ",
"american journal of cardiology": "am j cardiol",
"soil technology": "soil technol",
"journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes": "j bioenerg biomembr",
"molding systems": "molding syst",
"khimiya geterotsiklicheskikh soedinenii": "khim geterotsikl+",
"nucleosides & nucleotides": "nucleos nucleot",
"esa bulletin-european space agency": "esa bull-eur space",
"maryland cooperative extension service bulletin": "maryland ces bull",
"multimedia systems": "multimedia syst",
"acta scientiarum mathematicarum": "acta sci math",
"pediatric neuroscience": "pediatr neurosci",
"neuropeptides": "neuropeptides",
"english studies in canada": "engl stud can",
"administration in social work": "admin soc work",
"biomedical and environmental mass spectrometry": "biomed environ mass",
"journal of analytical chemistry": "j anal chem+",
"orbis litterarum": "orbis lit",
"optics communications": "opt commun",
"chemistry of heterocyclic compounds-a series of monographs": "chem heterocycl comp",
"language in society": "lang soc",
"politische vierteljahresschrift": "polit vierteljahr",
"nordic pulp & paper research journal": "nord pulp paper res",
"journal of parenteral science and technology": "j parent sci techn",
"philips technical review": "philips tech rev",
"solvent extraction and ion exchange": "solvent extr ion exc",
"phytochemical analysis": "phytochem analysis",
"political psychology": "polit psychol",
"journal of american ethnic history": "j am ethnic hist",
"international journal for parasitology": "int j parasitol",
"journal of strategic studies": "j strategic stud",
"european journal of international relations": "eur j int relat",
"cognitive therapy and research": "cognitive ther res",
"annales de chirurgie plastique et esthetique": "ann chir plast esth",
"learning and instruction": "learn instr",
"molecular human reproduction": "mol hum reprod",
"ieee transactions on control systems technology": "ieee t contr syst t",
"scandinavian journal of public health": "scand j public healt",
"fish physiology": "fish physiol",
"icca journal": "icca j",
"nuclear medicine and biology": "nucl med biol",
"materials forum": "mater forum",
"zeitschrift fur pflanzenzuchtung-journal of plant breeding": "z pflanzenzucht",
"greece & rome": "greece rome",
"neuropsychology review": "neuropsychol rev",
"mathematics magazine": "math mag",
"clinics in oncology": "clinics oncol",
"international reviews in physical chemistry": "int rev phys chem",
"nefrologia": "nefrologia",
"langmuir": "langmuir",
"phi delta kappan": "phi delta kappan",
"progress in psychobiology and physiological psychology": "prog psychob physiol",
"bulletin of the school of oriental and african studies-university of london": "b sch orient afr st",
"journal de gynecologie obstetrique et biologie de la reproduction": "j gynecol obst bio r",
"japanese circulation journal-english edition": "jpn circ j",
"biological control": "biol control",
"acta neurologica belgica": "acta neurol belg",
"quarterly journal of economics": "q j econ",
"canadian journal of public health-revue canadienne de sante publique": "can j public health",
"chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems": "chemometr intell lab",
"journal of pure and applied algebra": "j pure appl algebra",
"microscale thermophysical engineering": "microscale therm eng",
"cahiers internationaux de sociologie": "cah int sociol",
"george washington law review": "george wash law rev",
"journal of dentistry": "j dent",
"louisiana law review": "la law rev",
"irrigation science": "irrigation sci",
"information systems journal": "inform syst j",
"journal of chemical technology and biotechnology a-chemical technology": "j chem technol biot",
"journal of the american society for mass spectrometry": "j am soc mass spectr",
"progress in nucleic acid research and molecular biology": "prog nucleic acid re",
"journal of the japan institute of metals": "j jpn i met",
"materials science & engineering c-biomimetic and supramolecular systems": "mat sci eng c-bio s",
"journal of natural products": "j nat prod",
"science in china series d-earth sciences": "sci china ser d",
"journal of arab affairs": "j arab aff",
"comparative literature": "comp literature",
"electronics & communication engineering journal": "electron commun eng",
"journal of military history": "j military hist",
"fractals-an interdisciplinary journal on the complex geometry of nature": "fractals",
"drug discovery today": "drug discov today",
"european archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience": "eur arch psy clin n",
"diabetes-metabolism research and reviews": "diabetes-metab res",
"studies in conservation": "stud conserv",
"revue des sciences philosophiques et theologiques": "rev sci philos theol",
"annual review of ecology and systematics": "annu rev ecol syst",
"bulletin of the chemical society of ethiopia": "b chem soc ethiopia",
"comparative immunology microbiology and infectious diseases": "comp immunol microb",
"journal of combinatorial theory series b": "j comb theory b",
"immunobiology": "immunobiology",
"social policy & administration": "soc policy admin",
"computer standards & interfaces": "comp stand inter",
"european journal of vascular and endovascular surgery": "eur j vasc endovasc",
"scanning microscopy": "scanning microscopy",
"revue roumaine de physique": "rev roum phys",
"indian journal of pure & applied physics": "indian j pure ap phy",
"journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques-part a": "j laparoendosc adv a",
"acta biochimica polonica": "acta biochim pol",
"journal of vegetation science": "j veg sci",
"electromagnetics": "electromagnetics",
"yale french studies": "yale fr stud",
"current opinion in microbiology": "curr opin microbiol",
"wireless networks": "wirel netw",
"neurochemical research": "neurochem res",
"new horizons-the science and practice of acute medicine": "new horiz-sci pract",
"journal of theoretical neurobiology": "j theor neurobiol",
"russian linguistics": "russ linguist",
"journal of knot theory and its ramifications": "j knot theor ramif",
"oilfield review": "oilfield rev",
"al-qantara": "al-qantara",
"hemoglobin": "hemoglobin",
"journal of lubrication technology-transactions of the asme": "j lubric tech-t asme",
"food technology and biotechnology": "food technol biotech",
"pathologie biologie": "pathol biol",
"interpretation-a journal of political philosophy": "interpretation-j pol",
"ieee transactions on fuzzy systems": "ieee t fuzzy syst",
"language & communication": "lang commun",
"journal of hypertension": "j hypertens",
"european polymer journal": "eur polym j",
"anthrozoos": "anthrozoos",
"archives of general psychiatry": "arch gen psychiat",
"rheologica acta": "rheol acta",
"academic psychiatry": "acad psychiatr",
"applied animal behaviour science": "appl anim behav sci",
"revista de neurologia": "rev neurologia",
"applied linguistics": "appl linguist",
"vision research": "vision res",
"food engineering": "food eng",
"who chronicle": "who chron",
"aging clock": "ann ny acad sci",
"geoexploration": "geoexploration",
"welding production": "weld prod+",
"archives des sciences": "arch sci",
"current opinion in structural biology": "curr opin struc biol",
"journal of philosophy of education": "j philos educ",
"toxicology letters": "toxicol lett",
"open economies review": "open econ rev",
"advances in atomic molecular and optical physics": "adv atom mol opt phy",
"american journal of otology": "am j otol",
"revista de estudios hispanicos": "rev estud hispan",
"georgia agricultural experiment station research report": "geo agr exp st re re",
"ziva antika": "ziva antika",
"behavioural brain research": "behav brain res",
"human nutrition-applied nutrition": "hum nutr-appl nutr",
"simulation": "simulation",
"archives of disease in childhood": "arch dis child",
"catheterization and cardiovascular interventions": "catheter cardio inte",
"journal of graph theory": "j graph theor",
"fortschritte der neurologie psychiatrie": "fortschr neurol psyc",
"blood pressure": "blood pressure",
"american journal of surgery": "am j surg",
"molecular carcinogenesis": "mol carcinogen",
"rock products": "rock prod",
"contemporary topics in laboratory animal science": "contemp top lab anim",
"international journal of immunopharmacology": "int j immunopharmaco",
"advances in neurology": "adv neurol",
"technology analysis & strategic management": "technol anal strateg",
"kriminalistik": "kriminalistik",
"biochemistry-moscow": "biochemistry-moscow+",
"ohio agricultural research and development center research bulletin": "ohio ardc res bull",
"contemporary literature": "contemp literature",
"vysokomolekulyarnye soedineniya seriya b": "vysokomol soedin b",
"officemation product reports": "officemation prod r",
"journal of the ceramic society of japan": "j ceram soc jpn",
"new generation computing": "new generat comput",
"vysokomolekulyarnye soedineniya seriya a": "vysokomol soedin a+",
"journal of law economics & organization": "j law econ organ",
"geobios": "geobios-lyon",
"advances in atomic,
and optical physics": "adv atom mol opt phy",
"calcified tissue international": "calcified tissue int",
"nursing economics": "nurs econ",
"philosophy and phenomenological research": "philos phenomen res",
"revue roumaine de chimie": "rev roum chim",
"cell biology reviews": "cell biol rev",
"biochemical archives": "biochem arch",
"australian journal of ecology": "aust j ecol",
"magnetic resonance in biology": "magnet reson biol",
"statistician": "statistician",
"journal of the indian institute of science section a-engineering & technology": "j indian i sci a-eng",
"advances in chemistry series": "adv chem ser",
"waves in random media": "wave random media",
"concrete construction": "concrete constr",
"international review of experimental pathology": "int rev exp pathol",
"food and drug law journal": "food drug law j",
"koordinatsionnaya khimiya": "koordinats khim+",
"nous": "nous",
"toxicology methods": "toxicol method",
"soviet journal of remote sensing": "sov j remot sens+",
"mineralium deposita": "miner deposita",
"oncology": "oncology-basel",
"blumea": "blumea",
"zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche wissenschaft": "z alttestament wiss",
"neuropsychopharmacology": "neuropsychopharmacol",
"new technology work and employment": "new tech work employ",
"structural and electronic paradigms in cluster chemistry": "struct bond",
"gummi fasern kunststoffe": "gummi fasern kunstst",
"powder metallurgy": "powder metall",
"pure and applied optics": "pure appl opt",
"renascence-essays on values in literature": "renascence",
"letters in applied microbiology": "lett appl microbiol",
"group": "group",
"international journal of remote sensing": "int j remote sens",
"international journal of heat and mass transfer": "int j heat mass tran",
"current opinion in plant biology": "curr opin plant biol",
"journal of porous media": "j porous media",
"trends in glycoscience and glycotechnology": "trends glycosci glyc",
"indiana agricultural experiment station bulletin": "indiana aes bull",
"journal of feminist studies in religion": "j feminist stud rel",
"blood pressure monitoring": "blood press monit",
"semiotica": "semiotica",
"fuel processing technology": "fuel process technol",
"khirurgiya": "khirurgiya",
"international journal of communication systems": "int j commun syst",
"food science and technology-lebensmittel-wissenschaft & technologie": "food sci technol-leb",
"journal of cold regions engineering": "j cold reg eng",
"british journal of anaesthesia": "brit j anaesth",
"deafness and education": "deaf educ",
"family medicine": "fam med",
"chicago review": "chicago rev",
"environmental and experimental botany": "environ exp bot",
"modernism-modernity": "modernism-modernity",
"elementa-journal of slavic studies & comparative cultural semiotics": "elementa",
"cognition": "cognition",
"archives of suicide research": "arch suicide res",
"dental clinics of north america": "dent clin n am",
"mid-america-an historical review": "mid-am-hist rev",
"advances in applied microbiology": "adv appl microbiol",
"solid state ionics": "solid state ionics",
"development of the cerebral cortex": "ciba f symp",
"psychiatria clinica": "psychiat clin",
"zeitschrift fur kulturtechnik und flurbereinigung": "z kulturtech flurber",
"journal of small business management": "j small bus manage",
"revue theologique de louvain": "rev theol louvain",
"psychoanalytic quarterly": "psychoanal quart",
"proceedings of the meat industry research conference": "p meat ind res conf",
"journal of physiology and pharmacology": "j physiol pharmacol",
"image and vision computing": "image vision comput",
"clinical pharmacokinetics": "clin pharmacokinet",
"british poultry science": "brit poultry sci",
"economic development and cultural change": "econ dev cult change",
"journal of high speed networks": "j high speed netw",
"homme": "homme",
"ecography": "ecography",
"bulletin of the cleveland museum of art": "b cleveland mus art",
"journal of medical ethics": "j med ethics",
"ornis scandinavica": "ornis scand",
"strength and conditioning journal": "strength cond j",
"human performance": "hum perform",
"journal of the chemical society-perkin transactions 1": "j chem soc perk t 1",
"expository times": "expository times",
"journal of sport & exercise psychology": "j sport exercise psy",
"dna and cell biology": "dna cell biol",
"journal of molecular and cellular cardiology": "j mol cell cardiol",
"annals of the missouri botanical garden": "ann mo bot gard",
"scandinavian journal of dental research": "scand j dent res",
"journal of institutional and theoretical economics-zeitschrift fur die gesamte staatswissenschaft": "j inst theor econ",
"b'98: recent advances in the development and use of the b method": "lect notes comput sc",
"molecular crystals and liquid crystals": "mol cryst liq cryst",
"advances in pain research and therapy": "adv pain res ther",
"clinics in anaesthesiology": "clin anaesthesiol",
"studia leibnitiana": "stud leibnitiana",
"journal of biological systems": "j biol syst",
"international journal of gynecological pathology": "int j gynecol pathol",
"language": "language",
"diagnostic imaging in clinical medicine": "diagn imag clin med",
"journal of the faculty of agriculture kyushu university": "j fac agr kyushu u",
"frequenz": "frequenz",
"proceedings of the new zealand society of animal production": "proc new zeal soc an",
"language and cognitive processes": "lang cognitive proc",
"zeitschrift fur padagogik": "z padagogik",
"residue reviews": "residue rev",
"journal of pipelines": "j pipeline",
"aviation space and environmental medicine": "aviat space envir md",
"otolaryngology-head and neck surgery": "otolaryng head neck",
"management review": "manag rev",
"journal of cardiovascular surgery": "j cardiovasc surg",
"steel in the ussr": "steel ussr",
"kuwait journal of science & engineering": "kuwait j sci eng",
"political science quarterly": "polit sci quart",
"revue francaise de psychanalyse": "rev fr psychanal",
"moyen age": "moyen age",
"etudes philosophiques": "etud philos",
"interchange": "interchange",
"human movement science": "hum movement sci",
"international journal of pest management": "int j pest manage",
"journal of the american psychoanalytic association": "j am psychoanal ass",
"journal of earth sciences royal dublin society": "j earth sci-dublin",
"atlantic geology": "atlantic geol",
"journal of the american college of nutrition": "j am coll nutr",
"archives of american art journal": "arch am art j",
"transfusion medicine": "transfusion med",
"bird behaviour": "bird behav",
"acta physiologica latinoamericana": "acta physiol lat am",
"biopolymers": "biopolymers",
"fire technology": "fire technol",
"international journal of urology": "int j urol",
"superlattices and microstructures": "superlattice microst",
"journal of chemical and engineering data": "j chem eng data",
"progress in cardiovascular diseases": "prog cardiovasc dis",
"bulletin de la societe chimique de france partie ii-chimie moleculaire organique et biologique": "b soc chim fr ii-ch",
"pteridines": "pteridines",
"scanning electron microscopy": "scanning microscopy",
"scientia geologica sinica": "sci geol sinica",
"electronicsweek": "electronics",
"journal of financial research": "j financ res",
"annals of oncology": "ann oncol",
"educational research": "educ res",
"dance & dancers": "dance dancers",
"european physical journal-applied physics": "eur phys j-appl phys",
"seminars in anesthesia": "semin anesth",
"australian journal of plant physiology": "aust j plant physiol",
"oxford art journal": "oxford art j",
"advances in mathematics": "adv math",
"psychiatry-interpersonal and biological processes": "psychiatry",
"zhurnal organicheskoi khimii": "zh org khim+",
"revue du nord": "rev nord",
"nachrichten aus chemie technik und laboratorium": "nachr chem tech lab",
"rationality and society": "ration soc",
"international journal of language & communication disorders": "int j lang comm dis",
"transport reviews": "transport rev",
"geophysical journal": "geophys j+",
"annals of human genetics": "ann hum genet",
"philological quarterly": "philological quart",
"business history review": "bus hist rev",
"journal of the reticuloendothelial society": "j reticuloendoth soc",
"american journal of physiology-heart and circulatory physiology": "am j physiol-heart c",
"oxidation communications": "oxid commun",
"communications in algebra": "commun algebra",
"solid mechanics archives": "solid mech arch",
"annual review of astronomy and astrophysics": "annu rev astron astr",
"king faisal specialist hospital medical journal": "k f spec hosp med j",
"respiratory medicine": "resp med",
"surgery": "surgery",
"geology of ore deposits": "geol ore deposit+",
"acta crystallographica section c-crystal structure communications": "acta crystallogr c",
"journal of neurology": "j neurol",
"international journal of energy research": "int j energ res",
"rivista di letterature moderne e comparate": "riv lett mod comp",
"fortschritte der physik-progress of physics": "fortschr phys",
"annali di microbiologia ed enzimologia": "ann microbiol enzim",
"electronic research announcements of the american mathematical society": "electron res announc",
"arabian archaeology and epigraphy": "arab archaeol epigr",
"international studies in philosophy": "int stud philos",
"sugar y azucar": "sugar azucar",
"european journal of human genetics": "eur j hum genet",
"zellstoff und papier": "zellst pap",
"computer-aided engineering": "comput aided eng",
"latin american theatre review": "lat am theatre rev",
"pain": "pain",
"international review of research in mental retardation": "int rev res ment ret",
"australian journal of marine and freshwater research": "aust j mar fresh res",
"contributions to plasma physics": "contrib plasm phys",
"japanese psychological research": "jpn psychol res",
"journal of the american water resources association": "j am water resour as",
"crystallography reports": "crystallogr rep+",
"journal of the academy of marketing science": "j acad market sci",
"graphs and combinatorics": "graph combinator",
"research in the teaching of english": "res teach engl",
"international journal of american linguistics": "int j am linguist",
"journal of toxicology and environmental health-part a": "j toxicol env heal a",
"minnesota review": "minn rev",
"modern schoolman": "mod schoolman",
"uremia investigation": "uremia invest",
"new england and regional allergy proceedings": "new engl reg allergy",
"journal of futures markets": "j futures markets",
"journal of the institute of environmental sciences": "j inst environ sci",
"tijdschrift van de koninklijke vereniging voor nederlandse muziekgeschiedenis": "tijd k ver ned muz",
"venereology-the interdisciplinary international journal of sexual health": "venereology",
"journal of the american chemical society": "j am chem soc",
"journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods": "j pharmacol toxicol",
"dialogue-canadian philosophical review": "dialogue-can philos",
"gann monograph on cancer research": "gann monogr canc res",
"journal of alloys and compounds": "j alloy compd",
"arctic and alpine research": "arctic alpine res",
"cornea": "cornea",
"veterinary research communications": "vet res commun",
"clinical genetics": "clin genet",
"ieee transactions on circuits and systems for video technology": "ieee t circ syst vid",
"geomicrobiology journal": "geomicrobiol j",
"biometrics": "biometrics",
"fems immunology and medical microbiology": "fems immunol med mic",
"bulletin de l academie polonaise des sciences-serie des sciences de la terre": "b pol acad sci-earth",
"romance quarterly": "romance quart",
"trends in plant science": "trends plant sci",
"journal of intensive care medicine": "j intensive care med",
"cornell veterinarian": "cornell vet",
"weatherwise": "weatherwise",
"crime and justice-a review of research": "crime justice",
"lipids": "lipids",
"serials librarian": "serials libr",
"hesperia": "hesperia",
"ultrasound in medicine and biology": "ultrasound med biol",
"australian and new zealand journal of criminology": "aust nz j criminol",
"advances in veterinary science and comparative medicine": "adv vet sci comp med",
"photogrammetria": "photogrammetria",
"journal of hellenic studies": "j hellenic stud",
"applied optics": "appl optics",
"diamond and related materials": "diam relat mater",
"journal of health care for the poor and underserved": "j health care poor u",
"oklahoma agricultural experiment station technical bulletin": "okla aes tech bull",
"biotechnology and bioengineering": "biotechnol bioeng",
"zimbabwe journal of agricultural research": "zimbabwe j agr res",
"journal of reinforced plastics and composites": "j reinf plast comp",
"business lawyer": "bus lawyer",
"journal of porphyrins and phthalocyanines": "j porphyr phthalocya",
"macromolecular rapid communications": "macromol rapid comm",
"journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes": "j acq immun def synd",
"journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics": "j dev behav pediatr",
"ethnic and racial studies": "ethnic racial stud",
"clinical otolaryngology": "clin otolaryngol",
"recent advances in phytochemistry": "recent adv phytochem",
"international journal of std & aids": "int j std aids",
"journal of avian medicine and surgery": "j avian med surg",
"historische zeitschrift": "hist z",
"milling": "milling",
"lithos": "lithos",
"tellus series a-dynamic meteorology and oceanography": "tellus a",
"biotech forum europe": "biotech forum europe",
"zeitschrift fur kardiologie": "z kardiol",
"behavioral ecology and sociobiology": "behav ecol sociobiol",
"acm sigplan notices": "acm sigplan notices",
"gefahrstoffe reinhaltung der luft": "gefahrst reinhalt l",
"nouvelle revue de medecine de toulouse": "nouv rev med toulous",
"polymer international": "polym int",
"naturwissenschaften": "naturwissenschaften",
"studies in english literature 1500-1900": "stud engl lit-1500",
"american journal of physiology-lung cellular and molecular physiology": "am j physiol-lung c",
"advanced composites letters": "adv compos lett",
"screen": "screen",
"current opinion in psychiatry": "curr opin psychiatr",
"advances in comparative physiology and biochemistry": "adv comp physiol bio",
"journal of electrocardiology": "j electrocardiol",
"news in physiological sciences": "news physiol sci",
"ieee transactions on plasma science": "ieee t plasma sci",
"soviet plant physiology": "sov plant physiol+",
"british journal of haematology": "brit j haematol",
"solid-state electronics": "solid state electron",
"romance philology": "romance philol",
"voprosy meditsinskoi khimii": "vop med khim",
"proceedings of the florida state horticultural society": "p fl st hortic soc",
"nuovo cimento della societa italiana di fisica d-condensed matter atomic molecular and chemical physics fluids plasmas biophysics": "nuovo cimento d",
"studies in the novel": "stud novel",
"neural processing letters": "neural process lett",
"aldrichimica acta": "aldrichim acta",
"nurse education today": "nurs educ today",
"iic-international review of industrial property and copyright law": "iic-int rev ind prop",
"motivation and emotion": "motiv emotion",
"journal of applied communication research": "j appl commun res",
"rutgers law review": "rutgers law rev",
"vestnik moskovskogo universiteta seriya 1 matematika mekhanika": "vestn mosk u mat m+",
"micropaleontology": "micropaleontology",
"journal of the air & waste management association": "j air waste manage",
"american malacological bulletin": "am malacol bull",
"arid soil research and rehabilitation": "arid soil res rehab",
"cancer": "cancer",
"critical reviews in immunology": "crit rev immunol",
"journal of the warburg and courtauld institutes": "j warburg courtauld",
"american journal of hematology": "am j hematol",
"ecotoxicology": "ecotoxicology",
"audiology": "audiology",
"infant mental health journal": "inf mental hlth j",
"archives of metallurgy": "arch metall",
"russian history-histoire russe": "russ hist-hist russ",
"computers in human behavior": "comput hum behav",
"ceska literatura": "cesk lit",
"european journal of cardio-thoracic surgery": "eur j cardio-thorac",
"bulletin du cancer": "b cancer",
"electron microscopy reviews": "electron microsc rev",
"journal of mathematical imaging and vision": "j math imaging vis",
"nouvelle revue du seizieme siecle": "nouv rev seizieme s",
"oil & chemical pollution": "oil chem pollut",
"international journal of solids and structures": "int j solids struct",
"south dakota review": "s dak rev",
"textile industries": "text ind-atlanta",
"european journal of cancer prevention": "eur j cancer prev",
"journal of public health dentistry": "j public health dent",
"preventive veterinary medicine": "prev vet med",
"iee proceedings-vision image and signal processing": "iee p-vis image sign",
"matrix and tensor quarterly": "matrix tensor quart",
"iee proceedings-computers and digital techniques": "iee p-comput dig t",
"cerebrovascular and brain metabolism reviews": "cerebrovas brain met",
"chronobiology international": "chronobiol int",
"prenatal diagnosis": "prenatal diag",
"revista mexicana de psicologia": "rev mex psicol",
"refractories": "refractories-ussr+",
"journal of nonlinear science": "j nonlinear sci",
"indian journal of chemistry section b-organic chemistry including medicinal chemistry": "indian j chem b",
"qst": "qst",
"persoonia": "persoonia",
"acta cardiologica": "acta cardiol",
"agricultural water management": "agr water manage",
"jaderna energie": "jad energ",
"journal of psychoactive drugs": "j psychoactive drugs",
"advanced drug delivery reviews": "adv drug deliver rev",
"quarterly journal of mechanics and applied mathematics": "q j mech appl math",
"nuclear and chemical waste management": "nucl chem waste man",
"quarterly journal of nuclear medicine": "q j nucl med",
"wool technology and sheep breeding": "wool tech sheep bree",
"global ecology and biogeography letters": "global ecol biogeogr",
"applied cognitive psychology": "appl cognitive psych",
"oecologia": "oecologia",
"artificial intelligence in medicine": "artif intell med",
"ieice transactions on fundamentals of electronics communications and computer sciences": "ieice t fund electr",
"comparative studies in society and history": "comp stud soc hist",
"annales de radiologie": "ann radiol",
"psychiatric quarterly": "psychiat quart",
"pratique medicale et chirurgicale de l animal de compagnie": "prat med chir anim",
"proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part j-journal of engineering tribology": "p i mech eng j-j-eng",
"bulletin of electrochemistry": "b electrochem",
"journal of hygiene epidemiology microbiology and immunology": "j hyg epid microb im",
"seminars in dermatology": "semin dermatol",
"nephrology": "nephrology",
"journal of assisted reproduction and genetics": "j assist reprod gen",
"journal of fourier analysis and applications": "j fourier anal appl",
"information and software technology": "inform software tech",
"journal of chromatography b-biomedical applications": "j chromatogr b",
"colby quarterly": "colby quart",
"rivista del nuovo cimento": "riv nuovo cimento",
"control engineering": "control eng",
"critical reviews in therapeutic drug carrier systems": "crit rev ther drug",
"australian journal of physiotherapy": "aust j physiother",
"ee-evaluation engineering": "ee-eval eng",
"hegel-studien": "hegel-stud",
"drugs under experimental and clinical research": "drug exp clin res",
"journal of comparative physiology a-sensory neural and behavioral physiology": "j comp physiol a",
"tunnelling and underground space technology": "tunn undergr sp tech",
"acta pathologica microbiologica et immunologica scandinavica section c-immunology": "acta path micro im c",
"conservation & recycling": "conserv recycling",
"sociologia ruralis": "sociol ruralis",
"ieee transactions on circuits and systems": "ieee t circuits syst",
"acta cytologica": "acta cytol",
"water supply & management": "water supply manage",
"nephron": "nephron",
"bioscience biotechnology and biochemistry": "biosci biotech bioch",
"journal of water supply research and technology-aqua": "j water supply res t",
"cell biology and toxicology": "cell biol toxicol",
"experimental gerontology": "exp gerontol",
"journal of speech and hearing research": "j speech hear res",
"quaternary science reviews": "quaternary sci rev",
"hispanofila": "hispanofila",
"child psychiatry & human development": "child psychiat hum d",
"american journal of dentistry": "am j dent",
"defect and diffusion forum": "defect diffus forum",
"acta ophthalmologica scandinavica": "acta ophthalmol scan",
"dynamics of atmospheres and oceans": "dynam atmos oceans",
"library quarterly": "libr quart",
"bulletin of the american academy of psychiatry and the law": "b am acad psych law",
"journal of clinical epidemiology": "j clin epidemiol",
"agrartechnik": "agrartechnik",
"probabilistic engineering mechanics": "probabilist eng mech",
"atmosphere-ocean": "atmos ocean",
"international journal of medical microbiology": "int j med microbiol",
"annals of botany": "ann bot-london",
"progress in organic coatings": "prog org coat",
"journal of occupational health": "j occup health",
"diabetes research clinical and experimental": "diabetes res clin ex",
"pediatric and adolescent medicine": "pediat adol",
"brain and cognition": "brain cognition",
"heart and vessels": "heart vessels",
"cardiovascular medicine": "cardiovasc med",
"acta neurologica": "acta neurol",
"public administration": "public admin",
"philosophical transactions of the royal society of london series b-biological sciences": "philos t roy soc b",
"decision sciences": "decision sci",
"isa transactions": "isa t",
"medecine et maladies infectieuses": "med maladies infect",
"zuckerindustrie": "zuckerindustrie",
"washington quarterly": "wash quart",
"journal of the florida medical association": "j fla med assoc",
"cd-rom professional": "cd-rom prof",
"exercise and sport sciences reviews": "exercise sport sci r",
"journal of the less-common metals": "j less-common met",
"advances in experimental medicine and biology": "adv exp med biol",
"canadian journal of animal science": "can j anim sci",
"international social work": "int soc work",
"biomedizinische technik": "biomed tech",
"acta physiologica et pharmacologica latinoamericana": "acta physiol pharm l",
"international hydrographic review": "int hydrogr rev",
"current eye research": "curr eye res",
"clinical neuroscience": "clin neurosci",
"journal of diabetes and its complications": "j diabetes complicat",
"nitric oxide-biology and chemistry": "nitric oxide-biol ch",
"journal of behavioral medicine": "j behav med",
"multibody system dynamics": "multibody syst dyn",
"journal of development economics": "j dev econ",
"endocytobiosis and cell research": "endocyt cell res",
"enzyme & protein": "enzyme protein",
"dokladi na bolgarskata akademiya na naukite": "dokl bolg akad nauk",
"journal of ultrastructure research": "j ultra mol struct r",
"spe production & facilities": "spe prod facil",
"journal of microcolumn separations": "j microcolumn sep",
"theory and society": "theor soc",
"nephrologie": "nephrologie",
"topology and its applications": "topol appl",
"vlaams diergeneeskundig tijdschrift": "vlaams diergen tijds",
"demography": "demography",
"british journal of surgery": "brit j surg",
"development genes and evolution": "dev genes evol",
"ieee transactions on energy conversion": "ieee t energy conver",
"north dakota cooperative extension service extension bulletin": "n dak coop ext se ex",
"statistics & probability letters": "stat probabil lett",
"journal of neurochemistry": "j neurochem",
"lettere al nuovo cimento": "lett nuovo cimento",
"process safety progress": "process saf prog",
"international journal of rf and microwave computer-aided engineering": "int j rf microw c e",
"microbeam analysis": "microbeam anal",
"oikos": "oikos",
"smart materials & structures": "smart mater struct",
"accreditation and quality assurance": "accredit qual assur",
"research on chemical intermediates": "res chem intermediat",
"psychology today": "psychol today",
"genetics": "genetics",
"veterinary radiology & ultrasound": "vet radiol ultrasoun",
"zeitschrift fur metallkunde": "z metallkd",
"journal of pre-raphaelite studies-new series": "j pre-raphaelite st",
"building and environment": "build environ",
"systematic parasitology": "syst parasitol",
"academic radiology": "acad radiol",
"theatre journal": "theatre j",
"journal of telecommunication networks": "j telecommun network",
"genetica": "genetica",
"acta polytechnica scandinavica-mathematics and computer science series": "acta polytech sc ma",
"biomaterials": "biomaterials",
"europe-revue litteraire mensuelle": "europe-rev lit mens",
"british journal of nutrition": "brit j nutr",
"zeitschrift fur anglistik und amerikanistik": "z anglist am",
"antiviral chemistry & chemotherapy": "antivir chem chemoth",
"iete journal of research": "iete j res",
"genetic epidemiology": "genet epidemiol",
"applied polymer symposia": "appl polym symp",
"ieee signal processing letters": "ieee signal proc let",
"investigacion clinica": "invest clin",
"international political science review": "int polit sci rev",
"biologicheskie membrany": "biol membrany",
"regional science and urban economics": "reg sci urban econ",
"theoretical and computational fluid dynamics": "theor comp fluid dyn",
"iee proceedings-e computers and digital techniques": "iee proc-e",
"paideuma-a journal devoted to ezra pound scholarship": "paideuma",
"sport psychologist": "sport psychol",
"geographische zeitschrift": "geogr z",
"zeitschrift fur werkstofftechnik-materials technology and testing": "z werkstofftech",
"journal of applied behavior analysis": "j appl behav anal",
"aquaculture": "aquaculture",
"journal of clinical pathology-clinical molecular pathology edition": "j clin pathol-cl mol",
"research in immunology": "res immunol",
"psychoneuroendocrinology": "psychoneuroendocrino",
"journal of research of the national bureau of standards": "j res natl inst stan",
"psychotherapeut": "psychotherapeut",
"diesel progress north american edition": "diesel prog n am ed",
"electrochimica acta": "electrochim acta",
"suicide and life-threatening behavior": "suicide life-threat",
"current contents/social & behavioral sciences": "cc/soc behav sci",
"journal of educational statistics": "j educ stat",
"ieee electrical insulation magazine": "ieee electr insul m",
"international journal of health services": "int j health serv",
"dreaming": "dreaming",
"diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease": "diagn micr infec dis",
"storia contemporanea": "storia contemp",
"canadian public policy-analyse de politiques": "can public pol",
"transactions of the american fisheries society": "t am fish soc",
"mississippi agricultural & forestry experiment station technical bulletin": "miss afes tech bull",
"science & sports": "sci sport",
"heat treatment of metals": "heat treat met",
"chaucer review": "chaucer rev",
"rivista di patologia vegetale": "riv patol veg",
"behavioral neuroscience": "behav neurosci",
"chemico-biological interactions": "chem-biol interact",
"journal of life sciences royal dublin society": "j life sci r dubl s",
"journal of southeast asian studies": "j southe asian stud",
"human relations": "hum relat",
"zeitschrift fur celtische philologie": "z celt philol",
"neurogastroenterology and motility": "neurogastroent motil",
"international migration review": "int migr rev",
"neurological research": "neurol res",
"alcohol research & health": "alcohol res health",
"sports exercise and injury": "sports exerc injury",
"plastics rubber and composites": "plast rubber compos",
"comprehensive virology": "compr virol",
"canadian journal of applied spectroscopy": "can j appl spectrosc",
"journal of investigative dermatology symposium proceedings": "j invest derm symp p",
"journal of the acoustical society of america": "j acoust soc am",
"international journal of imaging systems and technology": "int j imag syst tech",
"poultry and avian biology reviews": "poult avian biol rev",
"communications of the acm": "commun acm",
"australian and new zealand journal of sociology": "aust nz j sociol",
"forestry chronicle": "forest chron",
"journal of productivity analysis": "j prod anal",
"canadian mining journal": "can min j",
"journal of historical sociology": "j hist sociol",
"metallofizika i noveishie tekhnologii-metal physics and advanced technologies": "metallofiz nov tekh+",
"indoor environment": "indoor environ",
"british journal of experimental pathology": "brit j exp pathol",
"usda forest service north central forest experiment station research paper": "usda for serv nc r p",
"progress in medicinal chemistry": "progr med chem",
"journal of urban health-bulletin of the new york academy of medicine": "j urban health",
"crc critical reviews in medical informatics": "crc crit r med infor",
"journal of neural transmission-general section": "j neural transm-gen",
"glotta-zeitschrift fur griechische und lateinische sprache": "glotta",
"personnel psychology": "pers psychol",
"american naturalist": "am nat",
"journal of urban planning and development-asce": "j urban plan d-asce",
"china economic review": "china econ rev",
"coxsackie b viruses": "curr top microbiol",
"infusion therapy and transfusion medicine-infusionstherapie und transfusionsmedizin": "infus ther transfus",
"crystal lattice defects": "cryst latt def amorp",
"journal of irish literature": "j irish literature",
"great lakes entomologist": "great lakes entomol",
"digital signal processing": "digit signal process",
"aggressive behavior": "aggressive behav",
"american journal of optometry and physiological optics": "am j optom phys opt",
"acta biotechnologica": "acta biotechnol",
"sociological theory": "sociol theor",
"journal of parallel and distributed computing": "j parallel distr com",
"catholic university law review": "cathol u law rev",
"electrochemical and solid state letters": "electrochem solid st",
"siam journal on matrix analysis and applications": "siam j matrix anal a",
"prehrambeno-tehnoloska i biotehnoloska revija": "prehram tehnol biot",
"multiple sclerosis": "mult scler",
"i&cs-instrumentation; & control systems": "i&cs-instr; con syst",
"evaluation and program planning": "eval program plann",
"infections in surgery": "infect surg",
"neuroscience research communications": "neurosci res commun",
"journal d analyse mathematique": "j anal math",
"scandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery and hand surgery": "scand j plast recons",
"byzantinoslavica": "byzantinoslavica",
"canadian metallurgical quarterly": "can metall quart",
"journal of lipid mediators and cell signalling": "j lipid mediat cell",
"journal of zoo and wildlife medicine": "j zoo wildlife med",
"biotechnic & histochemistry": "biotech histochem",
"ec&m-electrical; construction and maintenance": "ecm-electr constr m",
"archiv fur protistenkunde": "arch protistenkd",
"canadian geotechnical journal": "can geotech j",
"earth planets and space": "earth planets space",
"journal of neurophysiology": "j neurophysiol",
"journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology": "j neuropath exp neur",
"transactions of the society for computer simulation": "t soc comput simul",
"voprosy filosofii": "vop filos",
"critical reviews in surface chemistry": "crit rev surf chem",
"oxford review of education": "oxford rev educ",
"systems research and behavioral science": "syst res behav sci",
"geneva papers on risk and insurance theory": "geneva pap risk ins",
"media studies journal": "media stud j",
"advances in cyclic nucleotide research": "adv cyclic nucl res",
"parasite-journal de la societe francaise de parasitologie": "parasite",
"journal of the american college of toxicology": "j am coll toxicol",
"journal of media economics": "j media econ",
"electrocomponent science and technology": "electrocomp sci tech",
"nuclear energy-journal of the british nuclear energy society": "nucl energ-j br nucl",
"best practice & research in clinical gastroenterology": "best pract res cl ga",
"theory into practice": "theor pract",
"allergy": "allergy",
"arkiv for matematik": "ark mat",
"vestnik leningradskogo universiteta seriya fizika khimiya": "vestn lenin u fiz kh",
"university of illinois law review": "u illinois law rev",
"acta geologica sinica": "acta geol sin-engl",
"research on aging": "res aging",
"journal of social political and economic studies": "j soc polit econ st",
"journal of molecular catalysis a-chemical": "j mol catal a-chem",
"hewlett-packard journal": "hewlett-packard j",
"business and commercial aviation": "bus commer aviat",
"international journal of the japan society for precision engineering": "int j jpn s prec eng",
"immanuel": "immanuel",
"dance chronicle": "dance chronicle",
"journal of brain science": "j brain sci",
"journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition": "j pediatr gastr nutr",
"transactions of the mycological society of japan": "t mycol soc jpn",
"journal of the american mosquito control association": "j am mosquito contr",
"werkstattstechnik zeitschrift fur industrielle fertigung": "wt-z ind fertigung",
"learning disability quarterly": "learn disability q",
"reviews in inorganic chemistry": "rev inorg chem",
"theochem-journal of molecular structure": "theochem-j mol struc",
"journal of library automation": "j libr automat",
"american jewish archives": "am jewish arch",
"american journal of physiology": "am j physiol",
"materials science": "mater sci+",
"radiologia": "radiologia-madrid",
"tijdschrift voor filosofie": "tijdschr filos",
"edn": "edn",
"psyche-zeitschrift fur psychoanalyse und ihre anwendungen": "psyche-z psychoanal",
"journal of management inquiry": "j manage inquiry",
"religious humanism": "relig humanism",
"philosophical investigations": "philos invest",
"journal of terramechanics": "j terramechanics",
"insect molecular biology": "insect mol biol",
"acta chimica hungarica-models in chemistry": "acta chim hung",
"zygote": "zygote",
"symposium-a quarterly journal in modern foreign literatures": "symposium",
"scandinavian journal of economics": "scand j econ",
"lion and the unicorn": "lion unicorn",
"biocatalysis": "biocatalysis",
"physiological research": "physiol res",
"society": "society",
"journal of british studies": "j brit stud",
"journal of petrology": "j petrol",
"high temperature material processes": "high temp mater p-us",
"naunyn-schmiedebergs archives of pharmacology": "n-s arch pharmacol",
"clinical nuclear medicine": "clin nucl med",
"stochastic analysis and applications": "stoch anal appl",
"quarterly review of film and video": "q rev film vid",
"material handling engineering": "mater handl eng",
"american mineralogist": "am mineral",
"abacus-new york": "abacus-new york",
"bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology": "b environ contam tox",
"perception": "perception",
"metallurgist": "metallurgist+",
"progress in medical virology": "prog med virol",
"canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere": "can j forest res",
"acm transactions on graphics": "acm t graphic",
"artforum": "artforum",
"annales d endocrinologie": "ann endocrinol-paris",
"paj-a journal of performance and art": "paj",
"progress in drug metabolism": "prog drug metab",
"annals of neurology": "ann neurol",
"journal of family practice": "j fam practice",
"annual review of phytopathology": "annu rev phytopathol",
"ieee transactions on biomedical engineering": "ieee t bio-med eng",
"etudes classiques": "etud classiques",
"elelmezesi ipar": "elelmezesi ipar",
"journal of higher education": "j high educ",
"ekologia-bratislava": "ekol bratislava",
"seminars in cutaneous medicine and surgery": "semin cutan med surg",
"motor control": "motor control",
"adhesives age": "adhes age",
"harvard journal of law and public policy": "harvard j law publ p",
"hospital and community psychiatry": "hosp community psych",
"quarterly journal of the royal meteorological society": "q j roy meteor soc",
"magyar kemiai folyoirat": "magy kem foly",
"urban geography": "urban geogr",
"speculations in science and technology": "speculat sci technol",
"journal of autism and developmental disorders": "j autism dev disord",
"cambridge medieval celtic studies": "cambr mediev celt st",
"contemporary physics": "contemp phys",
"scandinavian journal of gastroenterology": "scand j gastroentero",
"international sociology": "int sociol",
"latin american applied research": "latin am appl res",
"pediatric exercise science": "pediatr exerc sci",
"parasite immunology": "parasite immunol",
"australian journal of ophthalmology": "aust j ophthalmol",
"journal of mathematical sociology": "j math sociol",
"european neuropsychopharmacology": "eur neuropsychopharm",
"transit": "transport res rec",
"africa": "africa",
"geochemistry international": "geochem int+",
"research quarterly for exercise and sport": "res q exercise sport",
"romanistische zeitschrift fur literaturgeschichte-cahiers d histoire des litteratures romanes": "roman z lit-cah hist",
"studies in east european thought": "stud e eur thought",
"syntax and semantics": "syntax semantics",
"gerlands beitrage zur geophysik": "gerl beitr geophys",
"southern medical journal": "southern med j",
"surgery today-the japanese journal of surgery": "surg today",
"eye": "eye",
"mathematics of computation": "math comput",
"journal of the american podiatry association": "j am pod assoc",
"journal for the theory of social behaviour": "j theor soc behav",
"iawa bulletin": "iawa bull",
"synlett": "synlett",
"complement and inflammation": "complement inflammat",
"oto-rhino-laryngologia nova": "oto rhino laryn nova",
"aperture": "aperture",
"makromolekulare chemie-rapid communications": "makromol chem-rapid",
"journal of molecular liquids": "j mol liq",
"environmental toxicology": "environ toxicol",
"journal of hand surgery-american volume": "j hand surg-am",
"bulletin of the institute of history and philology academia sinica": "b inst hist philol",
"political research quarterly": "polit res quart",
"pediatric pathology & molecular medicine": "pediatr pathol mol m",
"progress in retinal research": "prog retin res",
"ingenieria quimica": "ing quim",
"acta chirurgiae plasticae": "acta chir plast",
"european journal of biochemistry": "eur j biochem",
"physical review letters": "phys rev lett",
"transactions of the ophthalmological societies of the united kingdom": "t ophthal soc uk",
"annales de gastroenterologie et d hepatologie": "ann gastroent hepato",
"behavioral disorders": "behav disorders",
"diesel progress engines & drives": "diesel prog engine d",
"umschau das wissenschaftsmagazin": "umschau",
"annals of clinical research": "ann clin res",
"recent progress in hormone research": "recent prog horm res",
"tohoku mathematical journal": "tohoku math j",
"monatshefte fur chemie": "monatsh chem",
"ecological studies": "ecol stud",
"paragraph": "paragraph",
"current contents/clinical medicine": "cc/clin med",
"schizophrenia bulletin": "schizophrenia bull",
"american journal on mental retardation": "am j ment retard",
"zoological science": "zool sci",
"arkansas agricultural experiment station research series": "arkansas aes res ser",
"annals of anatomy-anatomischer anzeiger": "ann anat",
"global biogeochemical cycles": "global biogeochem cy",
"american ceramic society bulletin": "am ceram soc bull",
"acta gastro-enterologica belgica": "acta gastro-ent belg",
"journal of literacy research": "j lit res",
"proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america-physical sciences": "p natl acad sci usa",
"biological signals and receptors": "biol signal recept",
"isi atlas of science-immunology": "isi atlas-immunol",
"journal of combinatorial chemistry": "j comb chem",
"issues in law & medicine": "issues law med",
"historical reflections-reflexions historiques": "hist reflections",
"australian journal of politics and history": "aust j polit hist",
"nervenheilkunde": "nervenheilkunde",
"international journal of hydrogen energy": "int j hydrogen energ",
"studia linguistica": "stud linguistica",
"journal of clinical dentistry": "j clin dent",
"antitrust law journal": "antitrust law j",
"information society": "inform soc",
"journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis": "j thromb thrombolys",
"ieee photonics technology letters": "ieee photonic tech l",
"japan architect": "jpn archit",
"revue d epidemiologie et de sante publique": "rev epidemiol sante",
"scandinavian journal of social welfare": "scand j soc welfare",
"botanica marina": "bot mar",
"journal of plankton research": "j plankton res",
"journal of the royal college of surgeons of edinburgh": "j roy coll surg edin",
"applied statistics-journal of the royal statistical society series c": "appl stat-j roy st c",
"clinical and experimental allergy": "clin exp allergy",
"blood": "blood",
"journal de physique i": "j phys i",
"parliamentary affairs": "parliament aff",
"neurocase": "neurocase",
"nevada agricultural experiment station series b": "nev agr exp sta se b",
"nouveau journal de chimie-new journal of chemistry": "nouv j chim",
"journal of inflammation": "j inflamm",
"progress in physical organic chemistry": "prog phys org chem",
"journal of food science and technology-mysore": "j food sci tech mys",
"genes chromosomes & cancer": "gene chromosome canc",
"archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery": "arch orthop traum su",
"western journal of medicine": "western j med",
"cinema journal": "cinema j",
"paragone": "paragone",
"travail humain": "trav humain",
"neues jahrbuch fur geologie und palaontologie-abhandlungen": "neues jahrb geol p-a",
"acta zoologica hungarica": "acta zool hung",
"chemistry in britain": "chem brit",
"australian journal of botany": "aust j bot",
"alberta journal of educational research": "alberta j educ res",
"management learning": "manage learn",
"physiologia bohemoslovaca": "physiol bohemoslov",
"rhodium express": "rhodium express",
"diabetes & metabolism": "diabetes metab",
"zhurnal eksperimentalnoi i teoreticheskoi fiziki": "zh eksp teor fiz+",
"advances in enzyme regulation": "adv enzyme regul",
"erdol & kohle erdgas petrochemie": "erdol kohle erdgas p",
"focus on exceptional children": "focus except child",
"american journal on addictions": "am j addiction",
"british journal of developmental psychology": "brit j dev psychol",
"growth and change": "growth change",
"east european politics and societies": "e eur polit soc",
"critical care": "crit care",
"marine ecology-progress series": "mar ecol-prog ser",
"neuropediatrics": "neuropediatrics",
"archiv fur elektrotechnik": "arch elektrotech",
"review of economic conditions in italy": "rev econ cond italy",
"international journal of thermal sciences": "int j therm sci",
"ieee multimedia": "ieee multimedia",
"international materials reviews": "int mater rev",
"electronics world & wireless world": "electron world wirel",
"pediatric radiology": "pediatr radiol",
"folia histochemica et cytochemica": "fol histoch cytochem",
"berliner journal fur soziologie": "berl j soziol",
"journal of environmental psychology": "j environ psychol",
"neuropsychiatry neuropsychology and behavioral neurology": "neuropsy neuropsy be",
"journal of the franklin institute-engineering and applied mathematics": "j franklin i",
"zeitschrift fur sozialpsychologie": "z sozialpsychol",
"journal of industrial microbiology": "j ind microbiol",
"mineral and electrolyte metabolism": "miner electrol metab",
"analytical letters": "anal lett",
"progress in clinical and biological research": "prog clin biol res",
"journal of pediatric endocrinology": "j pediatr endocrinol",
"infant and child development": "infant child dev",
"journal of raptor research": "j raptor res",
"journal of organizational computing and electronic commerce": "j org comp elect com",
"journal of the chemical society-dalton transactions": "j chem soc dalton",
"trends in genetics": "trends genet",
"new testament studies": "new testament stud",
"biospectroscopy": "biospectroscopy",
"european journal of cell biology": "eur j cell biol",
"distributed processing product reports": "distrib process prod",
"sibirskii khimicheskii zhurnal": "sibirskii khim zh+",
"indian journal of animal sciences": "indian j anim sci",
"policing-an international journal of police strategies & management": "policing",
"micro": "micro",
"international journal of developmental biology": "int j dev biol",
"scientific american": "sci am",
"discourse & society": "discourse soc",
"international journal of hygiene and environmental health": "int j hyg envir heal",
"microwave journal": "microwave j",
"photographic science and engineering": "photogr sci eng",
"dentomaxillofacial radiology": "dentomaxillofac rad",
"energy": "energy",
"giornale di neuropsicofarmacologia": "giorn neuropsicofarm",
"in vivo": "in vivo",
"theory and practice of object systems": "theor pract obj syst",
"international journal of parallel programming": "int j parallel prog",
"marine behaviour and physiology": "mar behav physiol",
"transportation research part b-methodological": "transport res b-meth",
"ardea": "ardea",
"italian journal of biochemistry": "ital j biochem",
"nucleosides nucleotides & nucleic acids": "nucleos nucleot nucl",
"electromyography and motor control-electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology": "electromyogr motor c",
"pacific journal of mathematics": "pac j math",
"australasian journal of philosophy": "australas j philos",
"powder metallurgy international": "powder metall int",
"nuclear engineering international": "nucl eng int",
"industrie alimentari": "ind aliment-italy",
"proceedings of the british ceramic society": "p brit ceramic soc",
"soil dynamics and earthquake engineering": "soil dyn earthq eng",
"plant systematics and evolution": "plant syst evol",
"international tax and public finance": "int tax public finan",
"beitrage zur geschichte der arbeiterbewegung": "beitr gesch arbeit",
"journal of the irrigation and drainage division-asce": "j irr drain div-asce",
"chirurgie pediatrique": "chir pediatr",
"munchener medizinische wochenschrift": "munchen med wochen",
"international and comparative law quarterly": "int comp law q",
"american economic review": "am econ rev",
"plant breeding": "plant breeding",
"international review of neurobiology": "int rev neurobiol",
"american journal of forensic medicine and pathology": "am j foren med path",
"international journal of sports medicine": "int j sports med",
"international journal of electrical engineering education": "int j elec eng educ",
"jom-journal of the minerals metals & materials society": "jom-j min met mat s",
"journal of shoulder and elbow surgery": "j shoulder elb surg",
"genetic engineer & biotechnologist": "genet eng biotechnol",
"international journal of man-machine studies": "int j man mach stud",
"international journal of uncertainty fuzziness and knowledge-based systems": "int j uncertain fuzz",
"american review of respiratory disease": "am rev respir dis",
"infection control and hospital epidemiology": "infect cont hosp ep",
"computer methods and programs in biomedicine": "comput meth prog bio",
"transplant international": "transplant int",
"journal of materials in civil engineering": "j mater civil eng",
"journal of laser applications": "j laser appl",
"precision engineering-journal of the american society for precision engineering": "precis eng",
"international journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry": "int j periodont rest",
"psychology public policy and law": "psychol public pol l",
"bacterial infection: close encounters at the host pathogen interface": "curr top microbiol",
"journal of aircraft": "j aircraft",
"journal of womens history": "j womens hist",
"beitrage zur tropischen landwirtschaft und veterinarmedizin": "beitr trop landwirt",
"gait & posture": "gait posture",
"veterinary technician": "vet tech",
"bulletin de la societe de pathologie exotique": "b soc pathol exot",
"survey review": "surv rev",
"petroleum engineer international": "petrol eng int",
"skeletal radiology": "skeletal radiol",
"new german critique": "new ger crit",
"critical reviews in environmental science and technology": "crit rev env sci tec",
"canadian association of radiologists journal-journal de l association canadienne des radiologistes": "can assoc radiol j",
"psychological record": "psychol rec",
"usda forest service northeastern forest experiment station research paper": "usda for serv ne res",
"plasma physics and controlled fusion": "plasma phys contr f",
"dickens quarterly": "dickens quart",
"international journal": "int j",
"romanische forschungen": "roman forsch",
"international review of psychiatry": "int rev psychiatr",
"acupuncture & electro-therapeutics research": "acupuncture electro",
"economic botany": "econ bot",
"communications in partial differential equations": "commun part diff eq",
"bt technology journal": "bt technol j",
"marine mining": "mar mining",
"engineering education": "eng educ",
"horizons": "horizons",
"izvestiya akademii nauk azerbaidzhanskoi ssr seriya fiziko-tekhnicheskikh i matematicheskikh nauk": "izv an azerb ssr",
"garbage-the independent environmental quarterly": "garbage-indep env q",
"disease markers": "dis markers",
"european journal of mechanics a-solids": "eur j mech a-solid",
"journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry-articles": "j radioan nucl ch ar",
"publications of the astronomical society of japan": "publ astron soc jpn",
"discrete mathematics": "discrete math",
"mutation research-genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis": "mutat res-gen tox en",
"american journal of agricultural economics": "am j agr econ",
"canadian journal of earth sciences": "can j earth sci",
"tourism management": "tourism manage",
"archiv fur tierernahrung-archives of animal nutrition": "arch tierernahr",
"molecular marine biology and biotechnology": "mol mar biol biotech",
"perspectives-studies in translatology": "perspect stud transl",
"journal of personality and social psychology": "j pers soc psychol",
"belgian journal of zoology": "belg j zool",
"international review of physiology": "int rev physiol",
"zeitschrift fur physikalische chemie-wiesbaden": "z phys chem neue fol",
"business history": "bus hist",
"journal of gastrointestinal motility": "j gastrointest motil",
"commentary": "commentary",
"at&t; bell laboratories technical journal": "at&t; tech j",
"landscape architecture": "landscape archit",
"ecological economics": "ecol econ",
"word & image": "word image",
"molecular and cellular differentiation": "mol cell differ",
"tethys": "tethys",
"musik in bayern": "musik bayern",
"drug investigation": "drug invest",
"fishery bulletin": "fish b-noaa",
"international journal of leprosy and other mycobacterial diseases": "int j leprosy",
"bakers digest": "bakers dig",
"journal of clinical ultrasound": "j clin ultrasound",
"british journal of criminology": "brit j criminol",
"journal of clinical neuropsychology": "j clin neuropsychol",
"journal of wildlife rehabilitation": "j wildlife rehabil",
"clinical neurophysiology": "clin neurophysiol",
"marketing science": "market sci",
"european journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics": "eur j pharm biopharm",
"immunology today": "immunol today",
"journal of volcanology and geothermal research": "j volcanol geoth res",
"japanese journal of physiology": "jpn j physiol",
"pc products": "pc prod",
"molecular microbiology": "mol microbiol",
"nouvelle presse medicale": "nouv presse med",
"hispania-a journal devoted to the teaching of spanish and portuguese": "hispania-j dev inter",
"international journal of occupational medicine and toxicology": "int j occup med tox",
"journal of adolescent health": "j adolescent health",
"archives italiennes de biologie": "arch ital biol",
"critical reviews in plant sciences": "crit rev plant sci",
"digitale bilddiagnostik": "digitale bilddiagn",
"veroffentlichungen aus der pathologie-progress in pathology": "veroff pathol",
"geoforum": "geoforum",
"computing in science & engineering": "comput sci eng",
"environmental software": "environ softw",
"international journal of refractory metals & hard materials": "int j refract met h",
"equine veterinary journal": "equine vet j",
"neues jahrbuch fur mineralogie-abhandlungen": "neues jb miner abh",
"journal of experimental biology": "j exp biol",
"journal of political economy": "j polit econ",
"clinical journal of sport medicine": "clin j sport med",
"structural engineering practice": "struct eng pract",
"networks": "networks",
"dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders": "dement geriatr cogn",
"mysore journal of agricultural sciences": "mysore j agr sci",
"family process": "fam process",
"northwest science": "northwest sci",
"essays in criticism": "essays criticism",
"pakistan journal of botany": "pakistan j bot",
"oncodevelopmental biology and medicine": "oncodev biol med",
"american indian and alaska native mental health research": "am indian alaska nat",
"ambio": "ambio",
"matrix biology": "matrix biol",
"law library journal": "law libr j",
"rbc-cell biology reviews": "rbc-cell biol rev",
"simulation practice and theory": "simulat pract theory",
"journal of clinical psychology": "j clin psychol",
"journal of the georgia entomological society": "j georgia entomol so",
"anales de quimica serie a-quimica fisica y quimica tecnica": "an quim a-fis tec",
"post-soviet affairs": "post-sov aff",
"breast": "breast",
"borgyogyaszati es venerologiai szemle": "borgyogy vener szle",
"natural toxins": "nat toxins",
"wood and fiber science": "wood fiber sci",
"neuro-orthopedics": "neuro-orthopedics",
"colorado state university experiment station technical bulletin": "colo st ex st tech b",
"international archives of occupational and environmental health": "int arch occ env hea",
"astronomicheskii zhurnal": "astron zh+",
"fao plant protection bulletin": "fao plant protect b",
"bulletin of the seismological society of america": "b seismol soc am",
"journal of cell science": "j cell sci",
"illinois agricultural experiment station bulletin": "illinois aes bull",
"journal of the society of archivists": "j soc archivists",
"revista ecuatoriana de neurologia": "rev ecuat neurol",
"world literature today": "world literature tod",
"explorations in economic history": "explor econ hist",
"engineering applications of artificial intelligence": "eng appl artif intel",
"bulletin of symbolic logic": "b symb log",
"brazilian journal of physics": "braz j phys",
"work and occupations": "work occupation",
"medical oncology and tumor pharmacotherapy": "med oncol tumor phar",
"daphnis-zeitschrift fur mittlere deutsche literatur": "daphnis",
"recueil de medecine veterinaire": "recl med vet",
"biodrugs": "biodrugs",
"critical reviews in biomedical engineering": "crit rev biomed eng",
"numerical algorithms": "numer algorithms",
"expert systems with applications": "expert syst appl",
"atomic energy": "atom energy+",
"journal of behavioral decision making": "j behav decis making",
"american catholic philosophical quarterly": "am cath philos quart",
"positivity": "positivity",
"fems microbiology ecology": "fems microbiol ecol",
"zeitschrift fur historische forschung": "z hist forsch",
"cytokine & growth factor reviews": "cytokine growth f r",
"ksme journal": "ksme j",
"journal of the acm": "j acm",
"chemistry and physics of lipids": "chem phys lipids",
"catena": "catena",
"cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics": "camb q healthc ethic",
"hippocampus": "hippocampus",
"annual review of biophysics and biomolecular structure": "annu rev bioph biom",
"acta electronica": "acta electron",
"laryngologie rhinologie otologie vereinigt mit monatsschrift fur ohrenheilkunde": "laryngo rhino otol",
"kidney international": "kidney int",
"complement": "complement inflammat",
"australian & new zealand journal of statistics": "aust nz j stat",
"international journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics": "int j appl electrom",
"chemical physics": "chem phys",
"conservationist": "conservationist",
"journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition": "j clin biochem nutr",
"archives of gerontology and geriatrics": "arch gerontol geriat",
"quintessence international": "quintessence int",
"diagnostic histopathology": "diagn histopathol",
"american journal of physics": "am j phys",
"mathematical research letters": "math res lett",
"virchows archiv-an international journal of pathology": "virchows arch",
"acta biochimica et biophysica sinica": "acta bioch bioph sin",
"soldering & surface mount technology": "solder surf mt tech",
"southern cultures": "south cult",
"ultimate reality and meaning": "ultimate real mean",
"pipeline & gas journal": "pipeline gas j",
"biological chemistry hoppe-seyler": "biol chem h-s",
"ieee microwave and guided wave letters": "ieee microw guided w",
"esprit": "esprit",
"phyton-international journal of experimental botany": "phyton-int j exp bot",
"revue du louvre-la revue des musees de france": "rev louvre",
"aging-clinical and experimental research": "aging-clin exp res",
"medical history": "med hist",
"physics and chemistry of the earth part c-solar-terrestial and planetary science": "phys chem earth pt c",
"tetrahedron letters": "tetrahedron lett",
"journal of geophysical research": "j geophys res",
"caravelle-cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-bresilien": "caravelle",
"ingenieria hidraulica en mexico": "ing hidraul mex",
"journal of molecular spectroscopy": "j mol spectrosc",
"acta pharmaceutica technologica-international journal of drug forumlation and biopharmaceutics": "acta pharm technol",
"iowa agricultural and home economics experiment station special report": "iowa ahees spec rep",
"materialwissenschaft und werkstofftechnik": "materialwiss werkst",
"journal of marine biotechnology": "j mar biotechnol",
"plastics technology": "plast technol",
"biblica": "biblica",
"archiv fur psychiatrie und nervenkrankheiten": "arch psychiat nerven",
"endocrinology": "endocrinology",
"progress in colloid and polymer science": "prog coll pol sci s",
"annales-histoire sciences sociales": "ann hist sci soc",
"journal of educational television": "j educ tv",
"journal of receptor and signal transduction research": "j recept signal tr r",
"oncology reports": "oncol rep",
"journal of iron and steel research international": "j iron steel res int",
"denkmalpflege": "denkmalpflege",
"nature cell biology": "nat cell biol",
"sport education and society": "sport educ soc",
"plains anthropologist": "plains anthropol",
"journal of clinical laboratory automation": "j clin lab automat",
"geodinamica acta": "geodin acta",
"folia linguistica historica": "folia linguist hist",
"veterinary record": "vet rec",
"art institute of chicago museum studies": "art inst chicago mus",
"yale journal of criticism": "yale j crit",
"health education quarterly": "health educ quart",
"scandinavian journal of psychology": "scand j psychol",
"spatial vision": "spatial vision",
"epithelial cell biology": "epithelial cell biol",
"journal of nonparametric statistics": "j nonparametr stat",
"journal of the waterway port coastal and ocean division-asce": "j waterw port c div",
"experimental and applied acarology": "exp appl acarol",
"law & society review": "law soc rev",
"revue des langues romanes": "rev langues romanes",
"philosophical magazine b-physics of condensed matter statistical mechanics electronic optical and magnetic properties": "philos mag b",
"sleep medicine reviews": "sleep med rev",
"bmr journal of australian geology & geophysics": "bmr j aust geol geop",
"irish journal of food science and technology": "irish j food sci tec",
"classical quarterly": "classical quart",
"annals of biomedical engineering": "ann biomed eng",
"nursing ethics": "nurs ethics",
"journal of oral rehabilitation": "j oral rehabil",
"science in china series c-life sciences": "sci china ser c",
"cellular physiology and biochemistry": "cell physiol biochem",
"pediatric emergency care": "pediatr emerg care",
"archiv fur geschwulstforschung": "arch geschwulstforsc",
"neuromodulation": "neuromodulation",
"japanese journal of ophthalmology": "jpn j ophthalmol",
"journal of small animal practice": "j small anim pract",
"american midland naturalist": "am midl nat",
"cultural critique": "cult crit",
"mutation research-reviews in genetic toxicology": "mutat res-rev genet",
"anzeiger fur schadlingskunde pflanzenschutz umweltschutz": "anz schadlingskd pfl",
"indian journal of chemistry section a-inorganic bio-inorganic physical theoretical & analytical chemistry": "indian j chem a",
"jahrbuch fur volksliedforschung": "jahrb volksliedforsc",
"journal of school psychology": "j school psychol",
"master drawings": "master drawings",
"hematology and cell therapy": "hematol cell ther",
"bioethics": "bioethics",
"journal of new materials for electrochemical systems": "j new mat elect syst",
"journal of labor research": "j labor res",
"sky and telescope": "sky telescope",
"bioresource technology": "bioresource technol",
"journal of biomedical science": "j biomed sci",
"spectrochimica acta part a-molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy": "spectrochim acta a",
"intervirology": "intervirology",
"journal of professional issues in engineering-asce": "j prof iss eng-asce",
"parasitology research": "parasitol res",
"ivhs journal": "ivhs j",
"development": "development",
"biocontrol": "biocontrol",
"medical engineering & physics": "med eng phys",
"pain forum": "pain forum",
"journal of the association of public analysts": "j assoc public anal",
"discrete event dynamic systems-theory and applications": "discrete event dyn s",
"journal of pacific history": "j pac hist",
"human organization": "hum organ",
"foreign language annals": "foreign lang ann",
"ophthalmic paediatrics and genetics": "ophthalmic paed gen",
"annales de pediatrie": "ann pediatr-paris",
"journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry-letters": "j radioan nucl ch le",
"iron age": "iron age",
"silicates industriels": "silic ind",
"educational studies": "educ stud",
"revue francaise des corps gras": "rev fr corps gras",
"limnology and oceanography": "limnol oceanogr",
"industrial robot": "ind robot",
"coronary artery disease": "coronary artery dis",
"journal of professional nursing": "j prof nurs",
"journal of the american statistical association": "j am stat assoc",
"journal of intellectual disability research": "j intell disabil res",
"advances in applied probability": "adv appl probab",
"sinn und form": "sinn form",
"croatica chemica acta": "croat chem acta",
"journal of propulsion and power": "j propul power",
"annual review of energy": "annu rev energy",
"bulletin of materials science": "b mater sci",
"arthritis and rheumatism": "arthritis rheum",
"environmental modelling & software": "environ modell softw",
"zeitschrift fur kunstgeschichte": "z kunstgeschichte",
"quarterly journal of forestry": "q j forest",
"avian diseases": "avian dis",
"zeitschrift fur physik d-atoms molecules and clusters": "z phys d atom mol cl",
"clinical anatomy": "clin anat",
"mecanique industrielle et materiaux": "mec ind mater",
"cahiers du monde russe": "cah monde russe",
"neurology psychiatry and brain research": "neurol psychiat br",
"clinical oral implants research": "clin oral implan res",
"annual reports in medicinal chemistry": "annu rep med chem",
"revue de l art": "rev art",
"australian journal of chemistry": "aust j chem",
"review-latin american literature and arts": "review-lat am lit",
"advances in pediatric pulmonology": "pediat adol",
"international review of connective tissue research": "int rev connect tiss",
"algebra universalis": "algebra univ",
"ukrainskii khimicheskii zhurnal": "ukr khim zh+",
"psychiatric clinics of north america": "psychiat clin n am",
"mediators of inflammation": "mediat inflamm",
"materials and manufacturing processes": "mater manuf process",
"industrial & engineering chemistry process design and development": "ind eng chem proc dd",
"spe drilling & completion": "spe drill completion",
"mester": "mester",
"journal of the royal statistical society series c-applied statistics": "j roy stat soc c-app",
"journal of the university of kuwait-science": "j u kuwait-sci",
"bit": "bit",
"eye-transactions of the ophthalmological societies of the united kingdom": "eye",
"tropical and geographical medicine": "trop geogr med",
"zeitschrift fur kinderchirurgie-surgery in infancy and childhood": "z kinderchir",
"journal of molecular and cellular immunology": "j mol cell immunol",
"computational complexity": "comput complex",
"world bank research observer": "world bank res obser",
"annual review of earth and planetary sciences": "annu rev earth pl sc",
"social science history": "soc sci hist",
"learned publishing": "learn publ",
"journal of applied microbiology": "j appl microbiol",
"informs journal on computing": "informs j comput",
"lichenologist": "lichenologist",
"aktuelle rheumatologie": "aktuel rheumatol",
"pediatric pathology & laboratory medicine": "pediatr pathol lab m",
"composites": "composites",
"journal of world business": "j world bus",
"american journal of medicine": "am j med",
"intervention in school and clinic": "interv sch clin",
"immunological communications": "immunol commun",
"rheumatology": "rheumatology",
"journal of rural studies": "j rural stud",
"etudes francaises": "etud fr",
"bach": "bach",
"investigative radiology": "invest radiol",
"archives of internal medicine": "arch intern med",
"journal of the indian institute of science section b-physical & chemical sciences": "j indian i sci b-phy",
"environment and planning c-government and policy": "environ plann c",
"chinese studies in history": "chinese stud hist",
"scientia sinica series b-chemical biological agricultural medical & earth sciences": "sci sin b-chem b a m",
"journal of trace elements and electrolytes in health and disease": "j trace elem elect h",
"international journal of pancreatology": "int j pancreatol",
"california law review": "calif law rev",
"current anthropology": "curr anthropol",
"bacterial pathogenesis,
pt b": "method enzymol",
"bacterial pathogenesis,
pt a": "method enzymol",
"protein and peptide letters": "protein peptide lett",
"biomedical instrumentation & technology": "biomed instrum techn",
"who expert committee on biological standardization - forty-seventh report": "who tech rep ser",
"journal of pharmacy and pharmacology": "j pharm pharmacol",
"colloid journal of the russian academy of sciences": "colloid j russ acad+",
"columbia journal of world business": "columbia j world bus",
"archives de philosophie": "arch philos",
"european journal of histochemistry": "eur j histochem",
"journal of clean technology environmental toxicology and occupational medicine": "j clean technol e t",
"ct-journal of computed tomography": "ct-j comput tomogr",
"international journal of expert systems": "int j expert syst",
"international journal of algebra and computation": "int j algebr comput",
"journal of aging and physical activity": "j aging phys activ",
"acta physica hungarica": "acta phys hung",
"american journal of electroneurodiagnostic technology": "am j electroneurod t",
"zentralblatt fur bakteriologie parasitenkunde infektionskrankheiten und hygiene ii abteilung-naturwissenschaftliche-mikrobiologie der landwirtschaft der technologie": "zbl bakt ii natur",
"balloon technology and observations": "adv space res",
"continuity and change": "continuity change",
"tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische mitteilungen": "tscher miner petrog",
"postharvest biology and technology": "postharvest biol tec",
"carbonates and evaporites": "carbonate evaporite",
"baillieres clinical neurology": "bailliere clin neur",
"comptes rendus de l academie des sciences serie ii fascicule c-chimie": "cr acad sci ii c",
"journal of chemical information and computer sciences": "j chem inf comp sci",
"weltwirtschaftliches archiv-review of world economics": "weltwirtsch arch",
"journal of african earth sciences": "j afr earth sci",
"chinese astronomy and astrophysics": "chinese astron astr",
"ieee transactions on systems man and cybernetics part a-systems and humans": "ieee t syst man cy a",
"automatic control and computer sciences": "autom control comp s",
"spectroscopy-an international journal": "spectrosc-int j",
"neural networks": "neural networks",
"journal water pollution control federation": "j water pollut con f",
"international journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis": "int j clin exp hyp",
"annales scientifiques de l ecole normale superieure": "ann sci ecole norm s",
"journal of vascular and interventional radiology": "j vasc interv radiol",
"text & kritik": "text kritik",
"global governance": "glob gov",
"fire journal": "fire j",
"russian literature": "russ literature",
"journal of magnetic resonance": "j magn reson",
"journal of financial intermediation": "j financ intermed",
"tribology transactions": "tribol t",
"journal of immunological research": "j immunol res",
"seminars in dialysis": "semin dialysis",
"prenatal and neonatal medicine": "prenat neonat med",
"proceedings of the royal irish academy section b-biological geological and chemical science": "p roy irish acad b",
"journal of cellular physiology": "j cell physiol",
"developmental neuropsychology": "dev neuropsychol",
"earth surface processes and landforms": "earth surf processes",
"biopharm-journal of veterinary pharmacy": "biopharm-j vet pharm",
"transport in porous media": "transport porous med",
"mechanics of structures and machines": "mech struct mach",
"ieee circuits and devices magazine": "ieee circuit devic",
"zeitschrift fur lebensmittel-untersuchung und-forschung a-food research and technology": "z lebensm unters f a",
"journal of community & applied social psychology": "j community appl soc",
"jewish art": "jewish art",
"social dynamics-a journal of the centre for african studies university of cape town": "soc dynamics",
"acta poloniae historica": "acta pol hist",
"american business law journal": "am bus law j",
"journal of modern greek studies": "j mod greek stud",
"criminal justice and behavior": "crim justice behav",
"scottish literary journal": "scot literary j",
"agronomie": "agronomie",
"reports on mathematical physics": "rep math phys",
"industrial laboratory": "ind lab+",
"journal of production agriculture": "j prod agric",
"canadian journal of cardiology": "can j cardiol",
"journal of research in music education": "j res music educ",
"journal of social history": "j soc hist",
"commentarii mathematici helvetici": "comment math helv",
"germanisch-romanische monatsschrift": "ger-roman monatsschr",
"acta zoologica et pathologica antverpiensia": "acta zool pathol ant",
"electronic engineering": "electron eng",
"fems microbiology immunology": "fems microbiol immun",
"biotechnology & genetic engineering reviews": "biotechnol genet eng",
"journal de medecine de strasbourg": "j med strasbourg",
"engineering": "engineering-london",
"biotechnology therapeutics": "biotechnol ther",
"new republic": "new republic",
"botanical magazine-tokyo": "bot mag tokyo",
"journal of risk and uncertainty": "j risk uncertainty",
"anthropos": "anthropos",
"computers & mathematics with applications-part b": "comput math appl-b",
"computers & mathematics with applications-part a": "comput math appl-a",
"zentralblatt fur mikrobiologie": "zbl mikrobiol",
"international organization": "int organ",
"cfi-ceramic forum international": "cfi-ceram forum int",
"journal of peptide research": "j pept res",
"electrical world": "electr world",
"ohio agricultural research and development center research circular": "ohio ardc res circ",
"icarus": "icarus",
"vanderbilt law review": "vanderbilt law rev",
"endocrine": "endocrine",
"soil science society of america journal": "soil sci soc am j",
"nonlinear analysis-theory methods & applications": "nonlinear anal-theor",
"invertebrate reproduction & development": "invertebr reprod dev",
"soviet materials science": "sov mater sci+",
"cryobiology": "cryobiology",
"nuclear technology-fusion": "nucl technol-fusion",
"lyon medical": "lyon med",
"journal of archaeological science": "j archaeol sci",
"molecular biotherapy": "mol biother",
"school psychology quarterly": "school psychol quart",
"milchwissenschaft-milk science international": "milchwissenschaft",
"indian journal of fibre & textile research": "indian j fibre text",
"ballet review": "ballet rev",
"clinical infectious diseases": "clin infect dis",
"northwest environmental journal": "northwest environ j",
"evaluation review": "evaluation rev",
"american journal of dermatopathology": "am j dermatopath",
"international journal of computer integrated manufacturing": "int j comp integ m",
"jahrbuch fur sozialwissenschaft": "jahrb sozialwissensc",
"maine agricultural experiment station technical bulletin": "maine aes tech bull",
"psychopharmacology bulletin": "psychopharmacol bull",
"jpc-journal of planar chromatography-modern tlc": "jpc-j planar chromat",
"datamation": "datamation",
"ekologia csfr": "ekol csfr",
"autonomous robots": "auton robot",
"arabian journal for science and engineering": "arab j sci eng",
"revista espanola de ciencia y tecnologia de alimentos": "rev esp cien tec ali",
"nippon nogeikagaku kaishi-journal of the japan society for bioscience biotechnology and agrochemistry": "nippon nogeik kaishi",
"university computing": "u comput",
"fire and materials": "fire mater",
"progress in medical genetics": "prog med genet",
"acta biologica et medica germanica": "acta biol med ger",
"journal of palliative care": "j palliative care",
"applied psychology-an international review-psychologie appliquee-revue internationale": "appl psychol-int rev",
"tierarztliche praxis": "tierarztl prax",
"japanese journal of applied physics part 1-regular papers short notes & review papers": "jpn j appl phys 1",
"transgenic research": "transgenic res",
"journal of leisure research": "j leisure res",
"new orleans review": "new orleans rev",
"west virginia medical journal": "w va med j",
"thermal engineering": "therm eng+",
"international journal of conflict management": "int j confl manage",
"ophelia": "ophelia",
"cement and concrete research": "cement concrete res",
"restoration ecology": "restor ecol",
"journal of marine systems": "j marine syst",
"archives d anatomie et de cytologie pathologiques": "arch anat cytol path",
"biochimica et biophysica acta-general subjects": "bba-gen subjects",
"antipode": "antipode",
"harvard business review": "harvard bus rev",
"canadian journal of administrative sciences-revue canadienne des sciences de l administration": "can j adm sci",
"journal of oral surgery": "j oral surg",
"natural areas journal": "nat area j",
"pediatric asthma allergy & immunology": "pediatr asthma aller",
"critical reviews in oncogenesis": "crit rev oncogenesis",
"dermatologic clinics": "dermatol clin",
"wilson library bulletin": "wilson libr bull",
"zhurnal obshchei biologii": "zh obshch biol",
"shock": "shock",
"advances in parasitology": "adv parasit",
"journal of the american podiatric medical association": "j am podiat med assn",
"mikrochimica acta": "mikrochim acta",
"planta medica": "planta med",
"public finance review": "public financ rev",
"journal of composite materials": "j compos mater",
"giornale critico della filosofia italiana": "giorn crit filos it",
"meccanica": "meccanica",
"surveying and mapping": "surv mapp",
"plaste und kautschuk": "plaste kautsch",
"adverse drug reactions and toxicological reviews": "adverse drug react t",
"journal of biogeography": "j biogeogr",
"acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica section c-immunology": "acta path micro im c",
"ground water": "ground water",
"advances in genetics": "adv genet",
"aip conference proceedings": "aip conf proc",
"journal of atmospheric chemistry": "j atmos chem",
"journal american pomological society": "j amer pomolog soc",
"journal of advanced zoology": "j adv zool",
"folia geobotanica & phytotaxonomica": "folia geobot phytotx",
"papers in regional science": "pap reg sci",
"critical inquiry": "crit inquiry",
"down beat": "down beat",
"theological studies": "theol stud",
"current pharmaceutical design": "curr pharm design",
"surgical forum": "surg forum",
"soviet microelectronics": "sov microelectron+",
"ieee transactions on antennas and propagation": "ieee t antenn propag",
"gradiva": "gradiva",
"litteratures": "litteratures",
"european history quarterly": "eur hist q",
"gondwana research": "gondwana res",
"electronic library": "electron libr",
"distributed computing": "distrib comput",
"gold bulletin": "gold bull",
"seminars in interventional radiology": "semin intervent rad",
"pesquisa veterinaria brasileira": "pesquisa vet brasil",
"lili-zeitschrift fur literaturwissenschaft und linguistik": "lili",
"studies in canadian literature-etudes en litterature canadienne": "stud can lit",
"cell adhesion and communication": "cell adhes commun",
"rivista di storia della filosofia": "riv stor filos",
"infinite dimensional analysis quantum probability and related topics": "infin dimens anal qu",
"toxicological sciences": "toxicol sci",
"respiration": "respiration",
"american quarterly": "am quart",
"human resource management": "hum resource manage",
"journal of general microbiology": "j gen microbiol",
"chinese journal of structural chemistry": "chin j struct chem",
"international mathematics research notices": "int math res notices",
"public health reports": "public health rep",
"acta physica sinica-overseas edition": "acta phys sin-ov ed",
"boletin de la real academia espanola": "b real acad espan",
"philosophy and literature": "philos literature",
"macromolecular theory and simulations": "macromol theor simul",
"european neurology": "eur neurol",
"experimental & applied acarology": "exp appl acarol",
"robotics age": "robotic age",
"sewanee review": "sewanee rev",
"bulletin of the russian academy of sciences-division of chemical science": "b russ acad sci ch+",
"nouvelle revue francaise": "nouv rev fr",
"learning and individual differences": "learn individ differ",
"israel journal of psychiatry and related sciences": "israel j psychiat",
"post-communist economies": "post-communist econ",
"sbornik vysoke skoly chemicko-technologicke v praze-potraviny": "sb vys sk chem techn",
"international journal of microwave and millimeter-wave computer-aided engineering": "int j microwave mill",
"brain behavior and evolution": "brain behav evolut",
"journal of camel practice and research": "j camel pract res",
"race & class": "race class",
"american journal of noninvasive cardiology": "am j noninvas card",
"turkish journal of pediatrics": "turkish j pediatr",
"journal of the entomological society of southern africa": "j entomol soc s afr",
"physiological entomology": "physiol entomol",
"biomembranes": "biomembrane",
"journal of the american college of cardiology": "j am coll cardiol",
"handbook of feynman path integrals": "springer tr mod phys",
"journal of low frequency noise & vibration": "j low freq noise vib",
"irish journal of medical science": "irish j med sci",
"columbia journal of law and social problems": "columbia j law soc p",
"fortschritte auf dem gebiete der rontgenstrahlen und der nuklearmedizin": "fortschr rontg neuen",
"canadian chemical processing": "can chem process",
"minerva pediatrica": "minerva pediatr",
"point veterinaire": "point vet",
"helvetica chirurgica acta": "helv chir acta",
"international journal of geographical information science": "int j geogr inf sci",
"molecular physiology": "mol physiol",
"archives of environmental contamination and toxicology": "arch environ con tox",
"journal of economic issues": "j econ issues",
"neurobiology of aging": "neurobiol aging",
"women & therapy": "women ther",
"computer performance": "comput perform",
"diagnostic gynecology and obstetrics": "diagn gynecol obstet",
"transactions of the american microscopical society": "t am microsc soc",
"food and chemical toxicology": "food chem toxicol",
"north dakota agricultural experiment station bulletin": "n dak agr exp sta bu",
"geographie physique et quaternaire": "geogr phys quatern",
"zeitschrift fur angewandte mathematik und physik": "z angew math phys",
"microbiology and immunology": "microbiol immunol",
"iee proceedings-i communications speech and vision": "iee proc-i",
"acta oecologica-oecologia plantarum": "acta oecol-oec plant",
"bioseparation": "bioseparation",
"aquatic living resources": "aquat living resour",
"journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry": "j behav ther exp psy",
"journal of drug targeting": "j drug target",
"antioch review": "antioch rev",
"journal of histotechnology": "j histotechnol",
"laser chemistry": "laser chem",
"ifla journal-international federation of library associations": "ifla j-int fed libr",
"toxicity assessment": "toxic assess",
"international journal of psychoanalysis": "int j psychoanal",
"cognitive science": "cognitive sci",
"journal of analytical atomic spectrometry": "j anal atom spectrom",
"european journal of soil science": "eur j soil sci",
"revista brasileira de zootecnia-brazilian journal of animal science": "rev bras zootecn",
"american journal of industrial medicine": "am j ind med",
"journal of natural products-lloydia": "j nat products",
"angiology": "angiology",
"journal of sports traumatology and related research": "j sport traumatol",
"child abuse & neglect": "child abuse neglect",
"philosophical quarterly": "philos quart",
"journal of automated methods & management in chemistry": "j autom method manag",
"estudos ibero-americanos": "estud ibero-am",
"journal of parapsychology": "j parapsychol",
"fisheries oceanography": "fish oceanogr",
"journal of nematology": "j nematol",
"critical reviews in environmental control": "crit rev env contr",
"psychologische rundschau": "psychol rundsch",
"philosophy": "philosophy",
"european sociological review": "eur sociol rev",
"theory & psychology": "theor psychol",
"journal of metals": "jom-j min met mat s",
"underwater technology": "underwater technol",
"i&cs-control; technology for engineers and engineering management": "i&cs-control; tech en",
"ricerche di storia dell arte": "ric stor arte",
"prostate": "prostate",
"journal of neural transmission": "j neural transm",
"international journal of clinical monitoring and computing": "int j clin monit com",
"geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics": "geophys astro fluid",
"data mining and knowledge discovery": "data min knowl disc",
"total quality management": "total qual manage",
"oral diseases": "oral dis",
"computers & chemistry": "comput chem",
"journal of financial services research": "j financ serv res",
"dialysis & transplantation": "dialysis transplant",
"journal of physics e-scientific instruments": "j phys e sci instrum",
"journal of geophysical research-space physics": "j geophys res-space",
"zeitgeschichte": "zeitgeschichte",
"allergy proceedings": "allergy proc",
"computers environment and urban systems": "comput environ urban",
"advances in cyclic nucleotide and protein phosphorylation research": "adv cyclic nucl prot",
"addiction": "addiction",
"journal of marriage and the family": "j marriage fam",
"american journal of human genetics": "am j hum genet",
"lingua": "lingua",
"new york folklore": "new york folklore",
"monatshefte fur veterinarmedizin": "monatsh veterinarmed",
"chemistry & biology": "chem biol",
"mark twain journal": "mark twain j",
"diseases of the esophagus": "dis esophagus",
"theoretical population biology": "theor popul biol",
"ifip transactions b-applications in technology": "ifip trans b",
"journal of genetics": "j genet",
"europe-asia studies": "europe-asia stud",
"zentralblatt fur bakteriologie mikrobiologie und hygiene series a-medical microbiology infectious diseases virology parasitology": "zbl bakt-int j med m",
"advances in econometrics : a research annual": "adv e",
"poptronics": "poptronics",
"annals of mathematics studies": "ann math stud",
"advances in applied mechanics": "adv appl mech",
"european journal of personality": "eur j personality",
"chemical physics letters": "chem phys lett",
"zeitschrift fur mikroskopisch-anatomische forschung": "z mikrosk anat forsc",
"revue des etudes latines": "rev etud latin",
"journal of navigation": "j navigation",
"crime laboratory digest": "crime lab digest",
"zeitschrift fur wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte gebiete": "z wahrscheinlichkeit",
"aids research and human retroviruses": "aids res hum retrov",
"texas heart institute journal": "tex heart i j",
"journal of agricultural science": "j agr sci",
"ashrae journal-american society of heating refrigerating and air-conditioning engineers": "ashrae j",
"studies in nonlinear dynamics and econometrics": "stud nonlinear dyn e",
"journal of educational measurement": "j educ meas",
"journal of periodontology": "j periodontol",
"agronomie tropicale": "agron trop",
"journal of molecular evolution": "j mol evol",
"experimental mathematics": "exp math",
"organic mass spectrometry": "org mass spectrom",
"tulsa studies in womens literature": "tulsa stud women lit",
"maryland state medical journal": "maryland state med j",
"journal of electromyography and kinesiology": "j electromyogr kines",
"automotive engineering": "automot eng",
"forum for modern language studies": "forum mod lang stud",
"mathematical finance": "math financ",
"american behavioral scientist": "am behav sci",
"neophilologus": "neophilologus",
"discussions in neuroscience": "discuss neurosci",
"pain clinic": "pain clinic",
"cancer biotherapy and radiopharmaceuticals": "cancer biother radio",
"proceedings of the institution of civil engineers-transport": "p i civil eng-transp",
"db-sound engineering magazine": "db-sound eng mag",
"atomwirtschaft-atomtechnik": "atomwirtsch atomtech",
"international ophthalmology clinics": "int ophthalmol clin",
"ekonomiska samfundets tidskrift": "ekon samf tidskr",
"journal of algebra": "j algebra",
"reading and writing": "read writ",
"theoretical and applied climatology": "theor appl climatol",
"journal of medicine and philosophy": "j med philos",
"international cast metals journal": "int cast met j",
"children and youth services review": "child youth serv rev",
"journal of comparative pathology": "j comp pathol",
"nutrition reports international": "nutr rep int",
"combustion science and technology": "combust sci technol",
"russian journal of ecology": "russ j ecol+",
"international journal of coal geology": "int j coal geol",
"dicp-the annals of pharmacotherapy": "dicp ann pharmac",
"autoimmunity": "autoimmunity",
"wiener medizinische wochenschrift": "wien med wochenschr",
"poetry wales": "poetry wales",
"monthly labor review": "mon labor rev",
"inzynieria chemiczna i procesowa": "inz chem procesowa",
"endocrine journal": "endocr j",
"food australia": "food aust",
"psychoanalytic psychology": "psychoanal psychol",
"american political science review": "am polit sci rev",
"electronics": "electronics",
"acta microbiologica polonica": "acta microbiol pol",
"festkorperprobleme-advances in solid state phyics": "festkor-adv solid st",
"historical journal": "hist j",
"circulation et metabolisme du cerveau": "circ metab cerveau",
"international wildlife": "int wildlife",
"science and education administration publications": "sci educ admin publ",
"alternative therapies in health and medicine": "altern ther health m",
"metallofizika i noveishie tekhnologii": "metallofiz nov tekh+",
"acta haematologica": "acta haematol-basel",
"electron spin resonance-a specialist periodical report": "electron spin reson",
"journal of physics of the earth": "j phys earth",
"journal of forensic sciences": "j forensic sci",
"transfusion medicine reviews": "transfus med rev",
"modern physics letters a": "mod phys lett a",
"modern physics letters b": "mod phys lett b",
"journal of folklore research": "j folklore res",
"structural engineering review": "struct eng rev",
"zeitschrift fur angewandte entomologie-journal of applied entomology": "z angew entomol",
"applied geography": "appl geogr",
"journal of gastroenterology": "j gastroenterol",
"studies in american fiction": "stud am fiction",
"environmental and ecological statistics": "environ ecol stat",
"tohoku journal of experimental medicine": "tohoku j exp med",
"international anesthesiology clinics": "int anesthesiol clin",
"journal of transportation engineering-asce": "j transp eng-asce",
"bioorganic chemistry": "bioorg chem",
"dance research journal": "dance res j",
"biochemical and biophysical research communications": "biochem bioph res co",
"international journal of medical informatics": "int j med inform",
"annual review of nutrition": "annu rev nutr",
"ieee transactions on components packaging and manufacturing technology part b-advanced packaging": "ieee t compon pack b",
"fiddlehead": "fiddlehead",
"economic modelling": "econ model",
"ieee transactions on systems man and cybernetics": "ieee t syst man cyb",
"materials science & engineering r-reports": "mat sci eng r",
"panminerva medica": "panminerva med",
"organizational behavior and human decision processes": "organ behav hum dec",
"archives of dermatology": "arch dermatol",
"philosophy of the social sciences": "philos soc sci",
"hasler review": "hasler rev",
"trends in cognitive sciences": "trends cogn sci",
"nippon seramikkusu kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi-journal of the ceramic society of japan": "nippon seram kyo gak",
"palaeontology": "palaeontology",
"journal of hematotherapy": "j hematother",
"journal of astrophysics and astronomy": "j astrophys astron",
"activitas nervosa superior": "activ nerv super",
"american journal of evaluation": "am j eval",
"journal of chemical crystallography": "j chem crystallogr",
"cancer surveys": "cancer surv",
"journal of spacecraft and rockets": "j spacecraft rockets",
"pharmacological research": "pharmacol res",
"zivocisna vyroba": "zivocisna vyroba",
"european journal of sexually transmitted diseases": "eur j sex transm dis",
"university of cincinnati law review": "u cinci law rev",
"land use policy": "land use policy",
"applied spectroscopy reviews": "appl spectrosc rev",
"journal of sociology and social welfare": "j sociol soc welfare",
"archiv fur musikwissenschaft": "arch musikwiss",
"journal of heart valve disease": "j heart valve dis",
"journal of the society of occupational medicine": "j soc occup med",
"biocontrol science and technology": "biocontrol sci techn",
"research journal of the water pollution control federation": "res j water pollut c",
"journal of the oil & colour chemists association": "j oil colour chem as",
"jocca-surface coatings international": "jocca-surf coat int",
"journal of experimental & clinical cancer research": "j exp clin canc res",
"journal of microbiology and biotechnology": "j microbiol biotechn",
"systematic entomology": "syst entomol",
"australian journal of public health": "aust j public health",
"kinetics and catalysis": "kinet catal+",
"graphical models": "graph models",
"israel exploration journal": "israel explor j",
"annals of clinical biochemistry": "ann clin biochem",
"journal of applied statistics": "j appl stat",
"journal of the limnological society of southern africa": "j limnol soc s afr",
"wound repair and regeneration": "wound repair regen",
"revue de medecine interne": "rev med interne",
"dementia": "dementia",
"discrete and continuous dynamical systems": "discret contin dyn s",
"journal of physical organic chemistry": "j phys org chem",
"development and change": "dev change",
"pest management science": "pest manag sci",
"cross-cultural research": "cross-cult res",
"materials science and engineering b-solid state materials for advanced technology": "mat sci eng b-solid",
"new york state agricultural experiment station special report": "ny state aes spec re",
"annals of the royal college of surgeons of england": "ann roy coll surg",
"mechanics of composite materials and structures": "mech compos mater st",
"transactions of the charles s peirce society": "t c s peirce soc",
"fundamental and applied nematology": "fund appl nematol",
"advances in space research": "adv space res",
"technology review": "technol rev",
"revue de neuropsychologie": "rev neuropsychol",
"internet research-electronic networking applications and policy": "internet res",
"sprache & kognition": "sprache kognit",
"journal of medical virology": "j med virol",
"journal of hard materials": "j hard mater",
"cytopathology": "cytopathology",
"advances in child development and behavior": "adv child dev behav",
"europhysics letters": "europhys lett",
"annales de physique": "ann phys-paris",
"transactions of national research institute for metals": "t natl res i met",
"international journal of neuroscience": "int j neurosci",
"congress & the presidency-a journal of capital studies": "congr presidency",
"journal of marital and family therapy": "j marital fam ther",
"bulletin of the academy of sciences of the ussr division of chemical science": "b acad sci ussr ch+",
"hrc-journal of high resolution chromatography": "hrc-j high res chrom",
"metal science and heat treatment": "met sci heat treat+",
"veterinary radiology": "vet radiology",
"journal of plant biochemistry and biotechnology": "j plant biochem biot",
"international journal of advanced manufacturing technology": "int j adv manuf tech",
"scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology": "scand j urol nephrol",
"magazine antiques": "mag antiques",
"relations industrielles-industrial relations": "relat ind-ind relat",
"echocardiography-a journal of cardiovascular ultrasound and allied techniques": "echocardiogr-j card",
"sports medicine": "sports med",
"chemical immunology": "chem immunol",
"journal of hydraulic engineering-asce": "j hydraul eng-asce",
"journal of electrostatics": "j electrostat",
"aktuelle chirurgie": "aktuel chir",
"cancer journal from scientific american": "cancer j sci am",
"journal of corporate taxation": "j corp tax",
"breeding science": "breeding sci",
"european urology": "eur urol",
"behaviour & information technology": "behav inform technol",
"arcadia-zeitschrift fur vergleichende literaturwissenschaft": "arcadia-z vergleich",
"journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics": "j atmos sol-terr phy",
"american psychologist": "am psychol",
"journal of geodynamics": "j geodyn",
"journal of sport management": "j sport manage",
"advances in biophysics": "adv biophys",
"journal of research of the national institute of standards and technology": "j res natl inst stan",
"journal of near infrared spectroscopy": "j near infrared spec",
"laboratory medicine": "lab med",
"reactivity of solids": "react solid",
"irish medical journal": "irish med j",
"physiological and molecular plant pathology": "physiol mol plant p",
"journal of clinical psychopharmacology": "j clin psychopharm",
"revue generale de thermique": "rev gen therm",
"infectious agents and disease-reviews issues and commentary": "infect agent dis",
"acta zoologica academiae scientiarum hungaricae": "acta zool hung",
"international journal of geographical information systems": "int j geogr inf syst",
"pharmacology": "pharmacology",
"nauchno-tekhnicheskaya informatsiya seriya 1-organizatsiya i metodika informatsionnoi raboty": "nauch-tekhn inform 1",
"arzneimittel-forschung/drug research": "arzneimittel-forsch",
"advances in behaviour research and therapy": "adv behav res ther",
"soviet atomic energy": "sov atom energy+",
"polymers & polymer composites": "polym polym compos",
"journal of cereal science": "j cereal sci",
"computers & electrical engineering": "comput electr eng",
"asterisque": "asterisque",
"journal of experimental and theoretical physics": "j exp theor phys+",
"university of toronto quarterly": "u toronto quart",
"journal of vestibular research-equilibrium & orientation": "j vestibul res-equil",
"cardiovascular diseases": "cardiovasc dis",
"inorganic chemistry": "inorg chem",
"black scholar": "black scholar",
"australian journal of psychology": "aust j psychol",
"australian and new zealand journal of psychiatry": "aust nz j psychiat",
"medical informatics": "med inform",
"journal de radiologie": "j radiol",
"journal of the polynesian society": "j polynesian soc",
"zeitschrift fur lebensmittel-untersuchung und-forschung": "z lebensm unters for",
"materials technology": "mater technol",
"trends in endocrinology and metabolism": "trends endocrin met",
"european journal of social psychology": "eur j soc psychol",
"connecticut medicine": "conn med",
"european economic review": "eur econ rev",
"computer journal": "comput j",
"iee proceedings-science measurement and technology": "iee p-sci meas tech",
"electronics and communications in japan part i-communications": "electron comm jpn 1",
"journal of band research": "j band res",
"journal de pharmacologie": "j pharmacol-paris",
"historia mathematica": "hist math",
"protein expression and purification": "protein expres purif",
"oriental insects": "orient insects",
"journal of inclusion phenomena": "j inclusion phenom",
"mariners mirror": "mariners mirror",
"european spine journal": "eur spine j",
"journal of photochemistry": "j photochem",
"journal of agricultural science in finland": "j agr sci finland",
"journal of aesthetics and art criticism": "j aesthet art critic",
"medycyna weterynaryjna": "med weter",
"quality of life research": "qual life res",
"journal of seismic exploration": "j seism explor",
"terre et la vie-revue d ecologie appliquee": "terre vie-rev ecol a",
"neuroendocrinology letters": "neuroendocrinol lett",
"linguistics": "linguistics",
"magnesium research": "magnesium res",
"international journal of game theory": "int j game theory",
"resources conservation and recycling": "resour conserv recy",
"contemporary psychology": "contemp psychol",
"studi piemontesi": "stud piemontesi",
"economic history review": "econ hist rev",
"compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian": "comp cont educ pract",
"russian ultrasonics": "russ ultrason",
"history today": "hist today",
"evolutionary ecology": "evol ecol",
"journal of insect physiology": "j insect physiol",
"zeitschrift fur entwicklungspsychologie und padagogische psychologie": "z entwickl padagogis",
"journal of research and practice in information technology": "j res pract inf tech",
"international journal of clinical & laboratory research": "int j clin lab res",
"computers & industrial engineering": "comput ind eng",
"revista doyma de inmunologia": "rev doyma inmun",
"american historical review": "am hist rev",
"journal of animal ecology": "j anim ecol",
"virology": "virology",
"somatic cell and molecular genetics": "somat cell molec gen",
"drug and chemical toxicology": "drug chem toxicol",
"rheumatology and rehabilitation": "rheumatol rehabil",
"journal of psychiatry & neuroscience": "j psychiatr neurosci",
"ieee transactions on communications": "ieee t commun",
"danish medical bulletin": "dan med bull",
"maryland agricultural experiment station bulletin": "maryland aes bull",
"tooling & production": "tool prod",
"archives of environmental health": "arch environ health",
"emergency medicine clinics of north america": "emerg med clin n am",
"trends in neurosciences": "trends neurosci",
"chemische berichte-recueil": "chem ber-recl",
"journal of environmental monitoring": "j environ monitor",
"neuropsychology": "neuropsychology",
"new england review-middlebury series": "new engl rev-middleb",
"journal of environmental biology": "j environ biol",
"journal of zoo animal medicine": "j zoo wildlife med",
"mobile networks & applications": "mobile netw appl",
"journal of high resolution chromatography & chromatography communications": "j high res chromatog",
"siam journal on computing": "siam j comput",
"bulletin des centres de recherches exploration-production elf aquitaine": "b cent rech expl",
"american journal of epidemiology": "am j epidemiol",
"growth hormone & igf research": "growth horm igf res",
"clinics in rheumatic diseases": "clin rheum dis",
"biochimica et biophysica acta-molecular basis of disease": "bba-mol basis dis",
"evolution psychiatrique": "evol psychiatr",
"bijdragen tot de dierkunde": "bijdr dierkd",
"transition metal chemistry": "transit metal chem",
"transfusion": "transfusion",
"nieren-und hochdruckkrankheiten": "nieren hochdruck",
"japanese economy": "jpn econ",
"journal of communication disorders": "j commun disord",
"tetsu to hagane-journal of the iron and steel institute of japan": "tetsu to hagane",
"journal of human virology": "j human virol",
"journal de physique iii": "j phys iv",
"annual review of public health": "annu rev publ health",
"methods and findings in experimental and clinical pharmacology": "method find exp clin",
"japanese journal of human genetics": "jpn j hum genet",
"identities-global studies in culture and power": "identities-glob stud",
"diacritics-a review of contemporary criticism": "diacritics",
"systematic biology": "syst biol",
"taiwanese journal of mathematics": "taiwan j math",
"stem cells": "stem cells",
"bulletin of entomological research": "b entomol res",
"immunogenetics": "immunogenetics",
"journal of nursing education": "j nurs educ",
"journal of abnormal psychology": "j abnorm psychol",
"dissent": "dissent",
"mutation research-dna repair": "mutat res-dna repair",
"journal of canadian studies-revue d etudes canadiennes": "j can stud",
"international archives of allergy and applied immunology": "int arch aller a imm",
"journal of biomaterials applications": "j biomater appl",
"gynecologic oncology": "gynecol oncol",
"journal of applied chemistry of the ussr": "j appl chem-ussr+",
"kleintierpraxis": "kleintierpraxis",
"acta psychiatrica scandinavica": "acta psychiat scand",
"journal of lipid research": "j lipid res",
"water environment research": "water environ res",
"harvard library bulletin": "harvard libr bull",
"membrane biochemistry": "membrane biochem",
"biochemical society symposium": "biochem soc symp",
"bernoulli": "bernoulli",
"journal of liquid chromatography & related technologies": "j liq chromatogr r t",
"international journal of oral & maxillofacial implants": "int j oral max impl",
"neues jahrbuch fur mineralogie-monatshefte": "neues jb miner monat",
"powder metallurgy and metal ceramics": "powder metall met c+",
"annals of applied biology": "ann appl biol",
"journal of drug education": "j drug educ",
"cornell international law journal": "cornell int law j",
"meteoritics": "meteoritics",
"journal of food engineering": "j food eng",
"cryptogamie mycologie": "cryptogamie mycol",
"american presbyterians-journal of presbyterian history": "am presbyterian",
"ieee transactions on industrial electronics": "ieee t ind electron",
"american journal of proctology gastroenterology & colon & rectal surgery": "am j proctol gastro",
"journal of nonverbal behavior": "j nonverbal behav",
"ear nose & throat journal": "ear nose throat j",
"composite structures": "compos struct",
"journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics": "j pharmacokinet biop",
"journal of conflict resolution": "j conflict resolut",
"journal of virological methods": "j virol methods",
"journal of nonlinear mathematical physics": "j nonlinear math phy",
"usda forest service pacific northwest research station research paper": "usda for serv pnw re",
"journal of the american geriatrics society": "j am geriatr soc",
"microelectronic engineering": "microelectron eng",
"iawa journal": "iawa j",
"annales de l institut henri poincare-physique theorique": "ann i h poincare-phy",
"earthquake engineering & structural dynamics": "earthquake eng struc",
"experimental and clinical endocrinology": "exp clin endocrinol",
"european journal of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics": "eur j drug metab ph",
"interacting with computers": "interact comput",
"international journal of the sociology of law": "int j sociol law",
"international journal of computer & information sciences": "int j comput inf sci",
"bulletin of canadian petroleum geology": "b can petrol geol",
"bulletin of mathematical biology": "b math biol",
"oxford review of economic policy": "oxford rev econ pol",
"american journal of respiratory and critical care medicine": "am j resp crit care",
"western north american naturalist": "west n am naturalist",
"australian & new zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology": "aust nz j obstet gyn",
"australasian biotechnology": "australas biotechnol",
"biometrika": "biometrika",
"measurement and evaluation in counseling and development": "meas eval couns dev",
"architecture-the aia journal": "architecture-aia j",
"nordic hydrology": "nord hydrol",
"canadian journal of ophthalmology-journal canadien d ophtalmologie": "can j ophthalmol",
"restaurator-international journal for the preservation of library and archival material": "restaurator",
"bulletin of volcanology": "b volcanol",
"canadian journal of sociology-cahiers canadiens de sociologie": "can j sociol",
"nuclear science and engineering": "nucl sci eng",
"irish historical studies": "irish hist stud",
"acta agriculturae scandinavica section b-soil and plant science": "acta agr scand b-s p",
"reviews in aquatic sciences": "rev aquat sci",
"forbes": "forbes",
"word-journal of the international linguistic association": "word",
"pathology annual": "pathol annu",
"radiocarbon": "radiocarbon",
"annals of occupational hygiene": "ann occup hyg",
"presence-teleoperators and virtual environments": "presence-teleop virt",
"molecular crystals and liquid crystals science and technology section c-molecular materials": "mol cryst liq crys c",
"nuclear medicine-nuklearmedizin": "nuklearmed",
"international journal of mathematics": "int j math",
"cea critic": "cea critic",
"seminars in reproductive endocrinology": "semin reprod endocr",
"clinical transplantation": "clin transplant",
"pharmaceutisch weekblad-scientific edition": "pharm weekblad",
"aging & mental health": "aging ment health",
"journal of adolescence": "j adolescence",
"journal of the royal society of health": "j roy soc health",
"physical review d": "phys rev d",
"journals of gerontology": "j gerontol",
"journal of physical and chemical reference data": "j phys chem ref data",
"zhurnal fizicheskoi khimii": "zh fiz khim+",
"acta botanica hungarica": "acta bot hung",
"physical review b": "phys rev b",
"environmental and social effects of transportation": "transport res rec",
"information age": "inform age",
"immunopharmacology": "immunopharmacology",
"environmental conservation": "environ conserv",
"revue scientifique et technique de l office international des epizooties": "rev sci tech oie",
"performing arts journal": "perform art j",
"surface review and letters": "surf rev lett",
"australian journal of chinese affairs": "aust j chinese aff",
"progress in surgery": "prog surg",
"revue du rhumatisme": "rev rhum",
"american journal of economics and sociology": "am j econ sociol",
"metallurgical transactions b-process metallurgy": "metall trans b",
"journal of social issues": "j soc issues",
"journal of wood chemistry and technology": "j wood chem technol",
"bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics": "bioelectroch bioener",
"american journal of public health": "am j public health",
"pan-pacific entomologist": "pan-pac entomol",
"ecotoxicology and environmental safety": "ecotox environ safe",
"advances in urethane science and technology": "adv urethane sci tec",
"imaging science journal": "imaging sci j",
"optometry and vision science": "optometry vision sci",
"neurocirugia": "neurocirugia",
"methods and associated tools for the information systems life cycle": "ifip trans a",
"hematology-oncology clinics of north america": "hematol oncol clin n",
"bulletin of the comediantes": "b comediantes",
"journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition": "jpen-parenter enter",
"air transportation": "transport res rec",
"technology and culture": "technol cult",
"intermetallics": "intermetallics",
"journal of retailing": "j retailing",
"illinois journal of mathematics": "illinois j math",
"journal of law & economics": "j law econ",
"waffen-und kostumkunde": "waffen-kostumkunde",
"journal of medical technology": "j med technol",
"alabama journal of medical sciences": "ala j med sci",
"neue zeitschrift fur systematische theologie und religionsphilosophie": "neue z syst theol r",
"revue de medecine de toulouse": "rev med toulouse",
"wildlife biology": "wildlife biol",
"seminars in the neurosciences": "semin neurosci",
"western historical quarterly": "western hist quart",
"society of petroleum engineers journal": "soc petrol eng j",
"arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria": "arq neuro-psiquiat",
"journal of cancer research and clinical oncology": "j cancer res clin",
"queens quarterly": "queens quart",
"clinical and experimental hypertension part a-theory and practice": "clin exp hypertens a",
"journal of musculoskeletal pain": "j musculoskelet pain",
"thin-walled structures": "thin wall struct",
"studia neophilologica": "stud neophilol",
"international journal of adaptive control and signal processing": "int j adapt control",
"international journal of computer applications in technology": "int j comput appl t",
"onderstepoort journal of veterinary research": "onderstepoort j vet",
"journal of liposome research": "j liposome res",
"cranio-the journal of craniomandibular practice": "cranio",
"asian music": "asian music",
"vrachebnoe delo": "vrachebnoe delo",
"formal methods in system design": "form method syst des",
"aesthetic plastic surgery": "aesthet plast surg",
"journal of legal education": "j legal educ",
"international journal of environmental studies": "int j environ stud",
"minnesota medicine": "minn med",
"caries research": "caries res",
"advances in cirrhosis,
and hepatic encephalopathy": "adv exp med biol",
"mississippi quarterly": "miss quart",
"israel journal of botany": "israel j bot",
"temps modernes": "temps modernes",
"microcomputing": "microcomputing",
"journal of diagnostic medical sonography": "j diagn med sonog",
"future generation computer systems": "future gener comp sy",
"helgolander meeresuntersuchungen": "helgolander meeresun",
"sadhana-academy proceedings in engineering sciences": "sadhana-acad p eng s",
"transactions of the japan institute of metals": "t jpn i met",
"journal of family violence": "j fam violence",
"meeresforschung-reports on marine research": "meeresforschung",
"journal of the american institute for conservation": "j am inst conserv",
"clinical and laboratory haematology": "clin lab haematol",
"journal of the association for persons with severe handicaps": "j assoc pers severe",
"glia": "glia",
"folk life": "folk life",
"physician and sportsmedicine": "physician sportsmed",
"aids patient care and stds": "aids patient care st",
"asian-australasian journal of animal sciences": "asian austral j anim",
"sciences et techniques de l eau": "sci tech eau",
"fibres & textiles in eastern europe": "fibres text east eur",
"environmental ethics": "environ ethics",
"nursing & health care": "nurs health care",
"zeitschrift fur franzosische sprache und literatur": "z fr sprache lit",
"combinatorics probability & computing": "comb probab comput",
"aids patient care": "aids patient care",
"journal of post keynesian economics": "j post keynesian ec",
"proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics": "p symp pure math",
"aquaculture research": "aquac res",
"perceptual and motor skills": "percept motor skill",
"law and human behavior": "law human behav",
"journal of neuro-oncology": "j neuro-oncol",
"mendeleev communications": "mendeleev commun",
"technique et science informatiques": "tech sci inform",
"electro- and magnetobiology": "electro magnetobiol",
"water resources bulletin": "water resour bull",
"european paediatric haematology and oncology": "eur paediatr haemat",
"economic development quarterly": "econ dev q",
"international journal of colorectal disease": "int j colorectal dis",
"journal of neuroscience methods": "j neurosci meth",
"geotectonics": "geotectonics+",
"trends in microbiology": "trends microbiol",
"theory in biosciences": "theor biosci",
"nuclear physics a": "nucl phys a",
"nuclear physics b": "nucl phys b",
"annales de microbiologie": "ann inst pasteur mic",
"arkhiv patologii": "ark patol",
"forestry": "forestry",
"journal of environmental pathology and toxicology": "j environ pathol tox",
"acta physiologica scandinavica": "acta physiol scand",
"dieciocho-hispanic enlightenment": "dieciocho",
"electronics & wireless world": "electron wireless w",
"aiie transactions": "aiie t",
"journal of digital systems": "j digital syst",
"canadian journal of electrical and computer engineering-revue canadienne de genie electrique et informatique": "can j elect comput e",
"proceedings of the association of american physicians": "p assoc am physician",
"progress in reaction kinetics": "prog react kinet",
"texas law review": "tex law rev",
"regulatory peptides": "regul peptides",
"canadian bulletin of fisheries and aquatic sciences": "can b fish aquat sci",
"chemical reviews": "chem rev",
"minnesota agricultural experiment station miscellaneous report": "minn aes misc rep",
"american journal of health promotion": "am j health promot",
"british journal of clinical pharmacology": "brit j clin pharmaco",
"comparative strategy": "comp strategy",
"iarc publications": "iarc publ",
"astronomy": "astronomy",
"zeitschrift fur physikalische chemie-leipzig": "z phys chem-leipzig",
"molecular phylogenetics and evolution": "mol phylogenet evol",
"south african journal of marine science-suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir seewetenskap": "s afr j marine sci",
"journal of hematotherapy & stem cell research": "j hematoth stem cell",
"zentralblatt fur gynakologie": "zbl gynakol",
"international communications in heat and mass transfer": "int commun heat mass",
"nucleic acids research": "nucleic acids res",
"journal of the american dietetic association": "j am diet assoc",
"revue neurologique": "rev neurol",
"journal of social and evolutionary systems": "j soc evol syst",
"reviews in medical virology": "rev med virol",
"spectroscopy letters": "spectrosc lett",
"deep-sea research part ii-topical studies in oceanography": "deep-sea res pt ii",
"plastics design & processing": "plast design process",
"degres-revue de synthese a orientation semiologique": "degres",
"scientific horticulture": "sci hortic-england",
"chaos": "chaos",
"international journal of information management": "int j inform manage",
"sleep": "sleep",
"population studies-a journal of demography": "pop stud-j demog",
"asian theatre journal": "asian theatre j",
"appetite": "appetite",
"seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis": "semin thromb hemost",
"optics and laser technology": "opt laser technol",
"journal of the institution of water and environmental management": "j inst water env man",
"science & technology libraries": "sci tech libr",
"cla journal-college language association": "cla j",
"journal of the royal society for the promotion of health": "j r soc promo health",
"materiale plastice": "mater plast",
"clinical toxicology": "clin toxicol",
"environmental science and pollution research": "environ sci pollut r",
"telecommunication systems": "telecommun syst",
"journal of optimization theory and applications": "j optimiz theory app",
"neohelicon": "neohelicon",
"molecular and biochemical parasitology": "mol biochem parasit",
"materials transactions jim": "mater t jim",
"esa journal-european space agency": "esa j-eur space agen",
"journal of food lipids": "j food lipids",
"biodiversity and conservation": "biodivers conserv",
"journal of aerosol medicine-deposition clearance and effects in the lung": "j aerosol med",
"texas medicine": "tex med",
"voix & images": "voix image",
"film comment": "film comment",
"journal of plant nutrition and soil science-zeitschrift fur pflanzenernahrung und bodenkunde": "j plant nutr soil sc",
"solar energy materials": "sol energ mater",
"american journal of ophthalmology": "am j ophthalmol",
"journal de mecanique theorique et appliquee": "j mec theor appl",
"journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems": "j intell fuzzy syst",
"international journal of cooperative information systems": "int j coop inf syst",
"caryologia": "caryologia",
"cytobios": "cytobios",
"atmospheric studies of earth,
venus and mars": "adv space res",
"fortschritte der veterinarmedizin-advances in veterinary medicine": "fortschr vet",
"filozofski vestnik-acta philosophica": "filoz vestn",
"acta physica hungarica new series-heavy ion physics": "acta phys hung ns-h",
"journal of rheology": "j rheol",
"blut": "blut",
"liberte": "liberte",
"yeast": "yeast",
"dickensian": "dickensian",
"contributions to indian sociology": "contrib indian soc",
"gec journal of research": "gec-j res",
"public administration review": "public admin rev",
"allergologie": "allergologie",
"folia phoniatrica": "folia phoniatr",
"auditory neuroscience": "audit neurosci",
"human gene therapy": "hum gene ther",
"computational polymer science": "comput polymer sci",
"journal of early intervention": "j early intervention",
"journal of craniofacial genetics and developmental biology": "j cran genet dev bio",
"food and cosmetics toxicology": "food cosmet toxicol",
"microelectronics reliability": "microelectron reliab",
"microsystem technologies": "microsyst technol",
"ecumene": "ecumene",
"journal of sensory studies": "j sens stud",
"agronomia costarricense": "agron costarric",
"animal learning & behavior": "anim learn behav",
"actualite chimique": "actual chimique",
"plating and surface finishing": "plat surf finish",
"journal of clinical and hospital pharmacy": "j clin hosp pharm",
"journal of voice": "j voice",
"historisk tidsskrift": "hist tidsskr",
"annals of nuclear medicine": "ann nucl med",
"phytocoenologia": "phytocoenologia",
"historia mexicana": "hist mexicana",
"chemical research in toxicology": "chem res toxicol",
"annual review of psychology": "annu rev psychol",
"new polymeric materials": "new polym mat",
"ieee transactions on systems man and cybernetics part c-applications and reviews": "ieee t syst man cy c",
"applied ergonomics": "appl ergon",
"journal of social work practice": "j soc work pract",
"strength of materials": "strength mater+",
"annales de geophysique": "ann geophys",
"amazoniana-limnologia et oecologia regionalis systemae fluminis amazonas": "amazoniana",
"analytical and quantitative cardiology": "adv exp med biol",
"strad": "strad",
"communications in soil science and plant analysis": "commun soil sci plan",
"ethnomusicology": "ethnomusicology",
"genomics": "genomics",
"contemporary topics in immunobiology": "contemp top immunobi",
"management of world wastes": "manage world waste",
"mount sinai journal of medicine": "mt sinai j med",
"environmental engineering science": "environ eng sci",
"journal de physique": "j phys-paris",
"large animal practice": "large anim pract",
"advanced materials & processes": "adv mater process",
"journal of computer-based instruction": "j comput-base instr",
"medical toxicology and adverse drug experience": "med toxicol adv drug",
"journal of environmental management": "j environ manage",
"new zealand journal of marine and freshwater research": "new zeal j mar fresh",
"new zealand entomologist": "new zeal entomol",
"assessment": "assessment",
"bulletin of the new york academy of medicine": "b new york acad med",
"problems in general surgery": "probl gen surg",
"child care health and development": "child care hlth dev",
"magnesium-bulletin": "magnesium-b",
"acta morphologica hungarica": "acta morphol hung",
"agricultural and biological chemistry": "agr biol chem tokyo",
"energy conversion and management": "energ convers manage",
"reviews of chemical intermediates": "rev chem intermed",
"zeitschrift fur klinische psychologie psychopathologie und psychotherapie": "z klin psychol psych",
"technological forecasting and social change": "technol forecast soc",
"journal of politics": "j polit",
"journal of information recording": "j inform rec",
"journal of reproductive immunology": "j reprod immunol",
"infusionstherapie und transfusionsmedizin": "infusionstherapie",
"siam journal on scientific computing": "siam j sci comput",
"zeitschrift fur angewandte mathematik und mechanik": "z angew math mech",
"childrens health care": "child health care",
"journal of crystal and molecular structure": "j cryst mol struct",
"clinica chimica acta": "clin chim acta",
"professional safety": "prof saf",
"gene analysis techniques": "gene anal tech",
"control engineering practice": "control eng pract",
"reric international energy journal": "reric int energ j",
"radioactive waste management and environmental restoration": "radioact waste manag",
"system dynamics review": "syst dynam rev",
"american sociological review": "am sociol rev",
"glq-a journal of lesbian and gay studies": "glq-j lesbian gay st",
"applied superconductivity": "appl supercond",
"russian studies in literature": "russ stud lit",
"annals of surgical oncology": "ann surg oncol",
"current therapeutic research-clinical and experimental": "curr ther res clin e",
"laboratory animals": "lab anim",
"manchester school": "manch sch",
"journal of inequalities and applications": "j inequal appl",
"journal of tropical medicine and hygiene": "j trop med hyg",
"american journal of reproductive immunology": "am j reprod immunol",
"journal of clinical monitoring": "j clin monitor",
"journal of accounting and public policy": "j account public pol",
"journal de medecine legale droit medical": "j med leg droit med",
"computers and biomedical research": "comput biomed res",
"international journal of cancer": "int j cancer",
"journal of accountancy": "j accountancy",
"journal of the brazilian chemical society": "j brazil chem soc",
"avtomatika i vychislitelnaya tekhnika": "avtom vychisl tekh+",
"minerva cardioangiologica": "minerva cardioangiol",
"journal of political & military sociology": "j polit mil sociol",
"cultural studies": "cult stud",
"textile chemist and colorist": "text chem color",
"zeitschrift fur deutsches altertum und deutsche literatur": "z deut altertum deut",
"journal of mechanical working technology": "j mech work technol",
"journal of genetic psychology": "j genet psychol",
"integration-the vlsi journal": "integration",
"computers and the humanities": "comput humanities",
"university of louisville journal of family law": "u louisville j fam l",
"archaeology": "archaeology",
"neurology india": "neurol india",
"new zealand veterinary journal": "new zeal vet j",
"in vitro cellular & developmental biology": "in vitro cell dev b",
"entomologia experimentalis et applicata": "entomol exp appl",
"materials and structures": "mater struct",
"acta chirurgica belgica": "acta chir belg",
"journal of midwifery & womens health": "j midwifery wom heal",
"acta applicandae mathematicae": "acta appl math",
"justice quarterly": "justice q",
"journal of southeast asian earth sciences": "j southe asian earth",
"theriogenology": "theriogenology",
"zoological studies": "zool stud",
"ecological psychology": "ecol psychol",
"archivos latinoamericanos de nutricion": "arch latinoam nutr",
"geotimes": "geotimes",
"chinese journal of electronics": "chinese j electron",
"american journal of dance therapy": "am j dance ther",
"journal of sustainable agriculture": "j sustain agr",
"international journal of tissue reactions-experimental and clinical aspects": "int j tissue react",
"journal of the chemical society-faraday transactions": "j chem soc faraday t",
"journal of constructional steel research": "j constr steel res",
"alabama marine resources bulletin": "ala mar resour bull",
"high temperature and materials science": "high temp mat sci",
"biological psychiatry": "biol psychiat",
"water science reviews": "water sci rev",
"journal of the british association of teachers of the deaf": "teach deaf",
"international journal of optoelectronics": "int j optoelectron",
"annales de zootechnie": "ann zootech",
"croatian medical journal": "croat med j",
"current topics in bioenergetics": "curr top bioenerg",
"reviews in particulate materials": "rev particul mater",
"journal of materials engineering": "j mater eng",
"journal of contaminant hydrology": "j contam hydrol",
"journal of physical chemistry": "j phys chem-us",
"evolutionary trends in plants": "evol trend plant",
"endocrinologia experimentalis": "endocrinol exp",
"zeitschrift fur allgemeine mikrobiologie": "z allg mikrobiol",
"journal of food technology": "j food technol",
"social indicators research": "soc indic res",
"journal of cranio-maxillofacial surgery": "j cranio maxill surg",
"annual review of genetics": "annu rev genet",
"neuroscientist": "neuroscientist",
"journal of experimental pathology": "j exp pathol",
"industrial & engineering chemistry research": "ind eng chem res",
"journal of clinical investigation": "j clin invest",
"science in china series b-chemistry": "sci china ser b",
"security studies": "secur stud",
"geophysical prospecting": "geophys prospect",
"biorecovery": "biorecovery",
"materials science & engineering c-biomimetic materials sensors and systems": "mat sci eng c-biomim",
"acta astronomica": "acta astronom",
"symbolic interaction": "symb interact",
"gymnasium": "gymnasium",
"k-theory": "k-theory",
"rivista di agricoltura subtropicale e tropicale": "riv agr subtrop trop",
"ageing and society": "ageing soc",
"anasthesiologie und intensivmedizin": "anasth intensivmed",
"lait": "lait",
"progress in materials science": "prog mater sci",
"australian journal of political science": "aust j polit sci",
"powder technology": "powder technol",
"laryngoscope": "laryngoscope",
"sociological methodology": "sociol methodol",
"backer und konditor": "backer konditor",
"clinical pediatrics": "clin pediatr",
"journal of the astronautical sciences": "j astronaut sci",
"acta physica austriaca": "acta phys austriaca",
"journal of the meteorological society of japan": "j meteorol soc jpn",
"revue de philologie de litterature et d histoire anciennes": "rev philol lit hist",
"free radical research communications": "free radical res com",
"transmission & distribution": "transm distrib",
"occupational medicine-state of the art reviews": "occup med",
"online & cdrom review": "online cdrom rev",
"usda forest service rocky mountain forest and range experiment station research paper": "usda for serv rm res",
"international journal of electrical power & energy systems": "int j elec power",
"ethnology": "ethnology",
"endodontics & dental traumatology": "endod dent traumatol",
"international journal of modern physics c": "int j mod phys c",
"international journal of modern physics b": "int j mod phys b",
"international journal of modern physics a": "int j mod phys a",
"international journal of nonlinear optical physics": "int j nonlinear opt",
"critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences": "crit rev cl lab sci",
"journal of mathematical biology": "j math biol",
"international journal of modern physics d": "int j mod phys d",
"microbiological sciences": "microbiol sci",
"advances in applied mathematics": "adv appl math",
"social forces": "soc forces",
"quantum optics": "quantum opt",
"australian historical studies": "aust historical stud",
"pediatric allergy and immunology": "pediatr allergy immu",
"revue economique": "rev econ",
"bothalia": "bothalia",
"agro food industry hi-tech": "agro food ind hi tec",
"late imperial china": "late imp china",
"seminars in ultrasound ct and mri": "semin ultrasound ct",
"scottish journal of theology": "scot j theology",
"research in engineering design-theory applications and concurrent engineering": "res eng des",
"journal of cancer education": "j cancer educ",
"journal of clinical apheresis": "j clin apheresis",
"paediatrician": "paediatrician",
"review of scientific instruments": "rev sci instrum",
"two-year college mathematics journal": "two-year coll math j",
"annals of operations research": "ann oper res",
"symposium-a quarterly journal in modern literatures": "symposium",
"innovation et technologie en biologie et medecine": "innov tech biol med",
"molecular urology": "mol urol",
"ieee transactions on industry applications": "ieee t ind appl",
"plasma chemistry and plasma processing": "plasma chem plasma p",
"journal of divorce & remarriage": "j divorce remarriage",
"modern language review": "mod lang rev",
"fortschritte der medizin": "fortschr med",
"japca-the international journal of air pollution control and hazardous waste management": "japca j air waste ma",
"medecine et armees": "med armees",
"journal of the royal statistical society series b-statistical methodology": "j roy stat soc b",
"digestive surgery": "digest surg",
"resources policy": "resour policy",
"topoi-an international review of philosophy": "topoi-int rev philos",
"science & society": "sci soc",
"comparative physiology and ecology": "comp physiol ecol",
"plasmid": "plasmid",
"journal of cardiovascular diagnosis and procedures": "j cardiovasc diagn p",
"genders": "genders",
"laser focus-electro-optics": "laser focus world",
"journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers": "j inorg organomet p",
"semigroup forum": "semigroup forum",
"annales de genetique": "ann genet-paris",
"flow turbulence and combustion": "flow turbul combust",
"administrative science quarterly": "admin sci quart",
"oxford german studies": "oxford ger stud",
"laser and particle beams": "laser part beams",
"journal of infectious diseases": "j infect dis",
"ices journal of marine science": "ices j mar sci",
"annales historiques de la revolution francaise": "ann hist revol fr",
"chemical engineering science": "chem eng sci",
"physics of metals": "phys met+",
"journal of physics f-metal physics": "j phys f met phys",
"colposcopy & gynecologic laser surgery": "colp gynecol las sur",
"bone marrow transplantation": "bone marrow transpl",
"experimental techniques": "exp techniques",
"missouri agricultural experiment station research bulletin": "mo aes res bull",
"translation review": "translation rev",
"chemicke listy": "chem listy",
"contributions in marine science": "contrib mar sci",
"antiviral therapy": "antivir ther",
"journal of obstetrics and gynaecology": "j obstet gynaecol",
"arachne": "arachne",
"philosophia": "philosophia",
"neuroradiology": "neuroradiology",
"australian veterinary practitioner": "aust vet pract",
"archives of ophthalmology": "arch ophthalmol-chic",
"international journal of law and psychiatry": "int j law psychiat",
"behavioral & social sciences librarian": "behav soc sci libr",
"middle eastern studies": "middle eastern stud",
"carlsberg research communications": "carlsberg res commun",
"transactions of the association of american physicians": "t assoc am physician",
"developmental neuroscience": "dev neurosci-basel",
"pulp & paper-canada": "pulp pap-canada",
"sugarcane pathologists newsletter": "sugarcane pathol new",
"british journal of oral surgery": "brit j oral surg",
"social history of medicine": "soc hist med",
"sprachwissenschaft": "sprachwissenschaft",
"biosystems": "biosystems",
"theatre survey": "theatre survey",
"index on censorship": "index censorship",
"materials science forum": "mater sci forum",
"coeur": "coeur-rev card med-c",
"journal of finance": "j financ",
"journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering": "j geotech geoenviron",
"mathematische nachrichten": "math nachr",
"mathematische zeitschrift": "math z",
"missouri medicine": "mo med",
"journal of human resources": "j hum resour",
"soviet powder metallurgy and metal ceramics": "sov powder metall+",
"seizure-european journal of epilepsy": "seizure-eur j epilep",
"marine engineering log": "mar eng-log",
"sensors and actuators a-physical": "sensor actuat a-phys",
"molecular diagnosis": "mol diagn",
"novon": "novon",
"journal of the american academy of religion": "j am acad relig",
"securities regulation law journal": "secur regul law j",
"canadian field-naturalist": "can field nat",
"acta cientifica venezolana": "acta cient venez",
"british journal of radiology": "brit j radiol",
"policy sciences": "policy sci",
"physica a": "physica a",
"physica b": "physica b",
"physica c": "physica c",
"physica d": "physica d",
"physica e": "physica e",
"journal of environmental systems": "j environ syst",
"bulletin of experimental biology and medicine": "b exp biol med+",
"a n a e-approche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l enfant": "anae",
"acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae": "acta genet med gemel",
"acm transactions on office information systems": "acm t off inf syst",
"materials and corrosion-werkstoffe und korrosion": "mater corros",
"scientia sinica": "sci sinica",
"european journal of applied mathematics": "eur j appl math",
"psychotherapy research": "psychother res",
"biblische zeitschrift": "biblische z",
"biological conservation": "biol conserv",
"advances in physics": "adv phys",
"angle orthodontist": "angle orthod",
"employee relations law journal": "employee relat law j",
"journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials": "j optoelectron adv m",
"communications in statistics part a-theory and methods": "commun stat a-theor",
"alcoholism-clinical and experimental research": "alcohol clin exp res",
"ukrainskii fizicheskii zhurnal": "ukr fiz zh+",
"journal of applied gerontology": "j appl gerontol",
"journal of the kansas entomological society": "j kansas entomol soc",
"canadian mathematical bulletin-bulletin canadien de mathematiques": "can math bull",
"molecular psychiatry": "mol psychiatr",
"centennial review": "centennial rev",
"ieee transactions on automatic control": "ieee t automat contr",
"structural engineer-part b": "struct eng-b",
"concurrency-practice and experience": "concurrency-pract ex",
"international journal of environmental health research": "int j environ heal r",
"contemporary organic synthesis": "contemp org synth",
"memory & cognition": "mem cognition",
"acta chemica scandinavica series a-physical and inorganic chemistry": "acta chem scand a",
"journal of neurolinguistics": "j neurolinguist",
"journal of professional issues in engineering education and practice": "j prof iss eng ed pr",
"progress in aerospace sciences": "prog aerosp sci",
"quaderni storici": "quad storici",
"journal of ferrocement-bangkok": "j ferrocement",
"regional anesthesia": "region anesth",
"journal of public economics": "j public econ",
"journal of physics c-solid state physics": "j phys c solid state",
"cellular signalling": "cell signal",
"philosophische rundschau": "philos rundsch",
part c": "method enzymol",
"archives of mechanics": "arch mech",
"wear": "wear",
"allelopathy": "acs sym ser",
"proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part e-journal of process mechanical engineering": "p i mech eng e-j pro",
"liebigs annalen": "liebigs ann",
"revue roumaine de biochimie": "rev roum biochim",
"european review of agricultural economics": "eur rev agric econ",
"journal of adhesion science and technology": "j adhes sci technol",
"journal of imaging science": "j imaging sci",
"journal of safety research": "j safety res",
"highway engineer": "highway eng",
"microporous materials": "microporous mater",
"journal of biosciences": "j bioscience",
"israel journal of technology": "israel j technol",
"journal of community psychology": "j community psychol",
"defence science journal": "defence sci j",
"human & experimental toxicology": "hum exp toxicol",
"annals of the association of american geographers": "ann assoc am geogr",
"transactions of the american entomological society": "t am entomol soc",
"monographs in paediatrics": "monogr paediatr",
"beitrage aus der plasmaphysik-contributions to plasma physics": "beit plasmaphys-cont",
"south african journal of science": "s afr j sci",
"palliative medicine": "palliative med",
"probability theory and related fields": "probab theory rel",
"a + u-architecture and urbanism": "a u-archit urban",
"journal of bioluminescence and chemiluminescence": "j biolum chemilum",
"gnomon-kritische zeitschrift fur die gesamte klassische altertumswissenschaft": "gnomon",
"surgical oncology-oxford": "surg oncol",
"cytotherapy": "cytotherapy",
"peptide research": "peptide res",
"advances in botanical research incorporating advances in plant pathology": "adv bot res",
"formulary": "formulary",
"philosophy of science": "philos sci",
"academic medicine": "acad med",
"chirality": "chirality",
"personality and individual differences": "pers indiv differ",
"ids bulletin-institute of development studies": "ids bull-i dev stud",
"acta therapeutica": "acta therap",
"agricultural history": "agr hist",
"zentralblatt fur bakteriologie mikrobiologie und hygiene i abteilung originale c-allgemeine angewandte und okologische mikrobiologie": "zbl bakt mik hyg i c",
"biken journal": "biken j",
"behavioral and brain sciences": "behav brain sci",
"zentralblatt fur bakteriologie mikrobiologie und hygiene serie b-umwelthygiene krankenhaushygiene arbeitshygiene praventive medizin": "zbl hyg umweltmed",
"forum modernes theater": "forum mod theater",
"best practice & research in clinical rheumatology": "best pract res cl rh",
"drugs": "drugs",
"systemic practice and action research": "syst pract act res",
"search": "search",
"morfologia normal y patologica seccion b-anatomia patologica": "morfol norm patol b",
"analytical biochemistry": "anal biochem",
"asia pacific journal of pharmacology": "asia pac j pharmacol",
"historia-zeitschrift fur alte geschichte": "historia-z alte ges",
"visual cognition": "vis cogn",
"material und organismen": "mater organismen",
"american history": "am hist",
"sciences et techniques de l animal de laboratoire": "sci tech anim lab",
"intech": "intech",
"weimarer beitrage": "weimarer beitr",
"monographs of the society for research in child development": "monogr soc res child",
"annals of behavioral medicine": "ann behav med",
"international journal of non-equilibrium processing": "int j non-equilib pr",
"rocky mountain journal of mathematics": "rocky mt j math",
"journal of structural chemistry": "j struct chem+",
"progress in analytical atomic spectroscopy": "prog anal atom spect",
"zeitschrift des deutschen palastina-vereins": "z deut palastina-ver",
"electronics information & planning": "electron inform plan",
"pathologe": "pathologe",
"current opinion in periodontology": "curr opin periodont",
"descant": "descant",
"software & microsystems": "software eng j",
"journal of imaging science and technology": "j imaging sci techn",
"louisiana agricultural experiment station bulletin": "la aes bull",
"american journal of science": "am j sci",
"pathology": "pathology",
"australian journal of physics": "aust j phys",
"journal of employment counseling": "j employment couns",
"vistas in astronomy": "vistas astron",
"american jewish history": "am jewish hist",
"renaissance quarterly": "renaissance quart",
"ulster folklife": "ulster folklife",
"literature-film quarterly": "lit-film quart",
"journal of neuroimmunology": "j neuroimmunol",
"journal of the chemical society-faraday transactions ii": "j chem soc farad t 2",
"journal of the european ceramic society": "j eur ceram soc",
"merkur-deutsche zeitschrift fur europaisches denken": "merkur-deut z eur d",
"aiche journal": "aiche j",
"cancer investigation": "cancer invest",
"prosthetics and orthotics international": "prosthet orthot int",
"perspectives in computing": "perspect comput",
"journal of arid environments": "j arid environ",
"archives of animal nutrition-archiv fur tierernahrung": "arch anim nutr",
"acta oecologica-oecologia generalis": "acta oecol-oec gen",
"journal of biochemical toxicology": "j biochem toxicol",
"annotationes zoologicae japonenses": "annot zool japon",
"british ceramic transactions and journal": "brit ceram trans j",
"journal of paleontology": "j paleontol",
"american journal of drug and alcohol abuse": "am j drug alcohol ab",
"ieee transactions on advanced packaging": "ieee trans adv pack",
"indian journal of medical research section b-biomedical research other than infectious diseases": "indian j med res-b",
"journal of orthopaedic trauma": "j orthop trauma",
"acta neurologica scandinavica": "acta neurol scand",
"perspectives in biology and medicine": "perspect biol med",
"journal of sea research": "j sea res",
"systems practice": "syst practice",
"etudes germaniques": "etud ger",
"journal of radiation research": "j radiat res",
"television quarterly": "telev quart",
"rangeland journal": "rangeland j",
"science and engineering ethics": "sci eng ethics",
"journal of eukaryotic microbiology": "j eukaryot microbiol",
"international journal of biological markers": "int j biol marker",
"new england journal of medicine": "new engl j med",
"compositio mathematica": "compos math",
"mineralogical record": "mineral rec",
"progress in clinical neurophysiology": "prog clin neurophys",
"australian journal of dairy technology": "aust j dairy technol",
"archives of insect biochemistry and physiology": "arch insect biochem",
"governance-an international journal of policy and administration": "governance",
"progress in neuroendocrinimmunology": "prog neuroendocrinim",
"psychology of women quarterly": "psychol women quart",
"aktuelle urologie": "aktuel urol",
"brennstoff-warme-kraft": "brennst-warme-kraft",
"lindbergia": "lindbergia",
"experiments in catalytic reaction engineering": "stud surf sci catal",
"acta chirurgica-the european journal of surgery": "acta chir-eur j surg",
"gulf research reports": "gulf res rep",
"historical journal of film radio and television": "hist j film radio tv",
"international journal of dairy technology": "int j dairy technol",
"pharmaceutical research": "pharmaceut res",
"luminescence": "luminescence",
"international journal of group psychotherapy": "int j group psychoth",
"norsk geologisk tidsskrift": "norsk geol tidsskr",
"molecular breeding": "mol breeding",
"burns": "burns",
"biologisches zentralblatt": "biol zbl",
"undersea & hyperbaric medicine": "undersea hyperbar m",
"computerized medical imaging and graphics": "comput med imag grap",
"biomass & bioenergy": "biomass bioenerg",
"journal of neuro-ophthalmology": "j neuro-ophthalmol",
"new biologist": "new biol",
"american journal of geriatric psychiatry": "am j geriat psychiat",
"binary-computing in microbiology": "binary-comput microb",
"microbiology and molecular biology reviews": "microbiol mol biol r",
"international journal of pediatric hematology/oncology": "int j pediat hem onc",
"hearing research": "hearing res",
"places-a forum of environmental design": "places-forum environ",
"osteoarthritis and cartilage": "osteoarthr cartilage",
"sumitomo light metal technical reports": "sumitomo light m tec",
"international forum on information and documentation": "int forum inform doc",
"measurement techniques": "meas tech+",
"journal of computational and applied mathematics": "j comput appl math",
"scandinavian studies": "scand stud",
"ksme international journal": "ksme int j",
"computer speech and language": "comput speech lang",
"journal of computer information systems": "j comput inform syst",
"advances in catalysis": "adv catal",
"seminars in roentgenology": "semin roentgenol",
"annual review of biochemistry": "annu rev biochem",
"who expert committee on biological standardization,
forty-fourth report": "who tech rep ser",
"studi secenteschi": "stud secenteschi",
"diagnostic and clinical immunology": "diagn clin immunol",
"svensk papperstidning-nordisk cellulosa": "sven papperstidn",
"american journal of physiology-renal fluid and electrolyte physiology": "am j physiol-renal",
"critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences": "crit rev solid state",
"narrative inquiry": "narrat inq",
"fortschritte der mineralogie": "fortschr mineral",
"journal of theoretical biology": "j theor biol",
"pediatric clinics of north america": "pediatr clin n am",
"international journal of electronic commerce": "int j electron comm",
"english studies": "engl stud",
"canadian journal of applied sport sciences-journal canadien des sciences appliquees au sport": "can j appl sport sci",
"office administration and automation": "office admin automat",
"journal of the american academy of child and adolescent psychiatry": "j am acad child psy",
"british journal of medical psychology": "brit j med psychol",
"journal of the international neuropsychological society": "j int neuropsych soc",
"anesthesia and analgesia": "anesth analg",
"plant science": "plant sci",
"applied and theoretical electrophoresis": "appl theor electroph",
"scandinavian journal of forest research": "scand j forest res",
"molecular membrane biology": "mol membr biol",
"journal of international money and finance": "j int money financ",
"journal of refractive surgery": "j refract surg",
"oxford surveys in information technology": "oxford surv inf tech",
"rand journal of economics": "rand j econ",
"applicable algebra in engineering communication and computing": "appl algebr eng comm",
"zeitschrift fur slawistik": "z slawistik",
"chinese law and government": "chinese law gov",
"animal welfare": "anim welfare",
"materials chemistry and physics": "mater chem phys",
"hispania-revista espanola de historia": "hispania",
"fundamental & clinical pharmacology": "fundam clin pharm",
"steel in translation": "steel transl",
"konsthistorisk tidskrift": "konsthist tidskr",
"neuroimmunomodulation": "neuroimmunomodulat",
"physiologia plantarum": "physiol plantarum",
"criminal law review": "crim law rev",
"initial reports of the deep sea drilling project": "initial rep deep sea",
"japanese journal of surgery": "jpn j surg",
"zeitschrift fur chemie": "z chem",
"anthropological quarterly": "anthropol quart",
"gerodontology": "gerodontology",
"journal of periodontal research": "j periodontal res",
"international journal of flexible manufacturing systems": "int j flex manuf sys",
"ultrasonics sonochemistry": "ultrason sonochem",
"annals of saudi medicine": "ann saudi med",
"poetics": "poetics",
"clinical allergy": "clin allergy",
"journal of economic literature": "j econ lit",
"annales geophysicae-atmospheres hydrospheres and space sciences": "ann geophys-atm hydr",
"humane medicine": "hum med",
"american journal of otolaryngology": "am j otolaryng",
"ieee transactions on image processing": "ieee t image process",
"vestnik dermatologii i venerologii": "vestn dermatol vener",
"journal of the american concrete institute": "j am concrete i",
"oklahoma agricultural experiment station bulletin": "okla aes bull",
"jsme international journal series a-solid mechanics and material engineering": "jsme int j a-solid m",
"particle & particle systems characterization": "part part syst char",
"applied intelligence": "appl intell",
"environmental and molecular mutagenesis": "environ mol mutagen",
"mathematical proceedings of the cambridge philosophical society": "math proc cambridge",
"biofouling": "biofouling",
"silikaty": "silikaty",
"journal of real estate taxation": "j real estate tax",
"journal of architectural and planning research": "j archit plan res",
"deep-sea research part i-oceanographic research papers": "deep-sea res pt i",
"environment and urbanization": "environ urban",
"agricultural economics research": "agr econ res",
"numerische mathematik": "numer math",
"journal of solution chemistry": "j solution chem",
"ophthalmic genetics": "ophthalmic genet",
"annals of human biology": "ann hum biol",
"rostlinna vyroba": "rost vyroba",
"north american journal of aquaculture": "n am j aquacult",
"european journal of haematology": "eur j haematol",
"theory of probability and its applications": "theor probab appl+",
"inorganica chimica acta-letters": "inorg chim a-lett",
"journal of money credit and banking": "j money credit bank",
"science in china series a-mathematics physics astronomy": "sci china ser a",
"neuroimage": "neuroimage",
"annales de genetique et de selection animale": "ann genet sel anim",
"south african archaeological bulletin": "s afr archaeol bull",
"trace elements in medicine": "trace elem med",
"zeitschrift fur physikalische chemie neue folge": "z phys chem neue fol",
"ieee transactions on neural networks": "ieee t neural networ",
"advances in econometrics": "adv econom",
"international review of administrative sciences": "int rev adm sci",
"ceramics-silikaty": "ceram-silikaty",
"journal of pesticide science": "j pestic sci",
"annual review of biomedical engineering": "annu rev biomed eng",
"journal of vinyl & additive technology": "j vinyl addit techn",
"microscopy research and technique": "microsc res techniq",
"molecular and chemical neuropathology": "mol chem neuropathol",
"ieee transactions on acoustics speech and signal processing": "ieee t acoust speech",
"international journal of sport nutrition": "int j sport nutr",
"set-valued analysis": "set-valued anal",
"journal of the royal college of physicians of london": "j roy coll phys lond",
"appita": "appita j",
"tappi": "tappi",
"international journal of micrographics & optical technology": "int j microgr opt t",
"european journal of clinical pharmacology": "eur j clin pharmacol",
"revista espanola de enfermedades digestivas": "rev esp enferm dig",
"annual review of sociology": "annu rev sociol",
"community medicine": "community med",
"econtent": "econtent",
"clinical psychology & psychotherapy": "clin psychol psychot",
"graphical models and image processing": "graph model im proc",
"journal of clinical and experimental gerontology": "j clin exp gerontol",
"magnetic resonance materials in physics biology and medicine": "magn reson mater phy",
"applied artificial intelligence": "appl artif intell",
"journal of aquatic animal health": "j aquat anim health",
"iubmb life": "iubmb life",
"review of research in education": "rev res educ",
"clinical and experimental immunology": "clin exp immunol",
"abstracts of papers of the american chemical society": "abstr pap am chem s",
"human reproduction update": "hum reprod update",
"journal of philosophy": "j philos",
"kristallografiya": "kristallografiya+",
"journal of adolescent research": "j adolescent res",
"computational mathematics and mathematical physics": "comp math math phys+",
"particle accelerators": "part accel",
"peritoneal dialysis bulletin": "periton dialysis int",
"computer programs in biomedicine": "comput prog biomed",
"russian journal of numerical analysis and mathematical modelling": "russ j numer anal m",
"transactions of the canadian society for mechanical engineering": "t can soc mech eng",
"journal of histochemistry & cytochemistry": "j histochem cytochem",
"mining congress journal": "min congr j",
"chemical research in chinese universities": "chem res chinese u",
"reactive polymers": "react polym",
"gynecological endocrinology": "gynecol endocrinol",
"journal of policy modeling": "j policy model",
"fizika nizkikh temperatur": "fiz nizk temp+",
"journal of the royal society of new zealand": "j roy soc new zeal",
"journal of mental deficiency research": "j ment defic res",
"pediatric infectious disease journal": "pediatr infect dis j",
"progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy": "prog nucl mag res sp",
"brain pathology": "brain pathol",
"stress medicine": "stress medicine",
"monist": "monist",
"highway & heavy construction": "highway heavy constr",
"cognitive brain research": "cognitive brain res",
"journal of japan society of lubrication engineers": "j jpn soc lubr eng",
"plant foods for human nutrition": "plant food hum nutr",
"environment": "environment",
"proceedings of the university of otago medical school": "p u otago med sch",
"journal of counseling and development": "j couns dev",
"physics reports-review section of physics letters": "phys rep",
"german journal of ophthalmology": "ger j ophthalmol",
"applied catalysis a-general": "appl catal a-gen",
"acta neuropsychiatrica": "acta neuropsychiatr",
"high temperature": "high temp+",
"journal of development studies": "j dev stud",
"acta biotheoretica": "acta biotheor",
"european journal of pain-london": "eur j pain-london",
"research communications in alcohol and substances of abuse": "res commun alcohol s",
"biomaterials artificial cells and immobilization biotechnology": "biomat artif cell im",
"revue des maladies respiratoires": "rev mal respir",
"childs nervous system": "child nerv syst",
"affilia-journal of women and social work": "affilia j wom soc wo",
"nature biotechnology": "nat biotechnol",
"international labor and working-class history": "int labor work-class",
"european journal of forest pathology": "eur j forest pathol",
"composites science and technology": "compos sci technol",
"annals of pure and applied logic": "ann pure appl logic",
"british journal of guidance & counselling": "brit j guid couns",
"rairo-automatique-systems analysis and control": "rairo-autom-syst ana",
"journal des maladies vasculaires": "j mal vascul",
"data base for advances in information systems": "data base adv inf sy",
"audiology and neuro-otology": "audiol neuro-otol",
"journal of the chemical society of pakistan": "j chem soc pakistan",
"computer languages": "comput lang",
"journal of plastic film & sheeting": "j plast film sheet",
"annales-economies societes civilisations": "ann econ soc civil",
"journal of international business studies": "j int bus stud",
"environmental claims journal": "environ claim j",
"new york state journal of medicine": "new york state j med",
"revista interamericana de psicologia": "rev interam psicol",
"journal of physics and chemistry of solids": "j phys chem solids",
"english literary renaissance": "engl literary renais",
"pennsylvania magazine of history and biography": "penn mag hist biog",
"american indian culture and research journal": "am indian cult res j",
"sankhya-the indian journal of statistics series a": "sankhya ser a",
"composites part b-engineering": "compos part b-eng",
"journal of the royal musical association": "j roy music assn",
"journal of pain and symptom management": "j pain symptom manag",
"clinical materials": "clin mater",
"journal of non-crystalline solids": "j non-cryst solids",
"journal of statistical physics": "j stat phys",
"journal of experimental education": "j exp educ",
"soziale welt-zeitschrift fur sozialwissenschaftliche forschung und praxis": "soz welt",
"electric machines and power systems": "electr mach pow syst",
"shakespeare quarterly": "shakespeare quart",
"psychiatrische praxis": "psychiat prax",
"concurrent engineering-research and applications": "concurrent eng-res a",
"netherlands journal of plant pathology": "neth j plant pathol",
"trends in ecology & evolution": "trends ecol evol",
"ramanujan journal": "ramanujan j",
"neurosurgical review": "neurosurg rev",
"industrial marketing management": "ind market manag",
"journal of great lakes research": "j great lakes res",
"topics in applied physics": "top appl phys",
"etudes cinematographiques": "etud cinema",
"journal of the neurological sciences": "j neurol sci",
"journal of organometallic chemistry": "j organomet chem",
"ieee transactions on speech and audio processing": "ieee t speech audi p",
"journal of the audio engineering society": "j audio eng soc",
"human brain mapping": "hum brain mapp",
"new statesman & society": "new statesman soc",
"cell membranes-methods and reviews": "cell membr meth rev",
"structural engineering and mechanics": "struct eng mech",
"journal prestressed concrete institute": "j prestr concrete i",
"industrial ceramics": "ind ceram",
"international journal of developmental neuroscience": "int j dev neurosci",
"aci materials journal": "aci mater j",
"arcadia": "arcadia",
"asian journal of chemistry reviews": "asian j chem rev",
"computers & fluids": "comput fluids",
"annals of regional science": "ann regional sci",
"journal of geodesy": "j geodesy",
"stochastic environmental research and risk assessment": "stoch env res risk a",
"new zealand journal of experimental agriculture": "new zeal j exp agr",
"photonic network communications": "photonic netw commun",
"r&d; magazine": "r&d; mag",
"australian journal of soil research": "aust j soil res",
"australian journal of public administration": "aust j publ admin",
"brain & development": "brain dev-jpn",
"metals and materials-korea": "met mater-korea",
"communications news": "commun news",
"journal of ecumenical studies": "j ecumenical stud",
"journal of advertising research": "j advertising res",
"walt whitman quarterly review": "walt whitman q rev",
"biomedical research-tokyo": "biomed res-tokyo",
"journal of american studies": "j am stud",
"netherlands journal of agricultural science": "neth j agr sci",
"european journal of population-revue europeenne de demographie": "eur j popul",
"reaction kinetics and catalysis letters": "react kinet catal l",
"korean journal of biochemistry": "korean j biochem",
"medical clinics of north america": "med clin n am",
"hebrew university studies in literature and the arts": "hebrew u stud lit ar",
"infosystems": "infosystems",
"journal of mathematical chemistry": "j math chem",
"neuropsychiatrie": "neuropsychiatrie",
"commonwealth & comparative politics": "commonw comp polit",
"european mass spectrometry": "eur mass spectrom",
"urology": "urology",
"lecture notes in control and information sciences": "lect notes contr inf",
"manchester school of economic and social studies": "manch sch econ soc",
"alaska agricultural and forestry experiment station bulletin": "alaska afes bull",
"petrology": "petrology",
"mln-modern language notes": "mln-mod lang notes",
"american philosophical quarterly": "am philos quart",
"world development": "world dev",
"memory": "memory",
"rca review": "rca rev",
"micron": "micron",
"palaios": "palaios",
"small business computer news": "small bus comput new",
"chemical and petroleum engineering": "chem petrol eng+",
"revista geologica de chile": "rev geol chile",
"individual psychology-the journal of adlerian theory research & practice": "indiv psychol",
"american journal of education": "am j educ",
"minnesota symposia on child psychology": "minn sym child psych",
"comptes rendus de l academie des sciences serie ii fascicule b-mecanique physique chimie astronomie": "cr acad sci ii b",
"pharmaceutical biology": "pharm biol",
"acta mathematica academiae scientiarum hungaricae": "acta math acad sci h",
"isscc digest of technical papers": "isscc dig tech pap i",
"physics in medicine and biology": "phys med biol",
"comparative biochemistry and physiology b-biochemistry & molecular biology": "comp biochem phys b",
"manuscripta geodaetica": "manuscr geodaet",
"boletin de la sociedad chilena de quimica": "bol soc chil quim",
"progres en urologie": "prog urol",
"electrochemistry": "electrochemistry",
"cretaceous research": "cretaceous res",
"international journal of urban and regional research": "int j urban regional",
"sport science review": "sport sci rev",
"nutrition reviews": "nutr rev",
"carcinogenesis": "carcinogenesis",
"r & d management": "r&d; manage",
"european journal of pediatrics": "eur j pediatr",
"glass and ceramics": "glass ceram+",
"wood & wood products": "wood wood prod",
"optics & photonics news": "opt photonics news",
"clinical biochemistry": "clin biochem",
"hispanic american historical review": "hispanic am hist rev",
"stroke": "stroke",
"cahiers de civilisation medievale": "cah civilis medieval",
"international marketing review": "int market rev",
"genetic engineer and biotechnologist": "genet eng biotechnol",
"nature structural biology": "nat struct biol",
"astronomy and astrophysics review": "astron astrophys rev",
"journal of occupational accidents": "j occup accid",
"iranian journal of science and technology": "iran j sci technol",
"human genetics": "hum genet",
"clinics in endocrinology and metabolism": "clin endocrinol meta",
"chasqui-revista de literatura latinoamericana": "chasqui",
"plant molecular biology": "plant mol biol",
"ear and hearing": "ear hearing",
"journal of carbohydrate chemistry": "j carbohyd chem",
"advances in oto-rhino-laryngology": "adv oto-rhino-laryng",
"development of specifications for biotechnology pharmaceutical products": "dev biol stand",
"journal of crystallographic and spectroscopic research": "j cryst spectrosc",
"soviet electrochemistry": "sov electrochem+",
"seybold report on professional computing": "andrew seybold out p",
"lyon chirurgical": "lyon chir",
"powder diffraction": "powder diffr",
"behavioral medicine": "behav med",
"journal of drug development and clinical practice": "j drug dev clin pr",
"computer graphics world": "comput graph world",
"animal biotechnology": "anim biotechnol",
"machine design": "mach des",
"allgemeine forst und jagdzeitung": "allg forst jagdztg",
"journal of difference equations and applications": "j differ equ appl",
"oceanus": "oceanus",
"representations": "representations",
"physical chemistry chemical physics": "phys chem chem phys",
"zoology-analysis of complex systems": "zool-anal complex sy",
"physics of the earth and planetary interiors": "phys earth planet in",
"irish veterinary journal": "irish vet j",
"endothelium-new york": "endothelium-new york",
"doklady akademii nauk sssr": "dokl akad nauk sssr+",
"new zealand operational research": "new zeal oper res",
"bulletin of the menninger clinic": "b menninger clin",
"usda forest service southern forest experiment station research paper": "usda for serv so res",
"obesity surgery": "obes surg",
"gifted child quarterly": "gifted child quart",
"journal of sex research": "j sex res",
"journal of multicultural counseling and development": "j multicult couns d",
"new york history": "new york hist",
"journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry": "j radioanal nucl ch",
"journal of basic microbiology": "j basic microb",
"lab animal": "lab animal",
"journal of evolutionary economics": "j evol econ",
"cns drug reviews": "cns drug rev",
"canadian journal of physics": "can j phys",
"forum mathematicum": "forum math",
"journal of the american oriental society": "j am oriental soc",
"academy of management journal": "acad manage j",
"digestion": "digestion",
"economics of education review": "econ educ rev",
"iee proceedings-j optoelectronics": "iee proc-j",
"journal of forecasting": "j forecasting",
"measurements & control": "meas control-us",
"neurophysiologie clinique-clinical neurophysiology": "neurophysiol clin",
"european surgical research": "eur surg res",
"biocatalysis and biotransformation": "biocatal biotransfor",
"veterinary pathology": "vet pathol",
"tennessee agricultural experiment station bulletin": "tenn aes bull",
"canadian journal of psychology-revue canadienne de psychologie": "can j psychol",
"publications of the research institute for mathematical sciences": "publ res i math sci",
"advances in genetics incorporating molecular genetic medicine": "adv genet",
"studies in language": "stud lang",
"japanese journal of ichthyology": "jpn j ichthyol",
"theory of computing systems": "theor comput syst",
"review of higher education": "rev high educ",
"swine health and production": "swine health prod",
"fortschritte auf dem gebiete der rontgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden verfahren": "rofo fortschr rontg",
"dental materials": "dent mater",
"philologus": "philologus",
"culture & psychology": "cult psychol",
"nmr-basic principles and progress": "nmr-basic princ prog",
"pesticide science": "pestic sci",
"biological reviews of the cambridge philosophical society": "biol rev",
"canadian geographer-geographe canadien": "can geogr-geogr can",
"software engineering journal": "software eng j",
"milton quarterly": "milton quart",
"iee proceedings-electric power applications": "iee p-elect pow appl",
"opera": "opera",
"who expert committee on drug dependence - 28th report": "who tech rep ser",
"journal of american history": "j am hist",
"colonial latin american historical review": "colon lat am hist r",
"mathematical programming study": "math program stud",
"prostaglandins and medicine": "prostag leukotr ess",
"journal of animal breeding and genetics-zeitschrift fur tierzuchtung und zuchtungsbiologie": "j anim breed genet",
"nematropica": "nematropica",
"north american review": "n am rev",
"journal of nursing administration": "j nurs admin",
"journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology": "j cardiovasc electr",
"childrens literature in education": "child lit educ",
"gerontology": "gerontology",
"american journal of mental deficiency": "am j ment retard",
"chemtech": "chemtech",
"southern california law review": "southern calif law r",
"journal of gender studies": "j gender stud",
"progress in neuro-psychopharmacology": "prog neuro-psychopha",
"journal of educational computing research": "j educ comput res",
"international journal of numerical methods for heat & fluid flow": "int j numer method h",
"movement disorders": "movement disord",
"medicina-buenos aires": "medicina-buenos aire",
"journal of the american medical informatics association": "j am med inform assn",
"international journal of service industry management": "int j serv ind manag",
"journal of inclusion phenomena and macrocyclic chemistry": "j incl phenom macro",
"english literature in transition 1880-1920": "engl lit transition",
"public finance-finances publiques": "public financ",
"mutation research-genetic toxicology": "mutat res-genet tox",
"ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence": "ieee t pattern anal",
"journal of the food hygienic society of japan": "j food hyg soc jpn",
"addiction biology": "addict biol",
"systems & control letters": "syst control lett",
"mind & language": "mind lang",
"aquatic toxicology": "aquat toxicol",
"journal of education policy": "j educ policy",
"discrete applied mathematics": "discrete appl math",
"connective tissue research": "connect tissue res",
"sensors and actuators b-chemical": "sensor actuat b-chem",
"monumenta nipponica": "monum nippon",
"journal of experimental psychology-applied": "j exp psychol-appl",
"british journal of sports medicine": "brit j sport med",
"biology of the cell": "biol cell",
"journal of cataract and refractive surgery": "j cataract refr surg",
"earth-oriented applications of space technology": "earth-orient sp tech",
"inorganic materials": "inorg mater+",
"british journal of neurosurgery": "brit j neurosurg",
"nber macroeconomics annual 1997": "nber macroecon ann",
"cardioscience": "cardioscience",
"journal of foraminiferal research": "j foramin res",
"clinical nutrition": "clin nutr",
"sustainable development": "sustain dev",
"palaeoecology of africa": "palaeoecol afr",
"ethology": "ethology",
"sexually transmitted infections": "sex transm infect",
"civil engineering-london": "civil eng-london",
"ntz archiv": "ntz arch",
"kolner zeitschrift fur soziologie und sozialpsychologie": "kolner z soziol soz",
"zeitschrift fur lymphologie-journal of lymphology": "z lymphol-j lymphol",
"economic and industrial democracy": "econ ind democracy",
"cybernetica": "cybernetica",
"geotextiles and geomembranes": "geotext geomembranes",
"fatigue of engineering materials and structures": "fatigue eng mater",
"physiology & behavior": "physiol behav",
"cvgip-graphical models and image processing": "cvgip-graph model im",
"journal of climate": "j climate",
"cybernetics": "cybernetics+",
"kvantovaya elektronika": "kvantovaya elektron+",
"archiv fur sozialgeschichte,
35. bd,
1995": "arch sozialgesch",
"biosensors & bioelectronics": "biosens bioelectron",
"molecules and cells": "mol cells",
"engineer": "engineer-london",
"annales de l anesthesiologie francaise": "ann anesthesiol fr",
"acta polytechnica scandinavica-mechanical engineering series": "acta polytech sc me",
"dental management": "dent manage",
"journal of advanced transportation": "j adv transport",
"gazzetta chimica italiana": "gazz chim ital",
"artibus asiae": "artibus asiae",
"journal of coated fabrics": "j coated fabrics",
"entomologia generalis": "entomol gen",
"ieee transactions on ultrasonics ferroelectrics and frequency control": "ieee t ultrason ferr",
"journal of agricultural & environmental ethics": "j agr environ ethic",
"british journal of industrial medicine": "brit j ind med",
"epri journal": "epri j",
"coloquio-letras": "coloquio-letras",
"journal of the agricultural society of trinidad & tobago": "j agr soc trinid tob",
"isprs journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing": "isprs j photogramm",
"journal of interferon and cytokine research": "j interf cytok res",
"popular computing": "pop comput",
"essays in poetics": "essays poetics",
"art history": "art hist",
"acta botanica sinica": "acta bot sin",
"journal of banking & finance": "j bank financ",
"journal of crustacean biology": "j crustacean biol",
"numerical methods for partial differential equations": "numer meth part d e",
"pattern recognition": "pattern recogn",
"australasian journal on ageing": "australas j ageing",
"annales des sciences naturelles-zoologie et biologie animale": "ann sci nat zool",
"zoologica scripta": "zool scr",
"journal of legal studies": "j legal stud",
"addictive behaviors": "addict behav",
"crime and justice": "crime justice",
"acta crystallographica section d-biological crystallography": "acta crystallogr d",
"neuphilologische mitteilungen": "neuphilol mitt",
"american dyestuff reporter": "am dyest rep",
"neue hutte": "neue hutte",
"north carolina agricultural research service technical bulletin": "n c ars tech bull",
"australian journal of experimental agriculture": "aust j exp agr",
"journal of structural engineering-asce": "j struct eng-asce",
"international journal of technology assessment in health care": "int j technol assess",
"clinical immunology and immunopathology": "clin immunol immunop",
"canadian journal of anaesthesia-journal canadien d anesthesie": "can j anaesth",
"folia pharmacologica japonica": "folia pharmacol jpn",
"salud publica de mexico": "salud publica mexico",
"zeitschrift fur angewandte geologie": "z angew geol",
"consciousness and cognition": "conscious cogn",
"regulated rivers-research & management": "regul river",
"grasas y aceites": "grasas aceites",
"revue d etudes comparatives est-ouest": "rev etud comp est-q",
"engineering geology": "eng geol",
"medical mycology": "med mycol",
"crc critical reviews in plant sciences": "crit rev plant sci",
"mathematical models & methods in applied sciences": "math mod meth appl s",
"journal of aoac international": "j aoac int",
"revista de filologia espanola": "rev filol espan",
"cephalalgia": "cephalalgia",
"journal of optics b-quantum and semiclassical optics": "j opt b-quantum s o",
"history of psychiatry": "hist psychiatr",
"qjm-monthly journal of the association of physicians": "qjm-mon j assoc phys",
"brain topography": "brain topogr",
"acta theriologica": "acta theriol",
"mammal review": "mammal rev",
"oriental art": "oriental art",
"journal of applied probability": "j appl probab",
"methods-a companion to methods in enzymology": "methods",
"hyperfine interactions": "hyperfine interact",
"oncogene research": "oncogene res",
"journal of law medicine & ethics": "j law med ethics",
"atmospheric tidal dynamics and e- and d-region physics": "adv space res",
"germano-slavica": "germano-slavica",
"chirurg": "chirurg",
"nonlinearity": "nonlinearity",
"pennsylvania agricultural experiment station progress report": "penn aes progr rep",
"engineering optimization": "eng optimiz",
"american journal of orthopsychiatry": "am j orthopsychiat",
"acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica section b-microbiology": "acta path micro im b",
"computational and theoretical polymer science": "comput theor polym s",
"cortex": "cortex",
"journal of micropalaeontology": "j micropalaeontol",
"international journal of tropical agriculture": "int j trop agric",
"journal of membrane science": "j membrane sci",
"caliban": "caliban",
"small group research": "small gr res",
"journal of systems architecture": "j syst architect",
"computational statistics": "computation stat",
"acta entomologica sinica": "acta entomol sinica",
"annales de pathologie": "ann pathol",
"public money & management": "public money manage",
"interventional neuroradiology": "interv neuroradiol",
"journal of chinese linguistics": "j chinese linguist",
"transportation research part e-logistics and transportation review": "transport res e-log",
"journal of vertebrate paleontology": "j vertebr paleontol",
"korean journal of chemical engineering": "korean j chem eng",
"landtechnik": "landtechnik",
"crc critical reviews in environmental control": "crit rev env contr",
"soviet soil science": "sov soil sci+",
"photochemistry and photobiology": "photochem photobiol",
"irish university review": "irish univ rev",
"acta polymerica sinica": "acta polym sin",
"japan quarterly": "jpn quart",
"evolutionary ecology research": "evol ecol res",
"journal of algebraic combinatorics": "j algebr comb",
"international regional science review": "int regional sci rev",
"newsletters on stratigraphy": "newsl stratigr",
"antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy": "antimicrob agents ch",
"seminars in oncology": "semin oncol",
"astrophysical letters & communications": "astrophys lett comm",
"lymphokine and cytokine research": "lymphokine cytok res",
"current problems in cardiology": "curr prob cardiology",
"transactions of the british mycological society": "t brit mycol soc",
"fundamenta mathematicae": "fund math",
"journal of medical and veterinary mycology": "j med vet mycol",
"dialectical anthropology": "dialect anthropol",
"journal of brain research-journal fur hirnforschung": "j brain res",
"polymer reaction engineering": "polym react eng",
"urological research": "urol res",
"advances in computers": "adv comput",
"clinical drug investigation": "clin drug invest",
"primates": "primates",
"computational intelligence": "comput intell",
"research in developmental disabilities": "res dev disabil",
"journal of the midwest modern language association": "j midwest mod lang",
"basin research": "basin res",
"genre-forms of discourse and culture": "genre-form disc cult",
"nuclear safety": "nucl safety",
"organic process research & development": "org process res dev",
"fisheries research": "fish res",
"asian survey": "asian surv",
"aging and working capacity": "who tech rep ser",
"journal of combustion toxicology": "j combust toxicol",
"journal of rehabilitation research and development": "j rehabil res dev",
"journal of advertising": "j advertising",
"japanese journal of applied entomology and zoology": "jpn j appl entomol z",
"exercise standards and malpractice reporter": "exerc stand malpract",
"geo-marine letters": "geo-mar lett",
"journal of sex education & therapy": "j sex educ ther",
"journal of biological response modifiers": "j biol resp modif",
"biotechnology progress": "biotechnol progr",
"applied biochemistry and microbiology": "appl biochem micro+",
"studia geophysica et geodaetica": "stud geophys geod",
"japan telecommunications review": "jpn telecommun rev",
"materials science reports": "mater sci rep",
"rassegna della letteratura italiana": "rass lett ital",
"sports medicine standards and malpractice reporter": "sports med stand mal",
"american journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics": "am j orthod dentofac",
"molecular neurobiology": "mol neurobiol",
"american journal of medical quality": "am j med qual",
"annals of the history of computing": "ann hist comput",
"sociologisk forskning": "sociol forsknin",
"convulsive therapy": "convulsive ther",
"zeitschrift fur pflanzenkrankheiten und pflanzenschutz-journal of plant diseases and protection": "z pflanzenk pflanzen",
"kieler milchwirtschaftliche forschungsberichte": "kieler milchw forsch",
"anaesthesist": "anaesthesist",
"quinzaine litteraire": "quinzaine litteraire",
"electrical engineering in japan": "electr eng jpn",
"bulletin of the japanese society of scientific fisheries": "nippon suisan gakk",
"canadian journal of linguistics-revue canadienne de linguistique": "can j ling/rev can l",
"british journal of herpetology": "brit j herpetol",
"nber macroeconomics annual": "nber macroecon ann",
"perspectives in neurological surgery": "perspect neurol surg",
"archives of asian art": "arch asian art",
"cities": "cities",
"ieee annals of the history of computing": "ieee ann hist comput",
"social development": "soc dev",
"journal de biophysique et de biomecanique": "j biophys biomec",
"drug news & perspectives": "drug news perspect",
"health & social care in the community": "health soc care comm",
"netherlands journal of surgery": "neth j surg",
"esq-a journal of the american renaissance": "esq-j am renaissance",
"advances in prostaglandin thromboxane and leukotriene research": "adv prostag thromb l",
"annals of ophthalmology": "ann ophthalmol",
"current opinion in chemical biology": "curr opin chem biol",
"federal probation": "fed probat",
"journal of american college health": "j am coll health",
"resource geology": "resour geol",
"group & organization management": "group organ manage",
"artnews": "art news",
"japanese journal of psychology": "jpn j psychol",
"journal of popular culture": "j pop cult",
"revista de metalurgia": "rev metal madrid",
"brain behavior and immunity": "brain behav immun",
"notre dame law review": "notre dame law rev",
"fractals-complex geometry patterns and scaling in nature and society": "fractals",
"asian journal of womens studies": "asian j women stud",
"proceedings of the institution of civil engineers part 1-design and construction": "p i civil eng pt 1",
"robotica": "robotica",
"materials science and engineering": "mater sci eng",
"european journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases": "eur j clin microbiol",
"harvard journal of asiatic studies": "harvard j asiat stud",
"journal of applied bacteriology": "j appl bacteriol",
"inflammatory bowel diseases": "inflamm bowel dis",
"annals of ophthalmology-glaucoma": "ann ophthalmol-glauc",
"journal of applied cardiology": "j appl cardiol",
"journal of clinical hypertension": "j clin hypertens",
"advances in second messenger and phosphoprotein research": "adv sec mess phosph",
"journal of materials science": "j mater sci",
"durability of building materials": "durability build mat",
"journal of the american osteopathic association": "j am osteopath assoc",
"medicine science and the law": "med sci law",
"journal of the british society for phenomenology": "j brit soc phenomen",
"journal of dynamic systems measurement and control-transactions of the asme": "j dyn syst-t asme",
"journal of urban technology": "j urban technol",
"critique-studies in contemporary fiction": "critique-st contemp",
"marine and freshwater behaviour and physiology": "mar freshw behav phy",
"journal of agricultural and urban entomology": "j agr urban entomol",
"macromolecules": "macromolecules",
"cancer causes & control": "cancer cause control",
"annals of global analysis and geometry": "ann glob anal geom",
"ieee transactions on power systems": "ieee t power syst",
"chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly": "chem biochem eng q",
"journal of nursing scholarship": "j nurs scholarship",
"rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica": "riv filos neo-scolas",
"journal of approximation theory": "j approx theory",
"behavior analyst": "behav analyst",
"british journal of developmental disabilities": "brit j dev disabil",
"ariel-a review of international english literature": "ariel-rev int engl",
"andrew seybolds outlook on professional computing": "andrew seybold out p",
"art bulletin": "art bull",
"neurobiology of disease": "neurobiol dis",
"transportation research record": "transport res rec",
"lotus international": "lotus int",
"acta pathologica japonica": "acta pathol japon",
"telephony": "telephony",
"topics in current chemistry": "top curr chem",
"oxford agrarian studies": "oxford agr stud",
"classical philology": "classical philol",
"zeitschrift fur theologie und kirche": "z theol kirche",
"natural product reports": "nat prod rep",
"tropical doctor": "trop doct",
"south african journal of chemistry": "s afr j chem",
"political studies": "polit stud-london",
"journal of aging and health": "j aging health",
"ground engineering": "ground eng",
"isij international": "isij int",
"fusion engineering and design": "fusion eng des",
"social psychology quarterly": "soc psychol quart",
"australian journal of social issues": "aust j soc issues",
"journal of molecular graphics & modelling": "j mol graph model",
"educational administration quarterly": "educ admin quart",
"modern asian studies": "mod asian stud",
"international biodeterioration": "int biodeterior",
"netherlands milk and dairy journal": "neth milk dairy j",
"journal of human stress": "j hum stress",
"slavonic and east european review": "slavon e eur rev",
"strength and conditioning": "strength cond",
"annals of the royal college of physicians and surgeons of canada": "ann roy coll physic",
"ocl-oleagineux corps gras lipides": "ocl-ol corps gras li",
"psychiatric developments": "psychiat dev",
"australian forest research": "aust forest res",
"modern language quarterly": "mod lang quart",
"salud mental": "salud ment",
"osterreichische zeitschrift fur volkskunde": "osterr z volskunde",
"journal of pineal research": "j pineal res",
"comparative education review": "comp educ rev",
"british antarctic survey bulletin": "brit antarct surv b",
"colloid and polymer science": "colloid polym sci",
"skin pharmacology and applied skin physiology": "skin pharmacol appl",
"annual reliability and maintainability symposium,
1999 proceedings": "p a rel mai",
"new genetics and society": "new genet soc",
"journal of trace elements in medicine and biology": "j trace elem med bio",
"electronics and communications in japan part ii-electronics": "electron comm jpn 2",
"usda forest service northeastern research station research paper": "usda for serv ne res",
"laryngo-rhino-otologie": "laryngo rhino otol",
"kansas agricultural experiment station bulletin": "kans aes bull",
"giornale di gerontologia": "giorn gerontol",
"proceedings of the indian academy of sciences-chemical sciences": "p indian as-chem sci",
"hastings law journal": "hastings law j",
"differentiation": "differentiation",
"starke": "starke",
"international environmental affairs": "int environ affair",
"new zealand journal of dairy science and technology": "new zeal j dairy sci",
"angewandte botanik": "angew bot",
"tellus": "tellus",
"journal of social behavior and personality": "j soc behav pers",
"kautschuk gummi kunststoffe": "kaut gummi kunstst",
"world journal of gastroenterology": "world j gastroentero",
"japan and the world economy": "jpn world econ",
"european transactions on electrical power engineering": "eur t electr pow",
"physiologie vegetale": "physiol veg",
"computers & structures": "comput struct",
"acta musicologica": "acta musicologica",
"microbial drug resistance-mechanisms epidemiology and disease": "microb drug resist",
"biochemistry international": "biochem int",
"journal of archaeological method and theory": "j archaeol method th",
"oregon historical quarterly": "oreg hist quart",
"geriatrics": "geriatrics",
"kunststoffe-plast europe": "kunstst-plast eur",
"sensors and actuators": "sensor actuator",
"crustaceana": "crustaceana",
"annales agriculturae fenniae": "ann agr fenn",
"rivista italiana di pediatria-italian journal of pediatrics": "riv ital ped",
"chemical mutagens-principles and methods for their detection": "chem mutagens",
"british journal of social psychology": "brit j soc psychol",
"clinical & experimental metastasis": "clin exp metastas",
"electron device letters": "electron devic lett",
"ecumenical review": "ecumenical rev",
"biological research": "biol res",
"acta diabetologica": "acta diabetol",
"ieee transactions on systems man and cybernetics part b-cybernetics": "ieee t syst man cy b",
"journal of materials research": "j mater res",
"sociological methods & research": "sociol method res",
"review of industrial organization": "rev ind organ",
"genetic social and general psychology monographs": "genet soc gen psych",
"acta chemica scandinavica": "acta chem scand",
"bamidgeh": "bamidgeh",
"milling feed and fertiliser": "mill feed fertil",
"rural sociology": "rural sociol",
"automotive engineering international": "automot eng int",
"postepy biochemii": "postepy biochem",
"textures and microstructures": "texture microstruct",
"osteuropa": "osteuropa",
"international journal of market research": "int j market res",
"association of food & drug officials quarterly bulletin": "assoc food drug off",
"american metric journal": "am metric j",
"rouxs archives of developmental biology": "roux arch dev biol",
"periodicum biologorum": "period biol",
"proteins-structure function and genetics": "proteins",
"contemporary family therapy": "contemp fam ther",
"journal of allergy and clinical immunology": "j allergy clin immun",
"bioscience reports": "bioscience rep",
"bulletin de l academie polonaise des sciences-serie des sciences chimiques": "b acad pol sci-chim",
"journal of interdisciplinary cycle research": "j interdiscipl cycle",
"european journal of philosophy": "eur j philos",
"corporate governance-an international review": "corp gov",
"journal of emergency medicine": "j emerg med",
"cognition and instruction": "cognition instruct",
"yogyo-kyokai-shi": "nippon seram kyo gak",
"izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya": "izv vuz khim kh tekh",
"polity": "polity",
"proceedings of the royal society of london series b-biological sciences": "p roy soc lond b bio",
"journal of mechanical engineering laboratory": "j mech eng lab",
"preventive medicine": "prev med",
"georgia agricultural experiment station research bulletin": "geo agr exp st bull",
"journal of freshwater ecology": "j freshwater ecol",
"adult education quarterly": "adult educ quart",
"research in higher education": "res high educ",
"dix-septieme siecle": "dix-septieme siecle",
"indian journal of technology": "indian j technol",
"archives of medical research": "arch med res",
"michigan mathematical journal": "mich math j",
"modern austrian literature": "mod austrian lit",
"journal of taxation": "j tax",
"pipe line industry": "pipe line ind",
"commonwealth forestry review": "commonw forest rev",
"pharmacological reviews": "pharmacol rev",
"vivarium-an international journal for the philosophy and intellectual life of the middle ages and renaissance": "vivarium",
"metallurgical and materials transactions a-physical metallurgy and materials science": "metall mater trans a",
"rinascimento": "rinascimento",
"ndt international": "ndt int",
"hospital formulary": "hosp formul",
"phytomedicine": "phytomedicine",
"biomedicine": "biomedicine",
"annales des sciences forestieres": "ann sci forest",
"emergency medicine": "emergen med",
"russian journal of coordination chemistry": "russ j coord chem+",
"journal of the geological society of india": "j geol soc india",
"chemical engineering communications": "chem eng commun",
"mitsubishi electric advance": "mitsubishi electr ad",
"blood cells": "blood cells",
"journal of the experimental analysis of behavior": "j exp anal behav",
"izvestiya akademii nauk sssr seriya fizicheskaya": "izv an sssr fiz+",
"zootecnica e nutrizione animale": "zootec nutr anim",
"instrumentation science & technology": "instrum sci technol",
"tesol quarterly": "tesol quart",
"critical reviews in microbiology": "crit rev microbiol",
"creative computing": "creative comput",
"journal of protozoology": "j protozool",
"schweizer archiv fur tierheilkunde": "schweiz arch tierh",
"connecticut agricultural experiment station bulletin": "conn aes bull",
"electronic product design": "electron prod des",
"journal of aerosol science": "j aerosol sci",
"trivium": "trivium",
"agroborealis": "agroborealis",
"advances in physical organic chemistry": "adv phys org chem",
"advances in cement research": "adv cem res",
"indian journal of marine sciences": "indian j mar sci",
"journal of european studies": "j eur stud",
"chemical papers-chemicke zvesti": "chem pap-chem zvesti",
"american journal of health-system pharmacy": "am j health-syst ph",
"annals of statistics": "ann stat",
"public interest": "public interest",
"neurology": "neurology",
"journal of lithotripsy & stone disease": "j lithotr stone dis",
"microprocessing and microprogramming": "microproc microprog",
"bodenkultur": "bodenkultur",
"journal of motor behavior": "j motor behav",
"genetics selection evolution": "genet sel evol",
"veterinary clinics of north america-small animal practice": "vet clin n am-small",
"chemical innovation": "chem innov",
"archives of clinical neuropsychology": "arch clin neuropsych",
"blood cells molecules and diseases": "blood cell mol dis",
"transactions of the american nuclear society": "t am nucl soc",
"polymer gels and networks": "polym gels netw",
"journal of the canadian association of radiologists-journal de l association canadienne des radiologistes": "j can assoc radiol",
"acoustical physics": "acoust phys+",
"canadian historical review": "can hist rev",
"journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics": "j manip physiol ther",
"software quality journal": "software qual j",
"genetics in medicine": "genet med",
"biochemistry": "biochemistry-us",
"australian journal of zoology": "aust j zool",
"utilitas mathematica": "utilitas mathematica",
"disability & society": "disabil soc",
"chemical vapor deposition": "chem vapor depos",
"heterotrimeric g proteins": "method enzymol",
"social studies of science": "soc stud sci",
"circulatory shock": "circ shock",
"physiological genomics": "physiol genomics",
"biochimica et biophysica acta-protein structure and molecular enzymology": "bba-protein struct m",
"journal of electronic packaging": "j electron packaging",
"immunity": "immunity",
"quaternary research": "quaternary res",
"who expert committee on drug dependence - 29th report": "who tech rep ser",
"ai applications in natural resource management": "ai appl nat res man",
"journal of zoology": "j zool",
"journal of entomological science": "j entomol sci",
"environmental progress": "environ prog",
"japanese journal of medical science & biology": "jpn j med sci biol",
"physics world": "phys world",
"radio science": "radio sci",
"energy journal": "energy j",
"antonie van leeuwenhoek international journal of general and molecular microbiology": "anton leeuw int j g",
"applied microbiology and biotechnology": "appl microbiol biot",
"chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin": "chem pharm bull",
"archives de zoologie experimentale et generale": "arch zool exp gen",
"biophysical journal": "biophys j",
"science reports of the research institutes tohoku university series a-physics chemistry and metallurgy": "sci rep res tohoku a",
"mathematics of the ussr-izvestiya": "math ussr izv+",
"drug & cosmetic industry": "drug cosmet ind",
"tectonophysics": "tectonophysics",
"ciencias marinas": "cienc mar",
"physics today": "phys today",
"journal of veterinary internal medicine": "j vet intern med",
"canadian journal on aging-revue canadienne du vieillissement": "can j aging",
"earth-science reviews": "earth-sci rev",
"annales geophysicae series a-upper atmosphere and space sciences": "ann geophys a-upper",
"chinese economic studies": "chinese econ stud",
"abhandlungen aus dem mathematischen seminar der universitat hamburg": "abh math sem hamburg",
"lectures on data security": "lect notes comput sc",
"medical problems of performing artists": "med probl perform ar",
"physics of particles and nuclei": "phys part nuclei",
"journal of social and personal relationships": "j soc pers relat",
"international journal of modern physics c-physics and computers": "int j mod phys c",
"comparative medicine": "comparative med",
"separation and purification methods": "separ purif method",
"current contents/physical chemical & earth sciences": "cc/phys chem earth",
"european respiratory journal": "eur respir j",
"spe formation evaluation": "spe formation eval",
"analytical sciences": "anal sci",
"zoologichesky zhurnal": "zool zh",
"funktionelle biologie & medizin": "funkt biol med",
"journal of social policy": "j soc policy",
"traditio-studies in ancient and medieval history thought and religion": "traditio",
"human studies": "hum stud",
"psychologist": "psychologist",
"journal of pressure vessel technology-transactions of the asme": "j press vess-t asme",
"anasthesie intensivtherapie notfallmedizin": "anasth intensiv notf",
"journal of burn care & rehabilitation": "j burn care rehabil",
"international journal of bio-medical computing": "int j biomed comput",
"journal of microbial biotechnology": "j microbial biotech",
"izvestiya mathematics": "izv math+",
"experimental nephrology": "exp nephrol",
"computertomographie": "computertomographie",
"pantheon-internationale jahreszeitschrift fur kunst": "pantheon-int z kunst",
"journal of wildlife management": "j wildlife manage",
"applied categorical structures": "appl categor struct",
"multinational monitor": "multinatl monit",
"immunitat und infektion": "immun infekt",
"prospettiva-rivista di storia dell arte antica e moderna": "prospettiva",
"duke law journal": "duke law j",
"clinical bulletin": "clin bull",
"finite elements in analysis and design": "finite elem anal des",
"cell growth & differentiation": "cell growth differ",
"computer communication review": "comput commun rev",
"vegetatio": "vegetatio",
"journal of applied biomaterials": "j appl biomater",
"design": "design",
"nova hedwigia": "nova hedwigia",
"behavioural processes": "behav process",
"veterinary economics": "vet econ",
"chemistry of materials": "chem mater",
"excited states": "excited states",
"wochenblatt fur papierfabrikation": "wochenbl papierfabr",
"annales des telecommunications-annals of telecommunications": "ann telecommun",
"radiographics": "radiographics",
"journal of psychosomatic research": "j psychosom res",
"european archives of oto-rhino-laryngology": "eur arch oto-rhino-l",
"marine geotechnology": "mar geotechnol",
"plastics rubber and composites processing and applications": "plast rub compos pro",
"diagnostic imaging": "diagn imaging",
"memorias do instituto oswaldo cruz": "mem i oswaldo cruz",
"current opinion in rheumatology": "curr opin rheumatol",
"national tax journal": "natl tax j",
"chemical engineer-london": "chem eng-london",
"revue biblique": "rev biblique",
"sacred music": "sacred music",
"in vitro cellular & developmental biology-animal": "in vitro cell dev-an",
"behaviour": "behaviour",
"southerly": "southerly",
"comparative biochemistry and physiology c-pharmacology toxicology & endocrinology": "comp biochem phys c",
"transformation groups": "transform groups",
"materials research innovations": "mater res innov",
"international review of the aesthetics and sociology of music": "int rev aesthet soc",
"journal of thoracic imaging": "j thorac imag",
"coastal management": "coast manage",
"haemostasis": "haemostasis",
"somatosensory research": "somatosens res",
"nordisk veterinaer medicin": "nord vet med",
"euphytica": "euphytica",
"annals of software engineering": "ann softw eng",
"acta pharmaceutica suecica": "acta pharm suec",
"cosmetics & toiletries": "cosmet toiletries",
"journal of molecular neuroscience": "j mol neurosci",
"doklady akademii nauk belarusi": "dokl akad nauk belar",
"baillieres clinical anaesthesiology": "bailliere clin anaes",
"mental retardation": "ment retard",
"italian journal of gastroenterology and hepatology": "ital j gastroenterol",
"medical and pediatric oncology": "med pediatr oncol",
"neurorehabilitation": "neurorehabilitation",
"tropenlandwirt": "tropenlandwirt",
"zentralblatt fur hygiene und umweltmedizin": "zbl hyg umweltmed",
"biofeedback and self-regulation": "biofeedback self-reg",
"information sciences": "inform sciences",
"information technology-research development applications": "inform technol r & d",
"european journal of inorganic chemistry": "eur j inorg chem",
"journal of plant growth regulation": "j plant growth regul",
"ultraschall in der medizin": "ultraschall med",
"ieice transactions on electronics": "ieice t electron",
"current opinion in cardiology": "curr opin cardiol",
"environmental entomology": "environ entomol",
"zeitschrift fur physik c-particles and fields": "z phys c part fields",
"journal of applied electrochemistry": "j appl electrochem",
"veterinary clinical pathology": "vet clin path",
"amino acids": "amino acids",
"western humanities review": "western hum rev",
"bulletin de la classe des sciences academie royale de belgique": "b cl sci ac roy belg",
"underground space": "underground space",
"international journal of plant sciences": "int j plant sci",
"greenhouse effect report": "greenhouse eff rep",
"clinical radiology": "clin radiol",
"microbiology-uk": "microbiol-uk",
"receptors & channels": "receptor channel",
"international journal of fertility": "int j fertil",
"research communications in substances of abuse": "res commun substance",
"structure and bonding": "struct bond",
"journal of personal & interpersonal loss": "j pers interpers los",
"computer equipment review": "comput equip rev",
"anatomia histologia embryologia-journal of veterinary medicine series c": "anat histol embryol",
"maine agricultural experiment station bulletin": "maine aes bull",
"zeitschrift fur physik a-hadrons and nuclei": "z phys a-hadron nucl",
"tijdschrift voor diergeneeskunde": "tijdschr diergeneesk",
"archiv fur phytopathologie und pflanzenschutz-archives of phytopathology and plant protection": "arch phytopathol pfl",
"pollution engineering": "pollut eng",
"journal of lightwave technology": "j lightwave technol",
"journal of visual impairment & blindness": "j visual impair blin",
"journal of cardiovascular technology": "j cardiovasc technol",
"alternatives journal": "altern j",
"oceanologica acta": "oceanol acta",
"agrochimica": "agrochimica",
"optics express": "opt express",
"victorian poetry": "victorian poetry",
"environmental modeling & assessment": "environ model assess",
"studia biophysica": "stud biophys",
"journal for the education of the gifted": "j educ gifted",
"e&mj-engineering; and mining journal": "eng min j",
"family planning perspectives": "fam plann perspect",
"zoo biology": "zoo biol",
"journal of materials science letters": "j mater sci lett",
"photosynthesis research": "photosynth res",
"computational geosciences": "computat geosci",
"solar age": "sol age",
"journal of ultrastructure and molecular structure research": "j ultra mol struct r",
"hermathena": "hermathena",
"professional geographer": "prof geogr",
"international journal of geriatric psychiatry": "int j geriatr psych",
"journal of comparative family studies": "j comp fam stud",
"musica": "musica",
"clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine": "clin chem lab med",
"journal of counseling psychology": "j couns psychol",
"soviet journal of nuclear physics-ussr": "sov j nucl phys+",
"ethiopian medical journal": "ethiopian med j",
"strahlentherapie": "strahlenther onkol",
"soap & cosmetics": "soap cosmet",
"cytokine": "cytokine",
"ecletica quimica": "eclet quim",
"mathematical and computer modelling of dynamical systems": "math comp model dyn",
"agricultural administration and extension": "agr admin ext",
"responsive community": "responsive community",
"comprehensive biochemistry": "compr biochem",
"proceedings of the geologists association": "p geologist assoc",
"chinese journal of polymer science": "chinese j polym sci",
"socio-economic planning sciences": "socio econ plan sci",
"soil science": "soil sci",
"applied mathematics and computation": "appl math comput",
"jahrbucher fur geschichte osteuropas": "jahrb gesch osteur",
"industrial health": "ind health",
"adapted physical activity quarterly": "adapt phys act q",
"asia pacific journal of social work": "asia pac j soc work",
"ieee transactions on robotics and automation": "ieee t robotic autom",
"social science research": "soc sci res",
"metrika": "metrika",
"clinical linguistics & phonetics": "clin linguist phonet",
"prostaglandins leukotrienes and medicine": "prostag leukotr ess",
"extrapolation": "extrapolation",
"new zealand journal of forestry science": "new zeal j for sci",
"biomedical chromatography": "biomed chromatogr",
"revista espanola de cardiologia": "rev esp cardiol",
"umschau": "umschau",
"journal of phonetics": "j phonetics",
"behavioral ecology": "behav ecol",
"botanikai kozlemenyek-botanical publications": "bot kozl",
"developments in neuroscience": "dev neurosci-amster",
"scientist": "scientist",
"mycotaxon": "mycotaxon",
"acarologia": "acarologia",
"histology and histopathology": "histol histopathol",
"deutsche tierarztliche wochenschrift": "deut tierarztl woch",
"journal of macromolecular science-pure and applied chemistry": "j macromol sci pure",
"style": "style",
"molecular vision": "mol vis",
"environmentalist": "environmentalist",
"journal of housing economics": "j hous econ",
"praxis der psychotherapie und psychosomatik": "prax psychother psyc",
"exceptional children": "except children",
"geophysical surveys": "geophys surv",
"quarterly review of biology": "q rev biol",
"journal of applied animal research": "j appl anim res",
"pharmacotherapy": "pharmacotherapy",
"magyar allatorvosok lapja": "magy allatorvosok",
"journal of jewish studies": "j jewish stud",
"anaerobe": "anaerobe",
"reproduction nutrition development": "reprod nutr dev",
"journal of the american leather chemists association": "j am leather chem as",
"canadian journal of pharmaceutical sciences": "can j pharm sci",
"north dakota cooperative extension service circular": "n dak ces circ",
"sociologicky casopis": "sociol cas",
"journal of molecular catalysis": "j mol catal",
"comprehensive chemical kinetics": "compr chem kinet",
"its journal": "its j",
"bulletin of the american society for information science": "b am soc inform inf",
"journal of evolutionary biochemistry and physiology": "j evol biochem phys+",
"agricultural materials as renewable resources": "acs sym ser",
"revista chilena de historia natural": "rev chil hist nat",
"journal of energy and development": "j energy dev",
"high temperature science": "high temp sci",
"hastings center report": "hastings cent rep",
"journal of biochemistry": "j biochem-tokyo",
"college english": "coll engl",
"neuroscience letters": "neurosci lett",
"clinical psychology-science and practice": "clin psychol-sci pr",
"journal of career assessment": "j career assessment",
"journal of sport history": "j sport hist",
"headache quarterly-current treatment and research": "headache q-curr trea",
"cell research": "cell res",
"jama-journal of the american medical association": "jama-j am med assoc",
"hepatology": "hepatology",
"stp pharma sciences": "stp pharma sci",
"arkansas agricultural experiment station mimeograph series": "arkansas aes res ser",
"canadian medical association journal": "can med assoc j",
"aeu-international journal of electronics and communications": "aeu-int j electron c",
"energy economics": "energ econ",
"organic syntheses": "org synth",
"ircs medical science-biochemistry": "ircs med sci-biochem",
"separation and purification technology": "sep purif technol",
"ieee transactions on engineering management": "ieee t eng manage",
"educational psychology review": "educ psychol rev",
"czechoslovak mathematical journal": "czech math j",
"journal of applied toxicology": "j appl toxicol",
"alcohol": "alcohol",
"inventiones mathematicae": "invent math",
"annual review of entomology": "annu rev entomol",
"biotechnology advances": "biotechnol adv",
"health": "health",
"indian journal of chemical technology": "indian j chem techn",
"journal of sol-gel science and technology": "j sol-gel sci techn",
"journal of materials processing & manufacturing science": "j mater process manu",
"revue francaise des maladies respiratoires": "rev fr mal respir",
"contributions to nephrology": "contrib nephrol",
"reviews of reproduction": "rev reprod",
"hydrocarbon processing": "hydrocarb process",
"developmental medicine and child neurology": "dev med child neurol",
"annals of emergency medicine": "ann emerg med",
"russell-the journal of the bertrand russell archives": "russell",
"irish journal of psychological medicine": "irish j psychol med",
"afips conference proceedings": "afips conf p",
"botanical journal of the linnean society": "bot j linn soc",
"colloquia germanica": "colloq germanica",
"experimental animals": "exp anim tokyo",
"parkinsonism & related disorders": "parkinsonism relat d",
"marine ecology-pubblicazioni della stazione zoologica di napoli i": "pszni mar ecol",
"applied surface science": "appl surf sci",
"biodegradation": "biodegradation",
"acta oncologica": "acta oncol",
"annals of applied probability": "ann appl probab",
"acta chimica slovenica": "acta chim slov",
"journal of energy": "j energy",
"mathematical social sciences": "math soc sci",
"endokrinologie": "endokrinologie",
"australian journal of agricultural and resource economics": "aust j agr resour ec",
"biopharm-the applied technologies of biopharmaceutical development": "biopharm-appl t bio",
"journal francais d ophtalmologie": "j fr ophtalmol",
"journal of polymer science part c-polymer letters": "j polym sci pol lett",
"accident analysis and prevention": "accident anal prev",
"orthopedics": "orthopedics",
"school effectiveness and school improvement": "sch eff sch improv",
"macromolecular materials and engineering": "macromol mater eng",
"european journal of radiology": "eur j radiol",
"alzheimer disease & associated disorders": "alz dis assoc dis",
"biochemie und physiologie der pflanzen": "biochem physiol pfl",
"international journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology": "int j pediatr otorhi",
"headache": "headache",
"latin american antiquity": "lat am antiq",
"canadian journal of criminology-revue canadienne de criminologie": "can j criminol",
"medical anthropology quarterly": "med anthropol q",
"journal of engineering sciences": "j eng sci",
"renewable & sustainable energy reviews": "renew sust energ rev",
"discover": "discover",
"oral microbiology and immunology": "oral microbiol immun",
"journal of religion": "j relig",
"land degradation and rehabilitation": "land degrad rehabil",
"research in microbiology": "res microbiol",
"communications in analysis and geometry": "commun anal geom",
"agricultural meteorology": "agr meteorol",
"journal of new music research": "j new music res",
"papers of the bibliographical society of america": "pap bibliogr soc am",
"geotechnique": "geotechnique",
"indoor air-international journal of indoor air quality and climate": "indoor air",
"journal of physics-condensed matter": "j phys-condens mat",
"systems integration business": "syst integrat bus",
"mountain research and development": "mt res dev",
"journal of virology": "j virol",
"numerical heat transfer part a-applications": "numer heat tr a-appl",
"australian wildlife research": "aust wildlife res",
"growth factors": "growth factors",
"revue d elevage et de medecine veterinaire des pays tropicaux": "rev elev med vet pay",
"electrical technology russia": "electr technol russ+",
"progress in biochemical pharmacology": "prog biochem pharm",
"australian journal of experimental biology and medical science": "aust j exp biol med",
"journal of the american optometric association": "j am optom assoc",
"lebensmittel-wissenschaft & technologie": "lebensm wiss technol",
"european journal of mineralogy": "eur j mineral",
"advances in chemical physics": "adv chem phys",
"boundary-layer meteorology": "bound-lay meteorol",
"british journal of sociology": "brit j sociol",
"ashrae journal": "ashrae j",
"journal of narrative and life history": "j narrat life hist",
"ethology and sociobiology": "ethol sociobiol",
"china ocean engineering": "china ocean eng",
"growth regulation": "growth regulat",
"journal de microscopie et de spectroscopie electroniques": "j microsc spect elec",
"applied ocean research": "appl ocean res",
"clinical pharmacology & therapeutics": "clin pharmacol ther",
"climate research": "climate res",
"quimica analitica": "quim anal",
"journal of symbolic computation": "j symb comput",
"journal of surveying engineering-asce": "j surv eng-asce",
"journal of the air pollution control association": "japca j air waste ma",
"chemistry letters": "chem lett",
"irish journal of agricultural and food research": "irish j agr food res",
"eeg-emg-zeitschrift fur elektroenzephalographie elektromyographie und verwandte gebiete": "eeg-emg-z elek elekt",
"zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deyatelnosti imeni i p pavlova": "zh vyssh nerv deyat+",
"journal of clinical child psychology": "j clin child psychol",
"wireless world": "electron wireless w",
"zeitschrift fur hautkrankheiten h&g;": "z hautkrankheiten",
"journal of object-oriented programming": "j object-orient prog",
"transportation engineering journal of asce": "transport eng-j asce",
"proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part h-journal of engineering in medicine": "p i mech eng h",
"mathematical gazette": "math gaz",
"huntington library quarterly": "huntington libr q",
"maturitas": "maturitas",
"american journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation": "am j phys med rehab",
"optical fiber technology": "opt fiber technol",
"prace i materialy zootechniczne": "prace mater zootech",
"psychology & marketing": "psychol market",
"quarterly journal of medicine": "q j med",
"education and urban society": "educ urban soc",
"american review of public administration": "am rev public adm",
"journal of philosophical logic": "j philos logic",
"drug development research": "drug develop res",
"molecular biology of the cell": "mol biol cell",
"theatre research in canada-recherches theatrales au canada": "theatre res canada",
"annales de l institut henri poincare section b-calcul des probabilites et statistique": "ann i h poincare b",
"international journal of neuropsychopharmacology": "int j neuropsychoph",
"studi storici": "stud storici",
"moderna sprak": "mod sprak",
"journal of automatic chemistry": "j autom chem",
"acta chimica sinica": "acta chim sinica",
"functional neurology": "funct neurol",
"royal society of health journal": "roy soc health j",
"annales de chirurgie plastique": "ann chir plast esth",
"thomas wolfe review": "thomas wolfe rev",
"international journal of social welfare": "int j soc welf",
"interferon y biotecnologia": "interferon biotecnol",
"orbit-an international journal on orbital disorders and facial reconstructive surgery": "orbit",
"review of metaphysics": "rev metaphys",
"development growth & differentiation": "dev growth differ",
"journal of visual communication and image representation": "j vis commun image r",
"journal of cyclic nucleotide and protein phosphorylation research": "j cyclic nucl prot",
"industrial relations": "ind relat",
"alternatives-social transformation and humane governance": "altern-soc transform",
"acta metallurgica": "acta metall mater",
"cahiers de nutrition et de dietetique": "cah nutr diet",
"prooftexts-a journal of jewish literary history": "prooftexts",
"journal of scientific & industrial research": "j sci ind res india",
"advances in anatomy embryology and cell biology": "adv anat embryol cel",
"pattern recognition letters": "pattern recogn lett",
"ieee technology and society magazine": "ieee technol soc mag",
"rofo-fortschritte auf dem gebiet der rontgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden verfahren": "rofo-fortschr rontg",
"postmodern culture": "postmod cult",
"cancer and metastasis reviews": "cancer metast rev",
"journal of the national medical association": "j natl med assoc",
"proceedings of the edinburgh mathematical society": "p edinburgh math soc",
"psychosomatic medicine": "psychosom med",
"health care financing review": "health care financ r",
"intelligence": "intelligence",
"scripta materialia": "scripta mater",
"bollettino dell istituto sieroterapico milanese": "b i sieroter milan",
"ecology of freshwater fish": "ecol freshw fish",
"journal of the society for gynecologic investigation": "j soc gynecol invest",
"journal of developmental and physical disabilities": "j dev phys disabil",
"international journal for the study of animal problems": "int j stud anim prob",
"european journal of psychiatry": "eur j psychiat",
"dados-revista de ciencias sociais": "dados-rev cienc soc",
"in vitro & molecular toxicology-a journal of basic and applied research": "in vitro mol toxicol",
"world policy journal": "world policy j",
"international journal of clinical neuropsychology": "int j clin neuropsyc",
"baillieres clinical gastroenterology": "bailliere clin gastr",
"annals of the new york academy of sciences": "ann ny acad sci",
"civil engineering systems": "civil eng syst",
"halon replacements": "acs sym ser",
"discrete & computational geometry": "discrete comput geom",
"journal of interamerican studies and world affairs": "j interam stud world",
"applied economics letters": "appl econ lett",
"journal of business and psychology": "j bus psychol",
"radiation effects and defects in solids": "radiat eff defect s",
"journal of phase equilibria": "j phase equilib",
"acta medica austriaca": "acta med aust",
"russian education and society": "russ educ soc",
"computing surveys": "comput surv",
"journal of psychiatric research": "j psychiat res",
"ocean basins and margins": "ocean basin margin",
"canadian slavonic papers-revue canadienne des slavistes": "can slavonic pap",
"hypertension research-clinical and experimental": "hypertens res-clin e",
"arteriosclerosis": "arteriosclerosis",
"computer-aided design": "comput aided design",
"ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems": "ieee t parall distr",
"alternatives-perspectives on society technology and environment": "altern-p soc tec",
"organometallics": "organometallics",
"radioprotection": "radioprotection",
"government and opposition": "gov oppos",
"wisconsin medical journal": "wisc med j",
"journal of computer and systems sciences international": "j comput sys sc int+",
"theory and research in social education": "theor res soc educ",
"critical reviews in analytical chemistry": "crit rev anal chem",
"quarterly of applied mathematics": "q appl math",
"automatica": "automatica",
"chinese physics": "chinese phys",
"chinese studies in philosophy": "chinese stud philos",
"journal of herpetology": "j herpetol",
"annales de l institut pasteur-virology": "ann inst pasteur vir",
"journal of complexity": "j complexity",
"experimental and clinical psychopharmacology": "exp clin psychopharm",
"advances in protein chemistry": "adv protein chem",
"current problems in dermatology": "curr probl dermatol",
"journal of bioelectricity": "j bioelectricity",
"southern literary journal": "southern lit j",
"russian chemical bulletin": "russ chem b+",
"catalysis today": "catal today",
"sar and qsar in environmental research": "sar qsar environ res",
"mini-micro systems": "mini-micro syst",
"infants and young children": "infant young child",
"molecular immunology": "mol immunol",
"crc critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences": "crit rev solid state",
"biochemical medicine": "biochem med metab b",
"engineering digest": "eng dig",
"methods in microbiology": "method microbiol",
"african american review": "afr am rev",
"journal of the energy division-asce": "j energ div-asce",
"bulletin d ecologie": "b ecol",
"operations research": "oper res",
"journal of international biomedical information and data-ibid": "j int biomed inf dat",
"transfusion clinique et biologique": "transfus clin biol",
"facies": "facies",
"remote sensing of environment": "remote sens environ",
"ecological bulletins": "ecol bull",
"library and information science": "libr inform sci",
"world wastes": "world waste",
"transgenics": "transgenics",
"compact stars in binaries": "iau symp",
"journal of management studies": "j manage stud",
"rairo-mathematical modelling and numerical analysis-modelisation mathematique et analyse numerique": "rairo-math model num",
"human nutrition-clinical nutrition": "hum nutr-clin nutr",
"psychonomic bulletin & review": "psychon b rev",
"computer networks-the international journal of computer and telecommunications networking": "comput netw",
"alcohol health & research world": "alcohol health res w",
"faseb journal": "faseb j",
"new zealand journal of psychology": "new zeal j psychol",
"ecoscience": "ecoscience",
"discourse processes": "discourse process",
"journal of the american ceramic society": "j am ceram soc",
"western journal of communication": "western j comm",
"psychologica belgica": "psychol belg",
"quarterly review of economics and finance": "q rev econ financ",
"ieee journal of quantum electronics": "ieee j quantum elect",
"indiana agricultural experiment station research bulletin": "indiana aes res bull",
"siam journal on optimization": "siam j optimiz",
"ifip transactions a-computer science and technology": "ifip trans a",
"cme-chartered mechanical engineer": "cme-charter mech eng",
"swedish dental journal": "swed dent j",
"bulletin de la societe mathematique de france": "b soc math fr",
"journal of dermatologic surgery and oncology": "j dermatol surg onc",
"trial": "trial",
"hydrology and earth system sciences": "hydrol earth syst sc",
"molecular & general genetics": "mol gen genet",
"cytometry": "cytometry",
"cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology": "cancer chemoth pharm",
"journal of business & economic statistics": "j bus econ stat",
"veterinary clinics of north america-equine practice": "vet clin n am-equine",
"journal of mechanical design-transactions of the asme": "j mech des-t asme",
"catalysis by metals and alloys": "stud surf sci catal",
"socialist review": "socialist rev",
"rock mechanics and rock engineering": "rock mech rock eng",
"proceedings of the institution of civil engineers-civil engineering": "p i civil eng-civ en",
"forest products journal": "forest prod j",
"annals of glaciology,
vol 27,
1998": "ann glaciol",
"advances in internal medicine": "adv internal med",
"public opinion quarterly": "public opin quart",
"journal of clinical microbiology": "j clin microbiol",
"american zoologist": "am zool",
"computer applications in the biosciences": "comput appl biosci",
"nmr in biomedicine": "nmr biomed",
"current medical research and opinion": "curr med res opin",
"nippon suisan gakkaishi": "nippon suisan gakk",
"journal of environmental polymer degradation": "j environ polym degr",
"nursing connections": "nurs connect",
"equine veterinary education": "equine vet educ",
"greek roman and byzantine studies": "greek roman byzantin",
"analysis": "analysis",
"proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part g-journal of aerospace engineering": "p i mech eng g-j aer",
"lecture notes in artificial intelligence": "lect notes artif int",
"theoretical and applied genetics": "theor appl genet",
"brittonia": "brittonia",
"nordic journal of psychiatry": "nord j psychiat",
"vibrational spectroscopy": "vib spectrosc",
"endeavour": "endeavour",
"american journal of art therapy": "am j art ther",
"lasers in surgery and medicine": "laser surg med",
"progress of theoretical physics supplement": "prog theor phys supp",
"effluent & water treatment journal": "effluent water treat",
"biologiya morya-marine biology": "biol morya-vlad+",
"chemicke zvesti": "chem zvesti",
"neurologia croatica": "neurol croatica",
"salmagundi-a quarterly of the humanities and social sciences": "salmagundi",
"american journal of potato research": "am j potato res",
"bulletin of the american museum of natural history": "b am mus nat hist",
"altex-alternativen zu tierexperimenten": "altex-altern tierexp",
"physica status solidi a-applied research": "phys status solidi a",
"computers & education": "comput educ",
"energy in agriculture": "energ agr",
"cerebral cortex": "cereb cortex",
"journal of digital imaging": "j digit imaging",
"giornale storico della letteratura italiana": "giorn storico lett",
"journal of dermatological science": "j dermatol sci",
"signal processing": "signal process",
"negotiation journal-on the process of dispute settlement": "negotiation j",
"colonial waterbirds": "colon waterbird",
"surgical laparoscopy endoscopy & percutaneous techniques": "surg laparo endo per",
"soviet journal of computer and systems sciences": "sov j comput syst s+",
"journal of presbyterian history": "j presbyterian hist",
"marriage and family review": "marriage fam rev",
"journal of the australian institute of agricultural science": "j aust i agr sci",
"international journal of epidemiology": "int j epidemiol",
"fems microbiology reviews": "fems microbiol rev",
"cancer journal": "cancer j",
"ieee journal of oceanic engineering": "ieee j oceanic eng",
"medical journal of australia": "med j australia",
"theatre history studies": "theatre hist stud",
"classical journal": "classical j",
"astroparticle physics": "astropart phys",
"journal of the american college of surgeons": "j am coll surgeons",
"agriculture in egypt": "p brit acad",
"automobile quarterly": "automob quart",
"biological trace element research": "biol trace elem res",
"cell proliferation": "cell proliferat",
"ecology": "ecology",
"applied mathematical modelling": "appl math model",
"journal of the medical association of thailand": "j med assoc thailand",
"neurosurgery clinics of north america": "neurosurg clin n am",
"proceedings of the indian academy of sciences-engineering sciences": "p indian as-eng sci",
"researches on population ecology": "res popul ecol",
"astronomical journal": "astron j",
"international journal of cardiology": "int j cardiol",
"progress of theoretical physics": "prog theor phys",
"clinical and applied thrombosis-hemostasis": "clin appl thromb-hem",
"information technology and libraries": "inform technol libr",
"medical progress through technology": "med prog technol",
"soil use and management": "soil use manage",
"pacific review": "pac rev",
"progress in biochemistry and biophysics": "prog biochem biophys",
"journal of fluids engineering-transactions of the asme": "j fluid eng-t asme",
"latin american research review": "lat am res rev",
"cancer detection and prevention": "cancer detect prev",
"iron and steel engineer": "iron steel eng",
"bulletin geodesique": "b geod",
"czechoslovak journal of physics": "czech j phys",
"journal of materials science & technology": "j mater sci technol",
"journal of ecology": "j ecol",
"journal of mechanical engineering science": "j mech eng sci",
"acta oecologica-oecologia applicata": "acta oecol-oec appl",
"heat transfer engineering": "heat transfer eng",
"food control": "food control",
"nursing science quarterly": "nurs sci quart",
"zeitschrift fur gerontologie und geriatrie": "z gerontol geriatr",
"medical science research": "med sci res",
"east african medical journal": "e afr med j",
"emergency medical services": "emergen med serv",
"medicine and science in sports and exercise": "med sci sport exer",
"civil war history": "civil war hist",
"vaccine": "vaccine",
"journal of the scientific agricultural society of finland": "j agr sci finland",
"journal of the chemical society-perkin transactions 2": "j chem soc perk t 2",
"control-theory and advanced technology": "contr-theor adv tech",
"computers in physics": "comput phys",
"iee proceedings-radar sonar and navigation": "iee p-radar son nav",
"journal of evaluation in clinical practice": "j eval clin pract",
"new astronomy": "new astron",
"international journal of clinical practice": "int j clin pract",
"symposia of the society for experimental biology": "sym soc exp biol",
"heteroatom chemistry": "heteroatom chem",
"videodisc and optical disk": "videodisc opt disk",
"western journal of agricultural economics": "western j agr econ",
"french review": "fr rev",
"european journal of clinical nutrition": "eur j clin nutr",
"scandinavian journal of social medicine": "scand j soc med",
"artificial intelligence review": "artif intell rev",
"zeitschrift fur kristallographie-new crystal structures": "z krist-new cryst st",
"journal of rheumatology": "j rheumatol",
"international journal of radiation biology": "int j radiat biol",
"journal of the national cancer institute": "j natl cancer i",
"oxford literary review": "oxford literary rev",
"animal feed science and technology": "anim feed sci tech",
"climate dynamics": "clim dynam",
"agents and actions": "agents actions",
"nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly": "nonprof volunt sec q",
"visible language": "visible lang",
"journal of sedimentary research section b-stratigraphy and global studies": "j sediment res b",
"american horticulturist": "am hortic",
"annual review of immunology": "annu rev immunol",
"current opinion in solid state & materials science": "curr opin solid st m",
"journal of clinical laser medicine & surgery": "j clin laser med sur",
"ocean & coastal management": "ocean coast manage",
"journal of interdisciplinary history": "j interdiscipl hist",
"aquatic sciences": "aquat sci",
"international journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics": "int j clin pharm th",
"kemiai kozlemenyek": "kem kozl",
"massachusetts agricultural experiment station research bulletin": "mass agr exp st re b",
"european journal of basic and applied histochemistry": "eur j basic appl his",
"clinics in immunology and allergy": "clin immunol allergy",
"journal of the institute of energy": "j i energy",
"quantitative structure-activity relationships": "quant struct-act rel",
"victorian literature and culture": "victorian lit cult",
"surface & coatings technology": "surf coat tech",
"international journal of gynecology & obstetrics": "int j gynecol obstet",
"american journal of archaeology": "am j archaeol",
"fisheries": "fisheries",
"cybium": "cybium",
"health services research": "health serv res",
"chemical engineering & technology": "chem eng technol",
"progress in histochemistry and cytochemistry": "prog histochem cytoc",
"applied geochemistry": "appl geochem",
"contributions to zoology": "contrib zool",
"california history": "calif hist",
"life sciences": "life sci",
"museum international": "museum int",
"journal of economic education": "j econ educ",
"cell biophysics": "cell biophys",
"behaviour analysis letters": "behav anal lett",
"polish journal of pharmacology and pharmacy": "pol j pharmacol phar",
"bulletin de la societe chimique de france": "b soc chim fr",
"guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains": "guerre mond conf con",
"acta physiologica hungarica": "acta physiol hung",
"revista clinica espanola": "rev clin esp",
"developing economies": "dev econ",
"politics and the individual": "polit individ",
"advances in pharmacology and chemotherapy": "adv pharmacol chemot",
"journal of critical care": "j crit care",
"journal of nurse-midwifery": "j nurse-midwifery",
"journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance": "j cardiov magn reson",
"revista espanola de las enfermedades del aparato digestivo": "rev esp enferm apar",
"folding & design": "fold des",
"computer graphics forum": "comput graph forum",
"international journal of health planning and management": "int j health plan m",
"advances in engineering software and workstations": "adv eng softw workst",
"journal of mining science": "j min sci+",
"historiographia linguistica": "hist ling",
"immunologist": "immunologist",
"journal of public health medicine": "j public health med",
"jmri-journal of magnetic resonance imaging": "jmri-j magn reson im",
"scottish journal of political economy": "scot j polit econ",
"advances in consumer research": "adv consum res",
"journal of medical education": "j med educ",
"journal of nutritional science and vitaminology": "j nutr sci vitaminol",
"american biology teacher": "am biol teach",
"proceedings of the royal society of london series a-mathematical and physical sciences": "p roy soc lond a mat",
"proceedings of the koninklijke nederlandse akademie van wetenschappen-biological chemical geological physical and medical sciences": "p k ned akad wetensc",
"advances in lipid research": "adv lipid res",
"journal of the japanese society for horticultural science": "j jpn soc hortic sci",
"medical & biological engineering & computing": "med biol eng comput",
"plant science letters": "plant sci lett",
"soviet journal of nondestructive testing-ussr": "sov j nondestr test+",
"acta bioquimica clinica latinoamericana": "acta bioquim clin l",
"metaphilosophy": "metaphilosophy",
"european journal of cancer & clinical oncology": "eur j cancer clin on",
"advances in therapy": "adv ther",
"folia linguistica": "folia linguist",
"physics teacher": "phys teach",
"kansas agricultural experiment station research publication": "kans aes res publ",
"inorganica chimica acta-articles": "inorg chim a-article",
"diagnostic molecular pathology": "diagn mol pathol",
"journal of molecular endocrinology": "j mol endocrinol",
"sigmod record": "sigmod record",
"wisconsin college of agriculture and life sciences research bulletin": "wisc coll als res b",
"rassegna storica del risorgimento": "rass stor risorgimen",
"administration & society": "admin soc",
"biotelemetry and patient monitoring": "biotelem pat mon",
"clinician": "clinician",
"jsme international journal series a-mechanics and material engineering": "jsme int j a-mech m",
"narrative": "narrative",
"seibutsu-kogaku kaishi": "seibutsu-kogaku kais",
"dairy industries international": "dairy ind int",
"potential analysis": "potential anal",
"revista de saude publica": "rev saude publ",
"albion": "albion",
"textual practice": "textual pract",
"iranian polymer journal": "iran polym j",
"physical acoustics": "phys acoustics",
"diversity factor": "divers factor",
"world animal review": "world anim rev",
"simulation & gaming": "simulat gaming",
"journal of pulp and paper science": "j pulp pap sci",
"british journal of social work": "brit j soc work",
"journal of gerontological social work": "j gerontol soc work",
"gann": "gann",
"studies in history and philosophy of science": "stud hist philos sci",
"controlled clinical trials": "control clin trials",
"zeolites": "zeolites",
"survey of immunologic research": "surv immunol res",
"journal of the canadian dietetic association-revue de l association canadienne des dietetistes": "j can diet assoc",
"journal of trace elements in experimental medicine": "j trace elem exp med",
"middle east policy": "middle east policy",
"pharmacy world & science": "pharm world sci",
"metabolic bone disease & related research": "metab bone dis relat",
"american journal of veterinary research": "am j vet res",
"annals of surgery": "ann surg",
"physics of the solid state": "phys solid state+",
"journal of reproductive medicine": "j reprod med",
"rivista di meteorologia aeronautica": "riv meteorol aeronau",
"journal of information recording materials": "j inform rec mater",
"peritoneal dialysis international": "periton dialysis int",
"bioworld": "bioworld",
"prostate cancer and prostatic diseases": "prostate cancer p d",
"artery": "artery",
"southwestern naturalist": "southwest nat",
"cellular & molecular biology research": "cell mol biol res",
"aerospace america": "aerospace am",
"southern journal of philosophy": "southern j philos",
"vysokomolekulyarnye soedineniya seriya a & seriya b": "vysokomol soedin",
"notes": "notes",
"zuchtungskunde": "zuchtungskunde",
"insect biochemistry and molecular biology": "insect biochem molec",
"bulletin de la societe geologique de france": "b soc geol fr",
"piano & keyboard": "piano keyboard",
"acta virologica": "acta virol",
"journal de physique lettres": "j phys lett-paris",
"alabama agricultural experiment station bulletin": "ala agr exp sta bull",
"control and instrumentation": "control instrum",
"agroforestry systems": "agroforest syst",
"orl-journal for oto-rhino-laryngology and its related specialties": "orl j oto-rhino-lary",
"neurochirurgie": "neurochirurgie",
"modern fiction studies": "mod fiction stud",
"japanese economic review": "jpn econ rev",
"journal of occupational and organizational psychology": "j occup organ psych",
"studies in the history of art": "stud hist art",
"journal of agriculture of the university of puerto rico": "j agr u puerto rico",
"nuovo cimento della societa italiana di fisica a-nuclei particles and fields": "nuovo cimento a",
"sociologie du travail": "sociol trav",
"multidimensional systems and signal processing": "multidim syst sign p",
"vascular surgery": "vascular surg",
"contemporary theatre review": "contemp theatre rev",
"ekologia polska-polish journal of ecology": "ekol pol-pol j ecol",
"environmental pollution series a-ecological and biological": "environ pollut a",
"canadian journal of plant science": "can j plant sci",
"molecular endocrinology": "mol endocrinol",
"fertility and sterility": "fertil steril",
"research & development": "res dev",
"international urogynecology journal and pelvic floor dysfunction": "int urogynecol j pel",
"revista de agroquimica y tecnologia de alimentos": "rev agroquim tecnol",
"soviet astronomy letters": "sov astron lett+",
"archives of oral biology": "arch oral biol",
"japanese journal of veterinary science": "jpn j vet sci",
"current contents/clinical practice": "cc/clin practice",
"kosmicheskaya biologiya i aviakosmicheskaya meditsina": "kosm biol aviak med+",
"plasma sources science & technology": "plasma sources sci t",
"mathematical problems in engineering": "math probl eng",
"orthopedic clinics of north america": "orthop clin n am",
"insectes sociaux": "insect soc",
"social science information sur les sciences sociales": "soc sci inform",
"american journal of family therapy": "am j fam ther",
"ieee expert-intelligent systems & their applications": "ieee expert",
"clinical biomechanics": "clin biomech",
"biochimica et biophysica acta": "biochim biophys acta",
"microcirculation endothelium and lymphatics": "microcirc endoth lym",
"thalia-studies in literary humor": "thalia",
"journal of photochemistry and photobiology a-chemistry": "j photoch photobio a",
"international journal of engineering science": "int j eng sci",
"library software review": "libr software rev",
"advanced robotics": "adv robotics",
"hydrological sciences journal-journal des sciences hydrologiques": "hydrolog sci j",
"seibutsu-kogaku kaishi-journal of the society for fermentation and bioengineering": "seibutsu-kogaku kais",
"ieee transactions on education": "ieee t educ",
"international journal of fertility and womens medicine": "int j fertil women m",
"enantiomer": "enantiomer",
"du-die zeitschrift der kultur": "du-z kultur",
"american surgeon": "am surgeon",
"experimental and molecular medicine": "exp mol med",
"zeitschrift fur rechtsmedizin-journal of legal medicine": "z rechtsmed",
"infection": "infection",
"drug-nutrient interactions": "drug nutr interact",
"political communication": "polit commun",
"biochemical actions of hormones": "biochem action horm",
"journal of food & nutrition": "j food nutr",
"cell and tissue kinetics": "cell tissue kinet",
"clinical dysmorphology": "clin dysmorphol",
"folia parasitologica": "folia parasit",
"journal of psychophysiology": "j psychophysiol",
"impact of science on society": "impact sci soc",
"security dialogue": "secur dialogue",
"progress in solid state chemistry": "prog solid state ch",
"anglia-zeitschrift fur englische philologie": "anglia-z engl philol",
"trees-structure and function": "trees-struct funct",
"process studies": "process stud",
"journal of gynecologic surgery": "j gynecol surg",
"seminars in nephrology": "semin nephrol",
"journal of the american mathematical society": "j am math soc",
"journal of the optical society of america": "j opt soc am",
"family law quarterly": "fam law quart",
"cellular polymers": "cell polym",
"pulmonary pharmacology": "pulm pharmacol",
"international journal of circuit theory and applications": "int j circ theor app",
"bulletin of hispanic studies": "b hispanic stud",
"european journal of communication": "eur j commun",
"industria conserve": "ind conserve",
"compel-the international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering": "compel",
"british journal of educational studies": "brit j educ stud",
"computing for business": "comput bus",
"rheumatic disease clinics of north america": "rheum dis clin n am",
"hospital & health services administration": "hosp health serv adm",
"magnetic resonance quarterly": "magn reson quart",
"wave electronics": "wave electron",
"journal of monetary economics": "j monetary econ",
"simiolus-netherlands quarterly for the history of art": "simiolus",
"canadian journal of psychiatry-revue canadienne de psychiatrie": "can j psychiat",
"quality and reliability engineering international": "qual reliab eng int",
"glass industry": "glass ind",
"journal of modern african studies": "j mod afr stud",
"journal of organizational behavior management": "j organ behav manage",
"cell adhesion and human disease": "ciba f symp",
"cardiovascular pathology": "cardiovasc pathol",
"vie medicale au canada francais": "vie med can fr",
"colloids and surfaces b-biointerfaces": "colloid surface b",
"reviews on heteroatom chemistry": "rev heteroatom chem",
"advanced cement based materials": "adv cem based mater",
"canadian journal of biochemistry": "can j biochem cell b",
"advances in polymer science": "adv polym sci",
"policy studies journal": "policy stud j",
"journal of microscopy-oxford": "j microsc-oxford",
"nauchno-tekhnicheskaya informatsiya seriya 2-informatsionnye protsessy i sistemy": "nauch-tekhn inform 2",
"optimization methods & software": "optim method softw",
"francais moderne": "francais modern",
"aids care-psychological and socio-medical aspects of aids/hiv": "aids care",
"mathematical methods in the applied sciences": "math method appl sci",
"reviews in chemical engineering": "rev chem eng",
"diabetic medicine": "diabetic med",
"internet world": "internet world",
"numerical heat transfer": "numer heat transfer",
"nutrition international": "nutrition",
"chemical processing": "chem process",
"aviation week & space technology": "aviat week space tec",
"british journal of venereal diseases": "brit j vener dis",
"european journal of clinical chemistry and clinical biochemistry": "eur j clin chem clin",
"zwierzeta laboratoryjne": "zwierzeta lab",
"journal of urban affairs": "j urban aff",
"isi atlas of science-biochemistry": "isi atlas-biochem",
"annales geophysicae series b-terrestrial and planetary physics": "ann geophys b-terr p",
"random structures & algorithms": "random struct algor",
"critical reviews in diagnostic imaging": "crit rev diagn imag",
"inorganic syntheses": "inorg syn",
"materiales de construccion": "mater construcc",
"hypertension in pregnancy": "hypertens pregnancy",
"herpetological monographs": "herpetol monogr",
"nursing history review": "nurs hist rev",
"international fiction review": "int fiction rev",
"european journal of womens studies": "eur j womens stud",
"ieee circuits & devices": "ieee circuits device",
"teaching and learning in medicine": "teach learn med",
"north dakota farm research": "n dak farm res",
"food technology": "food technol-chicago",
"ieee communications magazine": "ieee commun mag",
"mechanics of materials": "mech mater",
"drug metabolism reviews": "drug metab rev",
"art in america": "art am",
"meteorological magazine": "meteorol mag",
"ballett international": "ballett int",
"social work in health care": "soc work health care",
"inorganic chemistry communications": "inorg chem commun",
"journal of chemical technology and biotechnology": "j chem technol biot",
"ima journal of numerical analysis": "ima j numer anal",
"journal of chemical research-s": "j chem res-s",
"international journal of numerical modelling-electronic networks devices and fields": "int j numer model el",
"urban history review-revue d histoire urbaine": "urban hist rev",
"iranian journal of chemistry & chemical engineering-international english edition": "iran j chem chem eng",
"journal of modern literature": "j mod literature",
"annals of science": "ann sci",
"american journal of neuroradiology": "am j neuroradiol",
"atmosfera": "atmosfera",
"advances in biochemical psychopharmacology": "adv biochem psychoph",
"canadian journal of genetics and cytology": "can j genet cytol",
"magnetic resonance imaging": "magn reson imaging",
"advances in hydroscience": "adv hydrosci",
"progress in human geography": "prog hum geog",
"measurement techniques ussr": "meas tech+",
"journal of vocational behavior": "j vocat behav",
"journal of refractive and corneal surgery": "j refract corneal s",
"gartenbauwissenschaft": "gartenbauwissenschaf",
"energy exploration & exploitation": "energ explor exploit",
"onde electrique": "onde electr",
"educational review": "educ rev",
"studies in the literary imagination": "stud lit imagination",
"bollettino della unione matematica italiana": "b unione mat ital",
"skin pharmacology": "skin pharmacol",
"seminars in surgical oncology": "semin surg oncol",
"biochemical education": "biochem educ",
"crc critical reviews in clinical neurobiology": "crit rev neurobiol",
"ieee transactions on reliability": "ieee t reliab",
"acta palaeontologica polonica": "acta palaeontol pol",
"anesthesiology clinics of north america": "anesthesiol clin n a",
"energy & fuels": "energ fuel",
"texas agricultural experiment station bulletin": "tex aes bull",
"environmental technology letters": "environ technol lett",
"international journal of systems science": "int j syst sci",
"social networks": "soc networks",
"conradiana": "conradiana",
"sovetskaya meditsina": "sov meditisina",
"critical reviews in biotechnology": "crit rev biotechnol",
"arthroscopy": "arthroscopy",
"prologue-quarterly of the national archives": "prologue",
"acta anatomica": "acta anat",
"young children": "young children",
"foreign policy": "foreign policy",
"journal of european social policy": "j eur soc policy",
"diabetes care": "diabetes care",
"progress in brain research": "prog brain res",
"atmospheric environment": "atmos environ",
"australian geographer": "aust geogr",
"european journal of agronomy": "eur j agron",
"journal of applied ecology": "j appl ecol",
"zeitschrift fur psychosomatische medizin und psychoanalyse": "z psychosom med psyc",
"ussr computational mathematics and mathematical physics": "ussr comp math math+",
"educational policy": "educ policy",
"pharmazeutische industrie": "pharm ind",
"human lymphocyte differentiation": "hum lymphocyte diff",
"enzyme engineering": "enzyme eng",
"fizika zemli": "fiz zemli+",
"revue de medecine": "rev med-paris",
"international journal of pediatric nephrology": "int j ped nephrol",
"proceedings of the institution of civil engineers-water maritime and energy": "p i civil eng-water",
"catalysis and automotive pollution control iv": "stud surf sci catal",
"textile world": "text world",
"biometrical journal": "biometrical j",
"gastrointestinal radiology": "gastrointest radiol",
"substance use & misuse": "subst use misuse",
"monographs in clinical cytology": "mg clin cyt",
"chemotherapy": "chemotherapy",
"revista de dialectologia y tradiciones populares": "rev dialect trad pop",
"molecular genetics and metabolism": "mol genet metab",
"contemporary pacific": "contemp pacific",
"journal of child language": "j child lang",
"journal of analytical chemistry of the ussr": "j anal chem-ussr+",
"journal of hispanic philology": "j hispan philology",
"canadian journal of agricultural economics-revue canadienne d economie rurale": "can j agr econ",
"acta phytopathologica academiae scientiarum hungaricae": "acta phytopathol hun",
"microbial ecology in health and disease": "microb ecol health d",
"thin solid films": "thin solid films",
"kexue tongbao": "kexue tongbao",
"ieee transactions on magnetics": "ieee t magn",
"svensk tidskrift for musikforskning": "sven tidskr musikfor",
"cryptogamie bryologie lichenologie": "cryptogamie bryol l",
"chemical society reviews": "chem soc rev",
"arkansas agricultural experiment station special reports": "arkansas aes spec re",
"illinois medical journal": "illinois med j",
"cell nucleus": "cell nucleus",
"auditing-a journal of practice & theory": "auditing-j pract th",
"frontiers of gastrointestinal research": "front gastr res",
"annual of the society of christian ethics": "annu soc christ eth",
"cithara-essays in the judeo-christian tradition": "cithara",
"climate alert": "clim alert",
"behavioral interventions": "behav intervent",
"molecular cell": "mol cell",
"acm computing surveys": "acm comput surv",
"iete technical review": "iete tech rev",
"university of pennsylvania journal of international economic law": "u pa j int econ law",
"behaviour change": "behav change",
"process biochemistry": "process biochem",
"delaware medical journal": "del med j",
"psychosocial rehabilitation journal": "psychosoc rehabil j",
"information and decision technologies": "inform decis technol",
"air progress": "air prog",
"indian journal of medical research section a-infectious diseases": "indian j med res-a",
"journal of the american academy of psychiatry and the law": "j am acad psychiatry",
"social history": "soc hist",
"social research": "soc res",
"wiener tierarztliche monatsschrift": "wien tierarztl monat",
"etr&d-educational; technology research and development": "etr&d-educ; tech res",
"rivista di storia contemporanea": "riv storia contemp",
"international journal of nuclear medicine & biology": "int j nucl med biol",
"mechanics of composite materials": "mech compos mater",
"interdisciplinary science reviews": "interdiscipl sci rev",
"canadian journal of biochemistry and cell biology": "can j biochem cell b",
"zeitschrift fur urologie und nephrologie": "z urol nephrol",
"applied nursing research": "appl nurs res",
"catalysis letters": "catal lett",
"oxford reviews of reproductive biology": "oxford rev reprod b",
"seminars in avian and exotic pet medicine": "semin avian exot pet",
"comparative biochemistry and physiology a-physiology": "comp biochem phys a",
"isi atlas of science-pharmacology": "isi atlas-pharmacol",
"zeitschrift fur germanistik": "z germanistik",
"ieice transactions on information and systems": "ieice t inf syst",
"who expert committee on specifications for pharmaceutical preparations": "who tech rep ser",
"bulletin of the council for research in music education": "b coun res music ed",
"biologia": "biologia",
"nature medicine": "nat med",
"cns drugs": "cns drugs",
"educational evaluation and policy analysis": "educ eval policy an",
"diagnostica": "diagnostica",
"canadian journal of microbiology": "can j microbiol",
"reproduction in domestic animals": "reprod domest anim",
"journal of orthomolecular medicine": "j orthomol med",
"chemical & engineering news": "chem eng news",
"archives for meteorology geophysics and bioclimatology series a-meteorology and atmospheric physics": "arch meteor geophy a",
"publicationes mathematicae-debrecen": "publ math-debrecen",
mechanically alloyed and nanocrystalline materials,
pts 1 and 2": "mater sci forum",
"environmental science & technology": "environ sci technol",
"stereotactic and functional neurosurgery": "stereot funct neuros",
"new diamond and frontier carbon technology": "new diam front c tec",
"acta facultatis rerum naturalium universitatis comenianae series physiologia plantarum": "acta fac rerum phy",
"journal of horticultural science": "j hortic sci",
"revue de metallurgie-cahiers d informations techniques": "rev metall-paris",
"cold spring harbor symposia on quantitative biology": "cold spring harb sym",
"canadian ceramics": "can ceram",
"computers & geosciences": "comput geosci",
"geographical analysis": "geogr anal",
"social philosophy & policy": "soc philos policy",
"society & animals": "soc anim",
"hudebni veda": "hudebni veda",
"long range planning": "long range plann",
"sugar technology reviews": "sugar technol rev",
"revue de linguistique romane": "rev linguist roman",
"journal of craniofacial surgery": "j craniofac surg",
"dynamics and control": "dynam control",
"journal of biomolecular nmr": "j biomol nmr",
"journal of early christian studies": "j early christian st",
"journal of toxicology and environmental health": "j toxicol env health",
"folia neuropsiquiatrica": "folia neuropsiquiatr",
"journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology": "j ind microbiol biot",
"helios": "helios",
"comptes rendus des seances de l academie des inscriptions & belles-lettres": "cr acad inscr belle",
"american journal of infection control": "am j infect control",
"journal de toxicologie medicale": "j toxicol clin exper",
"organic geochemistry": "org geochem",
"international journal of intelligent systems": "int j intell syst",
"ophthalmologe": "ophthalmologe",
"journal of information ethics": "j inform ethics",
"ophthalmology": "ophthalmology",
"oxford bulletin of economics and statistics": "oxford b econ stat",
"brain research protocols": "brain res protoc",
"journal of business": "j bus",
"journal of financial and quantitative analysis": "j financ quant anal",
"revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale": "rev stomatol chir",
"basic and applied myology": "basic appl myol",
"proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america-biological sciences": "p natl acad sci-biol",
"fire engineering": "fire eng",
"tijdschrift voor geschiedenis": "tijdschr geschieden",
"ichthyological research": "ichthyol res",
"voprosy psikhologii": "vop psikhol+",
"canadian forest industries": "can forest ind",
"developmental dynamics": "dev dynam",
"literature and psychology": "lit psychol",
"linguistic inquiry": "linguist inq",
"soviet journal of numerical analysis and mathematical modelling": "sov j numer anal mat",
"journal of the rubber research institute of malaysia": "j rubber res i malay",
"journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry": "j therm anal calorim",
"american journal of community psychology": "am j commun psychol",
"international journal for vitamin and nutrition research": "int j vitam nutr res",
"folia zoologica": "folia zool",
"microelectronics journal": "microelectr j",
"immunology letters": "immunol lett",
"medical and veterinary entomology": "med vet entomol",
"revue canadienne de biologie": "rev can biol exptl",
"pediatric pulmonology": "pediatr pulm",
"military law review": "mil law rev",
"zhurnal mikrobiologii epidemiologii i immunobiologii": "zh mikrob epid immun",
"journal of environmental science and health part c-environmental carcinogenesis reviews": "j environ sci heal c",
"tijdschrift van de vereniging voor nederlandse muziekgeschiedenis": "tijdschr ver ned muz",
"georgia agricultural experiment station special publication": "georgia aes spec pub",
"gec journal of technology": "gec j technol",
"diabetes obesity & metabolism": "diabetes obes metab",
"journalism & mass communication quarterly": "journalism mass comm",
"radiochemical and radioanalytical letters": "radiochem radioa let",
"iee proceedings-a-science measurement and technology": "iee proc-a",
"canadian public administration-administration publique du canada": "can public admin",
"biological agriculture & horticulture": "biol agric hortic",
"diabetes research and clinical practice": "diabetes res clin pr",
"tropical agriculture": "trop agr",
"interfaces": "interfaces",
"british journal of clinical psychology": "brit j clin psychol",
"phytoprotection": "phytoprotection",
"journal of asian earth sciences": "j asian earth sci",
"transactions of the institution of mining and metallurgy section a-mining industry": "t i min metall a",
"british library journal": "brit libr j",
"journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences": "j hist med all sci",
"administration and policy in mental health": "adm policy ment hlth",
"crc critical reviews in toxicology": "crit rev toxicol",
"computational and applied mathematics": "comput appl math",
"fibrinolysis": "fibrinolysis",
"laser physics": "laser phys",
"journal of travel medicine": "j travel med",
"current opinion in immunology": "curr opin immunol",
"stochastic processes and their applications": "stoch proc appl",
"fibre science & technology": "fibre sci technol",
"farmaco": "farmaco",
"journal of climate and applied meteorology": "j clim appl meteorol",
"australian veterinary journal": "aust vet j",
"particulate science and technology": "particul sci technol",
"journal of human nutrition and dietetics": "j hum nutr diet",
"journal of thermal spray technology": "j therm spray techn",
"progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials": "prog cryst growth ch",
"neurosciences-japan": "neurosciences-jpn",
"british journal of hospital medicine": "brit j hosp med",
"proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part f-journal of rail and rapid transit": "p i mech eng f-j rai",
"packaging": "packaging",
"heredity": "heredity",
"japca-the journal of the air & waste management association": "japca j air waste ma",
"advances in clinical chemistry": "adv clin chem",
"journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics": "j clin pharm ther",
"journal of polymer materials": "j polym mater",
"journal de toxicologie clinique et experimentale": "j toxicol clin exper",
"canadian journal of philosophy": "can j philos",
"mechanical engineering": "mech eng",
"journal du conseil": "j conseil",
"progress in veterinary neurology": "prog vet neurol",
"hypertension research": "hypertens res",
"electoral studies": "elect stud",
"american pharmacy": "am pharm",
"journal of clinical gastroenterology": "j clin gastroenterol",
"international journal of heat and fluid flow": "int j heat fluid fl",
pt d": "method enzymol",
"pennsylvania medicine": "penn med",
"nature neuroscience": "nat neurosci",
"ieee transactions on circuits and systems ii-analog and digital signal processing": "ieee t circuits-ii",
"kobunshi ronbunshu": "kobunshi ronbunshu",
"israel journal of zoology": "israel j zool",
"main group chemistry": "main group chem",
"joint commission journal on quality improvement": "joint comm j qual im",
"bulletin of the institute of zoology academia sinica": "b i zool acad sinica",
"robotics and autonomous systems": "robot auton syst",
"scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine": "scand j rehabil med",
"canadian journal of agricultural economics-revue canadienne d agroeconomie": "can j agr econ",
"journal of electroanalytical chemistry": "j electroanal chem",
"asia-pacific journal of operational research": "asia pac j oper res",
"neurorehabilitation and neural repair": "neurorehab neural re",
"ieee network": "ieee network",
"genes & genetic systems": "genes genet syst",
"nonlinear science today": "nonlinear sci today",
"advances in quantum chemistry": "adv quantum chem",
"journal of viral hepatitis": "j viral hepatitis",
"progress in surface science": "prog surf sci",
"journal of alcohol and drug education": "j alcohol drug educ",
"histochemical journal": "histochem j",
"microwaves & rf": "microwaves rf",
"rapid communications in mass spectrometry": "rapid commun mass sp",
"indiana agricultural experiment station inspection report": "indiana aes insp rep",
"signal processing-image communication": "signal process-image",
"hydraulics & pneumatics": "hydraulic pneum",
"harvard studies in classical philology": "harvard stud class p",
"loisir & societe-society and leisure": "loisir soc-soc leis",
"aerosol science and technology": "aerosol sci tech",
"investigational new drugs": "invest new drug",
"revue d ecologie et de biologie du sol": "rev ecol biol sol",
"archives of physiology and biochemistry": "arch physiol biochem",
"ieee signal processing magazine": "ieee signal proc mag",
"journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology": "j expo anal env epid",
"north american archaeologist": "n am archaeol",
"botanica acta": "bot acta",
"computer methods for macromolecular sequence analysis": "method enzymol",
"social politics": "soc polit",
"russian journal of mathematical physics": "russ j math phys",
"transfusion science": "transfus sci",
"indogermanische forschungen": "indoger forsch",
"canadian journal of veterinary research-revue canadienne de recherche veterinaire": "can j vet res",
"knowledge acquisition": "knowl acquis",
"cardiovascular drug reviews": "cardiovasc drug rev",
"alcatel telecommunications review": "alcatel telecommun r",
"creativity research journal": "creativity res j",
"international journal of nautical archaeology": "int j naut archaeol",
"polymer testing": "polym test",
"applied spectroscopy": "appl spectrosc",
"teratology": "teratology",
"endocrinology and metabolism": "endocrinol metab",
"sociological review": "sociol rev",
"i-s analyzer": "i-s anal",
"studi e problemi di critica testuale": "stud probl crit test",
"canadian journal of african studies-revue canadienne des etudes africaines": "can j afr stud",
"child development": "child dev",
"australian journal of agricultural economics": "aust j agr econ",
"journal of the ies": "j ies",
"international review of law and economics": "int rev law econ",
"kemisk tidskrift": "kem tidskr",
"journal of plant nutrition": "j plant nutr",
"biology and fertility of soils": "biol fert soils",
"louisiana agriculture": "la agr",
"revue de l institut francais du petrole": "rev i fr petrol",
"nuclear instruments & methods in physics research": "nucl instrum methods",
"world journal of microbiology & biotechnology": "world j microb biot",
"english": "english",
"reviews in medical microbiology": "rev med microbiol",
"new forests": "new forest",
"journal of the peripheral nervous system": "j peripher nerv syst",
"space science reviews": "space sci rev",
"american journal of acupuncture": "am j acupuncture",
"american journal of clinical nutrition": "am j clin nutr",
"aktuelle neurologie": "aktuel neurol",
"international journal of selection and assessment": "int j select assess",
"journal de mecanique appliquee": "j mec appl",
"environmental history": "environ hist",
"neurodegeneration": "neurodegeneration",
"sarcoidosis": "sarcoidosis",
"dysphagia": "dysphagia",
"chiropractic sports medicine": "chiropr sport med",
"journal of applied crystallography": "j appl crystallogr",
"tci": "tci",
"biologist": "biologist",
"source-notes in the history of art": "source-note hist art",
"idealistic studies": "idealistic stud",
"hydrometallurgy": "hydrometallurgy",
"legislative studies quarterly": "legis stud quart",
"scotia-interdisciplinary journal of scottish studies": "scotia-interdisc j s",
"surgical laparoscopy & endoscopy": "surg laparosc endosc",
"vasa-journal of vascular diseases": "vasa-j vascular dis",
"zeitschrift fur pflanzenernahrung und bodenkunde": "z pflanz bodenkunde",
"international journal of non-linear mechanics": "int j nonlinear mech",
"haseltonia": "haseltonia",
"clinical physiology and biochemistry": "clin physiol bioch",
"trends in polymer science": "trends polym sci",
"acta veterinaria-beograd": "acta vet-beograd",
"ceska a slovenska neurologie a neurochirurgie": "cesk slov neurol n",
"reproduction fertility and development": "reprod fert develop",
"reactive & functional polymers": "react funct polym",
"protistologica": "protistologica",
"library hi tech": "libr hi tech",
"journal of school health": "j school health",
"human molecular genetics": "hum mol genet",
"computing & control engineering journal": "comput control eng j",
"government publications review": "gov publ rev",
"current contents/engineering technology & applied sciences": "cc/eng tech appl sci",
"journal of the agricultural chemical society of japan": "nippon nogeik kaishi",
"gas separation & purification": "gas sep purif",
"zentralblatt fur veterinarmedizin reihe c-journal of veterinary medicine series c-anatomia histologia embryologia": "zbl vet med c",
"anticancer research": "anticancer res",
"transactions of the indian institute of metals": "t indian i metals",
"fisheries management and ecology": "fisheries manag ecol",
"surface science": "surf sci",
"biology of behaviour": "biol behav",
"journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition-zeitschrift fur tierphysiologie tierernahrung und futtermittelkunde": "j anim physiol an n",
"geochimica": "geochimica",
"food science and technology international": "food sci technol int",
"current opinion in ophthalmology": "curr opin ophthalmol",
"archives of neurology": "arch neurol-chicago",
"acta astronautica": "acta astronaut",
"bulletin of the astronomical institutes of czechoslovakia": "b astron i czech",
"biocycle": "biocycle",
"mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviews": "ment retard dev d r",
"american potato journal": "am potato j",
"progress in theoretical biology": "prog theor biol",
"journal of law and society": "j law soc",
"fette seifen anstrichmittel": "fett wiss technol",
"bulletin of the hospital for joint diseases orthopaedic institute": "b hosp joint dis ort",
"econometrica": "econometrica",
"journal of academic librarianship": "j acad libr",
"growth": "growth develop aging",
"jahrbucher fur nationalokonomie und statistik": "jahrb natl stat",
"special libraries": "spec libr",
"dermatology": "dermatology",
"pcr-methods and applications": "pcr meth appl",
"arkansas agricultural experiment station report series": "arkansas aes rep ser",
"electronics and power": "electron power",
"journal of endotoxin research": "j endotoxin res",
"journal of intelligent material systems and structures": "j intel mat syst str",
"industrial engineering": "ind eng",
"waste management": "waste manage",
"biology of sport": "biol sport",
"muttersprache": "muttersprache",
"integral transforms and special functions": "integr transf spec f",
"neural computing & applications": "neural comput appl",
"siam journal on scientific and statistical computing": "siam j sci stat comp",
"rivista di biologia-biology forum": "riv biol-biol forum",
"harvard educational review": "harvard educ rev",
"international journal of production economics": "int j prod econ",
"pediatric pathology": "pediatr pathol",
"epidemiology": "epidemiology",
"childs brain": "child brain",
"archivos de biologia y medicina experimentales": "arch biol med exp",
"research & exploration": "res explor",
"zhurnal vsesoyuznogo khimicheskogo obshchestva imeni d i mendeleeva": "zh vses khim ova+",
"journal of applied biomechanics": "j appl biomech",
"psychological methods": "psychol methods",
"oxford economic papers-new series": "oxford econ pap",
"expert systems": "expert syst",
"hitotsubashi journal of economics": "hitotsub j econ",
"behavioral science": "behav sci",
"revista espanola de fisiologia": "rev esp fisiol",
"drugs-education prevention and policy": "drug-educ prev polic",
"futurist": "futurist",
"agricultural uses of by-products and wastes": "acs sym ser",
"chinese journal of chemistry": "chinese j chem",
"cheiron": "cheiron",
"rare metal materials and engineering": "rare metal mat eng",
"british journal of non-destructive testing": "brit j nondestr test",
"journal of electron microscopy": "j electron microsc",
"anq-a quarterly journal of short articles notes and reviews": "anq-q j short art n",
"tropical medicine and parasitology": "trop med parasitol",
"neurotoxicology": "neurotoxicology",
"special papers in palaeontology": "spec pap palaeontol",
"transportation quarterly": "transport q",
"neuropsychological rehabilitation": "neuropsychol rehabil",
"chemistry of natural compounds": "chem nat compd",
"analytical methods and instrumentation": "anal method instrum",
"malacologia": "malacologia",
"transactions of the tokyo university of fisheries-tokyo suisan daigaku tokubetsu kenkyu hokoku": "t tokyo univ fish",
"journal of the helminthological society of washington": "j helminthol soc w",
"arizona medicine": "ariz med",
"new zealand journal of zoology": "new zeal j zool",
"fundamental and clinical immunology": "fund clin immunol",
"revue des fermentations et des industries alimentaires": "rev ferment ind alim",
"arquivos da escola de veterinaria da universidade federal de minas gerais": "arq esc vet univ fed",
"zoological journal of the linnean society": "zool j linn soc-lond",
"shock waves": "shock waves",
"journal of food safety": "j food safety",
"international journal of invertebrate reproduction and development": "int j inver rep dev",
"euphorion-zeitschrift fur literaturgeschichte": "euphorion-z lit",
"journal of the atomic energy society of japan": "j atom energ soc jpn",
"proceedings of the indian academy of sciences-mathematical sciences": "p indian as-math sci",
"militargeschichtliche mitteilungen": "militargesch mitt",
"deutsche zeitschrift fur philosophie": "deut z philos",
"communication & broadcasting": "commun broadcast",
"journal of inclusion phenomena and molecular recognition in chemistry": "j inclus phenom mol",
"filosoficky casopis": "filos cas",
"plant cell and environment": "plant cell environ",
"pediatric cardiology": "pediatr cardiol",
"analytical instrumentation": "anal instrum",
"developmental psychology": "dev psychol",
"ocean development and international law": "ocean dev int law",
"carbohydrate research": "carbohyd res",
"microporous and mesoporous materials": "micropor mesopor mat",
"delaware agricultural experiment station bulletin": "del agr exp sta bull",
"human and ecological risk assessment": "hum ecol risk assess",
"mikroskopie": "mikroskopie",
"folia geobotanica": "folia geobot",
"molecular and cellular endocrinology": "mol cell endocrinol",
"medicinal research reviews": "med res rev",
"revue de musicologie": "rev musicol",
"ieee transactions on information technology in biomedicine": "ieee t inf technol b",
"journal of pediatric ophthalmology & strabismus": "j pediatr ophthalmol",
"izvestiya akademii nauk sssr seriya geologicheskaya": "izv an sssr geol+",
"bulletin of the japan society of precision engineering": "int j jpn s prec eng",
"environmental carcinogenesis reviews-part c of journal of environmental science and health": "environ carcinog rev",
"lc gc-magazine of separation science": "lc gc-mag sep sci",
"journal of chemical education": "j chem educ",
"journal of canadian art history-annales d histoire de l art canadien": "j can art hist",
"earthquake prediction research": "earthquake pred res",
"arctic antarctic and alpine research": "arct antarct alp res",
"south african journal of philosophy-suid-afrikaanse tydskrif vir wysbegeerte": "s afr j philos",
"neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology": "neurotoxicol teratol",
"indian journal of genetics and plant breeding": "indian j genet pl br",
"journal of film and video": "j univ film video as",
"experimental lung research": "exp lung res",
"parabola-the magazine of myth and tradition": "parabola",
"journal of offshore mechanics and arctic engineering-transactions of the asme": "j offshore mech arct",
"materials science applications of ion beam techniques": "mater sci forum",
"biogeochemistry": "biogeochemistry",
"baillieres clinical haematology": "bailliere clin haem",
"journal of the society of dyers and colourists": "j soc dyers colour",
"schweizerische rundschau fur medizin praxis": "schweiz rundsch med",
"annales de la societe royale zoologique de belgique": "ann soc roy zool bel",
"technical physics": "tech phys+",
"crime law and social change": "crime law social ch",
"ieee antennas and propagation magazine": "ieee antennas propag",
"robotersysteme": "robotersysteme",
"philosophical psychology": "philos psychol",
"journal of nursing care quality": "j nurs care qual",
"journal of management in engineering": "j manage eng",
"journal of network and computer applications": "j netw comput appl",
"kalikasan-the philippine journal of biology": "kalikasan",
"minimally invasive therapy": "minimal invasiv ther",
"revue internationale de philosophie": "rev int philos",
"labor history": "labor hist",
"annales pharmaceutiques francaises": "ann pharm fr",
"glycobiology": "glycobiology",
"library acquisitions-practice and theory": "libr acquis pract th"}